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NeoGAF's Essential RPGs - 2015 edition


And I've done a hell of a lot of work to share my love. The RPG Codex Top 70 RPGs is my work, I organized the voting, gathered the reviews and prepared the screenshots & box arts, all just so those really into RPGs could have a handy guide.

Holy shit how did I just discover that list. That is a pretty fantastic list of games. I will need to check out some of the ones I haven't played yet. Probably starting with the more recent ones and working me way back. Well actually i should probably stat with Planescape: Torment and Baldur's Gate II and then do that.
I think you are largely mistaken.

Games like Underrail, Age of Decadence, M&M:X, Legend of Grimrock, Paper Sorcerer, Blackguards, Heroine's Quest and D:OS and Wasteland 2 are there precisely because a bunch of angry cunts were still bitching about how modern RPGs suck and how they wanted a old-school experience. Tools became cheaper, crowd-funding happened and we backed the hell out of it. That's why every time you boot up Divinity:Original Sin you see "Thank you Kickstarter Backers, RPG Codex and RPG Watch."

Read the interviews from Larian and you'll see how the press was just "eh, no one cares for this anymore". How Swen had to taught players how to think again. How many publishers, journalist and gamers told him to go real-time 'cause turn-based "was a technological limitation". That's what your "mid-score" gamer wants, because he doesn't know any better. Legend of Grimrock used fantastic graphics to fool people into trying out a genre that "died" 20 years ago, FFS.

People that got tired of yet another TR00 RPG EXPERIENCE that is multi-platform. accessible and streamlined (but still 100% hardcore - we promise). They took matters in hands. Read their interviews or talk with then in forums an you'll see how it usually comes down to "there were no games like the ones I like to play available."

And I've done a hell of a lot of work to share my love. The RPG Codex Top 70 RPGs is my work, I organized the voting, gathered the reviews and prepared the screenshots & box arts, all just so those really into RPGs could have a handy guide. Now I'm making a goddamn free book on CPRG history, with guys like Chris Avellone, Scorpia, Ian Frazier and hordes from the Codex & Watch. We released a 100-page preview a couple of weeks ago and had more than 10k downloads without any media coverage.

But I will not praise Mass Effect as teh best shit ever just so I can grab the attention of those seeking validation of their limited knowledge. You have EA's PR department for that.

A curated list where people with intimate knowledge of a specific game can go in depth on what makes it particularly noteworthy or interesting is the only kind of list that is worth a shit. Fuck both listing games (or any piece of media really) on a numbered qualitative scale and putting said scale up to populous vote in ANY community let alone one as large and scatter-shot as GAF.


Some people need to pull the stick out of their ass and stop taking this list so god damn seriously. The results are usually entertaining and it can lead to some fun discussions, but I don't think anyone is claiming that this is going to be the definitive list of RPGs to end all lists.


People clearly have some strong opinions about Mass Effect in both directions!

I probably say it every year, but people shouldn't get too hung up on the rankings. There will be plenty to enjoy in the overall Top 100. Most of my favourites are either in the bottom half or miss the list completely.

PC exclusive (including "timed exclusives" that weren't ported for months/years) Top 10 is as follows:

1) Planescape Torment
2) Baldur's Gate 2
3) The Witcher 2
4) Divinity: Original Sin
5) Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines
6) Deus Ex
7) World of Warcraft
8) Diablo 2
9) Fallout 2
10) The Witcher 1

Still has some recency bias, but hopefully not as contentious.
I honestly wish SMT had more votes generally. Nocturne is cool and I gave it the 3 points to push it up a bit more since I knew that was the one people would vote for, but almost nobody mentioned IV or Strange Journey.

It's disappointing, but not surprising considering how Persona talk dominates everything SMT related here.

Normally I put Persona 4 in my top 10, but after looking at my 3DS activity log and discovering I put ~120 hours into SMTIV, I feel like it was worth mentioning. Especially since I rarely, rarely play RPGs anymore just due to the massive timesink they usually are, and yet I played it fully to completion (and even some of the NG+) which is something I haven't done with any other SMT game outside of the Personas. I feel for that reason it would be a great introductory game to the non-Persona SMTs.

