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Bayonetta 2 off to a slow start in Japan [Update: Week 2 sales]


Minami always bet to the wrong horses.

First, The Wonderful 101.

Now, Bayonetta 2.

Next, Scalebound.

Yeah, but the gamers come out the winners. In this day and age of delivering hallow games that all but require DLC and season passes we as consumers have done well. Albeit, this is the exception. Not the rule.


It amazes me how many people don't understand this. I certainly wasn't expecting to see Bayonetta ever again after Sega initially cancelled it. I went out an bought a Wii U just for this game, and a few of my favorite Nintendo franchises. Port begging is just going to keep falling on deaf ears this time around.

It baffles me that so many people "care" about this game but aren't willing to pick it up. So bizarre.
It baffles me that so many people "care" about this game but aren't willing to pick it up. So bizarre.

It seems like people think Segas takeaway from this will be "Well, it didn't sell. Better release the PS4 and Xbone versions." rather than "See? It didn't sell. We were right to cancel it."


It baffles me that so many people "care" about this game but aren't willing to pick it up. So bizarre.

Not really that bizarre if they don't own a Wii U and would have to get one specifically for this. Not everyone can afford to get all the consoles.
Not really that bizarre if they don't own a Wii U and would have to get one specifically for this. Not everyone can afford to get all the consoles.

So it's only okay to mock when the Wii U is the one not getting a game? I never understood that, Nintendo fans generally don't care when they aren't getting a port of a big game (while everyone else think it's amusing), but people always get salty when it's not coming anywhere else but a Nintendo console.


Yea but that statement likely had to do with how they pitched it to Sega and what their forecasting was on their contract. For all we know they were financially incentivized if they hit certain milestones and the title did not, hence this statement and Sega moving on. Sega has operated this way before.

Nintendo is likely more conscious of these things.
I'm not privvy to this deal but it's just as likely they got one contract for hire at a lump budget and built to spec based on Nintendo's own content strategy and happily took their money and made the game they wanted to make.

I'm not saying you, but a lot of people saying these sales put platinum at risk... I really don't see how it does. It's not really how Nintendo does business (which is how they keep getting deals done with third parties of this nature despite the wii u tanking), their partners are generally well taken care of. And seeing how platinum already has revenue from MS and Acti coming in, there's no real reason to be concerned.

Just at its base level, Platinum wanted to make a very specific game. Nintendo wanted specific content on their platform they couldn't make in-house. Fans wanted more of bayonetta. This is honestly a good deal for literally everyone.

Forecasts get revised - it happens. They know their platform is struggling, they take revenue where they can reasonably now. That's how marketing budgets get shifted and whatnot, they won't overspend on the title. Bayonetta fills a role in Nintendo's product release porfolio, and it looks like it's getting amazing reviews - I can almost guarantee at the end of the day some people are happy with that, since that is what they set out to do.

Literally everyone gets something positive from this arrangement that's involved. I hope those who are interested enjoy the benefits!

I would sign up for your newsletter.

Astral Dog

Yea but that statement likely had to do with how they pitched it to Sega and what their forecasting was on their contract. For all we know they were financially incentivized if they hit certain milestones and the title did not, hence this statement and Sega moving on. Sega has operated this way before.

Nintendo is likely more conscious of these things.
I'm not privvy to this deal but it's just as likely they got one contract for hire at a lump budget and built to spec based on Nintendo's own content strategy and happily took their money and made the game they wanted to make.

I'm not saying you, but a lot of people saying these sales put platinum at risk... I really don't see how it does. It's not really how Nintendo does business (which is how they keep getting deals done with third parties of this nature despite the wii u tanking), their partners are generally well taken care of. And seeing how platinum already has revenue from MS and Acti coming in, there's no real reason to be concerned.

Just at its base level, Platinum wanted to make a very specific game. Nintendo wanted specific content on their platform they couldn't make in-house. Fans wanted more of bayonetta. This is honestly a good deal for literally everyone.

Forecasts get revised - it happens. They know their platform is struggling, they take revenue where they can reasonably now. That's how marketing budgets get shifted and whatnot, they won't overspend on the title. Bayonetta fills a role in Nintendo's product release porfolio, and it looks like it's getting amazing reviews - I can almost guarantee at the end of the day some people are happy with that, since that is what they set out to do.

