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Red Dead Redemption screens (the Good), R* Spouse (the Bad), & cover art (the UGLY)


PedroLumpy said:
Well okay, but following that logic, I should be able to keep sprinting based on how fit my button mashing thumb is. Also you base this point of the assumption that how Heavy Rain used it's button/QTE thingys is appropriate for this (or any other) game. I don't wanna get into a whole argument about that, so I'll just say that is questionable
I'm not saying you should like it, just that there's a reason for it, and an argument can be made to keep it.


Tobor said:
I'm not saying you should like it, just that there's a reason for it, and an argument can be made to keep it.
It's terrible.

I don't know anyone who actually likes this. The most positive thing I've heard about it is "it's not gamebreaking for me".
I haven't seen this anywhere so...

Playstation The Official Magazine said:
"Seriously, who'd have thought that something as dry as a game lobby could be exciting? Leave it to Rockstar to prove us all wrong. The Grand Theft Auto developer recently unveiled the oft rumoured but never confirmed, multiplayer portion of its next open-world saga, Red Dead Redemption -- and the lobby might be the game's most exciting element. Why? Because it's practically a Wild West MMORPG.

The lobby is a fully playable version of the entire game world that's populated with both random CPU characters and live gamers -- though the numbers will never approach World of Warcraft levels. In our visit, we created a "posse" with friends and roamed freely about the map, engaging in activities from hunting wild animals to hunting other gamers. There are even ad hoc missions (like besieging a desert ranch filled with bandits) that feel a lot like raids. Whether running from the sheriff or shooting wildlife in the desert, everything we do can net us experience points which are used to customize our appearance and upgrade our horse, weapons, and "title". There are also new multiplayer modes to unlock like the standard 16-player deathmatch and a team-based "capture the bag" (both of which start with a spectacular face-to-face quick-draw duel). But. to be honest, we didn't spend a lot of time with those other modes, because we couldn't pry ourselves away from the lobby!"

Picture 1: Two players on a horse-drawn carriage. "The lobby is like a limit-free version of GTA IV's free roam mode set against a brilliantly atmospheric Wild West backdrop."

Picture 2: Player as Sheriff, points gun at camera; another player waits to shot him in the back. "Once we joined a party-- er, "posse" -- we were in constant communication with teammates."

Picture 3: 3 on 5 Gunfight near the wreckage of an abandoned church in the desert. "Anyone can travel to any point on the map (including building interiors), regardless of the location of lobby visitors.


erotic butter maelstrom
Multiplayer sounds great. Hopefully it doesn't turn into LETS ALL JUST SHOOT EACH OTHER fest like GTAIV free play mode.
Even with the whole sprinting thing this is my next big hype game, the Wild West is probably my most desired location for a videogame so this should hit the spot.

Feel free to hate me for it, but aside from the controls I would be satisfied if it was just GTAIV set during the Wild West. I'll be happy either way though, I'm looking forward to play another game with the awesome Euphoria engine.
I'm still super hyped on this game but hearing it is a lot like GTA4 has me worried. GTA4 was really sluggish and felt laggy. Hearing the shooting has been improved is nice, though.

multiplayer sounds AWESOME
WOW. the whole game world is playable in multiplayer, with the animals and all? i can just go explore with a friend or two, hunting bears and fighting bandits?

too good to be true, i wont believe it until i see it running in front of me! (relatively free of lag please, i dont want to see teleporting bears).

BTW GUYS PLEASE, stop with the complaints about "sluggish movement" and having to tap a button to run. it's pointless since they aren't going to go change that stuff this late in development, with the game pretty much finished... so just let it go because it's seriously infuriating. if you don't like the gameplay in GTAIV/RDR, go play other twitchier sandbox games if you want to run around as fast as a car and jump all over the place. there's PLENTY of those games around, i think one just like that released last week.
Are we still able to camp around the fire in a lobby as well? Will the weather still be changing as well in the lobby? These two answers would pretty much make it my favorite game to co-op in ever.
Sounds like they're really going to nail the multiplayer on this one. I didn't really care for GTA4's, but this sounds too fucking good to pass up. Looks like I'll be pre-ordering next week.


speculawyer said:
Where have you been? Plenty of the videos they have released have shown pieces of gameplay.
He's clearly talking about raw "gamer" gameplay, not "carefully selected snippets to be shown in a cinematic trailer" gameplay. You know there's a difference. :p
To anyone going to PAX tomorrow:
Could you check out the Dead-Eye feature? I've been wondering if you'll be able to use it to disarm baddies, i.e. shoot the gun out of their hand. I was playing Perfect Dark on XBLA and it reminded me of how awesome it is to disarm a guy and see the 'i shit my pants' look after the gun goes flying away.


sw33tclyde said:
To anyone going to PAX tomorrow:
Could you check out the Dead-Eye feature? I've been wondering if you'll be able to use it to disarm baddies, i.e. shoot the gun out of their hand. I was playing Perfect Dark on XBLA and it reminded me of how awesome it is to disarm a guy and see the 'i shit my pants' look after the gun goes flying away.
Although to be fair, that's just how Rare models looked back then.