It's also why I included Fire Emblem: Awakening on my top 10 list (90+ hours spent on that as well).

Some people need to pull the stick out of their ass and stop taking this list so god damn seriously. The results are usually entertaining and it can lead to some fun discussions, but I don't think anyone is claiming that this is going to be the definitive list of RPGs to end all lists.

I find it kind of amusing that there's basically only 300 posts worth of voting and voting was up for nearly a whole month, and yet there's already nearly 200 posts worth of discussion about the list that hasn't even been finalized yet in around two days. That's how GAF rolls I guess.


Read the interviews from Larian and you'll see how the press was just "eh, no one cares for this anymore". How Swen had to taught players how to think again. How many publishers, journalist and gamers told him to go real-time 'cause turn-based "was a technological limitation". That's what your "mid-score" gamer wants, because he doesn't know any better. Legend of Grimrock used fantastic graphics to fool people into trying out a genre that "died" 20 years ago, FFS.

I don't know how many times I've witnessed the industry (namely publishers) blatantly state that "X isn't economically viable anymore", or "Y doesn't sell". Usually this comes from little to no real market data to back up these statements. It wasn't until Kickstarter, and cases like Legend of Grimrock that let developers and publishers realize that their poorly conceived conclusions were false. Might & Magic X - Legacy was a direct result of this for instance, as has been most CRPGs released and announced of late, the resurgence of space-sims, adventure games, etc.

Off-topic, I just started reading through Swords & Circuitry, it's fantastic. Thanks for making that thread.
I think you are largely mistaken.

Games like Underrail, Age of Decadence, M&M:X, Legend of Grimrock, Paper Sorcerer, Blackguards, Heroine's Quest and D:OS and Wasteland 2 are there precisely because a bunch of angry cunts were still bitching about how modern RPGs suck and how they wanted a old-school experience. Tools became cheaper, crowd-funding happened and we backed the hell out of it. That's why every time you boot up Divinity:Original Sin you see "Thank you Kickstarter Backers, RPG Codex and RPG Watch."

Read the interviews from Larian and you'll see how the press was just "eh, no one cares for this anymore". How Swen had to taught players how to think again. How many publishers, journalist and gamers told him to go real-time 'cause turn-based "was a technological limitation". That's what your "mid-score" gamer wants, because he doesn't know any better. Legend of Grimrock used fantastic graphics to fool people into trying out a genre that "died" 20 years ago, FFS.

People that got tired of yet another TR00 RPG EXPERIENCE that is multi-platform. accessible and streamlined (but still 100% hardcore - we promise). They took matters in hands. Read their interviews or talk with then in forums an you'll see how it usually comes down to "there were no games like the ones I like to play available."

And I've done a hell of a lot of work to share my love. The RPG Codex Top 70 RPGs is my work, I organized the voting, gathered the reviews and prepared the screenshots & box arts, all just so those really into RPGs could have a handy guide. Now I'm making a goddamn free book on CPRG history, with guys like Chris Avellone, Scorpia, Ian Frazier and hordes from the Codex & Watch. We released a 100-page preview a couple of weeks ago and had more than 10k downloads without any media coverage.

But I will not praise Mass Effect as teh best shit ever just so I can grab the attention of those seeking validation of their limited knowledge. You have EA's PR department for that.

The only thing I got wrong was that you weren't preaching old school CRPG love to the extent you were (and as such, appologize), as all I knew you for was yet another post grouching with pearl-clutching disdain at voting on a general game forum.

You. Can. Not. Do. That. It doesn't work except as catharcism, kind of like the rest of this post that I know by heart and/or that ignores the rest of mine. The point, flatly: Be less bitter. We're in a better world now, and I've seen WAYYYY to many ride that bitterness on these forums enough to stop myself from when 9/10 of what I liked was under siege not so long ago and be productive and positive. I have so many of my posts from this forum alone Dark Soulsing these facts thru to the end.


I don't know how many times I've witnessed the industry (namely publishers) blatantly state that "X isn't economically viable anymore", or "Y doesn't sell". Usually this comes from little to no real market data to back up these statements. It wasn't until Kickstarter, and cases like Legend of Grimrock that let developers and publishers realize that their poorly conceived conclusions were false. Might & Magic X - Legacy was a direct result of this for instance, as has been most CRPGs released and announced of late, the resurgence of space-sims, adventure games, etc.

