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Bethesda teasing Fallout 4 DLC on social media


How about a leveling system overhaul for enemies? I'm tired of being level 80 and having extremely low level enemies apart from the odd legendary here or there.

Like maybe an option to reset enemy level from what your current level is? e.g you are level 80, enemies around Sanctuary are level 80 but enemies further away are levels 90-140


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
How about a leveling system overhaul for enemies? I'm tired of being level 80 and having extremely low level enemies apart from the odd legendary here or there.

Like maybe an option to reset enemy level from what your current level is? e.g you are level 80, enemies around Sanctuary are level 80 but enemies further away are levels 90-140

Leveled enemies, no leveled enemies. Can't win.


Hopefully a "tweak" to survival mode means you can actually beat the like 3rd story mode mission instead of being of being forced to cheese something for a half hour.

Not even going to lie, people talking about the lack of good conversation in this game coupled with starting on Survival and running into the first Deathclaw made me put down the game and not pick it up again.


Leveled enemies, no leveled enemies. Can't win.

The enemies are leveled within a certain range but most places in the game have a max enemy level of sub 50 which is just boring.
What's the point of even looking at loot if you gun can already kill everything with one shot?


This right here. The GECK won't make them money compared to dlc, but the modding community around these games are really great. I have lots of issues with Bethesda games, but I put in hundreds of hours because I like playing with the work the community has put into the game.

It will when they re-enable paid mods on the workshop!


Finished my first session in about 70 hours and the game left such an unfinished impression that I have no desire to go back. Was my first Bethesda game I finished so I had zero expectations.

I doubt the dlc will be as fleshed out as some mods or even fix many of the flaws.


Which mod added good writing to Fallout 3? :p



I went with that for a while, but the game seems pretty hellbent in ensuring that I should stay as a good guy. Like *nudge* *nudge* *wink* *wink* all the time with all the missions, dialogues, etc etc. Almost none I encountered is really fitting to my evil character.

Hell I can't even play a female character without that nagging feeling of "how can a law graduate do all these stuff" like fixing power armor, shooting stuff, etc etc. The husband is a military veteran so understandable, but the lady?

That's why I hate whenever any create-your-character shove character's background down your throat. At least do it like Mass Effect if you want to do it -________-
I was planning on playing a gay character when I started up the game since I'm gay and I like open world games like this where you have a choice. So starting with a wife and child was a bit odd, you can either be straight or bisexual but not gay. The idea of having a create-your-own character goes out of the window straight away when they have unnecessary backstory and plot motivations like that. Sorry, I don't care that the playable character is looking for their child. Its just so stupid.
This is what i have heard about FO4 dlc. The season pass will be raised in price come the announcements.

It will go to 50 usd due to the sheer size / expansion of the season pass. Everybody who bought a 25 usd season pass will get a free upgrade to the 50 usd season pass.
This is what i have heard about FO4 dlc. The season pass will be raised in price come the announcements.

It will go to 50 usd due to the sheer size / expansion of the season pass. Everybody who bought a 25 usd season pass will get a free upgrade to the 50 usd season pass.

There'd be some serious rustled jimmies if that were true. Which makes me believe it's not true. But I'm also a season pass owner, so I'm part of the problem.


Sure I'll go back to it again. Maybe the DLC will fix my broken quest line and my Preston that has essentially become a normal NPC now for no reason and will not fucking speak to me or join my fucking party or DO WHAT THE FUCK I TELL HIM TO FUCKING DO!!!!


So yeah I'll give it another shot when the DLC comes out, stoked.


This is what i have heard about FO4 dlc. The season pass will be raised in price come the announcements.

It will go to 50 usd due to the sheer size / expansion of the season pass. Everybody who bought a 25 usd season pass will get a free upgrade to the 50 usd season pass.

I can see it increasing in price as a reward for early buyers but I don't for one minute believe that it will double in price.
I can see it being $35 at most but then sales once the last part is out will bring it down to $20 or if you're like me, you sell the main game after finishing it and just wait and buy the GOTY edition for cheaper than the overall price of the base game + season pass.


Can I have a quest where I can complete it without having to shoot anyone? Maybe lock picking can be relevant? Variance? Please?

Alien DLC?