Haunted said:
He's clearly talking about raw "gamer" gameplay, not "carefully selected snippets to be shown in a cinematic trailer" gameplay. You know there's a difference. :p

Exactly ^^, I want to see some guy stupidly run against walls and shoot the ground, because I usually find those videos more telling then those chosen scenes.

Nelo Ice

so after seeing some vids and reading previews from pax now i see why everyone is so excited about this game :D

man why does may have to be so brutal with alan wake, split/second, red dead and galaxy 2 coming out on the same week :lol
GoodMorning said:
I pray that there are duel's online

that would be soooooo epic.

Playstation Mag said:
There are also new multiplayer modes to unlock like the standard 16-player deathmatch and a team-based "capture the bag" (both of which start with a spectacular face-to-face quick-draw duel).

MP and SP for sure. I just read a preview that said as your Fame grows, more and more up and comer's will seek you out for a chance to test their mettle against yours in a one on one duel.
Nirolak said:
Apparently they're unveiling the game's multiplayer details two weeks from now: http://www.vg247.com/2010/03/26/multiplayer-details-for-red-dead-redemption-coming-week-of-april-5/
Maybe I just wasn't paying attention, but I wasn't aware this title even had multiplayer.
Just a heads up:

I gave them the tip, sorry if old

Here’s a excerpt from the mag:

Read Dead Redemption has an extensive multiplayer mode. Instead of a lobby, it begins with a free-roaming multiplayer mode where players can run freely through the game world. They can form gangs with other players they meet there, and this transition can be computer controlled bandits.


So every single person has tried this on the 360 exclusively even though they have PS3 versions set up? Is that a bad sign for the PS3 version?:/
sw33tclyde said:
Sorry, but I lol'd.
Don't worry baby I only put the tip in/touch tips/dick jokes/etc
:lol :lol yeah so my English does not think about those kind of words :p
OT: muliplayer seems to be cool from what I have read in the mag but will see in about 1.5 week when Rockstar tels us more.
Video Page

Found that page with all of the gameplay videos in one convenient location. Figured I'd post it because there was one I'd never seen before.

As I was watching it, there's a scene with Marston fighting a bear.. made me hope that Rockstar puts in some cool achievements/trophies. I'd love to see a 'Kill a Bear Barehanded'.


Wag said:
So every single person has tried this on the 360 exclusively even though they have PS3 versions set up? Is that a bad sign for the PS3 version?:/
I don't really think that's a reason to worry.

As far as the game doesn't run sluggishly (like GTAIV, but dunno if this is a PS3 only issue or also happens ont he 360), it should do fine.


sw33tclyde said:
As I was watching it, there's a scene with Marston fighting a bear.. made me hope that Rockstar puts in some cool achievements/trophies. I'd love to see a 'Kill a Bear Barehanded'.

That would be the 'Hoss' Cartwright achievement. :D

Dead Man

astroturfing said:
WOW. the whole game world is playable in multiplayer, with the animals and all? i can just go explore with a friend or two, hunting bears and fighting bandits?

too good to be true, i wont believe it until i see it running in front of me! (relatively free of lag please, i dont want to see teleporting bears).

BTW GUYS PLEASE, stop with the complaints about "sluggish movement" and having to tap a button to run. it's pointless since they aren't going to go change that stuff this late in development, with the game pretty much finished... so just let it go because it's seriously infuriating. if you don't like the gameplay in GTAIV/RDR, go play other twitchier sandbox games if you want to run around as fast as a car and jump all over the place. there's PLENTY of those games around, i think one just like that released last week.
Guys, please stop discussing this game, it's pointless since they aren't going to change that stuff this late in development. Really? FFS.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Checked the OP, didn't see it-- has there been any mention of a demo? Plenty of open world games have them now. Would like to mess around if possible.


Y2Kev said:
Checked the OP, didn't see it-- has there been any mention of a demo? Plenty of open world games have them now. Would like to mess around if possible.
No word as of yet.

I was actually hoping for some sort of announcement at GDC or PAX. Would fit the dev problems rumour, though. Every second spent getting the game done, no time for a demo.
Did Rockstar ever release a demo for Midnight Club LA? I know they didn't for GTA4. So if they didn't do one for MCLA also then I wouldn't expect one for RDR.
I'm really, really looking forward to this game, but if it controls like GTA4, and if it's so horribly broken technically-wise like GTA4 is on Ps3, well, I guess I'll wait until some ridiculous price drop occurs.