Off-topic, I just started reading through Swords & Circuitry, it's fantastic. Thanks for making that thread.

Yeah the industry definitely had their heads up the collective asses for a good part of the last decade most probably still do. If the massive amounts of money something like Star Citizen raised doesn't change a few minds about what genres are dead then I don't know what to say. Besides they deserve to crash and burn for putting their heads in the sand and solely focus on the AAA arms race.


Some people need to pull the stick out of their ass and stop taking this list so god damn seriously. The results are usually entertaining and it can lead to some fun discussions, but I don't think anyone is claiming that this is going to be the definitive list of RPGs to end all lists.

No wonder some people got rustled when others use this list to enforce their opinion on certain game. People need to remember that being "essential" doesn't ensure the highest of quality. Sure it must have quality that makes the game a must play, but it could be just for one aspect or more but not the whole experience could not be better.


Yeah the industry definitely had their heads up the collective asses for a good part of the last decade most probably still do. If the massive amounts of money something like Star Citizen doesn't change a few minds about what genres are dead then I don't know what to say. Besides they deserve to crash and burn for putting their heads in the sand and keep solely focused on the AAA arms race.

To be fair with some of those AAA pubs, I don't think their marketing people even know how to sell a mid level or nich game. If EA or Ubisoft released their version of Star Citizen, it probably would flop.

EDIT: I mean, I got Might and Magic X for $6-7 on a recent humble bundle sale. How well did that game actually sell if it's getting discounted 80%+ less than a year from launch?
No wonder some people got rustled when others use this list to enforce their opinion on certain game. People need to remember that being "essential" doesn't ensure the highest of quality. Sure it must have quality that makes the game a must play, but it could be just for one aspect or more but not the whole experience could not be better.

I, for one, know that my "Top 10 Best RPGs" and "Top 10 Essential RPGS" lists would likely be mostly different. Hell, "Top 10 Favorite RPGs" would probably have differences too.


I, for one, know that my "Top 10 Best RPGs" and "Top 10 Essential RPGS" lists would likely be mostly different. Hell, "Top 10 Favorite RPGs" would probably have differences too.

A lot of posters hold themselves back from listing too many games from the same series/franchise for that reason. If they were just voting for what they thought was the best, I bet half the posts would look quite a bit differently than they do.


Some people need to pull the stick out of their ass and stop taking this list so god damn seriously. The results are usually entertaining and it can lead to some fun discussions, but I don't think anyone is claiming that this is going to be the definitive list of RPGs to end all lists.

But bro I got a bone to grind and this is the best place to grind 'em.


To be fair with some of those AAA pubs, I don't think their marketing people even know how to sell a mid level or nich game. If EA or Ubisoft released their version of Star Citizen, it probably would flop.

I kind of view this as a chicken and egg situation. Do they not know how to market a space sim because they stopped making them for so long or is it that because they didn't know how to market them they stopped making them?

I mean, I got Might and Magic X for $6-7 on a recent humble bundle sale. How well did that game actually sell if it's getting discounted 80%+ less than a year from launch?

Seems par for the course for PC games. Based on what some developers have said they can make a boat load of money during those sales just by sheer volume.
This year's thread inspired me to tackle a game that had long been on my to-play list: Alpha Protocol. A few years ago the jankiness might have scared me off, but I'm having a great time so far. The recommended guns/stealth build makes standard missions simple enough. And the dialogue system is certainly tense. I might do a lttp thread when I finish, but now I'm still too early (probably 10 or 11 missions in) to say much more. I do wish they'd found a credible voice actor for Thorton. This might be the first game I've ever played where a bad voice-acting performance was not merely annoying but a genuine problem. It drags down a core part of the gameplay.

Here's my current to-play list based on this thread (and past versions):

Alpha Protocol (playing now)
Might and Magic X (playing now)
Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky (purchased)
Shadowrun Returns: Dragonfall
Gothic 2
Neverwinter Nights 2

I need to get through half of those before Pillars of Eternity hits, or I'm never going to finish.


I need to get through half of those before Pillars of Eternity hits, or I'm never going to finish.

