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You can now buy insurance in Metal Gear Solid 5

So basically:

- Some Mother Base staff are resources on your FOB. The FOB provides you with a higher capacity of staff, which is very useful for development.
- Raw materials were the only other resource that are partially on your FOB. Those raw resources are found around your FOB waters by your FOB staff.
- When players invade an FOB, they can steal only those resources that are on your FOB.

That's what it was before. But now, additionally:

- You can pay money to stop players from stealing your FOB resources. (Insurance)
- Other resources (vehicles and processed materials) are now forced to your FOB without adding any actual gameplay functionality. If you had 10 cars in the past, now 7 are moved to an FOB, where they're vulnerable to stealing and unable to be sold for money.
- In addition, you now have a limit of three of each vehicle.

So it sounds like the only reason why resources are now on an FOB is because of the insurance. But I'm sure there must be something I'm overlooking, because that sounds pretty terrible...

Before I connect online again, I'm going to sell all my vehicles except for three of them. Hopefully I'll still have them.


If I'm going to pay for protection it should at least be to local organized crime.

Obviously the new division of resources between online and offline is to further increase the need for insurance. "We're going to start leaving your car downtown with the doors unlocked, are you really sure you don't want that insurance?"
I've had mgsv since it came out and I've never been invaded. I've put a lot of development into the free fob and no one bothers with it. I'm fine with this, but is that unique? I see a lot of complaining about the FOBs but I don't know what people are doing to attract attackers.

I've invaded a lot. I've been caught 3 times (actually iVe been caught more bUT as you'll reab below i only have 3 retalia tons from being caught).

I've been invaded 4 times. 3 retaliation and 1 random. I have 180+ hours of playtime.


So they've fundamentally changed the mechanics of resources storage to push people into this insurance?

I was pretty disgusted with the insurance in the first place, but to move the goalposts after you've brought the game to capitalize on a set of microtransactions they've also added is some shady ass shit, and they really need to get taken to task for this.


I am sorry, but this is the most disgusting monetization idea I have ever heard about. The worst part is how openly they are implementing this. It feels like an abhorrent real time version of the classic strategy in the Theme Park series - increasing saltiness of food to be able to sell more soda.


Not gonna lie, as soon as the game introduced the FOB online section, I started to tune out, as the menus became ridiculously complicated, with little to no explanation as to what is going on. I noticed a relationships menu was introduced - no idea what that does, then there was security options and everything bloody else. It's too much for my feeble brain to cope with.

This update, is not helping.
Not gonna lie, as soon as the game introduced the FOB online section, I started to tune out, as the menus became ridiculously complicated, with little to no explanation as to what is going on. I noticed a relationships menu was introduced - no idea what that does, then there was security options and everything bloody else. It's too much for my feeble brain to cope with.

This update, is not helping.

I wonder if anyone else hits select to bring up the help screen. It doesn't explain everything 100%, but it does help.


I've had mgsv since it came out and I've never been invaded. I've put a lot of development into the free fob and no one bothers with it. I'm fine with this, but is that unique? I see a lot of complaining about the FOBs but I don't know what people are doing to attract attackers.

I'm in the same position. My FOB isn't completely expanded and I have high security, but I put 80 hours into MGS5 and never invaded or got invaded.
Is Konami basically telling me "How about you pay me and I'll protect you from me popping you in the kneecaps buddy."

It's more like: "Confusing, right? Well I've got an offer for you!"

It's fucked up, but it's more preying on the fact that they don't fucking explain FOBs very well and people are confused, when in actuality the mechanic is a lot less heinous than a lot of people think it is.


Amazing attitude there, guy.

Not building a fob is how you do that, no?
Also this has nothing to do with the insurance part I was talking about.

Building a FOB is a main mission, I assume if you're completely offline it just sits there till you sync it online.

Not anymore.

Now vehicles, plants and other stuff also go into your FOB and you can't sell them.
I had 11 tanks before the patch

after the patch I had 3 offline (the maximum lol) and 8 online and was only able to sell the 3 offline ones

the rest are just there

Holy fucking shit, I haven't connected my game to the internet today, but I kbow what I'm about to do.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
As I said earlier, I really dont think you can lose vehicles during a FOB invasion so the change has absolutely no relation to the insurance situation.

And no, this is no way a "massive" change.

I disagree.

They took away something I could do that I depended on for a lot of my income.

In the end, it makes me just not give a damn about the research stuff anymore. I'm not going to do FOB missions. They are not fun to me. Grinding normal side ops and missions just isn't good enough for income, and I'm at the point where the combat deployment stuff typically has a 50% success chance for 2~ hour long missions. Not dependable. Vehicles and weapons were how I funded research at a reasonable pace.

