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Interview with Ridley Scott (where he also talks about the Alien prequels)

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The epitome of self-made success, Ridley Scott is talking about his career. And, as you might expect from the 72-year-old director, he's not one to hold back. "Alien is a landmark," he says of the film that launched his Hollywood career. "One of the really good science-fiction films. Then Blade Runner's pretty good, too!" He reaches the 1985, Tom Cruise-starring Legend, a monumental flop at the time. "That I thought was [a landmark] but I jumped the gun and simply started doing fantasy 25 years too soon. But it's a pretty good movie."

He continues, clean forgetting Black Rain, Thelma & Louise and 1492 as he rattles through his CV. Someone to Watch Over Me and White Squall "are both really nice little movies", he adds, before understandably skipping over GI Jane to get to his most recent phase. Alighting on the Oscar-winning Gladiator, American Gangster and "the best war film of the last few years", Black Hawk Down, he allows himself a wry smile. "I'm doing pretty good, if you think about it."

While some might flinch at this un-British boasting, the South Shields-born Scott is one of the few home-grown directors of his generation to have wrestled with Hollywood and come out on top. In the last decade he's made nine films, from Gladiator to this year's Robin Hood, which took a chunky $300m globally. Of those, only the con-artist tale Matchstick Men and the Provence-set A Good Year could be considered small-scale. "I've gradually realised that what I do best is universes," he says. "And I shouldn't be afraid of that."

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Even when he has fallen foul of the system, he has often won out in the end. While Twentieth Century Fox trimmed his 2005 Crusades drama, Kingdom of Heaven, by more than an hour, only to see it flop, an extended Director's Cut of the film was later released on DVD to much acclaim. It wasn't the first time. Scott famously re-edited Blade Runner (initially for a 1992 Director's Cut) after poor test screenings of the 1982 original saw him forced to add an explanatory voiceover and a "silly ending".

Scott gives the same treatment to Robin Hood. The DVD and Blu-ray release will see a Director's Cut, featuring 17 minutes of unseen footage, sit alongside the theatrical edition. Partly, no doubt, this is to counter the mixed reviews the film met with; Variety, for example, said it played like "a joyless corrective to Robin Hood's prior screen adventures".

As is typical of the bullish Scott, he's rather dismissive of these "prior screen adventures", in which the likes of Errol Flynn, Sean Connery and Kevin Costner played the Nottingham outlaw. "There have been 80 [Robin Hood films] made over the years. It's the kind of thing I used to enjoy as a kid, but when I revisit them, they're not very good. I'm trying to think of the last good one." He pauses before selecting a surprising choice. "Mel Brooks's Men in Tights! I thought that was the best one."

By casting Russell Crowe as a straight-arrow Robin Longstride, Scott was clearly hoping to repeat some of the magic they conjured on Gladiator. Robin Hood is now the fifth film they've made together, making the gruff Australian Scott's preferred leading man. "He's a bit of a buddy, really," Scott says of the actor, with whom he shares an agent. "He's Australian and there's something akin to British – particularly northern British. They were convicts, after all."

Though proud of his northern roots, Scott has rarely attached himself to projects set in Britain, which makes Robin Hood a novelty in his career. While he and Tony Scott, his younger film-maker brother, purchased a controlling interest in Shepperton Studios in 1995, Ridley seems set apart from the British film industry. Certainly, it's hard to imagine he shed many tears over the recent announcement that the UK Film Council is to be dismantled. Since making his 1977 debut, The Duellists, Scott has never been the sort of British director to go cap-in-hand for funding.

Scott began his career at the BBC, working as a production designer and helming episodes of Z Cars and Adam Adamant Lives!. He left in 1967 and, within a year, formed Ridley Scott Associates (RSA), a company dedicated to producing high-quality commercials. Scott estimates that he has directed more than 2,700 spots, the Hovis ad being fondly remembered. This earned him a financial freedom that helped his film career flourish. "In a way that was a huge advantage, because I was able to take my time choosing my film subjects. I wasn't relying on having to work."