The backlog is eternal. Pretty fucking wonderful that the backlog is growing now, though, by year instead of by discovery.

Still gotta get to Dragonfall and MMX from this year; next year sees Pillars, Age of Decadence and Underrail. And I should give Neo Scavenger a shot.
A lot of posters hold themselves back from listing too many games from the same series/franchise for that reason. If they were just voting for what they thought was the best, I bet half the posts would look quite a bit differently than they do.

I'd probably have Crono Trigger on there from what I've played, but I'd also have stuff I played tons of like Star Ocean 2 or Final Fantasy Tactics, too if it was most played. It's something to think about, similar to my reordering this time around.

And oh man, I know this is an unranked HM, but I forgot Brigandine!

I kind of view this as a chicken and egg situation. Do they not know how to market a space sim because they stopped making them for so long or is it that because they didn't know how to market them they stopped making them?

Seems par for the course for PC games. Based on what some developers have said they can make a boat load of money during those sales just by sheer volume.

That Steam Sale Effect. The GOOD ones still bring in good cash in between these, or have rather modest drops, too (the number of people going "WHEN IS D:OS GOING LOWER THAN 33%?!?!" in the Winter Sale was hilarious).


All i know is if I can finally knock out Planescape: Torment, Mask of the Betrayer, and Baldur's Gate 2 from my back log then this will have been a good year. I still need to play Might and Magic X as well as get further in Divinity:OS and well. Then we have games coming out ths year like Underail that people keep raving about(or maybe it is the same person and I just didn't notice) and all those people claiming that Serpents in the Staglands is the new Darklands best not be lying to me or I will hunt them down. Oh and then there is Pillars of Eternity. If that game is a let down my world will be shattered.

The backlog is eternal. Pretty fucking wonderful that the backlog is growing now, though, by year instead of by discovery.

Still gotta get to Dragonfall and MMX from this year; next year sees Pillars, Age of Decadence and Underrail. And I should give Neo Scavenger a shot.

Is Age Of Decadence finally coming out this year? I ask because this wouldn't be the first time people have claimed such over the years.
There's a very high chance that Age of Decadence will be released this year. A lot of progress has been made ever since the game went on Steam Early Access. 16 out of the 22 locations are currently available on the Early Access version while another 3 locations will be added this month. Estimated completion date for the rest of the game is March-April according to the devs.


Is Serpent in the Staglands out yet? I completely forgot about it! I really wanted to check it out.

BTW, Is anyone else a bit disappointed to see how low QoG always ranks in every RPG list, on virtually every site? It's so sad, because it's such a wonderful series...

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
Godammit, how the fuck did I miss this thread?!

My thoughts exactly, Once I decided to get down and dirty with a list it was closed... FML.

Top 5 WRPGs were as follows:

1) Mass Effect
2) Fallout New Vegas (tied)
2) Planescape Torment (tied)
4) Baldur's Gate 2
5) Mass Effect 2

The Witcher 2, Divinity Original Sin, and Vampire: the Masquerade: Bloodlines were within 3-4 points of Mass Effect 2 though. Fallout 3, Skyrim, and Morrowind followed those.

I j'adore this list, it's so close to my personal top 5 WRPGs of all time, it's not even funny.

Mine (for reference):

1) Mass Effect
2) Fallout NV
3) Dragon Age: Origins
4) Baldur's Gate
5) Mass Effect 2

With honorable mentions to:
Divinity DKS+OS / Planescape / TES IV Oblivion / Arcanum / Dark Souls / KotOR 1+2


Mine (for reference):

1) Mass Effect
2) Fallout NV
3) Dragon Age: Origins
4) Baldur's Gate
5) Mass Effect 2

With honorable mentions to:
Divinity DKS+OS / Planescape / TES IV Oblivion / Arcanum / Dark Souls / KotOR 1+2

I'm really interested in reading further on this list. Some very interesting choices here...

EDIT: Thanks, I'll try to remember it again by spring then.


The annual Essential RPGs thread is always immensely fun to read.

Thanks for the hard work Kwiston. I'm looking forward to the results!


Yeah, I was talking about Quest for Glory. I'm find it really sad that most RPG gamers don't give it due credit as an RPG.