Literally everyone gets something positive from this arrangement that's involved. I hope those who are interested enjoy the benefits!

Damn what a post :O


So it's only okay to mock when the Wii U is the one not getting a game? I never understood that, Nintendo fans generally don't care when they aren't getting a port of a big game (while everyone else think it's amusing), but people always get salty when it's not coming anywhere else but a Nintendo console.

I'm just saying it's silly to expect people to buy a console specifically for one game, even if they are fans of that franchise.


Not really that bizarre if they don't own a Wii U and would have to get one specifically for this. Not everyone can afford to get all the consoles.
Then why care how badly it sells? Further, isn't that the definition of a system seller? Obviously people don't hold this game in that high of a regard if they're not willing to buy the cheapest console on the market for it. Yet they're willing to bitch about it? This game got a 10 in Edge. Obviously full reviews haven't come out yet, but I expect this to have a higher metacritic than Destiny, Watch Dogs, and TitanFall, yet people bought consoles for those games?



Just enjoy the game.

Platinum will be fine as they have two other project already lined up.

Nintendo will be fine as I am sure they didn't exactly expect it to light the charts on fire in the first place (plus who knows maybe it will have legs and sell "ok" in other markets)

and while no one wants a great series to end, maybe Bayonetta is fine just having 2 games before being ran into the ground like other series....so think of it going out on a high note.

As It was said earlier, everyone got something out of this. The Series didn't go out on being Megaman'd, Platinum got to make the game, Nintendo got a different title for their portfolio, and gamers by all accounts got a damn great game to play. Is it the optimal outcome? Of course not..in a just world, it would sell like hotcakes, move Wii Us, make Nintendo make more decisions like this, Platinum finally had a game that sells great, Kamiya's world take over plan begins, and all of that...but it does not work that way sadly.

But it isn't all bad. Sometimes we need to just enjoy games. Bayonetta was never going to be the game to "save" the Wii U, and for what it is, it did what it was supposed to.

Just enjoy it.


Then why care how badly it sells? Further, isn't that the definition of a system seller? Obviously people don't hold this game in that high of a regard if they're not willing to buy the cheapest console on the market for it. Yet they're willing to bitch about it? This game got a 10 in Edge. Obviously full reviews haven't come out yet, but I expect this to have a higher metacritic than Destiny, Watch Dogs, and TitanFall, yet people bought consoles for those games?

Despite what many will say...no one buys a system for one game. They buy systems because they already knew what system they were going to buy. By all accounts, I should have bought an XBone at launch instead of a Ps4 if the games that were out at the time mattered...but I didn't because I am "hoping" that the Ps4 gets games (plural) I want in the future.

The idea of a system seller is a myth nowadays. Libraries as a whole are the reason people buy systems. And as much as I love Nintendo games...lets be honest, if you arent into those games...a Nintendo system will NEVER have that type of library.

So I get why some people won't buy a system for one game...because that is stupid and a rather big waste of money. It is understandable that people just don't have faith in Nintendo keep making games those people want longterm (in part because the Nintendo faithful keep proving that the whole "Nintendo fans dont buy non Nintendo" games thing true...)


Then why care how badly it sells? Further, isn't that the definition of a system seller? Obviously people don't hold this game in that high of a regard if they're not willing to buy the cheapest console on the market for it. Yet they're willing to bitch about it? This game got a 10 in Edge. Obviously full reviews haven't come out yet, but I expect this to have a higher metacritic than Destiny, Watch Dogs, and TitanFall, yet people bought consoles for those games?
There are going to be a lot of games like Destiny, Watch Dogs and Titanfall on the PS4/Xbone. The release of those particular games is just one of many factors that go into the purchase decisions of a new console. Bayonetta 2 is sort of on its own on the Wii U, and so it's far less likely to spur a new console sale. The reality is that the majority of gamers are going to buy only one console every few years, and since the Wii U doesn't offer what a lot of them are interested in, that console is unlikely to be the Wii U.

Just enjoy the game.

Platinum will be fine as they have two other project already lined up.