Shortly after founding RSA, he recruited his brother Tony (whose 1983 feature debut was the vampire flick The Hunger) with a promise of riches. "I said, 'Come with me and you'll get that good car.'" Which was? "A Ferrari. Seriously dangerous." This willingness to keep it in the family has ensured that RSA, which now has more than 50 directors on its books working out of offices in New York, LA, Hong Kong and London, still thrives. Scott's three children – Luke and Jake, from his first marriage, and Jordan, from his second – all cut their teeth at RSA.

Scott, who has been divorced twice and now spends his time with the Costa Rican actress Giannina Facio, takes some credit for the fact that his offspring have become directors. "They watch me do what I do. They see me sitting in my study at 5.45am, working over a script. So they see it's a passion, not a job. Of that, they've taken to that passion." While Jordan saw her feature debut, Cracks, released last year, Jake recently completed his second feature, Welcome to the Rileys, starring Twilight's Kristen Stewart. Does Scott ever offer advice? "Are you kidding me?" he spits. "I wouldn't dare."

Perhaps he doesn't have the time. Scott Free Productions, the film and television production outfit he formed with Tony in 1995, has branched out lately to make films outside the family circle. This year alone, aside from Robin Hood and Tony's upcoming thriller Unstoppable, it has backed The A-Team and the wry comedy-drama Cyrus. Written and directed by another sibling team, Mark and Jay Duplass, Cyrus is about a divorcee (John C Reilly) who must contend with his new girlfriend's grown-up son (Jonah Hill). A million miles from the spectacle of Scott's own work, it proves his tastes are wide.

One only has to look at Scott Free's films in development for further proof. Alongside an adaptation of the Monopoly board game sits a new version of Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, a Gucci biopic with Angelina Jolie attached as the female lead, an adaptation of Justin Cronin's vampire novel The Passage and a remake of television's Red Riding trilogy. Boasting the energy of a man half his age, Scott says he has no intention of slowing down. "I think there's nothing worse than inertia. You can be inert and study your navel, and gradually fall off the chair. I think the key is to keep flying."

The anticipation for his next project is building to fever pitch: it will be a two-part prequel to Alien, shot in 3D. Scott was never asked to make a sequel to Alien; that honour went to James Cameron, before a further two sequels and two Alien vs Predator spin-offs milked the franchise dry. But with the Lost co-creator Damon Lindoff polishing the first prequel's script, you can sense the competitor in Scott, desperate to put his stamp back on the film series that launched him. "Jim's raised the bar and I've got to jump to it," he says, in a friendly jibe at Cameron. "He's not going to get away with it."

Set 30 years before the 1979 original, so with no room for Sigourney Weaver's Ripley, the prequels will explore the origins of the deadly aliens. "The film will be really tough, really nasty," he notes. "It's the dark side of the moon. We are talking about gods and engineers. Engineers of space. And were the aliens designed as a form of biological warfare? Or biology that would go in and clean up a planet?"

It's a bold move, one that could taint Scott's earlier contribution to the series if it goes wrong. But Scott loves a gamble, whether it's taking on the sequel to The Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal, or resurrecting an unfashionable genre with Gladiator. "Everyone sniggered because they thought I was going to do a sandals and toga movie," he remembers. Given the success he's had since, Scott has had the last laugh.

'Cyrus' opens on 10 September. 'Robin Hood: Director's Cut' is out on DVD and Blu-ray on 20 September

I'm finding myself getting pretty fucking pumped for these prequels right now.


Subconscious Brolonging
The film will be really tough, really nasty," he notes. "It's the dark side of the moon. We are talking about gods and engineers. Engineers of space.

That sounds rad. Will there even be humans in this film?

the 72-year-old director

Damn, that is scary. Didn't realize he was that old.


I keep hearing about this and wonder if it'll ever be made. I doubt they'll start production until the second script is finished, since they're shooting back to back. So it's still a way's off. Still, I'm curious to see where he's going with it.

Mikey Jr.

Ohh God, this smells like another cheese-fest. The fact that its 3-d doesn't give me hope.

edit: Ok, maybe I am being harsh because of AvP. Left such a bad taste in my mouth.
Does he talk about making a movie without Russell Crowe?
Call me when he does that interview.

