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Battlefield: Bad Company 2 PC Beta Thread of dedicated servers and HBAO rig-flexing

The RC2 contains the following fixes:

Front end:
Fixes server browser crashes. Server browser more resilient against corrupt online service data, and better support for large number of servers.
Several server browser ping issues resolved.

Windows XP stability:
Fixed crash on windows XP at end of round, exit game and display mode changes and.
Proper window style / mouse confinement when starting game maximized on XP .

Options dialog:
Mouse sensitivity setting gives more effect.
Mouse sensitivity loaded on game startup.

Doesn't look like there's a fix to my problem but I'll wait and see I guess.


Spl1nter said:
I really like the red dot sight on my xm8. It just kills people.
On it's own?

Btw, shouldn't the GAF list be separated to at least US and EU? or did I just miss the purpose of it? :lol

vilmer_ said:
I just had like my game of the beta, but none of the stats even counted :*(
You need to join a squad for them to count


I think Rush does a lot of good things. It basically doesn't allow defenders to spawn camp attackers. And the attackers pretty much always get their vehicles. In BF2 if the enemy had their tanks AND your's... that is going to be a loooong round. So I think Rush does some good things.

Rush focuses the action and that is cool. But that takes away the 1 squad vs 1 squad fights that would happen at the remote flags in BF2. As a squad leader you would be running, ducking, diving, and hiding to try and stay alive so your buddy's could spawn on you and help kill the enemy squad and take the flag. So those isolated 1 squad vs another squad fights kind of disappear in the Rush mode. Because everyone is concentrated in an area.

Also I think the map has a lot to do with my feelings. I mean there really isn't a whole lot of flanking options on this map at the first control point. The first control point fight is pretty much all frontal assualts. But if the attackers make it to the last control point ( where you have to attack up the hill ) that pointt has a frontal assault and a rear assualt routes. I was able to take the back way up and really surprise the enemy. Can't really do that on the first control point.

BTW, I have to ask has anyone seen the attackers win the entire map? I haven't yet. I have been on two teams that got really close but couldn't kill of the last control point.

EDIT: I am just happy they have Rush AND Conquest in the game.


mbmonk said:
I think Rush does a lot of good things. It basically doesn't allow defenders to spawn camp attackers. And the attackers pretty much always get their vehicles. In BF2 if the enemy had their tanks AND your's... that is going to be a loooong round. So I think Rush does some good things.

Rush focuses the action and that is cool. But that takes away the 1 squad vs 1 squad fights that would happen at the remote flags in BF2. As a squad leader you would be running, ducking, diving, and hiding to try and stay alive so your buddy's could spawn on you and help kill the enemy squad and take the flag. So those isolated 1 squad vs another squad fights kind of disappear in the Rush mode. Because everyone is concentrated in an area.

Also I think the map has a lot to do with my feelings. I mean there really isn't a whole lot of flanking options on this map at the first control point. The first control point fight is pretty much all frontal assualts. But if the attackers make it to the last control point ( where you have to attack up the hill ) that pointt has a frontal assault and a rear assualt routes. I was able to take the back way up and really surprise the enemy. Can't really do that on the first control point.

BTW, I have to ask has anyone seen the attackers win the entire map? I haven't yet. I have been on two teams that got really close but couldn't kill of the last control point.

EDIT: I am just happy they have Rush AND Conquest in the game.
Isn't there a whole gametype/mode for that squad vs squad battle? the 4vs4 one


God I can't get over how good this game looks with the bloom off :) I gotta say though, the aiming feels super sluggish compared to MW2 and counterstrike. Otherwise, really good game.
"BTW, I have to ask has anyone seen the attackers win the entire map? I haven't yet. I have been on two teams that got really close but couldn't kill of the last control point."

I have multiple times now. I'm not a fan of Rush, mostly because of exactly what you said. There's none of that squad v squad interaction like you would get on a conquest map. The battles are too focused. The maps are narrow (and they sorta have to be or else it's unbalanced in favor of the attackers).

"Isn't there a whole gametype/mode for that squad vs squad battle? the 4vs4 one"

It's not the same at all.


The more i play the more i like it (been playing bf games since bf1942 on pc).
It's a constant adrenaline rush, i didn't love the shooting at first but it clicked after a bit (and it actually makes sense).

