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TNG: must watch episodes?

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Kills Photobucket
Let's not give season 7 too much credit. It's probably the second weakest season of the show (after 1).

I couldn't put season 7 below season 2.

I'd rank TNG into the following 3 groups...

Season 3-5 > Season 6-7 >>>>>>>>>>>> Season 1-2


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Here's a better question. What are the best 5 GOOFY episodes of TNG?


Man, The Inner Light is probably one of my favourite sci-fi stories ever, alongside the likes of Blade Runner and The Last Question. It's so damn good.


I couldn't put season 7 below season 2.

I'd rank TNG into the following 3 groups...

Season 3-5 > Season 6-7 >>>>>>>>>>>> Season 1-2

I can, for the simple fact that in season 2, they still didn't know what the hell they were doing whereas by season 7, the show should have been running on all cylinders (as it was in the seasons previous) but for a variety of reasons, it was running on fumes instead.
As someone who only caught episodes in syndication as a child, but recently finished watching the whole series over the span of a year and a half or so on Netflix, I have to echo what a few others have said and say watch all of them. While there are some truly incredible episodes that are better than others and are probably at the pinnacle of great television, I think you can only get the true satisfaction of those episodes if you watch the whole series, even if 90% of the episodes are entirely self-contained.

Quality wise, I'd say that 15% of the show is some of the best episodes of television you can watch, 35% of the show is extremely good, 30% of the show is good/entertaining, 15% mediocre but watchable, with a select 5% of episodes being bad/borderline unwatchable.

As far as season rankings I'd personally say it probably looks like this for me: S3-S5 > S6 >S1 >> S7 >> S2. I actually happen to like the kitsch-y, low production values/cheesiness of the first season and enjoyed how different tonally it was from the rest of the show. All seasons have good episodes, but I found that the final season dragged pretty badly especially towards the end, and I found season 2 to be the most 'boring' and it doesn't help that I'm not particularly fond of Dr. Polaski. Watch it all though!

P.S.: Good marijuana makes the show 10x better, and if you enjoy it/have access, I highly(lol) recommend you watching the show with it.


listen to the mad man
Here's a better question. What are the best 5 GOOFY episodes of TNG?

Taking goofy to mean funny, lame as hell, or just generally goofy, here's what sprang to mind as I browsed the episode list:
Conspiracy, The Outrageous Okona, The Royale, Samaritan Snare, Up the Long Ladder, Manhunt, Deja Q, Captain's Holiday, Hollow Pursuits, Family, Remember Me, Devil's Due, The Nth Degree, Qpid, In Theory, Disaster, The Game, A Matter of Time, Hero Worship, Cost of Living, Time's Arrow I and II, Relics, True Q, Rascals, A Fistful of Datas, The Chase, Liaisons, Sub Rosa, Genesis.

Most of these aren't very good

If I had to pick a top 5 for being both goofy and actually good:
The Royale
Deja Q
The Game (this is mostly good because of how terrible Wesley is)
Rascals (I actually like this)
A Fistful of Datas

There's not much I really find goofy on TNG. Lwaxana episodes almost always feel a little goofy, but they're so bad. Q episodes are good and goofy most of the time. Anything involving kids other than The Inner Light is normally goofy. The Holodeck episodes. Up the Long Ladder is kinda so bad it's almost comical it got put on the air, but I have a soft spot for it.

One of my favorite one was the episode where everyone reverted to feral, primitive versions of themselves, and of course Data has to save the day. Had a spooky vibe to it.

Genesis. For me it's one of those "so bad it's good" episodes, I don't think it's spooky enough to justify the absurd premise, unlike the Riker is Crazy episode which actually is legitimately kinda disturbing. But I haven't seen it in a few years--I have about 3 episodes left on my current rewatch to get back to it.


You guys are really making me consider like a 8th run through the series. It's been a few years, so maybe it's overdue anyway.


Genesis is the episode where the writers succumbed to the temptation of turning Barclay into a one-note joke character. Also, it's the only episode of television that Gates McFadden directed.

Ménage à Troi is the undisputed king of TNG cheese


edit: Might as well note Up The Long Ladder and Too Short a Season to the so bad it's good list, although the latter might have been serviceable later on in the series. You have to feel a little bit for that dude's wife.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Genesis. For me it's one of those "so bad it's good" episodes, I don't think it's spooky enough to justify the absurd premise, [...]