Same thing with Scorsese and DiCrapio

I replaced "Caprio" with "Crapio". I am very clever.
I don't see how they are going to be able to pull this off without human actors. And if it has human actors then it's not really a prequel is it.


In my opinion he should leave it alone and try something original. Alien is one of his best films and better than Cameron's entry, so it wouldn't be smart to tarnish his "legacy" now that he is in his twilight years.


I <3 Memes said:
I don't see how they are going to be able to pull this off without human actors. And if it has human actors then it's not really a prequel is it.

Well, in alien, Ash (the android) had a secret mission from 'the company' to recover the alien. So they must have known about it beforehand. Maybe some random scouts were out and found the aliens, got wiped out, but managed to send a message back to the company alerting them. The prequels practically write themselves!
moojito said:
Well, in alien, Ash (the android) had a secret mission from 'the company' to recover the alien. So they must have known about it beforehand. Maybe some random scouts were out and found the aliens, got wiped out, but managed to send a message back to the company alerting them. The prequels practically write themselves!

That's not what happened. Ripley's ship picked up what they thought was a distress signal from the Space Jockeys ship. That's when the company found out about it. Later in the movie the message from the Space Jockey's ship is translated and it was actually a warning to stay away from his ship because of the aliens.


Nasty, Gods & Engineers. That's possibly the three best words in existance to describe what the Alien prequels should be if they have to be made.

Space Jockey mystery and the sexual horror of the original Alien (not the velociraptory Cameron Aliens and post).
Zeliard said:
When it comes to sci-fi, In Ridley I Trust.

But he has not done sci-fi for quite a while.

Gladiator/Black Hawk Down/Kingdom of Heaven DC are all some of my favorite films ever, but I am beginning to wonder after Robin Hood if he is going senile... I really fear he is losing it, because that film had so many things wrong with it.

Remember how cool the Notthingham project originally sound? And what was that shit - a 6 million dollar script?? I wonder what Whitta says to a script like that. I certainly thought it was completely ludacris and full of problems.
And the film just fell flat down in so many ways. the most anti epic battle end battle to a film ever. pointless and flat.


Subconscious Brolonging
Vigilant Walrus said:
But he has not done sci-fi for quite a while.

Gladiator/Black Hawk Down/Kingdom of Heaven DC are all some of my favorite films ever, but I am beginning to wonder after Robin Hood if he is going senile... I really fear he is losing it, because that film had so many things wrong with it.

Remember how cool the Notthingham project originally sound? And what was that shit - a 6 million dollar script?? I wonder what Whitta says to a script like that. I certainly thought it was completely ludacris and full of problems.
And the film just fell flat down in so many ways. the most anti epic battle end battle to a film ever. pointless and flat.

He runs hot and cold, he's made some real clunkers in the past 20 years, but some real masterpieces as well. Regardless, I'll be there day one for his return to sci-fi.

Also, I just realized Robin Hood made $310 million worldwide. I thought it had bombed for sure.
Mikey Jr. said:
Ohh God, this smells like another cheese-fest. The fact that its 3-d doesn't give me hope.

edit: Ok, maybe I am being harsh because of AvP. Left such a bad taste in my mouth.
There is a big difference between AVP and a Alien movie with RIDLEY SCOTT at the helm.


I can't see Hollywood paying up for two movies without human characters though. I don't like the idea of having there be a crew before the original film. I could be okay with one person ala 2001. At the same time how can it be nasty and haunting without human sacrifice. I'm not sure if I trust any writer to come up with something intriguing that does not have humanoid conversation in it. So many pitfalls... Seems almost impossible.


MYE said:
I dont know how i feel about this overexposure of the Alien creature


Good point. They are an amazing creature. I can think of few space aliens that are as awesome. The Thing comes to mind, from john carpenters classic.

But wont this film follow the aliens that eventually got killed by them?

when ripley finds the crew of aliens murdered, by the "real aliens" that is the story we're getting told? so thats the end point.

the only way to beat them is self sacrifice, so I bet the last survivor will do something daring to end the threat, but obviously it doesnt happen as a facehugger get on a human.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I don't want an explanation of the xenomorphs. I don't want to know about the Space Jockey. These people need to stop with origin stories, prequels and everything else that destroys mystery and beloved films.
Pretty much. The only thing keeping me interested in this is that Ridley's returning to Sci-Fi. The fact that it's an Alien prequel worries me though.