So, yeah, it really sours me on that part of the game to the point that I just won't engage with it anymore, which is unfortunate.
I disagree.

They took away something I could do that I depended on for a lot of my income.

In the end, it makes me just not give a damn about the research stuff anymore. I'm not going to do FOB missions. They are not fun to me. Grinding normal side ops and missions just isn't good enough for income, and I'm at the point where the combat deployment stuff typically has a 50% success chance for 2~ hour long missions. Not dependable. Vehicles and weapons were how I funded research at a reasonable pace.

So, yeah, it really sours me on that part of the game to the point that I just won't engage with it anymore, which is unfortunate.

You can still sell your vehicles. Just do like 3 of each between going back to the acc. And selling processed materials is where the real money is!
I wonder if this was in response to the rampant hacking/cheating that was going on. Allowing the player to buy "insurance" smacks of a half-assed solution that's ignoring the problem.

And lol at the arbitrary caps on offline resources, especially considering that some of the higher-level upgrades requires massive pools of GMP/plants/metals.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
You can still sell your vehicles. Just do like 3 of each between going back to the acc. And selling processed materials is where the real money is!

How is selling processed materials where the real money is? I've prioritized leveling up the team that helps process resources faster, but they still don't process them very quickly.

Processed Fuel has been a major bottleneck for the last 20+ hours of the game.
I am sorry, but this is the most disgusting monetization idea I have ever heard about. The worst part is how openly they are implementing this. It feels like an abhorrent real time version of the classic strategy in the Theme Park series - increasing saltiness of food to be able to sell more soda.
Seriously. And the way the game forces you to make an FOB means you have to play offline to avoid this nonsense.

Way to shit on the grave of the series. Fuck Konami, indeed.

Deleted member 126221

Unconfirmed Member
So if I understand correctly, I need to stay offline and avoid the update if I want to continue to peacefully grind ressources to finish upgrading Mother Base (which is already fuuuuucking long without people stealing your ressources)?

For fuck's sake, Konami... Get out of console development already and stop retroactvely fucking up your existing products.


It wont stop here.

Next patch:
Car insurance is required to operate vehicles ($9.95/month)
Health insurance is needed to recover from low health ($19.99 month)
Pequod can only pick you up once per day before running out of fuel (refueling cost varies depending on gas prices in reality)
Enemies you injure will now sue you, but you can settle out of court for $2.99 to remove the restraining order that prevents you from returning to that village/outpost
How is selling processed materials where the real money is? I've prioritized leveling up the team that helps process resources faster, but they still don't process them very quickly.

Processed Fuel has been a major bottleneck for the last 20+ hours of the game.

Sell precious metal.

See this post:
These are the mission numbers.

Farming bio:

Farming common:

Farming fuel/minor/precious:
Sort of self explanatory, you start mission 12 with
fulton. Get the stuff, read the intel file and restart or return to the ACC.

For all of these, to farm them you get your stuff, get away so the game auto-saves and then restart the mission and you can just keep farming the materials.

Farm these in the game, then leave your game on over night or while at work, come home and have crazy amounts of processed materials. What you do is, you free roam land in the spawn just north of Sugmay Keep. Throw a decoy in the road to the right b/c a truck will come by every time you spawn. Put yourself in the back of the truck in a box while the soldiers kill the decoy. Then let the truck drive you around while the game auto saves and processes materials.


Next patch:
Car insurance is required to operate vehicles ($9.95/month)
Health insurance is needed to recover from low health ($19.99 month)
Pequod can only pick you up once per day before running out of fuel (cost varies depending on gas prices in reality)
Enemies you injure will now sue you, but you can settle out of court ($2.99)

On top of that, NPCs on Mother Base will occasionally ask you if they're eligible for COBRA.
18 of my Walker Gears
12 Vehicles
50 mounted weapons
And god knows how many plants & processed/unprocessed resources moved from MB to FOB without my consent in this patch and no way to move them back.

Didn't Konami specifically state that MB and FOB resources would be separate earlier in the month? Are any of the gaming media reporting on this or are the all too busy playing MGO and writing their Uncharted reviews?


this shit is fucked

I managed to finish the game without touching any of this weird extra shit

finished it without connecting to the internet, too

I feel pretty done with this game. I'd rather play MGS3 again.
laughable. do they think we're fucking chumps?

oh well, not buying any microtransactions in this game or any other game i'll play so whatever. keep trying though publishers, it's fun to observe the desperation for any extra profit.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
I disagree.

They took away something I could do that I depended on for a lot of my income.