Playing with people that focus on objectives is just plain awesome; i'm not a fan of the rush gamemode, but i've seen some sweet squad actions (flanking etc) that made me appreciate it.
scoobs said:
God I can't get over how good this game looks with the bloom off :) I gotta say though, the aiming feels super sluggish compared to MW2 and counterstrike. Otherwise, really good game.

I don't think the "sluggishness" is a negative. It's not MW2 and Counterstrike--those things are the wargame equivalent of a twitch shooter.
Teknopathetic said:
"BTW, I have to ask has anyone seen the attackers win the entire map? I haven't yet. I have been on two teams that got really close but couldn't kill of the last control point."

I have multiple times now. I'm not a fan of Rush, mostly because of exactly what you said. There's none of that squad v squad interaction like you would get on a conquest map. The battles are too focused. The maps are narrow (and they sorta have to be or else it's unbalanced in favor of the attackers).

"Isn't there a whole gametype/mode for that squad vs squad battle? the 4vs4 one"

It's not the same at all.

I feel Rush mode feels a more concentrated version of BF, I also like the feel of the combat. The engagement distance feels right, there's no sprint happy knifers or gun ho super men. The destructible everything make the game feel very dynamic, the graphics and sound just complete the total immersion of the game.

I also like the inaccuracy of the weapons, makes the combat more thrilling. Like a game of cat and mouse, long range you can't hit shit. So who is going to be the one that rushes forward to close the killing distance.

It's a very good palate cleanser after the arcade MW2.


Mr. Snrub said:
I don't think the "sluggishness" is a negative. It's not MW2 and Counterstrike--those things are the wargame equivalent of a twitch shooter.

The sluggishness is absolutely a negative. All PC shooters should respond the same to mouse input...this isn't a console game where analog sticks can have different acceleration properties.

That being said, the input is fine as long as you run with V-Sync off.

Another thing you may want to try is reducing pre-rendered frames in your GPU control panel...if the mouse is being rendered by the CPU then this will have a profound effect on the controls.

I did experience a weird issue with the mouse though. It responds fine until I spawned on the defense near some pink smoke. When I looked at the smoke, my mouse lagged, even though the framerate stayed the same. That might mean this is a pre-rendered frames issue...I'll have to try reducing it later to see if it helps.
mbmonk said:
I think Rush does a lot of good things. It basically doesn't allow defenders to spawn camp attackers. And the attackers pretty much always get their vehicles. In BF2 if the enemy had their tanks AND your's... that is going to be a loooong round. So I think Rush does some good things.

Exactly. I like how the defenders get a bit more firepower as things get more desperate, too.

Rush focuses the action and that is cool. But that takes away the 1 squad vs 1 squad fights that would happen at the remote flags in BF2. As a squad leader you would be running, ducking, diving, and hiding to try and stay alive so your buddy's could spawn on you and help kill the enemy squad and take the flag. So those isolated 1 squad vs another squad fights kind of disappear in the Rush mode. Because everyone is concentrated in an area.

It is more of a clusterfuck...The "spawn on squad" is a double edged sword. On one hand, it obviously increases your opportunities to get into the fight, but lessens the importance of a good squad leader and there doesn't seem to be much encouragement to stick together. I have seen a few instances of good squads sticking together, though.

Also I think the map has a lot to do with my feelings. I mean there really isn't a whole lot of flanking options on this map at the first control point. The first control point fight is pretty much all frontal assualts. But if the attackers make it to the last control point ( where you have to attack up the hill ) that pointt has a frontal assault and a rear assualt routes. I was able to take the back way up and really surprise the enemy. Can't really do that on the first control point.

I half agree and half disagree with this. There are flanking possibilities if you utilize them in the first part. Some people get away with sneaking along the right flank, but most of the time I take an ATV and haul ass down the right flank. I've never gotten killed doing this and usually get Crate A, which at leasts sends some panic into the defenders and weakens their defense, even if I die.

BTW, I have to ask has anyone seen the attackers win the entire map? I haven't yet. I have been on two teams that got really close but couldn't kill of the last control point.

EDIT: I am just happy they have Rush AND Conquest in the game.

Yeah, the attackers have won a few times in mine. It just takes GREAT coordination. Using the UAV, identifying attackers, etc. Very satisfying.
TheExodu5 said:
The sluggishness is absolutely a negative. All PC shooters should respond the same to mouse input...this isn't a console game where analog sticks can have different acceleration properties.