Mt Heart Attack said:
--and if it's so horribly broken technically-wise like GTA4 is on Ps3, well, I guess I'll wait until some ridiculous price drop occurs.

What? Worked just fine for me.
Tobor said:
I'm not saying you should like it, just that there's a reason for it, and an argument can be made to keep it.

I can break your entire case by bringing up one fact: you don't have to tap the button in multiplayer

If it was this was an amazing control input that made you feel the stress of running, why was it removed for multiplayer? so people could have fun? I want to have fun when playing the single player!

It even made more sense in the PS2 GTA games. If you held it down, you ran for a set limit. If you tapped it, it was like pacing yourself or breathing and it let you run for a longer distance. It's a bad idea but not a game breaking one and I'll have to live with it. Just wish they didn't make it such an annoyance to control in a game where you do a lot of navigating around the environment.

Y2Kev said:
Checked the OP, didn't see it-- has there been any mention of a demo? Plenty of open world games have them now. Would like to mess around if possible.

Don't count on it. And very few open world games have demos. The ones that do get it are the "blow shit up" games like Mercenaries, Just Cause, Red Faction, etc. because they're a different breed. Even Saints Row 2 didn't have a demo after the first game did.
spats said:
What? Worked just fine for me.
Everything looks so washed out (I remember my little cousin asking me "why is everything in black and white?" while I was playing, and I swear, I did my best with the tv settings), the frame rate is pretty unstable and.. it doesn't even look to be HD, I don't know if that's actually true or if it was some kind of old rumour.

I know that a lot of people are fine with the game, but, personally, it's the only game that I didn't beat because of technical issues (this gen that is).


Neo Member
Some more stuff I got from PAX today:

As your bounty goes up, you can expect to fight harder baddies similar to GTA's 6-star wanted rating system. One rep said you would eventually fight policemen combined with hunting dogs (but another rep said he hadn't heard of the dogs).

EVERY building has an interior.

From the pause menu, the Social Club option will keep you up to date on challenges, tournaments, and other stuff that the Social Club does (I don't know, never used it myself). He said it's Rockstar's most ambitious use of the Social Club in any of their games to date, all the way back to Table Tennis.

Guns feel appropriately powerful. Marston goes down in about 7 shots or less (regenerative health makes everything okay after about 10 seconds though), and enemies die from 1 or 2 shots. This is compensated by how slow the old guns fire and reload. Remember that fat fucking miner in the screenshots? There was one of them in the mansion in the demo. I killed him with a single pistol shot to the chest.

Riding your horse through cacti lowers its fatigue bar. So it's not just a "how often you can spur your horse" bar like the carrots in Zelda. It also acts as a makeshift health bar for your horse. (I'm kinda half-guessing on this one. the two reps seemed to disagree here)

Seth is basically Gollum.

Animations are pretty damn amazing. I watched another player get killed by being shot in the back. When he was killed, Marston dropped his pistol, arched his back, and grabbed the wound with a grimace before collapsing to the ground.

You can lasso a dog. You cannot lasso a dead, skinned dog.

When people die, they drop ammo from their gun that glints in the light. You can also loot bodies for supplies like tobacco and stuff. But don't activate the looting animation while there are still enemies around.

Buggggyyyyy. I'll cut them some slack because it's still an awesome game, but I managed to crash the game once during my 15-minute playthrough. There were several visible glitches with animations (crab walking) and weirder things (a little bit of teleporting).

You can lasso and hogtie other players in multiplayer.

Close-combat finishing moves are pretty brutal. This one dude stuffed a rifle under a guy's head and blew his brains out. I took a closer look and there was literally a huge hole blasted out of his head. It was kinda gross.

Dueling is another minigame similar to Revolver's. You still have to grab your pistol, "paint" the target, and kill him. Or something. I kinda forget how Revolver's system worked, except that it wasn't balanced for multiplayer. I don't know if dueling will be in Redemption's multiplayer.

I saw another player spend at least 30 seconds trying to enter a doorway with a couple small steps in front of it. Because Marston's turning arc is so wide, he kept walking right around the stairs and crashed into the wall. He missed the door at least 9 or 10 times.
Mt Heart Attack said:
Everything looks so washed out (I remember my little cousin asking me "why is everything in black and white?" while I was playing, and I swear, I did my best with the tv settings), the frame rate is pretty unstable and.. it doesn't even look to be HD, I don't know if that's actually true or if it was some kind of old rumour.

I know that a lot of people are fine with the game, but, personally, it's the only game that I didn't beat because of technical issues (this gen that is).

those aren't really technical issues, just that you didnt like the graphics...

for me the game felt and looked great on PS3 (certainly the best looking open-world game out then), and it was pretty much the only game that NEVER crashed or bugged out on me, which is quite amazing considering the size and scale of the game. so IMO it's technically excellent.
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