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lol the very first question is him saying he still plans on doing 4 ot 5 games
oh boy

i hope shenmue 3 doesn't end on a cliff hanger...
Why is he doing this ama so late at night? Half the U.S. is asleep as is pretty much all of Europe..how much traffic does reddit even get from Japan?
lol the very first question is him saying he still plans on doing 4 ot 5 games
oh boy

i hope shenmue 3 doesn't end on a cliff hanger...
This is exactly what I want, though. Don't compromise the vision. He went 14 years without compromising the vision. Why give up now?

As long as Shenmue 3 is the best Shenmue 3 he can make, who cares if it's a cliffhanger? Eff it, we'll crowdfund #4 too in 2018 if we have to...
yu doesn't like the new Ryo face model, confirmed

No one does! : P



It will be interesting to see the final product with the unreal 4 engine. Yu Suzuki is known for pushing the power on all the engines he uses. Am2 is probably my favorite for arcade games.


It's pretty awesome that SEGA allowed him to do this.

I don't know if there's any behind the scenes stuff for this like SEGA getting paid a % of the games sales or some other financial compensation, but I think everybody is a winner here.


Here's a running list of all the answers he has given. I'll update it as we go:

Q: Will practicing moves make a return in Shenmue 3 along with the FREE battle system? A lot of fans feel not being able to practice moves was big piece missing in Shenmue 2, and I also personally loved being able to practice and make the moves stronger. It really makes you feel as if you are learning marital arts and then performing them in a skill-based actual battle feels very satisfying.

A: I want to do it yes!

Q: How accurately will Shenmue III be compared to your original vision of the game or will there be major compromises?

A: There are a total of 11 chapters that make up the whole story. Over the past 14 years I originally planned for there to 4 or five games to the series. If at all possible, I would still like to realize the full story of 11 chapters.

Q: Hello Suzuku-san! Will a day-to-night cycle and weather system return to Shenmue 3? They added so much to the atmosphere of previous games. Thank you Suzuki-san!
A: Of course!

Q: Shenmue is a Peach Blossom tree correct? Could you tell us what type of tree exactly?
I would like to plant one.

A: It is more like a cherry blossom tree, that blooms its flowers in the springtime. It is actually a tree I made up for the story.

Q: Will Shenmue III enable PayPal or a means to donate to the project when the Kickstarter ends? Projects like Star Citizen gained tens of millions in donations by allowing this.

A: I am still thinking about it, but have not decided yet.

Q: Have you ever consider telling the rest of the tale for Shenmue in a book if the opportunity to make Shenmue III never came up?

A: Yes, I have but if I did do that, it would give away the end of the story, and I thought that would be a big minus.

Q: Will players have access to both the Japanese and English voice overs for the game?

A: I am thinking about that, yes. However it is not for sure.
It is because of fans like you, I wanted to make a sequel. Thank you very much.

Q: Did you see Michael Huber's (of GameTrailers) intense emotional reaction to your announcement of Shenmue 3?

A: Yes, I liked it a lot.

Q: Will the gameplay in Shenmue III be more contemporary or will it be more in line with past Shenmue iterations?

A: As for III, I would like to make a less stressful user interface, that will feature more usability. From now on, I will make that a focus.

Q: Will you reassure us that Ryo's face will be changed back to the Ryo we all know and love when Shenmue 3 releases, and not this impostor wearing Ryo's jacket that you have on Kickstarter? That is NOT our Ryo!

A: I am not happy with Ryo's face. It will be the face I have in my mind in the end.

Q: Will the band-aid ever come off?

A: I am considering a special option where it could be removed.

Q: What was your inspiration for the story behind the first two Shenmue games?

A: When I was making Virtua Fighter, I went location hunting in China. I was very inspired by Chinese martial arts. That very well may have been the beginning.

Q: Will we see any capsule toys based on Ape Escape or any of the Sony franchise in Shenmue 3?

A: I have not decided the capsule toys, so please keep your ideas coming.

Q: What do you think of the current state of Japanese game development?

A: I see the share of mobile games increasing, the budgets of games decreasing. It will be harder to express a game's vision.
I would hope the console and PC markets gain more popularity.

Q: Will we see Ryo's Journal return? Would be cool to be able to flip the pages using the PS4's touchpad.

A: I would like to bring back the Journal. That is an interesting idea, I will look into it. Thank you.

Q: Will character polls compromise your artistic vision?

A: I really want to get everyone's opinion on the characters. I have something in mind that won't break the world immersion.

Q: Any possibility of a bicycle finally being added to Shenmue 3? Thank you so much again, Yu!

A: There is a 60 horsepower bike in Shenmue 1. For Shenmue, 3 I was thinking about something with 1 horsepower.