Star Trek has a terrible track record when it comes to using evolution as a plot device. I am looking at you, VOY Threshold.

The Real Abed

My personal favorite picked from the episode list on Wikipedia. (Not including 2-parters in the main list. Will put them on their own.) Sorry it gets a bit long.

Season 1:
  • The Naked Now - Because it's fun. I don't care. I love it. Data gets laid. Wesley is insufferable and takes over the ship. Someone disables the ship so easily by removing a bunch of SD cards out of their slots and starts playing cards with them.
  • 11001001 - To be honest, I had trouble picking a second episode because season 1 is so bland. Bit I know I enjoy this one. So I picked it.
Honorable mentions:
  • Conspiracy - For its horror special effects and plot that was abandoned soon after
  • Where No One Has Gone Before (For no reason at all I guess
  • The Neutral Zone - But not for the Romulan introduction, rather for the "fish out of water" frozen humans they find on an abandoned satellite. Complete with stereotypical accents.

Season 2:
  • Where Silence Has Lease - I don't know why but I really like this one. It's slow but it holds you.
  • The Measure of a Man - Is Data a living being? Or is he property? Can Riker convince Starfleet of the latter?
  • The Royale - This is my favorite of the season. I don't care. It's entertaining as shit even if it's stupid. It has bearded Riker. It wins.
  • Time Squared - Why is Picard on that shuttlecraft we just found? Someone call Picard on the Bridge and get him down here to see this.
  • Q Who - Introduces the Borg. Sounds Sweedish.
Honorable mentions:
  • Samaritan Snare - Ship won't go. We need Geordi to help our ship go.
  • Peak Performance - Ferengi are still trying not to be “Jews in Space” and trying their hardest to be bad guys.

Season 3:
  • Who Watches the Watchers - A concept that was expanded on in Insurrection, Watchers shows how Starfleet keeps an eye on species that aren't quite ready for first contact yet. Everything goes horribly wrong. Picard is a god.
  • Evolution - Nano robots become sentient. Are they alive? Or are they property? Can Commander Data convince everyone of the former?
  • A Matter of Perspective - Did Riker kill the Dr. Apgar? Because it sure looks like he did.
  • Yesterday’s Enterprise - Tasha Yar’s film career didn’t take off so we need to get her character back as a guest star this week. Actually it’s a good alternate timeline episode. (There are other timelines?)
  • Captain’s Holiday - Picard can never catch a break even on vacation. The Ferengi are at it again. Still trying to be a legit villain.
  • The Most Toys - A future NeoGAF collector decides he needs a new android for his collection so he kidnaps Data. YOU MADE ME TAKE IT OUT OF THE PACKAGE!

Season 4:
  • Remember Me - Dr. Crusher is unknowingly transported to a bubble universe by her sons science experiment. Fortunately the Traveller is here to help.
  • Future Imperfect - Riker is unknowingly transported to a holodeck by Romulans trying to get information… or is he? Yes. He is. Or not.
  • Data’s Day - Data learns to dance and that’s all he does today. Oh, and he has to repair O’Brien’s relationship because he damaged it.
  • Clues - Data learns to lie to his commanding officers at the risk of total destruction of the ship thanks to some xenomorphic aliens who don’t like visitors on their doorstep.
  • The Nth Degree - Broccoli becomes a computer in order to not be a total loser anymore. Very 2001.
Honorable mentions:
  • Final Mission - Picard and Wesley have time to get to know each other when they crash on a desert planet.
  • The Drumhead - Picard is on trial for doing a lot of things Janeway would probably do. Except he doesn’t get promoted to Admiral.