Nintendo will be fine as I am sure they didn't exactly expect it to light the charts on fire in the first place (plus who knows maybe it will have legs and sell "ok" in other markets)

and while no one wants a great series to end, maybe Bayonetta is fine just having 2 games before being ran into the ground like other series....so think of it going out on a high note.

As It was said earlier, everyone got something out of this. The Series didn't go out on being Megaman'd, Platinum got to make the game, Nintendo got a different title for their portfolio, and gamers by all accounts got a damn great game to play. Is it the optimal outcome? Of course not..in a just world, it would sell like hotcakes, move Wii Us, make Nintendo make more decisions like this, Platinum finally had a game that sells great, Kamiya's world take over plan begins, and all of that...but it does not work that way sadly.

But it isn't all bad. Sometimes we need to just enjoy games. Bayonetta was never going to be the game to "save" the Wii U, and for what it is, it did what it was supposed to.

Just enjoy it.




Just enjoy the game.

Platinum will be fine as they have two other project already lined up.

Nintendo will be fine as I am sure they didn't exactly expect it to light the charts on fire in the first place (plus who knows maybe it will have legs and sell "ok" in other markets)

and while no one wants a great series to end, maybe Bayonetta is fine just having 2 games before being ran into the ground like other series....so think of it going out on a high note.

As It was said earlier, everyone got something out of this. The Series didn't go out on being Megaman'd, Platinum got to make the game, Nintendo got a different title for their portfolio, and gamers by all accounts got a damn great game to play. Is it the optimal outcome? Of course not..in a just world, it would sell like hotcakes, move Wii Us, make Nintendo make more decisions like this, Platinum finally had a game that sells great, Kamiya's world take over plan begins, and all of that...but it does not work that way sadly.

But it isn't all bad. Sometimes we need to just enjoy games. Bayonetta was never going to be the game to "save" the Wii U, and for what it is, it did what it was supposed to.

Just enjoy it.

The biggest problem is that Bayonetta is sort of getting the short end of the stick when it comes to the audience. I commend Nintendo for what they did and it gives us the opportunity to play the game. But I kind of wish Sony or Microsoft picked up the game instead. So that it was available to a larger user base and audience. And give us a better opportunity of seeing more Bayonetta games in the future. But hey, I'm happy with what we're getting. Just sad that this will end up being the last of the series.


But I kind of wish Sony or Microsoft picked up the game instead. So that it was available to a larger user base and audience. And give us a better opportunity of seeing more Bayonetta games in the future.

I don't necessarily think that would be the case.


This should be in the OP in every B2 THread.

And you can bet that most will not read.

I miss so much the 80's and early 90's. Gamers being gamers and not this fucking benchmark war. It reminds me of the first line of Cigaro by System of a Down.


The biggest problem is that Bayonetta is sort of getting the short end of the stick when it comes to the audience. I commend Nintendo for what they did and it gives us the opportunity to play the game. But I kind of wish Sony or Microsoft picked up the game instead. So that it was available to a larger user base and audience. And give us a better opportunity of seeing more Bayonetta games in the future. But hey, I'm happy with what we're getting. Just sad that this will end up being the last of the series.

But that didn't happen and probably never was an option.

Ideally Bayonetta 2 would come to every system..that way no one is left out. However that isn't how the situation was.

It was Bayonetta 2 on the Wii U or Bayonetta 2 sharing a home with Megaman Legends 3 in CancelledTown.

There was no positive alternative. I too wish it was a Ps4 game...if only to have something to play for that system but it is not. And the only options in front of me is to buy a Wii U (already have one but I am a whore like that), Wait for a Wii U price drop (borrow it from a friend, steal one, shank a dude for one...whatever), or never play it. If you choose to never play it...then fine. Just understand that is the option you chose and no others beside those above will EVER exist

My take away from it is that if it was a PS4 exclusive, there would be less butthurt over it...and no one would give a fuck about those who can't afford more than one console. I understand why (the PS4 is "potentially" a better value due to the 3rd party support if will have and more variety and yaddi yadda...all true)...it is just an interesting double standard at play (especially since IMO the Wii U has been a better value than my PS4 so far lol....hell the Vita has been better too.)