Q: Yu, are you really going to be signing your autograph on the illustration for the $300 kickstarter signed collectors edition? So far there is almost 2000 backers, that is a lot of illustrations to sign!

A: Of course I will write them all myself!

Q: In Suzuki-san’s opinion, what is the essence of arcade games? Are those influences in Shenmue?

A: With an arcade game, you are restricted to a 3 minute window to express what the game is. That is how I made games for the longest time. I wanted to create a game that could be played at a more leisurely pace, so I created what ended up being Shenmue.

Q: Our twenty eighth question from the 500k community. -Will Shenmue 3 have any sort of multiplayer component? Perhaps Co-op or a versus mode?

A: I am thinking about something that would resemble that.

Q: Do you have any more details to share about the stretch goals? It's not clear to me what a "Rapport System" or "Character Perspective System" entails.

A: They are new systems, so naturally they need new names. The Rapport System will govern changes in Shenhua's actions depending on your conversations with or actions towards her. The "Character Perspective System" will highlight different characters personalities as they go through the story.

Q: What will Ryo do to earn money in Shenmue 3?

A: There will be part time jobs that will be indicative of those you would find in China. In the Stretch goals there will also be the old favorites.

Q: How much game elements/features will we be missing in the game if the campaign doesn't reach the $5 million mark?

A: I will say this: if we reach the $5 mil mark, one of the things I really want to do with Shenmue 3 will become a reality.
At $10 million, it will truly have the features of an open world.

Q: Can we expect more duck racing in Shenmue III? That was the best easter egg I've ever seen in a video game.

A: I would love it.

Q: How was it working with mega64?

A: It was really fun. I would love to do it again.
I hope they pitch in for the replica Ryo jacktet!

Q: Given Shenmue 2's ending and previous items found within the series; will swordplay enter gameplay at all? What about the story, can we expect Ryo to use a sword at some point?

A: I can't answer that.

Q: If a younger gamer wanted to get a feel for your body of work, which games would you suggest that they play? Do you have a favorite game that you've developed other than Shenmue?

A: I had fun making all the games I worked on, and can't say one was better than another. Boring answer I know, but it really is true.

Q: I've always wondered, why did you set the game in the 1980s rather than present day?

A: I wanted put forward the differences in culture and values between the two periods.

Q: What I'd like to ask is, if you had billions of yen, what would your dream Shenmue be?

A: One where the player could live in that world. A second life.

Q: I love the music from Shenmue, if anything kept me thinking about Shenmue from time to time during these 10+ years it was the music. Was is your favorite piece from the soundtrack? Thank you for bringing Shenmue to our lives, I can't thank you enough.

A: Of course I love both the Shenmue and Shenhua themes, and all of them really, but the one that really sticks with me is the Tomato Mart.

Q: Will there be more funding tiers added to the Shenmue 3 Kickstarter, specifically between the $500 and $3000 tier?

A: Yes.

Q: Shenmue 3 is just the start. How successful does the game need to be for us to get Shenmue 4 and so on until the saga is complete?

A: If the fans are not happy with 3 there will not be a 4. So I please hope we can together make this game the best it can be.

Q: What Sega console is your favourite and why?

A: The Dreamcast. It has really good balance. I was involved with the hardware as well, so it had a lot of meaning for me.

Q: Suzuki-San...welcome to the fantasy zone! It's finally happening. Any plans on more arcade games within Shenmue III?

A: I plan on making plans.

Q: Any info on the stretch goals for Choubu and Bailu village?

A: Choubu is a riverside village with lots of shops, souvenir stores, hotels and temples. The quests in this village should be very enjoyable, I think. Bailu is the village where Shenhua was raised and also a place that Ryo's father, Iwao, had visited when he was younger. Here as well the quests will play an important role as Ryo and Shenhua start their journey.

Q: Are all the towns listed in the Kickstarter stretch goals in the game already, or are the stretch goals only there as a means to help give them more features and spice?

A: They are there, but with more powered up through the stretch goals.

Q: Will Ryo ever go back to Japan?

A: Not in 3.

Q: Who is your favorite Shenmue character?

A: It has always been Shenhua.

Q: Are you still involved in any programming activities?

A: I still write algorithms, logic verification, and make simple prototypes.

Q: Will the game take advantage of the virtual reality goggles on PS4 and PC?

A: Right now, there are no plans for a vr system compatibility, but I love the idea of using it to peer into the world of Shenmue.

Q: When creating Shenmue 3, will you use any assets at all from 1 & 2? Or do you have to start all over from scratch because SEGA still owns the first two games?

A: I think most everything will have to be made from scratch, just because it needs to work with the updated hardware. (EDIT: The assets from 1 & 2 will get a lot of use.)