Season 5:
  • Darmok - And Jalad at Tanagra. Tembra, his arms wide. Shaka, when the walls fell.
  • Disaster - Worf delivers Keiko’s baby and that’s all that happens that day. Happy Picard Day everyone! You may now give birth.
  • A Matter of Time - My favorite for the season. Max Headroom the time traveler shows up and wants to witness history. But he hides a terrible secret.
  • Conundrum - Everyone forgets who they are. Including Ensign “No one has ever seen me before in their lives but I act like I’ve been here all along”.
  • Cause and Effect - Time loop time loop time loop time loop. Three three three three. Hello, Captain Frasier Crane. Glad we could help you out of your time loop time loop time loop…
  • I, Borg - You, Borg. We all Borg. The crew adopts their own pet Borg and housebreaks him. Maybe also possibly turn him into a weapon. Like in that movie. Independence Day.
  • The Next Phase - Okay. This season has way too many good ones. Unlikely duo Geordi La Forge and Ensign Ro accidentally get phased out of existence and Ro tries to kill both of them by sticking to her religious beliefs. Let’s just ignore the illogical inconsistencies of how they are able to stand on the floor but can walk through anything horizontally. How do you travel between floors? Use the lift. Because you’re not gonna be able to use a ladder.
  • The Inner Light - I might as well just put the entire season on the list. This one is held as one of the best. And it is. It’s just really really good. Picard learns to play the flute the hard way.
Honorable mentions:
  • The First Duty - Wesley and his friends try and show off for the crowd and it comes with terrible consequences. So Not Tom Paris cooks up a plan to fool everyone.
  • The Game - Flappy what? Angry who? Farm-what? Riker returns from vacation and brings pairs of Google Glass for everyone preloaded with the latest mobile gaming fad. Everyone gets addicted… except for the two youngest people on the ship who would probably be the games target audience normally. But this game comes with a terrible new kind of in-app purchase.
  • Hero Worship - A young boy gets traumatized and decides to be a robot like his pal Data.
  • Cost of Living - If only for the dinner scene

Season 6:
  • Relics - The Enterprise digs up an old friend and he learns that so much has changed since his time and he’s just getting in the way now. Damn kids! Get off my lawn! Also, it’s green.
  • Schisms - Aliens are experimenting on the crew in secret.
  • Rascals - Four seemingly random crew members (Picard, Ro, Guinean for some reason and Keiko also for some reason) accidentally become turned back into kids when the transporter malfunctions and digs up some really old blueprints for their bodies as a backup. This one is great for Riker’s awesome “treknobabble” while trying to buy time. Once again the Ferengi are trying to establish themselves as bad guys. Eventually they’ll give up.
  • A Fistful of Datas - I love when sci-fi goes to western settings. Back to the Future III, Red Dwarf, Wild Wild West, Firefly, the list goes on. It’s just so awesome. I don’t care.
  • Ship in a Bottle - Why is this here when I didn’t even mention its counterpart? I dunno. But I like it.
  • Tapestry - Q is GOD. Captain John-Luck Pickerd finds out what life would be like had he not made one major decision. Play Dom-Jot, Human?
  • Starship Mine - Die Hard in spaaaaaaace! The Enterprise needs to be cleaned. Some terrorists take advantage of it. Including Not Tuvok.
  • Frame of Mind - Riker is a prisoner in an asylum… or is he an actor in a play?
  • Timescape - Picard draws smiley faces in frozen gas clouds and Crusher seemingly gets shot by a Romulan. Time stands still.
Honorable mention:
  • Second Chances - Riker meets himself when a clone of himself is found due to a transporter malfunction that accidentally performed a Command+C operation instead of a Command+X.

Season 7:
  • Phantasms - Data has some pretty trip dreams. Everyone enjoys some delicious cellular peptide cake. With mint frosting.
  • Parallels - Worf is constantly transported between alternate realities.

Honorable mention:
  • Force of Nature - Because Data tries to train his cat.
  • Thine Own Self - Data gets amnesia and causes more harm than good on a pre-warp alien planet.
  • Masks - I don’t care. Masaka is waking.
  • Emergence - The ship takes on a life of its own and the crew must find out why. I love the holodeck stuff in this one. And the episode feels a lot like Phantasms in how weird it is.
Honorable mention:
  • Genesis - It’s just weird. I like it for its entertainment value.

Two-part Episodes:
  • The Best of Both Worlds - Obviously.
  • Time’s Arrow - I love this one so much.
  • Chain of Command - THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS!
  • Gambit - Picard gets to smack the shit out of Riker.
  • All Good Things… - You just gotta.

I had planned on only picking 2 episodes and an honorable mention for each season but... I just can't choose!


You guys are really making me consider like a 8th run through the series. It's been a few years, so maybe it's overdue anyway.

Can't go more than a couple years without watching a run-through. I generally skip Season 1 and just start at Season 2. If you already know who Q is there isn't much need to hit Season 1.


While on the subject of early TNG, Pen Pals is usually overlooked, and 11001001 sets up a great Riker episode later on. The Survivors is the first truly great episode of Season 3, which is serious without the fringe corniness that plagued many Season 2 episodes.