I said it earlier but I guess I'll kinda repeat myself. Platinum is fine doing this. They get contracted out to make games (either by a larger publisher like SEGA or Konami) or make exclusives for Nintendo or Microsoft. These other companies put up the money to have Platinum make a game, fund it completely, and insure that Platinum has money to pay employees and stay afloat. There is no risk for them (aside from hurtful pride or hurtful reputation) if a game sells bad. These games could sell 0 copies (just making a point) and Platinum would not care because they got paid and the risk is put on those who funded the game and they have just moved on to their next fully funded project. Nintendo could say "oh we'll eat this development cost even if we don't make it back in sales just to add to the Wii U's catalog of games", and they are perfectly int heir right to spend their money that way, and perhaps Microsoft is thinking the same thing.

Again, yes Platinum as "artist" may feel bad people are not playing their games and feel disheartened. Perhaps the more flops they get the less likely a company will be to shell out cash to have them make a game for them. But for the time being, companies still want them to make games, so Platinum as "businessmen" are happy, they get to keep getting a paycheque and surviving in a sector that can be quite unpredictable.

I think (and this might be an unpopular opinion) that Platinum fans are too loud for their own good. Now hear me out. What I mean is that there always seems to be this huge clamoring for wanting more games made by Platinum and it makes it seem like there is a huge demand for them, but when released, the hype does not seem to translate to sales. Obviously this is something that a company that is hiring out Platinum to make a game have to think about long and hard beforehand.

Seriously? You don't think a developers ability to get games funded is affected by previous sales?? Saying they don't care whether their games sell or not because they already got paid is asinine. It's like saying a director doesn't care if his movies bomb because he already got paid.

See how many publishers line up to fund your next game after a commercial failure


Seriously? You don't think a developers ability to get games funded is affected by previous sales?? Saying they don't care whether their games sell or not because they already got paid is asinine. It's like saying a director doesn't care if his movies bomb because he already got paid.

See how many publishers line up to fund your next game after a commercial failure

Developers aren't responsible for marketing, branding, and publishing. Ensuring the game actually sells is strictly within the realm of the publisher.


Seriously? You don't think a developers ability to get games funded is affected by previous sales?? Saying they don't care whether their games sell or not because they already got paid is asinine. It's like saying a director doesn't care if his movies bomb because he already got paid.

See how many publishers line up to fund your next game after a commercial failure

Their games review well enough so companies will continue to throw money at them.


Seriously? You don't think a developers ability to get games funded is affected by previous sales?? Saying they don't care whether their games sell or not because they already got paid is asinine. It's like saying a director doesn't care if his movies bomb because he already got paid.

See how many publishers line up to fund your next game after a commercial failure

Platinum totally just got Microsoft to fund their next project....and considering it is on the XBone, I'm guessing it's not going to be cheap.

This happened after W101 bombed hard as fuck...which happened after the first Bayonetta, Mad World, and Vanquish all did the same.

Platinum will be fine. They'll do Revengence 2 when they need to sell mondo copies. (Scalebound also should do pretty well if the MS marketing machine gets behind it...)


Platinum totally just got Microsoft to fund their next project....and considering it is on the XBone, I'm guessing it's not going to be cheap.

This happened after W101 bombed hard as fuck...which happened after the first Bayonetta, Mad World, and Vanquish all did the same.

Platinum will be fine. They'll do Revengence 2 when they need to sell mondo copies. (Scalebound also should do pretty well if the MS marketing machine gets behind it...)

Prestige Developer. Sales? Not their problem.


Platinum totally just got Microsoft to fund their next project....and considering it is on the XBone, I'm guessing it's not going to be cheap.

This happened after W101 bombed hard as fuck...which happened after the first Bayonetta, Mad World, and Vanquish all did the same.

Platinum will be fine. They'll do Revengence 2 when they need to sell mondo copies. (Scalebound also should do pretty well if the MS marketing machine gets behind it...)

Exactly. Obviously it would be better if Bayo 2 were to sell better, but it doesn't hurt PG's future projects if it doesn't. They get to make a game they want to make, fans will get to play a game that almost didn't exist and wouldn't without Nintendo, PG gets to introduce their IP to a new audience despite it being smaller, Nintendo gets to add software with rave reviews to their lineup.