Sorry, guess I'm not experiencing the same mouse lag everyone else is. I did increase my sensitivity, though. I haven't played with the mouse acceleration, yet.
Fixes: http://forums.electronicarts.co.uk/battlefield-bad-company-2-pc-beta/881193-new-client.html

A new BFBC2 PC Beta client is on its way.
Don't worry it is a new painless process and will not be a massive 1.4Gb download again.
Watch this space for information on fixes and how to go about getting the RC2 Client.

The RC2 contains the following fixes:

Front end:
Fixes server browser crashes. Server browser more resilient against corrupt online service data, and better support for large number of servers.
Several server browser ping issues resolved.

Windows XP stability:
Fixed crash on windows XP at end of round, exit game and display mode changes and.
Proper window style / mouse confinement when starting game maximized on XP .

Options dialog:
Mouse sensitivity setting gives more effect.
Mouse sensitivity loaded on game startup.

The update to RC2 will be 8.4Mb


What I feel makes battlefield greater then MW2 is the sense of scale. Because the shooting mechanics are slower and more powerful you get longer more drawn out epic battles. You have 8 men along a front line and a apc firing on 2 squads rushing to attack. It a sense of battle that mw2 doesnt have at all. It feels like a war.


Noticed this this morning :lol


not sure what was going on


GAF Bad Company 2 Players:

Anton Sugar
Salacious Crumb
MrPing - Europe


i asked this question before but no one responded so its time to break out the bold text!

Can anyone else chnge their sound setting to anything other than "HiFi" i change it to war tapes (whatever that is) no matter what setting i switch it to it always seems to revert back to "HiFi" what is going on????
Forgot to list my specs/performance:

Q9550 Quad Core
ATI HD4850

I'm playing on my plasma at 1280x720.

Level of Detail: High
Texture Quality: High
Shadow Quality: Medium
Effect Quality: Medium
AA: 4x
AF: 16x
VSYNC: On, but doesn't work

I get a consistent 30-45 FPS. I was fearing the worst going by GAF but I'm pretty impressed. Might go into my config file tonight and turn off bloom, it is distracting at times.

EDIT: Also, aside from the bloom, the lighting engine in this game is pretty damned impressive.
Meh, the game looks like shit on my PC, and the feeling with the mouse is super bad. I guess I'll buy it on PS3 depending on the demo. I'm surprised by the shitty performance though, I usually play PS360 games at 60fps with tons of AA on my rig, but here, it's only fluid in the low and normal settings, but it's ugly. It looks fine on advanced settings but the framerate takes too much hit. Is it me or is this a crappy port? My shitty LCD monitor doesn't help though, everything lower than the native resolution looks super bad, maybe it's just that the game is very sensible to the resolution :/


Mr. Snrub said:
Forgot to list my specs/performance:

Q9550 Quad Core
ATI HD4850

I'm playing on my plasma at 1280x720.

Level of Detail: High
Texture Quality: High
Shadow Quality: Medium
Effect Quality: Medium
AA: 4x
AF: 16x
VSYNC: On, but doesn't work

I get a consistent 30-45 FPS. I was fearing the worst going by GAF but I'm pretty impressed. Might go into my config file tonight and turn off bloom, it is distracting at times.
very similar specs (q6600 @ 3.4, 4890) I was using the same settings besides effects at high, turning off bloom bumped my fps up to nearly 60. (similar fps previously too)

now I'm able to run everything on high, and aa up at 8x with it never dipping below 30fps


Ok there is something seriously wrong with this. The game is incredibly dark. Like SO dark. All I can see are the explosions coming from my own gun :/

Adjusting brightness doesn't seem to help. any tips?
Valru said:
very similar specs (q6600 @ 3.4, 4890) I was using the same settings besides effects at high, turning off bloom bumped my fps up to nearly 60. (similar fps previously too)

now I'm able to run everything on high, and aa up at 8x with it never dipping below 30fps

Excellent, I'll try that. I didn't pay attention, but is there HDR in the game? I feel like I noticed it a few times...I hope there is an option to just remove the excessive bloom and keep the HDR.

Can anyone grab some before/after screens of the bloom setting?

Also, regarding the FOV...this was in December, who knows if they're back-peddling now:

We support Eyefinity and with a wider FOV, although the integration isn't fully done & tested just yet.