Q: How accurately will Shenmue III be compared to your original vision of the game or will there be major compromises?

A: There are a total of 11 chapters that make up the whole story. Over the past 14 years I originally planned for there to 4 or five games to the series. If at all possible, I would still like to realize the full story of 11 chapters.

So what does this mean? He wants to realize the full story (sure, he always wanted to), but will he realize it in 3? Still unclear to me.


So what does this mean? He wants to realize the full story (sure, he always wanted to), but will he realize it in 3? Still unclear to me.

He wants to finish the story with Shenmue 4 or 5. He's said this before. Fucking Reddit asking all sorts of stuff we already know or posing too-long questions.


No one does! : P


darken ya boi's eye color too pls

im watching this interview with corey marshall and wondering, how would he sound with properly translated and directed dialog? haha

I would love for him to come back and voice Ryo. If he can emulate the style that he went for in voicing Ryo back then, even better. Having never played the games, Ryo actually strikes me as someone who is just as polite, awkward, and straight-edged as the voice actor made him sound


Feels crazy to start thinking about Shenmue 4 or 5 after the last decade but here we are :)

Riding on horseback in Guilin makes sense, although I do wonder how sparse these areas will be. Seems like quite a dramatic shift from the hustle and bustle of Shenmue 2. But as long as it's getting made and it's Yu's original vision then I'm happy with that.


Did he answer about there being a physical PS4 release? Maybe Sony are planning on doing one themselves, which is why it isn't a possible reward. They don't want to give it away, not even to backers.


Did he answer about there being a physical PS4 release? Maybe Sony are planning on doing one themselves, which is why it isn't a possible reward. They don't want to give it away, not even to backers.

All his answers are in my long post above (except I've cut out some of the fluff). No mention of physical PS4 release.


So will Shenmue 3 actually be any good?....if Yu Suzuki wants this game to be a sucess then it's going to have to be nothing like the last 2 games otherwise it will bomb hard, as if you go back and play the first games they haven't aged particularly well and in fact if I'm blunt are fairly frustration and boring in a lot of parts.

So the issue is if the gameplay mechanics are bought up to 2015 standards will the game actual be Shenmue anymore?, and the only thing left will be the story which I just hope is enough to make it still feel part of a trilogy?, as this game will have to drastically different from the first 2 games


I love how out of all those epic orchestral themes and beautiful string arrangements, his favourite music is the Tomato Mart theme.
Has he mentioned the lack of a physical ps4 version? Any logical reason why this is not a thing yet?

Perhaps saving it to add it later to give a boost in the middle of the campaign maybe?


So will Shenmue 3 actually be any good?....if Yu Suzuki wants this game to be a sucess then it's going to have to be nothing like the last 2 games otherwise it will bomb hard, as if you go back and play the first games they haven't aged particularly well and in fact if I'm blunt are fairly frustration and boring in a lot of parts.

So the issue is if the gameplay mechanics are bought up to 2015 standards will the game actual be Shenmue anymore?, and the only thing left will be the story which I just hope is enough to make it still feel part of a trilogy?, as this game will have to drastically different from the first 2 games

Waaaay too early for anyone to comment on this.

All we know is that some parts of the game will be modernized, and that's it. I expect this to have classic Shenmue elements, so if those put you off - yeah, maybe it's nothing for you.


Has he mentioned the lack of a physical ps4 version? Any logical reason why this is not a thing yet?

Perhaps saving it to add it later to give a boost in the middle of the campaign maybe?

Maybe it's part of the Sony contract. Sony publishes the disc version for stores and gets a larger cut of those copies.

J2 Cool

So the issue is if the gameplay mechanics are bought up to 2015 standards will the game actual be Shenmue anymore?, and the only thing left will be the story which I just hope is enough to make it still feel part of a trilogy?, as this game will have to drastically different from the first 2 games

Its facing an uphill challenge to be a mainstream success. A. its a sequel to a series people can't play, and even if they become available will be noticed by a nice market. B. Its preaching story, slower gameplay, and and character building in an era of shooters and fx. C. Is it going to marketed? D. It's culturally foreign to North America

These are also the reasons its so great and unique amongst gaming. I do think you can market it smartly though. Sega's intial comedic take on "an epic tale" and people losing track of their daily chores thinking they are Ryo was great. Need to relate it to the masses.

Graphically what it looks like could be a big sales point, If the fighting system is intense, you can really feature that in advertisements as well. And if its a critical success, you can plaster ratings and choice quotes about the series all over its ads.

The biggest problem though, is how do you get gamers over that youre starting a quiet journey with two characters in the middle of China? To which I'm not sure, except like a Star Wars movie you need to fill them in on "Youre in the middle of an epic journey". And really sell Ryo becoming a martial artist as part of the game. All of which arent Yu's concerns from a game design standpoint Im sure though, almost.

