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The Legend of Zelda WiiU "confirmed" for 2016. Wolf Link amiibo compatible.

Astral Dog

What's counts as too far?
Is it a Zelda with playing a created character?
You could do it i suppose, but not only it would be very different, but also get a lot of mixed reactions, i also dont like them much, like on the new Xenoblade. but thats another series were they dared experiment as much.


Is it a Zelda with playing a created character?
You could do it i suppose, but not only it would be very different, but also get a lot of mixed reactions, i also dont like them much, like on the new Xenoblade. but thats another series were they dared experiment as much.

The default design would be Link, just as the default name is.You can change that, so why not the appearance? I named my characer Dickson when I played through ALBW. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Is it a Zelda with playing a created character?
You could do it i suppose, but not only it would be very different, but also get a lot of mixed reactions, i also dont like them much, like on the new Xenoblade. but thats another series were they dared experiment as much.

Literally the only difference is that your character model might look different than someone else's. They'd probably even have the traditional Link as a default, and barely if ever advertise the character creation feature in the mainstream marketing. Most people who don't care about creating their own character/don't want to create their own character wouldn't notice anything.

. . . What? They've pretty much been the focus since Zelda 1. Exploration and puzzles go hand in hand in the series. There's a reason Zelda is called an "action adventure" game, with the "adventure" part referencing the old puzzle-heavy PC graphical adventure games

Zelda I barely had any puzzles. The ones that were there were mostly "use the item to get past this wall/gap/NPC" instead of actual puzzles.

Zelda II had literally no puzzles in any of the dungeons.

LttP also featured barely any puzzles, beyond "bomb the cracked wall" or "push this block" or "hold down this switch" or "light all the torches."

Dark Souls hasn't the Zelda essence at all. The combat in Zelda as always been super fast compared to Souls. Other than both having dungeons (Not even of the same kind) and bosses (Not the same kind of fights either), I don't see the similarities. Zelda is more about using your different items.

Zelda 1 used items in exactly the same way as Dark Souls.

Zelda II's items didn't even do anything in combat at all.


they should at least let us give link pink hair

your character in dark souls can have pink hair. I did it as a tribute to LTTP Link.

adding that to my "What Zelda Could Learn From Dark Souls" list.


The hero is the embodiment of the triforce of courage, so honestly, it doesn't matter who has it.

That said, I like Link, always have, always will, and would much prefer to play as Link, if given the option. I'd prefer if created characters or playing as anyone other than Link were reserved for spin-offs or side-stories or DLC (or even for small portions of the main game).

I support the games changing, though, so if created characters are what a lot of people want, then whatever. Zelda doing weird/new stuff can sometimes results in greatness (majora, wind waker, ALBW), so I support changing and improving, lest we get nothing but twilight princess over and over and over. I like twilight princess, but it is just the most zelda-ass zelda there is and doesn't do ENOUGH to set it apart from the traditional zelda formula.
Read the quote. Character creation. As in Fallout 4, Mass Effect and such. "Yo, I'm gonna play a female blonde-but-almost-bald black Link with red eyes!"

While it's as minimal as could be, changing the character's name is character customization, which no one has qualms with. Since that's already in every Zelda game, I wondering what Sub Boss considers to be too far in terms of customization. If the game has options for hylian characteristics that each fit within the world, would that still be too far, even if the new Link is meant to be merely a reincarnation? If there's the option for a traditional looking Link, would the existence for customization negatively affect the ones who don't want a non-traditional Link? Would pink-hair Link from ALttP be too drastic, or would it be canonical


When I was ten the copy of OOT I rented from Blockbuster had a file with a Link named BIGSEXY. At the time it was the most subversive and rebellious thing I'd ever seen IRL. Navi was all "Hey BIGSEXY, Death Mountain looks ominous."


It's hard to believe how ridiculous Wind Waker's premise is. You can just feel how at some point during the development of their ocean game they felt the need to justify it's place in the series by crudely forcing references in. So Hyrule is now... like, under water... in a bubble... that makes sense... right? (no, it really doesn't). I mean, they always do story last for Zelda games and here it really shows they didn't know how to handle the situation.

What? Wind Waker is a bunch of ugly Disney rejects playing pirates and Zelda, now portrayed as a Bratz doll for some reason, being kidnapped once again. People go off on the few lines of dialogue during the final dungeon/boss, but if you take that away, Wind Waker's story is nothing but a bunch of tropes and nonsense that tries too hard to follow OoT (fucking pointy ears as a major plot point, lol). It's as shallow as it looks.
Majora's Mask is a game that constantly deals with death, drops all of the series conventions and it also reflects in darker graphics and low key music which dropped the heroic style of previous titles.