In the end, it makes me just not give a damn about the research stuff anymore. I'm not going to do FOB missions. They are not fun to me. Grinding normal side ops and missions just isn't good enough for income, and I'm at the point where the combat deployment stuff typically has a 50% success chance for 2~ hour long missions. Not dependable. Vehicles and weapons were how I funded research at a reasonable pace.

So, yeah, it really sours me on that part of the game to the point that I just won't engage with it anymore, which is unfortunate.

Well, if that's how you feel. So be it.

But considering what got added today (FOB events, new gear to develop, not to mention MGO3) I'n pretty happy with things.

And no, I have not and will not stump up for "time-saving" microtransactions. I'm at something like 600 coins from daily events and giveaways, and haven't felt the urge to spend those yet, let alone buy more for cash.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
You can still sell your vehicles. Just do like 3 of each between going back to the acc. And selling processed materials is where the real money is!

I've done a few missions since selling all of my local stuff and my vehicles are not replenishing at all. They're all stuck in the Online FOB. I'm playing Online, by the way.


So basically, paying for an immunity cheat code.

Fuck this shit.

Played for 30 hours and had a bunch of shit you acquired stolen? No problem! Just buy some insurance to be protected!

Gee, I can't wait for more developers to pick up on this idea and run with it even further. Then games will really be fun to play and even more respectful of your time.

Guys, Konami is just trying to keep us playing, till they sell us chapter 3 to, you know, complete the story!


Fuck this game.

Fuck Konami.
I've done a few missions since selling all of my local stuff and my vehicles are not replenishing at all. They're all stuck in the Online FOB. I'm playing Online, by the way.

I meant, Fulton 3. Sell them. Fulton 3 more. Seems they added a really low and dumb hard cap.
LOLZ...this reminds me of the Angry Birds Transformers update that stole all your resources and capped them to about 15 units each. Fuck that game.
This is baffling, I guess I should sell all my vehicles but 3 and only ever keep 3 of each afterwards so they don't have enough to "relocate"
. What's the resource situation as well, should I sell a bunch of that or try to start as many development projects that require them as possible? Basically, what's the game plan with this, how can I minimize the damage?

This is so fucked up. I can't believe Konami is doing something so fucking stupid. I can't believe they are keeping MGO3 hostage by requiring a single player update that stabs you in the back before you can play it. I was already thinking of maxing out as much of my heroism as possible and just letting everyone but those on direct contracts slide. I've never been invaded when I could defend my base, and I've lost all drive to bother trying to defend it. Just save up heroism so when I lose people I can instantly replace them with S ranks. Until Konami increases the caps for heroism of course, so 150000 makes it so B staff are met on the field instead of S staff.

FucKonami. MGS is legit dead at this point. I hope to finish up some small parts of V, and play only in MGO3 and as soon as possible. FOB was solo promising too. But, no customization, dull environment, little in the way of protection, no anti cheat system, FOB's being invadeable at all times, and now practically throwing all of your resources out for people to pick off is evil.

It's like if someone forced you to buy a "second house" in an incredibly bad neighborhood, in order to buy your "primary house", and then a month after living in your new "primary house" they barge in as soon as you open your door and start packing up most of your possessions and moving them to your "home away from home". And then they call it a service and offer replacement locks that they broke in the first place.

Shameful. I wish I never engaged with FOB.


It's like if someone forced you to buy a "second house" in an incredibly bad neighborhood, in order to buy your "primary house", and then a month after living in your new "primary house" they barge in as soon as you open your door and start packing up most of your possessions and moving them to your "home away from home". And then they call it a service and offer replacement locks that they broke in the first place.

Gaming in 2015, ladies and gents. Just LOL.
Well they are offering a service after all...

Honestly, I'm just going to sit by and watch this shit get even more bizarre and gamers just take it every single fucking time. A short outrage until the next trailer comes along, then "full hype mode engaged" again. And again and again.

But yeah, this is this generations Horse Armor. Expect it to get a lot worse in the coming years.
Since the party selling the insurance is the same one requiring you to amass virtual stuff and then specifically enabling that virtual stuff to be stolen, it is extortion.

Nope, that's a separate purchase.

It's more the concept behind the DLC. Horse Armor DLC in 2015 is just standard practice. Back with Oblivion it was the first landmark of Publishers trying to fuck over customers.

Now through all these years conditioning people to pay for online play, we've come to the point where publishers are actually running a protection money scheme with their customers.

It's brilliant and I bet many crime lords around the globe are regretting not getting into the AAA gaming market sooner, since they can apply their skills there and fit right in with corporate mentality.
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