No. You don't understand the scope of my crime. I didn't kill just one Husnock...
Encounter at Farpoint *
The Naked Now ***
Where No One Has Gone Before *
Hide and Q
Heart of Glory
The Arsenal of Freedom
Skin of Evil *
The Neutral Zone *
Where Silence Has Lease
Elementary, Dear Data
A Matter of Honor
The Measure of a Man
The Royale
Time Squared
The Icarus Factor
Pen Pals
Q Who
Samaritan Snare ***
The Emissary
Peak Performance
The Survivors
Booby Trap
The Enemy
The Defector
The Hunted
The High Ground
Déjà Q
A Matter of Perspective
Yesterday's Enterprise
The Offspring
Sins of the Father
Tin Man
Hollow Pursuits
The Most Toys
The Best of Both Worlds Part 1
The Best of Both Worlds Part 2
Remember Me
Future Imperfect
Data's Day
The Wounded
First Contact
The Nth Degree
Qpid *
The Drumhead
The Host
The Mind's Eye
Redemption Part 1
Redemption Part 2
Ensign Ro
Silicon Avatar *
The Game
Unification Part 1
Unification Part 2
A Matter of Time
Cause and Effect
The Perfect Mate
I, Borg
The Next Phase
The Inner Light
Time's Arrow Part 1
Time's Arrow Part 2
True Q
Rascals ***
Chain of Command Part 1
Chain of Command Part 2
Ship in a Bottle
Face of the Enemy
Starship Mine
The Chase
Frame of Mind
Rightful Heir
Second Chances
Descent Part 1 *
Descent Part 2 *
Gambit Part 1
Gambit Part 2
The Pegasus
Lower Decks
Pre-emptive Strike
All Good Things...

Something like that I guess? Episodes with a star are bad but you should probably watch them. Episodes with three stars are hilariously bad and you don't need to watch them except for a laugh.


The Survivors is the first truly great episode of Season 3, which is serious without the fringe corniness that plagued many Season 2 episodes.

No. You don't understand the scope of my crime. I didn't kill just one Husnock...

And very, very underrated. It seems like no one mentions "The Survivors" but I think it's one of the best episodes the show ever did.
And very, very underrated. It seems like no one mentions "The Survivors" but I think it's one of the best episodes the show ever did.

Probably because its a much more cerebral episode. The best scene in the episode is a very softly spoken conversation, and there's little levity outside of riker getting tied up and worf staking his reputation.

interesting point - the actor playing kevin had just lost his wife, so a lot of that emotion was almost certainly genuine.
Thine Own Self. Any episode focused on Data and his adventure/situation is amazing. There are a lot of good episodes and my favourite in season one is Datalore other than the first episode.


Thine Own Self. Any episode focused on Data and his adventure/situation is amazing. There are a lot of good episodes but I'd list too many so I just stuck to one.

The Offspring is great (who didn't like Lal?) and Data's Day is really a lovely episode. Data is an amazingly forgiving (and practical) character.



Max Temkin's guide

This guide is lame, here's what you watch:

Season 1
Encounter at Farpoint
Skin of Evil
The Neutral Zone

Season 2
Elementary, Dear Data
A Matter of Honor
The Measure of a Man
Q Who
The Emissary

Season 3
The Survivors
The Enemy
The Defector
Deja Q
Yesterday's Enterprise
The Offspring
Sins of the Father
Hollow Pursuits
The Most Toys
Best of Both Worlds, Pt 1

Season 4
Best of Both Worlds, Pt 2
Remember Me
Future Imperfect
Data's Day
The Wounded
First Contact
The Nth Degree
The Drumhead
The Mind's Eye
Redemption Pt 1

Season 5
Redemption Pt 2
Ensign Ro
Unification Pt 1&2
Cause and Effect
The First Duty
I, Borg
The Next Phase
The Inner Light
Time's Arrow Pt 1

Season 6
Time's Arrow Pt 2
Chain of Command Pt 1 &2
Ship in a Bottle
Face of the Enemy
The Chase
Frame of Mind
Rightful Heir
Second Chances
Descent Pt 1

Season 7
Descent Pt 2
The Pegasus
Lower Decks
Preemptive Strike
All Good Things

Some of the early episodes are only in because they're important for later, rather than that they're good.
Absolutely must watch(in no particular order):