Dan said:
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I don't want an explanation of the xenomorphs. I don't want to know about the Space Jockey. These people need to stop with origin stories, prequels and everything else that destroys mystery and beloved films.

You don't need to watch it, you know.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Blader5489 said:
You don't need to watch it, you know.
That fact doesn't decrease the stupidity of this storytelling trend.
Dan said:
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I don't want an explanation of the xenomorphs. I don't want to know about the Space Jockey. These people need to stop with origin stories, prequels and everything else that destroys mystery and beloved films.

I don't anyone *really* wants these either, that is unless you're a director/producer looking for your next big ticket. Part of the lasting allure of Alien (and Aliens) is the mysterious origins of the species. I can see this going into SW prequel territory real fast.

ps - Scott's last films have been pretty hit and miss. A part from a few bright moments, Robin Hood was a very disappointing movie.


bonesmccoy said:
I don't anyone *really* wants these either, that is unless you're a director/producer looking for your next big ticket. Part of the lasting allure of Alien (and Aliens) is the mysterious origins of the species. I can see this going into SW prequel territory real fast.

ps - Scott's last films have been pretty hit and miss. A part from a few bright moments, Robin Hood was a very disappointing movie.

Scott is hit and miss. Most of his movies are probably a miss. He has, in my opinion, just four truly great movies: The Duellists, Alien, Blade Runner and Kingdom of Heaven: Director's Cut.

When these Alien movies come out it will have been 29-30 years since the last time he tackled science-fiction. I wish him all the best. :p
I wonder if this is connected to the new AvP game in which they locate the home planet of the Xenomorphs.

Actually I think a lot of the story does depend on if they treat the whole AvP stuff as an alternate universe because the Predators are too closely connected to the Xenomorphs by hunting them since thousands of years. (though if they take the AvP movies, the humans would already know about the aliens and therefore could participate in the prequels)

I hope they were not artificially created (at least not the final species), I don't think they make much sense as a biological weapon to deploy. Only Predators would want to create something like that as an equal opponent.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
SolidusDave said:
I hope they were not artificially created (at least not the final species), I don't think they make much sense as a biological weapon to deploy. Only Predators would want to create something like that as an equal opponent.
From the dozen interviews Scott has done describing what these movies will be about, I'm guessing the xenomorphs originate in some form as a tool or byproduct of terraforming and then it goes from there. The xenomorphs will be reduced from a mysterious evolutionary perfect predator to a mass science experiment gone wrong.
SolidusDave said:
I wonder if this is connected to the new AvP game in which they locate the home planet of the Xenomorphs.

Actually I think a lot of the story does depend on if they treat the whole AvP stuff as an alternate universe because the Predators are too closely connected to the Xenomorphs by hunting them since thousands of years. (though if they take the AvP movies, the humans would already know about the aliens and therefore could participate in the prequels)

I hope they were not artificially created (at least not the final species), I don't think they make much sense as a biological weapon to deploy. Only Predators would want to create something like that as an equal opponent.


I think like any rational person, Scott is pretending none of that shit exists.
Dan said:
From the dozen interviews Scott has done describing what these movies will be about, I'm guessing the xenomorphs originate in some form as a tool or byproduct of terraforming and then it goes from there. The xenomorphs will be reduced from a mysterious evolutionary perfect predator to a mass science experiment gone wrong.

Eh, that would be still fine with me. The Xenomorph are not supernatural so I don't see why showing their origin would harm the other Alien movies.
If it's terraforming+evolution the home planet may actually be quite cool if there are other species that can keep up with the Xenomorphs to some degree. I wonder though if they can integrate humans other than by the usual stray human space ship.

Scullibundo said:
I think like any rational person, Scott is pretending none of that shit exists.

probably (though I actually like the AvP connections, however, I can settle with it being an alternative universe), it just seems odd that the owners (?) of the franchise/IP gave their ok for the game developers to tell that there exists a Xenomorph home planet while the prequels are on the horizon which will will probably also be about that planet.
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