They handled the premise and everything fine. If you want to be upset about that go ahead, but everything fits in from a lore perspective and they even tied in biblical references like the great flood. There is no Link or spirit of the hero in that timeline, there's no messiah. Sure adult Link is there in OoT and comes in and saves the day but after that he's gone forever. The goddess flooded the land to cleanse the the world of evil, only it didn't subside. But just like the devil, that didn't stop him from finding new ways to bring evil back to the land despite being locked away.

It's a post-apocalyptic waterworld but without Kevin Costner, the gills and the struggle to survive. By this point everyone has adapted and live on the mountain tops which are now islands.

You're looking specifically for darkness and mood overtly and to just tell you it's dark and moody ignoring the undertones and subtlety which there are plenty of in Wind Waker sprinkled about. Not only that, Majora's Mask and Wind Waker handle things very differently and I even put Majora's Mask in favor due to its structure being entirely different to allow for a better nuanced story. Majora's Mask your meant to feel despair and anxiety the moment you start up the game so the art style fits. Wind Waker's style is lighthearted with dark undertones from moment to moment, something that I feel still works well, especially having seen the movie the art is based from. The moment to moment bits that can be overtly to subtlety dark range from the storm and eternal darkness cursed by Ganon and destroying Greatfish Isle, visiting Jabun, visiting your grandma and finding out your island is infested with monsters, taking on the trials of the gods, visiting a frozen Hyrule, When finally meeting the King and Tetra becoming Zelda, awakening Medli and Makar. Just a whole lot of somber undertones throughout the game and not just the ending with Ganon's wind speech. That's why people say the game can feel pretty dark despite its art style. But where there is darkness or sadness there are also feelings of hope throughout the story as well. They're really good with the balance of light and dark.

And what pointy ears as a plot line? Have you played Wind Waker? Cause every character has pointy ears, even Medli. About the only thing some recognize is the green tunic because those people are from OoT or know the legends and first suspect you to be the descendant of the hero of time. You wanna talk about tropes though? Every Zelda has them and reuses them to no end, no different than how Gundam would use the tropes of its own series. Like clones always die a tragic death. It's a given, if you are a clone in Gundam then you are already dead. Few Zelda games ditched heroism for something more like Majora's Mask and Link's Awakening.

Also with all the hate of the art style I see on GAF, I doubt anyone would like the anime movie it's based from even though it's good and a landmark in animated feature films for its abstract design, animation, backgrounds and color. Wind Waker's style is pretty much ripped straight from it, cause Link and Susanoo have about the same perportions


Link to video?




Beastcast (giant bomb east)

Will listen to beastcast on ride home, but bombcast mainly talked about twilight princess HD. I don't even know if they mentioned zelda u. For twilight princess, dan/jason said they were interested to see how it is after 10 years, jeff said he reviewed it high at gamespot because of the formula, but says it's a 'spinning the wheels' zelda game, and would get reviewed as a 3/5 today because it basically just meets expectations and doesn't surpass them. Loved ocarina/ww, thinks TP does nothing special.


The hero is the embodiment of the triforce of courage, so honestly, it doesn't matter who has it.

That said, I like Link, always have, always will, and would much prefer to play as Link, if given the option. I'd prefer if created characters or playing as anyone other than Link were reserved for spin-offs or side-stories or DLC (or even for small portions of the main game).

I support the games changing, though, so if created characters are what a lot of people want, then whatever. Zelda doing weird/new stuff can sometimes results in greatness (majora, wind waker, ALBW), so I support changing and improving, lest we get nothing but twilight princess over and over and over. I like twilight princess, but it is just the most zelda-ass zelda there is and doesn't do ENOUGH to set it apart from the traditional zelda formula.
I'm not a fan of character creation, but I would like to have the option to play as Linkle.


I'm not a fan of character creation, but I would like to have the option to play as Linkle.

Me neither, especially because i'm bad at making my own character look good and I 99% of the time hate the preset ones. I'd rather have artists/designers make my main character for me, because I'm a talentless pleb. It also makes the character feel like they're part of that world, rather than something I made and placed into the world. Created characters always feel out of place in a game designed around immersion, at least for me.