Q Who(The best Borg episode)
Yesterday's Enterprise(Parallel worlds, yeah!)
Parallels(Parallel worlds, yeah!)
The Offspring(the most emotional episode of all of Star Trek?)
The Inner Light(the second most emotional episode of all of Star Trek?)
Who Watches the Watchers?(Picard is God)
Tapestry(Q is God)
Ship In A Bottle(We're in the matrix!)
The Enemy and The Defector(for all your Tomalak action)
Best of Both Worlds Part I(and II but it's not nearly as good)
Chain of Command Part II(and I but it's not nearly as good)
I, Borg(The last great episode of the Borg...in all of Star Trek?)
Drumhead(for Picard's epic speech)
The First Duty(for Picard's epic speech)
Lower Decks(It's a dangerous job out there)
Journey's End(Who needs spaceships when you have Wesley?)
Family(Let's get off that damn ship)
Preemptive Strike(The Maquis...best villain in Trekverse).
The Worf Saga(over many seasons these were always solid episodes)
All Good Things...(...can be found a poker table?)

Many more...but those are the ones I'd definitely recommend the most.


I'm on season 5, just watched 'Conundrum' and loved that episode. Worf taking command of the Enterprise, Data as a bartender. Space Hijinks at it's finest.


Is it just me or is TNG lacking many space battles?

It's not that it doesn't have a lot of space battles, it's that a lot of times the space battles aren't the focus, or they're just there to add tension to a problem that gets solved in another way. They exist, they just aren't usually that important.

For example, most people think about Darmok as being just about Picard trying to understand this guy with another culture and language he can't understand, but there's a whole B-plot with the crew of the Enterprise in a bit of conflict with the other ship in orbit trying to retrieve him from the surface. The Survivors is about two people on a planet, but there's this whole thing with them fighting a ship in orbit.

It is true, though, that there is a much bigger focus on diplomacy or dialogue than the other Trek shows. You look at Deep Space Nine and there's season after season of war stories where the battles are important, or voyager which usually ends up with a battle against the villain of the week and a technobabble conclusion, even down to Enterprise with an entire season based on stopping a weapon from destroying Earth, and TNG maybe looks like it is "lacking space battles" in comparison.
Is it just me or is TNG lacking many space battles?

That's a good thing, as said above

Although I think they do take it too far sometimes with the conference lounge. I think they once went in there to debate what to do while a disabled borg ship was visible in the window lol, Guinan went nuts over their attiutude there. They do tend towards almost procrastination at times


Is it just me or is TNG lacking many space battles?

That's what I love about this show. It's all about Picard and crew outsmarting their enemies.
Diplomacy and cunning over phasers and disruptors. They usually manage to solve their problems through other means.
And they don't really encounter ship to ship conflict all that often, it's more about moral quandaries, ethical dilemmas concerning the prime directive, human nature, space anomalies and questionable ethics from races of all kinds.

In the 'conundrum' episode where all the crew's memories were wiped you can see Picard's natural reluctance to open fire on anything without having all the information. Even when these ships are potentially posing a threat.
In the 'conundrum' episode where all the crew's memories were wiped you can see Picard's natural reluctance to open fire on anything without having all the information. Even when these ships are potentially posing a threat.


if he had a sash he'd have wiped them out


force push the doodoo rock
The only character driven eps I didn't like were Troi's (cause they usually involved her mother).

Also I just rewatched Naked Now:


I just watched the whole series at the end of last year, must I do it again, just for the gifs?


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Taking goofy to mean funny, lame as hell, or just generally goofy, here's what sprang to mind as I browsed the episode list:
Conspiracy, The Outrageous Okona, The Royale, Samaritan Snare, Up the Long Ladder, Manhunt, Deja Q, Captain's Holiday, Hollow Pursuits, Family, Remember Me, Devil's Due, The Nth Degree, Qpid, In Theory, Disaster, The Game, A Matter of Time, Hero Worship, Cost of Living, Time's Arrow I and II, Relics, True Q, Rascals, A Fistful of Datas, The Chase, Liaisons, Sub Rosa, Genesis.

Most of these aren't very good

If I had to pick a top 5 for being both goofy and actually good:
The Royale
Deja Q
The Game (this is mostly good because of how terrible Wesley is)
Rascals (I actually like this)
A Fistful of Datas

There's not much I really find goofy on TNG. Lwaxana episodes almost always feel a little goofy, but they're so bad. Q episodes are good and goofy most of the time. Anything involving kids other than The Inner Light is normally goofy. The Holodeck episodes. Up the Long Ladder is kinda so bad it's almost comical it got put on the air, but I have a soft spot for it.

