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Reddit user made some Ratchet & Clank comparison GIFs


If you're still not convinced of the difference, look at this screenshot I took from the jetpack level. No way could a PS2 or PS3 ever achieve this in real time.



IQ is FAR beyond the PS3 titles that I'm actually playing atm. Draw distance is much higher, texture details are much higher, much more realistic materials, enemies have a lot more details, effects are stronger, more on screen, etc.

It's a giant leap

Yeah, that's kind of what I figured... everything seems better when thinking back on it.


I mean...yeah it looks a megaton better...but that's it. Gameplay I imagine they are almost identical. And that's sort of my problem with the industry right now. Every game I play has a "been there done that" feel, even if they are prettier.

That aside, can't wait to play this. First game I really want to get a PS4 for.


That is why I am so excited about this remake; so much of what we saw of the tittle has clear changes to the original game but things are similar just enough so that people who played the original can go "Oh! I remember this :D!"

The three locations Insomniac and Sony showed off (two in the show-floor demo and another area that the press saw) all are ripped directly from the original game, but they all feel different enough to stand out.

The train level's core design is very different from the original game, the boss fight has different circumstances leading up the fight with a different ending scene, and the lava planet showed off has a brand new location in the back area in the remake (compared to the original game where it was a platforming-heavy section).

The visuals are jaw-dropping :'). It really looks like a Pixar film now and that is just....amazing to see :).

I love the series and the Future tittles were some of the PS3's strongest tittles, so I have hopes that Insomniac really nails things with this tittle, leading to a new series of games on the PS4 :D.
I need to play the first Ratchet and Clank again before this comes out. To think I haven't played it for around a decade where I was still just getting into video games.


Tools of destruction and a crack in time already looked AMAZING on PS3. Tools of destruction was the best looking game on PS3 until Uncharted 2 came out IMHO. Absolutely stunning visuals for a game that came so early in the PS3 life cycle.


Incredibly Naive
It looks significantly better than the ps3 ones in person, however Comparing a ps2 to a ps4 game is really pointless.
It doesn't seem like a two generation graphical leap in quality to me. Especially when the PS4 game runs at half of the temporal resolution as the PS2 game.

But then how can the developers reach their TROO VIZION ???

Alternatively, they didn't want to disappoint all of the 8 year olds who go to their focus groups and tell them how to make their games.

Too bad the gifs don't show off how the PS2 version runs at twice the framerate and doesn't have any disgusting motion blur.

lol it's cute to see this kind downplaying of games lot of people are excited about, from opposing fanboys that never intend to play said games.


Its not like Insomniac games hasn't made a 60FPS game in years or anything....

They shifted there mindsets regarding frame rate after A Crack in Time. I don't think it was due to 'higher frame-rates don't equal higher scores' but more so they felt ham-strung with the PS3 hardware by using only 60FPS.

So, they dropped there frame-rates in half and with that....lead to mixed results. Latter PS3 Ratchet games after ACiT had solid frame rates but they had drops (Into the Nexus was very odd to play at first due to the frequent drops in frame-rate but perfectly playable), Resistance 3 looked and played great if review were anything to go by, the PS+ Trial of Fuse I played was solid control wise and it looked okay (though its quality was.....something else :l).

But the jump to next gen lead to this problem being gone; Sunset Overdrive is 30FPS but it seems to be a locked 30FPS with very few drops and from the footage of the game online, it looks smooth and fantastic to play :D. Great get for X1 owners; finally they experience a 'true' Insomniac game :').

And this Ratchet and Clank? Looks a hell of a lot smoother than Into the Nexus and it looks so much better too (and Into the Nexus was a beautiful game; on pair with the Future tittles and in some case looked better than those games :D).

So the debate on frame rate in Ratchet? Understandable considering how it can effect gameplay, but if its a smooth 30FPS, it plays fine. Want proof? Play the Vita version of the HD Collection. Non-Native Res and 30FPS but it plays perfectly fine. I beat Ratchet 2 and 3 on the Vita at least 2-3 times and I had no issues with the controls or frame rate (and I beat Ratchet 3 god knows how many times on PS2 XD).


Sailor Stevenson
The train level's core design is very different from the original game, the boss fight has different circumstances leading up the fight with a different ending scene, and the lava planet showed off has a brand new location in the back area in the remake (compared to the original game where it was a platforming-heavy section).

Even the sections that are "similar" will play completely differently.

The Boss is totally redone with completely new behavior. It's the same rough creature, but it's not the same fight at all.

Same thing with the area of Gaspar that hasn't dramatically changed, all of the enemies have been redone. You couldn't strafe in the original game, the arsenal was different, you couldn't level up your gadgets/weapons.

You'll find stuff that might look or feel familiar but plays completely differently, versus stuff that is very modified or 100% new.


Even the sections that are "similar" will play completely differently.

The Boss is totally redone with completely new behavior. It's the same rough creature, but it's not the same fight at all.

Same thing with the area of Gaspar that hasn't dramatically changed, all of the enemies have been redone. You couldn't strafe in the original game, the arsenal was different, you couldn't level up your gadgets/weapons.

You'll find stuff that might look or feel familiar but plays completely differently, versus stuff that is very modified or 100% new.

Wow, thanks for commenting on my post :D.

I know things will be different, but its great you guys at Insomniac are still having the same 'base' so to speak for areas from the original game but radically changing things to improve gameplay and level design :).

I can't wait to play this new Ratchet and Clank, so I wish you and the team at Insomniac the best of luck in making a fantastic game.
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