I'd take link or some other hyrulian any day of the week over someone I force into hyrule.


if you can't see the similarities between the two franchises I don't know what to tell you. play dark souls again. I was getting Zelda vibes, from Zelda 1 to Zelda 2 to LTTP to Majora's Mask during my entire playthrough.

just because Dark Souls doesn't have strict, puzzle based dungeons like Zelda doesn't mean the similarities aren't there. dungeon/puzzle design was always one of the least important aspects of Zelda to me (which is probably why I didn't think TP or SS was so hot).

I'm just not seeing things that aren't there. I wonder how many of those people that always claim Dark Souls is the spiritual successor of Zelda 1 lived through the Atari/Master System/NES days. There were more games similar to Zelda 1 (isometric, difficult, lack of handholding, fight bad dudes) than games that were not similar to Zelda 1. From the top of my head there was Adventure, Arkista's Ring, Dragon Slayer and of course Crystalis which, IIRC, even has traps, of course RPG mechanics and other stuff that makes it resemble Souls more than any Zelda.

they should at least let us give link pink hair

your character in dark souls can have pink hair. I did it as a tribute to LTTP Link.

adding that to my "What Zelda Could Learn From Dark Souls" list.

I mean, this post alone proves that you, same as everyone else who for some reason insists on this connection, imagine things. "This is something Zelda can learn from Souls! Something every WRPG has for 20 years is something Zelda now has to learn from Souls."

I just don't know why people have to turn Zelda threads into Souls echo chambers when a) I love Zelda but can't in my life understand why people like Souls, b) just want to discuss Zelda and c) we have like 20 active Souls threads. This fanbase is beyond unbearable.


Haven't been following this thread, so all of this has probably been said ad nauseam, but my take is:

I want Link to be a speaking character, which means he should be specifically the male hero given voice. In Wind Waker, Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword the whole mute protagonist / 'player avatar' thing has stretched beyond a point where it works. This is a guy who has a family or friends, a particular personality that tends to be nothing like mine, and who every so often has to flap his hands about and pretend he's part of a conversation. It's ridiculous.

Either they tone down the story and dialogue back to Zelda 1 levels or they make Link the fully fledged character he has almost become. I loved WW Link. He was a cheerful, brave, somewhat lackadaisical and funny hero who loved his family. I would have liked to have seen more of him. He was in no way my personal avatar any more than Trevor in GTA5 was. At the same time I felt like SS Link being mute totally robbed some potentially amazing moments with Zelda of their proper effect.

If they do go back to the Zelda 1 style with little story or dialogue then I'd be all for having a female Link or Linkle as an avatar. If it's supposed to be the player's link to the game, then why the hell not? The point is that that simply isn't what Link has been in the last couple of console Zeldas.

I'm just not seeing things that aren't there. I wonder how many of those people that always claim Dark Souls is the spiritual successor of Zelda 1 lived through the Atari/Master System/NES days. There were more games similar to Zelda 1 (isometric, difficult, lack of handholding, fight bad dudes) than games that were not similar to Zelda 1. From the top of my head there was Adventure, Arkista's Ring, Dragon Slayer and of course Crystalis which, IIRC, even has traps, of course RPG mechanics and other stuff that makes it resemble Souls more than any Zelda.

LoZ on the NES was my first ever videogame, and still my sentimental favourite. I was a NES gamer for years. And yet I definitely see where the Dark Souls comparisons come from, and I'm surprised you don't.
Sen's Fortress in Dark Souls 1 felt like a modern take on one of Zelda II's dungeons. Felt like a alternate world modern version of Zelda were the action, darker fantasy mythos, rpg elements and scary mazes were not put on the back burner or completely left behind.

And they put a guy in charge of the series who hates a lot of the things Zelda fan's loved. "I was particularly bad at playing games that required quick reflexes. So, immediately after I started playing the original Zelda, I failed to read the movements of the Octorock in the field and my game suddenly came to an end. Even after getting used to the controls, each time the screen rolled to a new area new Octorock appeared and I thought 'am I going to have to fight these things forever?' Eventually, I gave up getting any further in the game."

Let us whine.

Looking at how Nintendo is trying to increase sales of the Fire Emblem series with the panty shots, waifus and creepy touching/rubbing I don't think fleshing out the combat, adding some rpg elements and making sure there are darker elements to contrast the lighter parts of the Zelda is asking too much and would bring a lot of newer fans to the series as well as bring older ones back.