Prestige Developer. Sales? Not their problem.

Developers aren't responsible for sales, publishers are. A piece of software failing hurts the future of IPs, but shouldn't hurt the studio itself.


Yea but that statement likely had to do with how they pitched it to Sega and what their forecasting was on their contract. For all we know they were financially incentivized if they hit certain milestones and the title did not, hence this statement and Sega moving on. Sega has operated this way before.

Nintendo is likely more conscious of these things.
I'm not privvy to this deal but it's just as likely they got one contract for hire at a lump budget and built to spec based on Nintendo's own content strategy and happily took their money and made the game they wanted to make.

I'm not saying you, but a lot of people saying these sales put platinum at risk... I really don't see how it does. It's not really how Nintendo does business (which is how they keep getting deals done with third parties of this nature despite the wii u tanking), their partners are generally well taken care of. And seeing how platinum already has revenue from MS and Acti coming in, there's no real reason to be concerned.

Just at its base level, Platinum wanted to make a very specific game. Nintendo wanted specific content on their platform they couldn't make in-house. Fans wanted more of bayonetta. This is honestly a good deal for literally everyone.

Forecasts get revised - it happens. They know their platform is struggling, they take revenue where they can reasonably now. That's how marketing budgets get shifted and whatnot, they won't overspend on the title. Bayonetta fills a role in Nintendo's product release porfolio, and it looks like it's getting amazing reviews - I can almost guarantee at the end of the day some people are happy with that, since that is what they set out to do.

Literally everyone gets something positive from this arrangement that's involved. I hope those who are interested enjoy the benefits!
Right. In. The feels. Post perfection and it gives me hope Nintendo has other such deals in the works down the road. :)
Those people should go with the cheapest console.

Done. ;)




Just enjoy the game.

Platinum will be fine as they have two other project already lined up.

Nintendo will be fine as I am sure they didn't exactly expect it to light the charts on fire in the first place (plus who knows maybe it will have legs and sell "ok" in other markets)

and while no one wants a great series to end, maybe Bayonetta is fine just having 2 games before being ran into the ground like other series....so think of it going out on a high note.

As It was said earlier, everyone got something out of this. The Series didn't go out on being Megaman'd, Platinum got to make the game, Nintendo got a different title for their portfolio, and gamers by all accounts got a damn great game to play. Is it the optimal outcome? Of course not..in a just world, it would sell like hotcakes, move Wii Us, make Nintendo make more decisions like this, Platinum finally had a game that sells great, Kamiya's world take over plan begins, and all of that...but it does not work that way sadly.

But it isn't all bad. Sometimes we need to just enjoy games. Bayonetta was never going to be the game to "save" the Wii U, and for what it is, it did what it was supposed to.

Just enjoy it.

Agreed, just play and enjoy the game. Talking about games sales is just disrespectful to the developer it doesn't concerned us at all.

The one thing that will be on my mind when playing Bayonetta 2 is probably will be "Oh my god this game is amazing."


Bayonetta 2 won't even be Platinum's worst bomba anyway.

They have survived worse.

Would it have been great to sell more? Hell yeah. I am sure Platinum likes to have their games sell obviously. But they also don't seem to be changing much to secure that...unlike some other developers (Suda cancelling Lily still has my soul burning..fuck)

I also think there needs to be more great games that don't need to sell buttloads in order for them to get greenlit...it helps the console just have a bunch of games. Sony did this with the PS3 with games like Puppeteer and such.

Gaffer complain about the AAA or Bust industry and seem to ignore the part many of us play in that.


Nintendo will probably pull off more moves like this with their next device.

I hope so...but if the Nintendo faithful keep turning their backs on these games due to some weird fear of exiting their comfort zone...i doubt it.

I see them doing more Hyrule Warriors type deals instead or revivals of dead franchises...and if they do, I expect they dig more into their own graveyard instead.

One more is supposedly coming tho...who knows.
Agreed, just play and enjoy the game. Talking about games sales is just disrespectful to the developer it doesn't concerned us at all.

The one thing that will be on my mind when playing Bayonetta 2 is probably will be "Oh my god this game is amazing."