I don't think it will be unfair in MP, saying it would be would be the same as saying it would be unfair for someone to have a really high mouse precision so he can run and super-quickly turn around and as such see everything that is going on around him. But that is obviously something we all accept.

We have to do more testing and see how it turns out, but I'm not worried.


Mr. Snrub said:
I like how the defenders get a bit more firepower as things get more desperate, too.

That is a good point. The 2nd (or 3rd?) control point battle the defenders get the heli. Once I get a stable group together for a squad then we might try to focus on stealing the Heli at that spot instead of soley going for the crates. The heli would come in handy for the last control push up that hill. Plus I am not sure what the defenders have as AA if that happens. I know the attacking team has an AA vehicle.

Mr. Snrub said:
I half agree and half disagree with this. There are flanking possibilities if you utilize them in the first part. Some people get away with sneaking along the right flank, but most of the time I take an ATV and haul ass down the right flank. I've never gotten killed doing this and usually get Crate A, which at leasts sends some panic into the defenders and weakens their defense, even if I die.

Well I half agree and disagree with myself on this. You can push that right semi flank at first but the defenders will/should shut it down after 1 plant at "A". And they can defend that right side and still easily move over to to handle any plants at "B" ( ditch crate ). And once the defenders shut down the right side it gets pretty tough. The middle path and the left flank have very little cover until you get up to the line of buildings. If you try to hang to the left side leaving from the attackers spawn I think you are out in an open field w/ almost no cover. So it makes that a less than desirable route, especially w/ the number of snipers that seem to be in the game so far. Or am I missing something in my assesment of the "Left" Flank as attackers. I haven't tried using that path much because of the wide open space. So I push the right side almost exclusively.

EDIT: Has there been an official response on prone from the devs? I would assume that going prone with an LMG would significantly helps it's accuracy. And it was obviously planned to be put into the game. So does that make croutching with the LMG the equivalent of going prone with the LMG since they stripped prone out?


Gold Member
Son of a bitch, I was all set up waiting to get a key 25 minutes ago, but I had to go jump my sister's car, and now they're out :\

Anyone got a spare?


Neo Member
GAF Bad Company 2 Players:

Anton Sugar
Salacious Crumb
MrPing - Europe
mbmonk said:
That is a good point. The 2nd (or 3rd?) control point battle the defenders get the heli. Once I get a stable group together for a squad then we might try to focus on stealing the Heli at that spot instead of soley going for the crates. The heli would come in handy for the last control push up that hill. Plus I am not sure what the defenders have as AA if that happens. I know the attacking team has an AA vehicle.

This sort of brings up another point...I don't know about anyone else, but as a tank, I haven't gotten killed once by a chopper. Maybe it was just dumb luck, but if you are in a tank and have a machine gunner, we shoot down the attack chopper every time. The attack chopper's missiles seem nerfed, from this impression, but I never got to actually play as the chopper.

Well I half agree and disagree with myself on this. You can push that right semi flank at first but the defenders will/should shut it down after 1 plant at "A". And they can defend that right side and still easily move over to to handle any plants at "B" ( ditch crate ). And once the defenders shut down the right side it gets pretty tough. The middle path and the left flank have very little cover until you get up to the line of buildings. If you try to hang to the left side leaving from the attackers spawn I think you are out in an open field w/ almost no cover. So it makes that a less than desirable route, especially w/ the number of snipers that seem to be in the game so far. Or am I missing something in my assesment of the "Left" Flank as attackers. I haven't tried using that path much because of the wide open space. So I push the right side almost exclusively.

True. Unless the defenders suck, it seems difficult or almost impossible to get a good break through the center. A lot of the time, when they did, it was because a tank would camp out on the road and just start shelling the defender's base.

However, I've broken through on the left road as well, with an ATV. Rush up to Case B and plant charges (usually die doing so). Enough to send the defenders panicking in many cases.
mbmonk said:
EDIT: Has there been an official response on prone from the devs? I would assume that going prone with an LMG would significantly helps it's accuracy. And it was obviously planned to be put into the game. So does that make croutching with the LMG the equivalent of going prone with the LMG since they stripped prone out?

Pretty sure the devs said it was to keep the pace of the game faster, not necessary because of "dolphin diving".

The only reason I've lamented it's loss so far is because of the lack of ability to duck behind cover.


