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Bloodborne leaked gameplay trailer (new leak, early footage)


Round 2. If there's any other info, feel free to add to it, or I'll edit it in at the bottom.

Apologies for formatting!

(edits are down the bottom)

- Early 2015 release
- Action RPG
- PS4 Exclusive. (Sony IP)
- More will be revealed at Gamescom and TGS: https://twitter.com/Bloodborne_PS4/status/477251341614469121/photo/1
E3無事終了。次はGamescom、そして東京ゲームショウで会いましょう。( E3’s finished, but next up is gamescom and then TGS. See you there. )

Essential reading
Dengeki interview: http://gematsu.com/2014/06/bloodbornes-victorian-inspirations-influence-setting-gameplay
GameInformer preview: http://www.gameinformer.com/games/b...redible-but-is-it-a-quot-souls-quot-game.aspx



E3 Trailer:
Direct Feed Download: http://www.gamersyde.com/news_e3_blo...-15445_en.html

Offscreen gameplay:
Webm: http://a.pomf.se/vgzutd.webm

Leaked gameplay trailer (footage is from last year build, but has just leaked)
1080p mirror (thanks to alr1ght)

Graphics look more like this than the leaked gameplay:

Info we know about

- No easier difficulty. Targeting the same level of difficulty as Demon's Souls.
- Game length will be around the same as Souls games.
- Visually one of the most impressive current gen games.
- Targeting 1080p 30fps. Game is still early so currently has framerate issues, devs have acknowledged this and said will be ironed out.
- Bloodborne was started by the team who developed Demon's Souls and the first Dark Souls after they finished work on the Artorias of the Abyss DLC.
- Bloodborne does not star a static protagonist, can customize character and stats like previous souls games.
- From Software says it's going to be more in line with the death penalties and progression system found in Demon's Souls, which from what we gather means that we'll be collecting souls (Blood?) and returning to a safe zone once again.
- The world and story is completely new, and the setting takes full advantage of the PS4's capabilities
- City is called Yharnam, it's massive, looks like London back in the 19th century
- game will take place during various times of day and weather.
- "If you remember the Tower of Latria level in Demon's Souls, that's the kind of atmosphere we want to create with Bloodborne." ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmWmABpzT0U )
- City is very densely layered. 'More complex than Thief'
- When asked, From Software says it's not pursuing the same open structure of Dark Souls II
- The zones of the game are connected between them, as in Dark Souls 1 (conflicts with the above point?)
- Q: Will zones only be filled with enemies? A: You will feel alone.
- But the game has NPC's, can choose to save or ignore some that are in trouble.
- Ragdolls are in
- Cloth physics
- Fog gates are in
- Bosses will not always be behind soul-gates this time. Instead, sometimes they'll just ambush you and the soul-walls will just appear afterwards
- Monsters bleed where you slice them.
- Some areas are really dark, you'll need a torch to navigate.
- There will be no map display in the game
- No shields, focus on faster action.
- Rolling, backstepping, locking on, parry and kicking are all in.
- There are less weapons overall, but he thinks the depth of each of those actually available make up for that difference.
- Still tons of weapons and armor to collect
- Weapons are divided by right and left hand so you cannot dual wield certain weapons.
- Bladed weapon in right hand is referred to as a 'Sawcleaver'
- Firearms are more useful defensively, to stun enemies, giving you time to back up or create counter-attack opportunities.
- If you hit an enemy's torch they get set on fire.
- You cannot play this the same way as Demon's Souls'. Have to be more aggressive.
- He wants combat to not just focus on action but also the strategic element.
- The combat in the game is designed to feel like a life or death struggle.
- Enemies are not static spawns, but walk around and can come from anywhere (behind crates etc).
- The keywords for the game is "blood" and "beast".
- Blood a key focus and is also used to regain your HP and gain various other benefits.
- They said the Virus(bloodborned) has progressions.
- You get blood sucking it from corpses or items.
- Sucking too much blood will turn you into a beast which I suppose is this game’s Soul/Hollow form. The game will apparently become a lot harder to play/control when in beast mode. To become a human again you need human blood and is where the online component comes into play. [translated from Famitsu, not sure if entirely accurate]
- There will be online elements of some sort, and it will involve players "discovering" together. As to how exactly the process of fighting alongside other players will work, Miyazaki's coy. "The key concept, or phrase, that we have right now is it's an open explorative community," is all he'll give away.


New info from this latest trailer leak:
(taken from duckroll's post)
- Blocking is confirmed, looks like you can block using both weapons at the same time
- You can quick swap equipped weapons (shotgun -> torch)
- You can use dual blades while having a shotgun on your back
- Two-handed weapons are still in
- Pikes, axes, swords (rapier?) are some of the other weapon types

Edit: A more thorough summary of the Dengeki interview: (thanks to GribbleGrunger)