Looking at how Nintendo is trying to increase sales of the Fire Emblem series with the panty shots, waifus and creepy touching/rubbing I don't think fleshing out the combat, adding some rpg elements and making sure there are darker elements to contrast the lighter parts of the Zelda is asking too much and would bring a lot of newer fans to the series as well as bring older ones back.



LttP also featured barely any puzzles, beyond "bomb the cracked wall" or "push this block" or "hold down this switch" or "light all the torches."

They aren't puzzles in the strictest sense but what you are doing most of the time in ALttP is puzzle solving. Just think about the moment when you are stuck in the room with unconscious Zelda and Ganon flees north through the wall. You wander around in the room trying to figure out what to do next, and then finally realize that you can slash the curtains to unveil a secret passage. This is a puzzle.

I don't consider what Zelda I and II have to be puzzles, I'd rather call them secrets. I mean based on the game's logic you are supposed to lit every bush and bomb every wall in the overworld to find everything. That's not puzzle solving, that's trial & error. Puzzle solving would be if they placed environmental hints that points to secrets, such as suspicious summetry or when you enter a cave you can see another cave to your left that is seemingly unaccessible, which then makes you realize that you are supposed to bomb a wall with no cracks outside to reveal the opening. These are puzzles too.

And that term, T&E, is how reviewers described the original Demon Souls. Thats why I have stayed away from that series, it's not my kind of gameplay. I hate T&E.


Or they go the other way and add panty rubbing to Zelda as a Tingle mini game. :3



Man, seeing all those Xenoblade Chronicles X playthrough videos makes me anxious to think that by next E3, Nintendo's treehouse will probably play Zelda U/NX for a long time just like they played Bayonetta 2 and Xenoblade X the previous E3s. And by this time next year we're gonna have TONS of gameplay footage of Zelda U/NX too. It's going to be really hard to go into media blackout.
What is it with people ceaselessly spouting the same "What Zelda can learn from Dark Souls" nonsense. Zelda has nothing to learn from Dark Souls because they're vastly different games with different audiences. (And I have a wholly negative opinion of DS, so quit it)

All I want to do is talk about the new Zelda, not a game that has nothing to do with Nintendo consoles, let alone the Zelda series.


Not mine, but found this on the Zelda Universe Forum

I meant to respond to this, but I just haven't felt very motivated to analyze this incredibly small amount of footage, but this analysis in particular is so very very very bad.

Link is riding northwest towards the sunset. The ocean is visible to the east. As the camera pans you see the sun and Death Mountain at the same time as the camera is still facing west. This means that Link has to be southeast of Death Mountain. He is certainly not west of it or that close to it. The mountain is only a bit bigger than it was as seen from the southern shore of Lake Hylia.

Here's a panoramic view of the scenery with cardinal directions:

We get almost a full 360 degree sweep. Link rides his horse down a slope next to a cliff to the southwest that we can see leads to a valley surround by steep cliffs that circle it. I marked the valley in green on the next image. The camera pans around Link and we see the sun setting in the west, with Death Mountain appearing northwest based on it's relation to the sun and using Link's orientation as a marker. Then to the east we see the ocean.


Based on all of that I'm fairly certain that Link's location is around here:

He's east of the valley from last year's Game Awards footage. It seems to be the only place on the map that would afford such a view, since he's close to the ocean, southeast of death mountain not very close to it, and east of a valley surround by steep cliffs. That area has terrain sloping upwards in the direction Link is riding away from and has 2 mountain peaks that would frame your view of death mountain as seen in the ND footage.
Or they go the other way and add panty rubbing to Zelda as a Tingle mini game. :3


Scrolling through the page and this catches me eye

Man, seeing all those Xenoblade Chronicles X playthrough videos makes me anxious to think that by next E3, Nintendo's treehouse will probably play Zelda U/NX for a long time just like they played Bayonetta 2 and Xenoblade X the previous E3s. And by this time next year we're gonna have TONS of gameplay footage of Zelda U/NX too. It's going to be really hard to go into media blackout.

I've been thinking that too haha, even when I was watching the Nintendo Minute for Xenoblade I was thinking Zelda U will be getting one of those. I'm determined to only watch the trailer once and go on a media blackout, will be difficult but doable.


I meant to respond to this, but I just haven't felt very motivated to analyze this incredibly small amount of footage, but this analysis in particular is so very very very bad.

Link is riding northwest towards the sunset. The ocean is visible to the east. As the camera pans you see the sun and Death Mountain at the same time as the camera is still facing west. This means that Link has to be southeast of Death Mountain. He is certainly not west of it or that close to it. The mountain is only a bit bigger than it was as seen from the southern shore of Lake Hylia.