Yeah, I was talking about Quest for Glory. I'm find it really sad that most RPG gamers don't give it due credit as an RPG.

Well don't look at me I gave an honorable mention to the fan remake of Quest for Glory 2. Though it seems most prefer Shadows of Darkness.

Edit: Which reminds me I really need to finally put some time into that Heroine's Quest game and hopefully Mage's Initiation hits this year. Hopefully during this CRPG renaissance rpg/adventure hybrids like Quest for Glory get some love.
All i know is if I can finally knock out Planescape: Torment, Mask of the Betrayer, and Baldur's Gate 2 from my back log then this will have been a good year. I still need to play Might and Magic X as well as get further in Divinity:OS and well. Then we have games coming out ths year like Underail that people keep raving about(or maybe it is the same person and I just didn't notice) and all those people claiming that Serpents in the Staglands is the new Darklands best not be lying to me or I will hunt them down. Oh and then there is Pillars of Eternity. If that game is a let down my world will be shattered.

Is Age Of Decadence finally coming out this year? I ask because this wouldn't be the first time people have claimed such over the years.

Well, 16 of the final 22 locations are in the current early access build, 3 more come out in the January update and the final 3 slated for sometime in late winter/early spring. Game could reasonably be out of early access September'ish. It's already so fucking good I don't know how I'm going to handle the final release.


Aw shit, I forgot to vote this year. Always love going through the results though, thanks for all your hard work kswiston.

Just hoping Fallout and Fallout 2 aren't even lower this year =[


Well don't look at me I gave an honorable mention to the fan remake of Quest for Glory 2. Though it seems most prefer Shadows of Darkness.

Edit: Which reminds me I really need to finally put some time into that Heroine's Quest game and hopefully Mage's Initiation hits this year. Hopefully during this CRPG renaissance rpg/adventure hybrids like Quest for Glory get some love.
Shadow of Darkness and the fan remake of Trial by Fire are both fantastic and I could see why you would choose QoG2. I actually chose the secong one until changing it to Shadow of Darkness later. I think it's also the type of series that really feels like it can't be separated into individual installments, the sense of progress is part of what makes it for me.


Okay so here is what I think I'll do if OP is okay with it:

1, A slightly reweighted regular tally, similar to the one I posted on the last page. Essentially this will be an unofficial top list, but hopefully with mass voted less essential games nearer to the bottom.

2, A highly volatile list of maybe brilliant maybe not so great uncommon games. These will be the games that at least someone considered essential but were pretty much never mentioned otherwise.

Hopefully this will give some room for games like NetHack to still come through and get some attention while also giving games like Planescape their time to shine at the very top. If nothing else the results should at least be interesting.
I really tried to love DD, but the damn weight mechanic ruined it for me. I felt like I was treading the encumbered line every time I picked something up and suddenly I'm slower than a Grandma with a cane.

Just give everything you're not using to your pawns. No need to be carrying anything but your equipment and consumables yourself.


I've been seeing this take hold lately, and it baffles me. Yes, Larian plots are very light and simple, but the dialogue absolutely shines in every single one of their games. Before their work was under the spotlight when the hype train started over OS, their games were actually brought up almost entirely due to the witty and fun writing.

I think a lot of the reaction is from misaligned expectations. Mainstream critics couldn't talk about the game without mentioning Baldur's Gate, which has little to do with OS in terms of tone or gameplay.

I know their games are supposed to have witty dialogue but it came off as wacky to me, it didn't grab me at all,I just found it groan-inducing.
Jesus how did I miss this thread. Rpgs are my life.

Too late to vote but everybody needs to check out vampire masquerade bloodlines. I mean there are other great rpgs but if the thread is to make people play overlooked games say no more say no more.
Some people need to pull the stick out of their ass and stop taking this list so god damn seriously. The results are usually entertaining and it can lead to some fun discussions, but I don't think anyone is claiming that this is going to be the definitive list of RPGs to end all lists.

Yep, It's just a popularity contest, just like gaf GOTY voting.
I don't take them seriously, but they're good references. I know I'm still missing some good RPGs out there.