Mr. Snrub said:
Pretty sure the devs said it was to keep the pace of the game faster, not necessary because of "dolphin diving".

The only reason I've lamented it's loss so far is because of the lack of ability to duck behind cover.


I hate dolphin diving so I am okay with the loss of prone. It a trade off I am happy to make. :) I just wish there was a better solution for the reasons you mentioned.

Metalic Sand

who is Emo-Beas?
Mr. Snrub said:
Pretty sure the devs said it was to keep the pace of the game faster, not necessary because of "dolphin diving".

The only reason I've lamented it's loss so far is because of the lack of ability to duck behind cover.

i would take no prone over that any day. That is why BF2 is crap. it has its moments but everyone does that shit.


i dont mind the bloom THAT much, but i think it would be nice to be able to tone it down somewhat...id rather not turn it off completely.


Neo Member
Mr. Snrub said:
Pretty sure the devs said it was to keep the pace of the game faster, not necessary because of "dolphin diving".

i haven't played much bf but i noticed in cod:mw everyone was belly flopping all the time and sort of got into the habit of doing it... expecially when i'm reloading in the open. i missed it last night, to be honest.

i'm okay with not having it, but it does make it trickier to duck behind objects and i find myself hitting 'c' when i reload and think i'm going to be shot at...
So after a good 8 hours of 360 gameplay yesterday and another 8 hours on the pc version today there are some rather key differences in each beta which I would think are not so different in the final game.

Main differences:

PC - unlock more gear, perks and weapons, can level above rank 2 (I seen rank 10's)
360 - very limited unlocks, like 1/5 of the pc amount, max level is 3 and feels slower to earn.

The out of bounds area on the pc is different to the 360, on the first area of the map you can only go to the bottom of the snipers mountain before you hit the OOB area if you are the defending team, on the 360 however you can actually go up the mountian and knife the snipers, same applies in area 2/3 where the forest around the two houses with a bomb in is OOB for the pc version, on 360 you can go right up to the wall which makes sneaking around and camping earier. These might be balances as I feel the PC version is much harder, more skilled mouse & KB players picking you off.

I take back what I said about the 360 version showing the consoles limits, as the pc version takes some beef to run at 60 in the middle of a fight, trees even on full still look rather iffy on the PC but it also becomes part of the game's visual style.


I tried to force DX9 from the ini file but it turned itself back to "auto", the character detail part of the ini just changes how soon a model drops to low quality when far away, it's worth sticking it on "low" as I don't see much change at 1440x900 and it helps the game run smoother on non top end cards.

I found the sweep spot where I can have a few visuals and keep the game around 30fps in all areas, of course jumping up to 60 when inside a building or not looking over the map, if anyone else wants me to post my ini file settings just ask, I am running on a gtx260.






Mr. Snrub said:
This sort of brings up another point...I don't know about anyone else, but as a tank, I haven't gotten killed once by a chopper. Maybe it was just dumb luck, but if you are in a tank and have a machine gunner, we shoot down the attack chopper every time. The attack chopper's missiles seem nerfed, from this impression, but I never got to actually play as the chopper.

I ran into 1 decent pilot and he was racking up the kills. I think planes and heli's are going to take the usual BF path. At first they will seem relatively weak, but they will eventually get to 'dominate' status once the pilots get familiar with the vehicles and the maps (AA placment, escape routes, vehicle spawns, etc. )

BF Heroes, in that game the plains were insanely nerfed. But last time I played it ( 4 months ago or so ) planes were a complete pain in the rear and were taking out tanks constently. The pilots learned where the AA was and figured out to go really high and have a long dive down so they could machine gun the tanks for an extended period of time. It was really impressive in a way, but damn annoying for a tank player like myself :)
Lkr said:
how do i edit the bloom and directx setting? i really don't want directx10 if dx9 gets better performance

settings.ini in your documents folder - set bloom=false

Direct x settings should be there as well.

The new mouse sensitivity settings are nice as I had everything maxed before and things still felt sluggish.

However, since the client update I am getting horrible sound quality with a lot of popping and cut outs. Anyone else experiencing this? Seems to happen regardless of what sound settings I am using (and my settings are constantly resetting to HiFi for some reason).


Is it possible to sort the servers by latency\name and the like? I find it troublesome to have to scan the entire list for the lowest ping. Hope the final game has those options.
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