Here's a panoramic view of the scenery with cardinal directions:

We get almost a full 360 degree sweep. Link rides his horse down a slope next to a cliff to the southwest that we can see leads to a valley surround by steep cliffs that circle it. I marked the valley in green on the next image. The camera pans around Link and we see the sun setting in the west, with Death Mountain appearing northwest based on it's relation to the sun and using Link's orientation as a marker. Then to the east we see the ocean.

Based on all of that I'm fairly certain that Link's location is around here:

He's east of the valley from last year's Game Awards footage. It seems to be the only place on the map that would afford such a view, since he's close to the ocean, southeast of death mountain not very close to it, and east of a valley surround by steep cliffs. That area has terrain sloping upwards in the direction Link is riding away from and has 2 mountain peaks that would frame your view of death mountain as seen in the ND footage.

Makes more sense than some location speculation I've read until now, nice.
This has probably been speculated to death but looking at the Zelda u map it looks a awful lot like Zelda I & II maps combined. And what people keep speculating as Death Mountain would be where the Path of fire area is located, while Death mountain is that odd hurricane looking cloud formation on the right.


This has probably been speculated to death but looking at the Zelda u map it looks a awful lot like Zelda I & II maps combined. And what people keep speculating as Death Mountain would be where the Path of fire area is located, while Death mountain is that odd hurricane looking cloud formation on the right.

Eh, the map is most similar to OoT. You have Hyrule field in the center. Lake Hylia, complete with a bridge like in TP, is in the southeast. There's what looks like a desert in the northwest. Hyrule Castle is at the north end of Hyrule Field. Death Mountain is in the northeast. There's an area that looks like Zora's Domain south from Death Mountain and east of Hyrule Field. And the southeast area is where Kokiri Forest would be.

The Lamp

It's hard to believe how ridiculous Wind Waker's premise is. You can just feel how at some point during the development of their ocean game they felt the need to justify it's place in the series by crudely forcing references in. So Hyrule is now... like, under water... in a bubble... that makes sense... right? (no, it really doesn't). I mean, they always do story last for Zelda games and here it really shows they didn't know how to handle the situation.

What? Wind Waker is a bunch of ugly Disney rejects playing pirates and Zelda, now portrayed as a Bratz doll for some reason, being kidnapped once again. People go off on the few lines of dialogue during the final dungeon/boss, but if you take that away, Wind Waker's story is nothing but a bunch of tropes and nonsense that tries too hard to follow OoT (fucking pointy ears as a major plot point, lol). It's as shallow as it looks.
Majora's Mask is a game that constantly deals with death, drops all of the series conventions and it also reflects in darker graphics and low key music which dropped the heroic style of previous titles.

I've never been so angry reading a Wind Waker post in my life.

WTF are you talking about. The post-apocalypse world of WW was carefully woven into references, characters, lore, level design, and the logic of the game's events every step of the game. Hyrule was magically preserved so it could be awoken despite being submerged, and it makes sense because magic exists in Zelda, so much so that it is the main force of power in the game, even above traditional weapons. None of it is nonsense. They explain everything you need to know and the connection of the game to the timeline. The art style is subjective but I think it was absolutely beautiful; the doll-like aesthetic carries the exotic theme of the game being radically distant from the other Medieval-aesthetic Zelda games.

You're nuts.


My problem with those references is that they never look like the place they are referencing, so it's hard to actually feel what they are trying to make me feel.

It almost seems as if they created the area, and then they decided to shoehorn in a past Zelda reference.


Eh, the map is most similar to OoT. You have Hyrule field in the center. Lake Hylia, complete with a bridge like in TP, is in the southeast. There's what looks like a desert in the northwest. Hyrule Castle is at the north end of Hyrule Field. Death Mountain is in the northeast. There's an area that looks like Zora's Domain south from Death Mountain and east of Hyrule Field. And the southeast area is where Kokiri Forest would be.


Not a picture perfect match, but the similarities can't be denied...

Not a picture perfect match, but the similarities can't be denied...

Yes, this is what Im seeing. If betting man this is where Id put my money.

I could be wrong but I think the small bit at the end of Death Mountain in Zelda II is supposed to be the entire map of Zelda 1.

Also, the hell is a Calatia?


Looks like it. And all 3 maps have those two distinctive circle lakes smooshed together.
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