Theres also the possibility of Shenmue taking a dramatic turn for the fantastic, as has been hinted. If that's a real thing.. that could also be a part of marketing. I think the mundane to the fantastic is something american maistream gamers can get behind. All in all though, I would rather he make Shenmue the way he wants and it fails than to alter his course and pander. It might be leading it to its doom but one more Shenmue is more than I could have ever dreamed of the past 3-4 years.

Expecting the kickstarter to end at 6m btw. Its going to be bittersweet seeing watch stretch goals open up when the game gets to the 5 million dollar range.


Loves Robotech S1
So will Shenmue 3 actually be any good?....if Yu Suzuki wants this game to be a sucess then it's going to have to be nothing like the last 2 games otherwise it will bomb hard, as if you go back and play the first games they haven't aged particularly well and in fact if I'm blunt are fairly frustration and boring in a lot of parts.

So the issue is if the gameplay mechanics are bought up to 2015 standards will the game actual be Shenmue anymore?, and the only thing left will be the story which I just hope is enough to make it still feel part of a trilogy?, as this game will have to drastically different from the first 2 games


Though Suzuki said that despite the evolution of open world game design since Shenmue 1 and 2 shipped, he doesn’t have any plans to alter the way Shenmue 3 will play to keep up with the times, aiming for a feel similar to the original games.

and thank god for that!
Maybe it's part of the Sony contract. Sony publishes the disc version for stores and gets a larger cut of those copies.

I considered this. Would be a drastic loss for the campaign if so because I bet a lot of the 25k of people on the $29 tier would upgrade to the $60 tier for a physical version. Although saying this, perhaps sony are funding a substantial amount in correlation to the expected demand of the physical version, so Yu may be getting the money for this either way.


I considered this. Would be a drastic loss for the campaign if so because I bet a lot of the 25k of people on the $29 tier would upgrade to the $60 tier for a physical version. Although saying this, perhaps sony are funding a substantial amount in correlation to the expected demand of the physical version, so Yu may be getting the money for this either way.

They've been totally radio-silent about it except for the flat-out refusal in the Kickstarter FAQ. It has to be something contractual.


Hope this little section of the Famitsu scan is okay...for whoever's dissatisfied with the way Ryo looks:


Makes it seem like the E3 trailer was done pretty quickly. Now if they could just replace the old renders on the page with what they have now!


Hope this little section of the Famitsu scan is okay...for whoever's dissatisfied with the way Ryo looks:


Makes it seem like the E3 trailer was done pretty quickly. Now if they could just replace the old renders on the page with what they have now!
Looks good :)


Have pledged $120. I never pledge Kickstarter games as I dislike the idea that it's equivalent to pre-ordering, so I only give money to titles I feel wouldn't get made otherwise. So basically this and Elite!

I don't know if the game will be good, bad, or even come out. But if the alternative is Yu Suzuki never tries, I'd rather contribute.


Maybe it's part of the Sony contract. Sony publishes the disc version for stores and gets a larger cut of those copies.
That would be a massive kick in the nuts. I really would rather have my LE contain a physical PS4 copy and buy a physical PC copy at launch to play.
Or just play PS4 if the PC version sucks.

I considered this. Would be a drastic loss for the campaign if so because I bet a lot of the 25k of people on the $29 tier would upgrade to the $60 tier for a physical version. Although saying this, perhaps sony are funding a substantial amount in correlation to the expected demand of the physical version, so Yu may be getting the money for this either way.
It's a big loss either way as for people backing this, especially people coming in late who are sitting on the edge on purpose they are making a decision based on the goals achieved to that point and the viability of getting more. That is part of the essence of the final stretch, thinking back at other Kickstarters I contributed to I tend to wait till the last day because of this. It allows you to more accurately gauge the intended scope of what you are getting so it feels like you are making a more informed decision.


If Sony released a physical version to retail, I'll just buy that as well. Keep the retail unopened for the case and play off of the digital version earned from my KS donation.

Hopefully Sony does a decent job advertising this game near launch. I also wonder if it would be a good idea to de-emphasize the number 3 in the title or remove it entirely and add a subtitle maybe? It's a new generation of players out there and it may turn off some new consumers who have never played Shenmue 1 & 2. I know they have plans to catch people up but it's unlikely that will be immediately apparent when browsing at the game digitally or at retail.
Q: Any possibility of a bicycle finally being added to Shenmue 3? Thank you so much again, Yu!

A: There is a 60 horsepower bike in Shenmue 1. For Shenmue, 3 I was thinking about something with 1 horsepower.

So ...a horse , then ?

i'm sorry but that how i interpret this answer . or did i miss something ?
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