- Wants to get away from metal armor. Metal armor gives the sense that you're well protected. Cloth armor is better suited to the Victorian error because in the 19th century no one really wore that kind of armor. More of a feeling of vulnerability resulting in more proactive combat.
- Bloodborne is a spiritual successor to Demon's Souls in the same way Demon's Souls was to Kings Filed.
- Evoke the era of Jack the ripper, Gothic/Victorian feel. Aiming for atmosphere different from high fantasy seen in Souls series. Going back to roots, Demon's/Kings Field levels of darkness.
- Strategy is going to be more important.
- Wants to emphasize the human element in the game. The darkness/fantasy element comes from the people/characters rather than the darkness derived from basic storyline elements.
- There will be very few 'sane' people. The only time you're really going to see people (sane people without disease) is when they come out at night to conduct beast hunts. It's then you're more likely to cross paths with them.
- During the day when they're (sane NPC's) not trying to rid the city of infected, they're hiding behind closed doors, in their homes.
- Implies even the sane are dealing with their own problems, so player interaction with them will not necessarily always be amicable.
- The bulk of the game will take place around the city, but there are going to be opportunities to visit towns outside of the city. Doesn't want to give away too many details on this.
- The same weapons used by the towns people (the sane NPC's), are going to be the same weapons the player can use.
- Won't go into much detail, but the cure for the disease will be more technological/medical, than magic.
- Yharnam has a known history of being the place to go when you're sick, as they have cures for many diseases.
- Ancient gloom, atmosphere of a place full of secrets and ill intent.
- Changing your weapons shape (transforming) will alter the weapons attack speed and damage output.
- The Sawcleaver was used as an example of characteristic changes to a weapon transforming. When it's extended you use the bladed edge to attack, when it's closed you use the saw edge of the weapon.
- Weapon upgrades will continue (or add different strengths/abilities to them) - doesn't go into detail.
- Wants to make the game focused on online, but doesn't want to screw over offline players.
- As a side note, without being asked a question Miyazaki mentions DLC has become a bigger part of modern games.
- Because of the new hardware it's going to be a very different game (than Souls games) due to more capabilities, and massive amount of additional stuff. At the same time, certain elements will remain unchanged from the Demon's Souls era.
- He's trying to make a really awesome game for game lovers. He's very strongly committed to that. Immersive experience, exploring the unknown, really thinking about what you're doing, emphasizes the fear and sense of desperation in the combat.
- He knows people want experiences like what we got in Dark Souls 1 and Demon's Souls.

Edit 2:

Some weapon observations from the trailer, first the obvious:


Sawcleaver - Transformable

Oil item, then Torch


Halberd - 2 handed

Twin Daggers - Dual wield

Not so obvious:

Some sort of gadget in the left hand, another unknown weapon in the right

Unknown fire infused weapon on his back?



aka IMurRIVAL69
I don't get the point of doing things like that on GAF. There's no karma system or anything. What's your endgame here, Kleil?


Back in 3 of May I typed something like this (don't know how to quote myself)

"Crazy idea: Player dies in game, gets turned into a werewolf, losing all his armour/weapons but in turn gaining super agility and more strength, while being impossible to heal at all (maybe except devouring certain enemies). Player can then get invaded by another player - a hunter (equivalent of a black phantom), wielding a shotgun with silver bullets, whose sole purpose is to defeat the werewolf. The latter would be extremely resistant to staggering and swords would do less damage than usual, hence the need for the gun and the special bullets (could be semi rare drops from enemies in the werewolf's world - they would also attack the hunter)."

Even though it seemed weird, after reading through that bulletpoint list I wouldn't say it was too bad of a guess about the whole "turning in to a beast thing" :)


Lol@ kieli, what an idiot

The guy is trolling everyone so hard.. That bit about Artorias of The Abyss being terrible was a dead giveaway, as it's generally considered some of the best (if not the best) content From has ever made inside the Souls franchise. It's gotta be trolling, as there are legitimaly bad areas from the three games that he could have pointed out and wouldn't make people flip out. But singling out one of the best DLC ever made? He's obviously pulling everyone's leg lol


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
I heard legends of posters playing two people on GAF but I've never seen it in person...fascinating.
This game is something special.

is their a chance we will see more at TGS or Gamescom?


@Bloodborne_PS4 said:
E3無事終了。次はGamescom、そして東京ゲームショウで会いましょう。( E3’s finished, but next up is gamescom and then TGS. See you there. )


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?

Kieli isn't Ashodin, or Dark Schala, or blace space, or even Duckroll (!).



Soak in my trollish powers! Mwhahahaha

Fuck me, my stomach hurts so much... woke up 4:00am with the greatest pain and the first thing I do is go to this thread and read this shit? What the hell is going on in here?


The guy is trolling everyone so hard.. That bit about Artorias of The Abyss being terrible was a dead giveaway, as it's generally considered some of the best (if not the best) content From has ever made inside the Souls franchise. It's gotta be trolling, as there are legitimaly bad areas from the three games that he could have pointed out and wouldn't make people flip out. But singling out one of the best DLC ever made? He's obviously pulling everyone's leg lol



On Topic: Everything I read or see for this game is just too good, 2015 can't come any sooner.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
Isn't the dual account thing a bannable offense??!!

I remember a few lovely legendary threads where people made similar mad doctor fuckups and were hung out to dry because of it. They are some of my favorites from my lurking days...

I bet that long, deep, point by point response was written before the "troll" post was. So glorious.

cover him in BLOOOOOD
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