Well now I've got weekend plans!thanks.


Not inherently. He was just really badly written in the first season and the character never recovered from it.
Yes. First season writing was a disaster for everyone, but Wesley, genius kid, came off the worst.

Two bad people still reflexively hate the character because Wheaton wasn't actually bad and Wesley did have his moments sometimes.

Deleted member 102362

Unconfirmed Member
That one where Picard, Geordie, and security officer Franklin get trapped inside the sentient lava flow, and Geordie uses his engineering skills to create a water dispenser out of his visor. Eventually they kill and eat Franklin. When they're down to the last bits of Franklin, Worf turns up, having gotten a blip on Franklin's life monitor. He transports them out and Franklin is given a posthumous medal, but will Geordie ever forget the taste of human flesh? And why did Picard hide that he had rations?

People named Franklin don't fare well on TNG.
Can we all agree at this point that Wesley wasn't really any worse than most of the main cast?

Everybody likes Wesley now because of Wil Wheaton but that character was super annoying.

Ranking of STNG characters.

1) Worf
2) Jean-Luc Picard
3) William Riker
4) Q
5) Geordi La Forge
6) Miles O'Brien
7) Tasha Yar
8) Data
9) Beverly Crusher
10) Deanna Troi
11) Katherine Pulaski
12) Wesley Crusher


I'm only on season 4 now, but I think season 1+2 is worth it. I mean, a main character dies! (I understand why she wanted to leave though)


Everybody likes Wesley now because of Wil Wheaton but that character was super annoying.

Ranking of STNG characters.

1) Worf
2) Jean-Luc Picard
3) William Riker
4) Q
5) Geordi La Forge
6) Miles O'Brien
7) Tasha Yar
8) Beverly Crusher
9) Deanna Troi
10) Katherine Pulaski
11) Wesley Crusher
Love seeing Worf at number 1, but for me Tasha Yar and Pulaski are way below Wesley and Beverly, who should be hanging in there around La Forge. I like the family element they brought to the show, it was very different from TOS (which I love), but I appreciated that.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
This thread remembers me of what an amazing show TNG is. Almost every episode is great (beyond the known fuckery in the first two seasons) and worth watching. Man, I wish they would bring back Patrick Stewart as Captain Picard somehow. Maybe as a cameo in the next Star Trek movie. The man is the GOAT.


This thread remembers me of what an amazing show TNG is. Almost every episode is great (beyond the known fuckery in the first two seasons) and worth watching. Man, I wish they would bring back Patrick Stewart as Captain Picard somehow. Maybe as a cameo in the next Star Trek movie. The man is the GOAT.
It feels like the internet has just made Picard more and more of a cultural icon in recent years. That's been fun to watch, and is totally deserved.


Everybody likes Wesley now because of Wil Wheaton but that character was super annoying.

Ranking of STNG characters.

1) Worf
2) Jean-Luc Picard
3) William Riker
4) Q
5) Geordi La Forge
6) Miles O'Brien
7) Tasha Yar
8) Data
9) Beverly Crusher
10) Deanna Troi
11) Katherine Pulaski
12) Wesley Crusher

No way should Data be that low or Miles that high.

I mean if we were talking about DS9 Miles, sure.

This thread remembers me of what an amazing show TNG is. Almost every episode is great (beyond the known fuckery in the first two seasons) and worth watching.

No episode revolving around Deanna Troi or her mother is any good, with the exception of that one Romulan episode.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
1) Worf
2) Jean-Luc Picard
3) William Riker
4) Q
5) Geordi La Forge
6) Miles O'Brien
7) Tasha Yar
8) Data
9) Beverly Crusher
10) Deanna Troi
11) Katherine Pulaski
12) Wesley Crusher

Riker above Data? The fuck, man?
No way should Data be that low or Miles that high.

I mean if we were talking about DS9 Miles, sure.

To me the Tasha Yar and O'Brien are the baseline of indifferent. Every character above it is awesome and below it is annoying. The most annoying recurring character of all the series is Guinan.

Riker above Data? The fuck, man?

Riker is awesome. I wish to grow up to be as cool as Riker.


No episode revolving around Deanna Troi or her mother is any good, with the exception of that one Romulan episode.
I like some of Deanna's episodes. I recently saw the episode where she has a fling with the part Betazoid negotiator, and I thought that was a pretty good episode.

The Troi mind rape episode is an atrocity though.
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