Okay so here is what I think I'll do if OP is okay with it:

1, A slightly reweighted regular tally, similar to the one I posted on the last page. Essentially this will be an unofficial top list, but hopefully with mass voted less essential games nearer to the bottom.

2, A highly volatile list of maybe brilliant maybe not so great uncommon games. These will be the games that at least someone considered essential but were pretty much never mentioned otherwise.

Hopefully this will give some room for games like NetHack to still come through and get some attention while also giving games like Planescape their time to shine at the very top. If nothing else the results should at least be interesting.
I thought about suggesting 2. Glad you're doing it. I think a list of game that were mentioned only once or twice could be a veryyyyy interesting one to discuss.

This is not to say I'm not grateful for Kwiston doing the main list, but I think the more information we get out of this ranking the better :)
While I clearly have some reservations about some things, I would still be very pleased and happy to see the lists you come up gngf123 (assuming that OP is fine with it and time-permitting, etc.).

If there is something small I can do to help, please feel free to ask.


Interesting to see I'm not the only one who thought that ME1 is a better experience than its sequel. Still no one should be upset about that list - a couple of gaffers obviously are quite mad for whatever reason.
Can't take people seriously who say one game should be ranked higher than another because... it's a fact.


PC exclusive (including "timed exclusives" that weren't ported for months/years) Top 10 is as follows:

1) Planescape Torment
2) Baldur's Gate 2
3) The Witcher 2
4) Divinity: Original Sin
5) Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines
6) Deus Ex
7) World of Warcraft
8) Diablo 2
9) Fallout 2
10) The Witcher 1

well, that list looks pretty decent I think. The Witcher 2 and Divinity are really rather overrated around these parts in this poster's humble opinion, but otherwise, decent

regarding BG2, RPG Codex really does dislike RTwP combat, eh? And Aerie and ... Minsc? Oh come on
actually, there's a lot of bitterness in the comments of the entries further down the list


I think you are largely mistaken.

Games like Underrail, Age of Decadence, M&M:X, Legend of Grimrock, Paper Sorcerer, Blackguards, Heroine's Quest and D:OS and Wasteland 2 are there precisely because a bunch of angry cunts were still bitching about how modern RPGs suck and how they wanted a old-school experience. Tools became cheaper, crowd-funding happened and we backed the hell out of it. That's why every time you boot up Divinity:Original Sin you see "Thank you Kickstarter Backers, RPG Codex and RPG Watch."

Read the interviews from Larian and you'll see how the press was just "eh, no one cares for this anymore". How Swen had to taught players how to think again. How many publishers, journalist and gamers told him to go real-time 'cause turn-based "was a technological limitation". That's what your "mid-score" gamer wants, because he doesn't know any better. Legend of Grimrock used fantastic graphics to fool people into trying out a genre that "died" 20 years ago, FFS.

People that got tired of yet another TR00 RPG EXPERIENCE that is multi-platform. accessible and streamlined (but still 100% hardcore - we promise). They took matters in hands. Read their interviews or talk with then in forums an you'll see how it usually comes down to "there were no games like the ones I like to play available."

And I've done a hell of a lot of work to share my love. The RPG Codex Top 70 RPGs is my work, I organized the voting, gathered the reviews and prepared the screenshots & box arts, all just so those really into RPGs could have a handy guide. Now I'm making a goddamn free book on CPRG history, with guys like Chris Avellone, Scorpia, Ian Frazier and hordes from the Codex & Watch. We released a 100-page preview a couple of weeks ago and had more than 10k downloads without any media coverage.

But I will not praise Mass Effect as teh best shit ever just so I can grab the attention of those seeking validation of their limited knowledge. You have EA's PR department for that.
Beautiful post.

And yeah, this renaissance didn't happen because people weren't bitter. In fact, it happened because enough people fueled their bitterness into constructive pursuits (or money, money also helps).
as somebody who is very story and dialogue driven how is divinity the original sin? I see a lot of love for the game but seems to be largely gameplay/co-op.
as somebody who is very story and dialogue driven how is divinity the original sin? I see a lot of love for the game but seems to be largely gameplay/co-op.

D:OS's story and dialogue are functional, if rarely more than that. I think there's enough intrigue to pull you through the world. But if you need a game that is committed to those aspects, D:OS might not impress you much.
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