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Rank the Star Trek movies

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We had a thread like this a while back for the different series: let's have one for movies. This thread is understood to be spoiler-filled, so I'm not marking anything.

1. STII: Wrath of Khan. Ricardo Montalban, earwigs, a mass hanging, Moby Dick allusions, Paul Winfield, Kirstie Alley, Shatner's best acting, the Genesis device, "Can I cook, or can I?", great special effects, and a heartbreaking ending.

2. STIII: Search for Spock. James Horner's best score, and the best visual effects and production design of the entire series (esp. the planet Vulcan and the Excelsior). Christopher Lloyd and John Larroquette as Klingons. Shatner: "You Klingon bastards--you killed my son!" Then he stumbles and falls: "You Klingon bastards . . . you killed my son." Then he just sits there for a while. Then he says, "I swear to you we're not finished yet." Come on--Patrick Stewart never had a moment like that.

3. ST: The Motion Picture (director's edition only). The previous "extended cut" was way too long--the director's cut is several minutes shorter. It has new CG visual effects like the Star Wars re-releases, except that the CG models are visually indistinguishable from the original miniatures and they actually make the movie better. There's also a good story, and Jerry Goldsmith's best score.

4. STVI: The Undiscovered Country. Good plotting, David Bowie's wife, Christopher Plummer as a Shakespeare-quoting Klingon, a bang-up ending, Kirk and McCoy on trial, and some of the best photography of the series.

We've now reached the barrier between films I don't mind watching repeatedly, and films I find merely tolerable.

5. STIV: The Voyage Home. The movie's good up until they get to Earth--then there's a bunch of dated comedy and Save the Whales propaganda and "nuclear wessels" and such. Meh.

We're now crossing into bad films.

6. STV: The Final Frontier. To be honest, I don't remember much of what happens in this movie, except that it had a fat Spock and that God strikes people down by lightning. And that Uhura was dating Scotty, and she does some kind of dance of the seven veils somewhere in it.

Now go ahead and rank 'em. Oh, wait, I forgot--

A future poster in this thread said:
But but but what about the TNG movies? What about Generations, which featured TOS actors past their prime? What about First Contact, a soulless, big-budget action movie? What about Insurrection, which is basically about the crew of the Enterprise saving the lives of a bunch of hippies? For God's sake, what about Nemesis, which doesn't even bother to disguise the fact that it's a hack rewrite of Wrath of Khan?


Except for the hot Borg-on-robot action in First Contact, and only because when I saw that movie in the theater on opening night, the person in the seat behind me was a corpulent, bespectacled woman who'd somehow managed to cram her bulk into a black T-shirt that had a picture of Data's face on it, surrounded by a bunch of glow-in-the-dark stars. When she saw those scenes she said, "No, Data... No. Please, don't. No. No. Oh, no, Data. No...no!" And she started sobbing openly, right there in the theater. She was saving herself for the guy, and in the end it came to nothing.



The only Trek movie I like.


In order?

Star Trek 2
Star Trek 4
Star Trek 8 (First Contact)
Star Trek 6
Star Trek 10 (Nemesis)
Star Trek 3
Star Trek 1
Star Trek 7 (Generations)
Star Trek 5
Star Trek 9 (Insurrection)


1. First Contact
2. Wrath of Kahn
3. Generations
4. Undiscovered Country
5. Voyage Home
6. Insurrection
7. Search for Spock
8. Nemesis
9. The Motion Picture
I must say that I really like most of the Star Trek movies, they're good scifi but don't take themself too seriously.

The first movie is bit different than the later ones, but it's still very good. I'd still say that ST 2 and 3 are the best of the series. Star Trek VI is also excellent and 4 and 8 are pretty good with some minor problems. Generations also has some good bits, but Insurrection and Nemesis feel just like they are longer TNG episodes. And not even very good ones. And Star Trek 5 is crap. Kind of funny in places, but painful to watch.

ST 2 > ST3 > ST1 > ST 6 > ST 4 > ST 8 > ST 7 >> ST 9 > ST 10 >>> ST 5


1. Wrath of Khan
2. First Contact
3. Generations
4. Voyage Home
5. Undiscovered Country
6. Insurrection
7. Search for Spock
8. Nemesis
9. The Motion Picture


being watched
1. Wrath of Khan
2. The Motion Picture (the only flick that's remotely like the TV series)
3. First Contact - Sexy Borg Mamma! "How was it for you Data?" :D
4. Undiscovered Country
5. Voyage Home
6. Search for Spock
7. Insurrections
8. Generations
9. The One with God
10. Nemesis

All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
First Contact was a great fucking movie, because it wasn't really a Star Trek movie. The Star Trek TV series were all pretty good, but none of the movies have been anything better than decent (excluding First Contact).
1. Wrath of Khan
2. Voyage Home
3. Search for Spock
4. First Contact
5. The Motion Picture
6. Nemesis
7. The Undiscovered Country
8. Insurrection
9. Generations
10. The Final Frontier

Not suprisingly, everyone likes Wrath of Khan.


1) Wrath of Khan (Yeah! Remember the worm scene?)
2) Undiscovered Country
3) Search for Spock
4) Voyage Home
5) The Motion Picture. (I liked the V-ger idea, but waaayyy to long and boring.)
6) The Final Frontier (ROW ROW YOUR BOAT!? GO CLIMB A ROCK? No budget whatsoever...)

Generations was okay... I'd put it between Voyage Home and Motion Picture if I were to include it.

Of course, if you ARE gonna watch em all, watch them in order. Even = good. Odd = not so good.


1. Wrath of Kahn
2. Undiscovered Country
3. First Contact: Picard + Borg = "AHHHHHHH!!!" *ratatatata of tommy gun* = awesome
4. Generations
5. Search for Spock
6. Insurrection
7. The Motion Picture


Gold Member
1. First Contact (The story was the fucking BEGINNING of Star Trek)
2. Wrath of Khan (Part 1 of the "Trilogy")
3. Search for Spock (Part 2 of the "Trilogy")
4. Voyage Home (Part 3 of the "Trilogy")
5: The Undiscovered Country (Should've followed Voyage Home)
6: The Motion Picture: Director's Cut (Superior to the Theatrical)
7: Generations (Goodbye NCC-1701-D)
8: Insurrection (Nothing but a poor episode of the series)
9: Nemesis (Shit)
10: Final Frontier (Shit to the 1000th degree)


Hollywood Square
Wrath of Khan and First Contact are the only watchable Star Trek films if you're not a huge flaming Trekkie nerd.


Glad to see the Motion Picture getting some props. It's got an epic sweep to it that is only topped by Khan. Granted, it is a little boring.

2>3>(first contact)>TMP>6>4>(the rest). First Contact deserves praise for being a solid, dramatic two-hour TNG episode with the Sovereign in it, but I still prefer the original cast.
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