How? Why?

Why is sales discussion suddenly the cancer of the industry? Especially if we are simply "armchair analysts" on some forum somewhere. Why does it matter?

Why does the videogame industry have different rules of discussion than any other media? If you said that discussion of sales in the movie industry " is just disrespectful to the developer it doesn't concerned us at all." you'd be laughed off the internet.

Why does this industry get kids gloves?


What I find interesting is Destiny on PS4 sold better in its first 4 days than Bayonetta 2 did on Wii U in two days. What's with Japan's sudden interest in a western-developed online only-based FPS game? PS4's lifetime sales are around 700-718,000 units vs. Wii U at 1.9 million and PS4's hardware sales were up just a bit higher for that week than Wii U's, albeit both still poor numbers overall. I guess Japan does have strange taste in games and Nintendo's Wii U just can't catch a break!

Astral Dog

Seriously? You don't think a developers ability to get games funded is affected by previous sales?? Saying they don't care whether their games sell or not because they already got paid is asinine. It's like saying a director doesn't care if his movies bomb because he already got paid.

See how many publishers line up to fund your next game after a commercial failure

Of course they DO care, saying that they not is silly,but they also work with a publisher, and that publisher is the one paying the bills, ´Platinum got work after Bayonetta, Vanquish, Madworld , Infinite Space and Anarchy Reigns didnt set the world on fire, Platinum still got work after Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2,and from two different publishers, thats because their number one concern is QUALITY, and their games are appreciated.
Does this mean they dont need the sales? of course not, good sales are very important, and we dont know how Platinum are still around, but their creativity is their staple, they work this way with very different publishers,sometime it works and sometimes it doesnt, but they are still here for a reason, and will be still in the bussines for years to come.


I hope so...but if the Nintendo faithful keep turning their backs on these games due to some weird fear of exiting their comfort zone...i doubt it.

I see them doing more Hyrule Warriors type deals instead or revivals of dead franchises...and if they do, I expect they dig more into their own graveyard instead.

One more is supposedly coming tho...who knows.

That would depend on Nintendo's own internal forecast of the game's performance both critically and commercially I think.


I hope so...but if the Nintendo faithful keep turning their backs on these games due to some weird fear of exiting their comfort zone...i doubt it.

I see them doing more Hyrule Warriors type deals instead or revivals of dead franchises...and if they do, I expect they dig more into their own graveyard instead.

One more is supposedly coming tho...who knows.

The problem with this move is that the Wii U failed to gain an audience for this type of game and Nintendo obviously didn't expect that. This game would've done better if Nintendo didn't lose the more "mature" 3rd party titles like a month after launch or if they started making more of those titles themselves. Next time they just need to make a better platform for this title to succeed or go after more games that are similar to what they put out.

What I find interesting is Destiny on PS4 sold better in its first 4 days than Bayonetta 2 did on Wii U in two days. What's with Japan's sudden interest in a western-developed online only-based FPS game? PS4's lifetime sales are around 700-718,000 units vs. Wii U at 1.9 million and PS4's hardware sales were up just a bit higher for that week than Wii U's, albeit both still poor numbers overall. I guess Japan does have strange taste in games and Nintendo's Wii U just can't catch a break!

Wasn't Sony pushing Destiny hard in Japan?

Astral Dog

I hope so...but if the Nintendo faithful keep turning their backs on these games due to some weird fear of exiting their comfort zone...i doubt it.

I see them doing more Hyrule Warriors type deals instead or revivals of dead franchises...and if they do, I expect they dig more into their own graveyard instead.

One more is supposedly coming tho...who knows.

I have always find it weird when someone blames the "Nintendo fanbase" for the failure of the Wii U,its not like even Nintendo games are selling, or that all have one or are interested on it, its a very divisive product, and most of the userbase likely bought it to play one or two games.
Its not like third party games have never do well on their systems,or even had mediocre sales, the Wii U is an exception,of course their more popular brands like Smash and Mario Kart are going to sell, but everything else? this off topic, just an observation.
Edit: Of course, there is a difference on their "ecosystem" image brand,target audience, hardware features, etc. but blaming a general "Nintendo fanbase" always seems strange to me, their problems are worse than that.
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