Neo Member
Better wait for a GOTY edition and take it for PC.
Would be a blast with mods (even if it's a good game but a crappy Fallout iteration).
I took the game at his release on PS4, and framerate issues made me quit it.
Remember the Children of Atom place ? Would be a good start for an expansion (even more with a story-lined connection with the Glowing Sea area).
Glad I was too skint to pick this up xmas time, by the time I can afford it, it will be 20 quid with patched for better performance, bugs quashed with gameplay improvements.


Finished the game yesterday (7 full days of playtime). Felt a bit like a chore towards the end so I'm not sure I'll jump in on the DLC. Who am I kidding, I probably will xD
I love the game.

FO threads are always fun. I always lol at people who post stuff like "played for 150 hours and at the end it was a bit repetitive, I definitely won't play again".


Forced myself to finally complete the game last week. "Forced" because I had spent 100s of hours exploring and building every single settlement that I wasn't sure I would ever actually make it through the story. Plus I want to play with a female now.

So I can't wait. This will give me the excuse I need to start over and this time I won't have to wonder what the main story is all about.

Please, please Bethesda make it so you can have the jetpack before level 43. I want that right off the bat in the DLC. I can't stand not having one, another reason why I was hesitant to start over.


Hopefully "and more" includes getting rid of immortal NPCs. Nothing killed Fallout 4's immersion more than that.

Ah, I disagree. I loved hardcore mode on NV except for that feature. Sure, it's more realistic. But with how easily the AI gets killed, it meant I never took the dog with me cause it was gaurenteed he'd die (hell, even when I did his quest I'd make him wait from spawn points for legion raiders until I was sure it was safe and then go back to him. It was a real PITA. I'll sacrifice realism for being able to have followers that aren't a PITA to babysit). I don't mind them making it more realistic for my character that I have more control over. But until they get followers that actually are pretty smart at surviving themselves, no.

Honestly, I want the DLC to boost the base game in Fallout 4. Flesh out the world they already created. Expand the size of the map a bit like witcher 3 did, add better, branching side quests that you can tackle at any time in your play through along with a big new questline.

There's just so much they did wrong in fallout 4 in regards to the dialogue system, branching pathways, ect, that I wish they would use their 3 or 4 dlc packs to improve the base game. I want to be able to start up a new character in a year after all the dlc is released and think "this is almost as good as New Vegas".

Not going to happen. For one Bethesda has different priorities in their game design than Obsidian and aren't going to focus on the stuff that us NV fans find important. Also, they need new writers if that is to happen (They had the same guy directing the writing as Skyrim/3, UGH!).

I mean I'm not saying I wouldn't like that, I just don't have hopes that it would be that. I enjoyed 4, but that's cause i didn't ahve unrealistic hopes for it (and I still think 4 was heavily flawed in ways. It was a fun game, but it really lost a lot of soul of Fallout, even compared to 3).


Shame there wasn't a proper Survival mode in from the beginning.
I guess I'll use it during the DLC's now, better than nothing I suppose.

This is what i have heard about FO4 dlc. The season pass will be raised in price come the announcements.

It will go to 50 usd due to the sheer size / expansion of the season pass. Everybody who bought a 25 usd season pass will get a free upgrade to the 50 usd season pass.

You knew about the how early the game was releasing before the announcement so I've got a good feeling about this :)


Finished game with around 60 hours of play time, I have no desire to go back to it unless, it they produce a lengthy story based DLC (15 hours plus), rather than radiant quests and pointless settlement bulding.

They wont do this, as most DLC is cosmetic stuff with short single player stuff.
Hopefully they detail the full roadmap of what's included in the season pass.

If any of the DLC packs is just settlement or crafting bullshit I'm gonna be pissed.
Not interested in any future content unless they seriously take a look at their quest design. And those survival improvements should have been in the game from day one. Why call it survival difficulty if you don't have to do jack shit besides use the stimpaks you're showered in to survive?


This is what i have heard about FO4 dlc. The season pass will be raised in price come the announcements.

It will go to 50 usd due to the sheer size / expansion of the season pass. Everybody who bought a 25 usd season pass will get a free upgrade to the 50 usd season pass.

These socks were the best investment. Sounds great.
It is better, The world is better, NV has good writing but the world in the game is so underwhelming it really hurts the game.

It's a balance. On one hand nv is more realistic in layout (and thus boring), but then you have fallout 3 where child town is on top of super mutant cave, and 2 blocks down the street from an evil slaver city.

The land scaling becomes an issue.
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