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Monster Hunter 3 Tri Official Site Updated

Finally tried the demo and this is my first experience with the franchise.

It's hard, the controls suck and I don't think I like it. Yet, I want to keep playing.

I can't seem to kill the one star boss, despite pounding the crap out of him.


I like what I've seen of this game so far, but I've got a few questions hopefully someone can answer...

Are there any classes? Or is the "class" you play determined by the weapon you choose?

If so, is there any kind of "weapon skill" or something similar, as an incentive to stick to a few weapons at a time? Or can anyone use any weapon they want?

Do you level up in the traditional sense? Or is progression linked to the equipment you create?

Are there any kind of special attacks other than just "shoot/slice"? (heal spells, speed buffs, anything like that).

I could probably just wait for the OT, but dammit, I want to know! :D


Dreavus said:
I like what I've seen of this game so far, but I've got a few questions hopefully someone can answer...

Are there any classes? Or is the "class" you play determined by the weapon you choose?

If so, is there any kind of "weapon skill" or something similar, as an incentive to stick to a few weapons at a time? Or can anyone use any weapon they want?

Do you level up in the traditional sense? Or is progression linked to the equipment you create?

Are there any kind of special attacks other than just "shoot/slice"? (heal spells, speed buffs, anything like that).

I could probably just wait for the OT, but dammit, I want to know! :D
You can make and have all types of weapons in your arsenal and pick what you like to use. Different monsters have a weakness to a particular weapon.

Game is not only about the different weapon classes, in actual fact, you define what you want to be on the field thru armor skill set. You can be a medic, a trap setter, a miner, a status attack specialist, a playmaker, a brute force hunter, an evader, a knock down specialist, a clown, anything you can think of. (This system is more flexible and refine in MH3 only)

For eg. Sword & Shield - You can have armor skills like: Consume item fast + range healing + Healing up, that will turn you into a medic on the field.

Basically you level up so that you are able to accept harder quests. Your stats remains.

P.S. Basically I copy and paste from the previous page.


Tenbatsu said:
You can make and have all types of weapons in your arsenal and pick what you like to use. Different monsters have a weakness to a particular weapon.

Game is not only about the different weapon classes, in actual fact, you define what you want to be on the field thru armor skill set. You can be a medic, a trap setter, a miner, a status attack specialist, a playmaker, a brute force hunter, an evader, a knock down specialist, a clown, anything you can think of.

For eg. Sword & Shield - You can have armor skills like: Consume item fast + range healing + Healing up, that will turn you into a medic on the field.

Basically you level up so that you are able to accept harder quests. Your stats remains.

P.S. Basically I copy and paste from the previous page.

Thanks for the info; sounds interesting! Reminds me of something like Guild Wars in the broadest sense, where it's more about skill and choosing what to bring to a fight rather than just being a high enough level.

Yeah, apparently I suck at reading the thread. I usually start a few pages back from the most recent but I guess I missed your responses :p.


comedy bomb said:
Finally tried the demo and this is my first experience with the franchise.

It's hard, the controls suck and I don't think I like it. Yet, I want to keep playing.

I can't seem to kill the one star boss, despite pounding the crap out of him.

There's definetly a learning curve but it seems like most people who are buying this game, including myself, are going to end up using the pro classic controller. I'm not a big fan of the default Wii remote + nunchuck controls due to the camera controls and how the motion control with some of the moves is just kind of strange. Still, it didn't stop me from enjoying the demo. You may want to consider trying out different weapons to see if any of them feel better to you than others.

Yeah, the game is challenging but that's part of where the fun comes in. It's not meant to be a mindless hack and slash type of game since Monster Hunter Tri requires some strategy in knowing when to attack and when to dodge a monster's attack. Of course, if you play online then you'll have other people to help you out while hunting in parties.

By the way, I just saw the game's tv commercial on the SyFy channel.
I'm going to buy a Wii for this I've decided. I've held out so long but this and a few other games have pushed me over the line. Is there going to be a console bundle by chance? All I could find on google was some sexy ass Japanese bundle.
Dr. Acid Avatar said:
I'm going to buy a Wii for this I've decided. I've held out so long but this and a few other games have pushed me over the line. Is there going to be a console bundle by chance? All I could find on google was some sexy ass Japanese bundle.
Not to my knowledge however there is the still sexy game bundle that comes with a Wii classic controller pro. :D


I am Homie
comedy bomb said:
Finally tried the demo and this is my first experience with the franchise.

It's hard, the controls suck and I don't think I like it. Yet, I want to keep playing.

I can't seem to kill the one star boss, despite pounding the crap out of him.
You = a million other people before they get passed the learning curve. The next phase is "I was enjoying the game, I got all the way up to _______ and it is such a cheap POS. This game sucks and I quit" or you get passed that initial _______ and fall in love with MH forever.


Dreavus said:
I like what I've seen of this game so far, but I've got a few questions hopefully someone can answer...

Are there any classes? Or is the "class" you play determined by the weapon you choose?

If so, is there any kind of "weapon skill" or something similar, as an incentive to stick to a few weapons at a time? Or can anyone use any weapon they want?

Do you level up in the traditional sense? Or is progression linked to the equipment you create?

Are there any kind of special attacks other than just "shoot/slice"? (heal spells, speed buffs, anything like that).

I could probably just wait for the OT, but dammit, I want to know! :D
Since you're asking those kind of questions, I think you might have the wrong idea what kind of game it is. It's not really comparable to other hack&slash RPGs.

There's no skill tree. All your character does are using items and using attacks. Attacks are different when you switch weapon types, but they don't change during the game.

Through armor skills you can increase the efficiency of the way you play, like cutting through monsters despite sharpness, better healing, faster consumption, faster trap planting, etc. So "being a class" is purely in a practical sense. Tenbatsu healing example uses the Sword & Shield type, because that's the only weapon type that can heal while having the weapon unsheathed. That doesn't mean other weapon types can't heal during combat with the same armor set, it's just that it's not as practical when you have to sheath your weapon (and heavy weapons are slow with sheathing) to save a teammate.

There's also stuff like faster charging so you can use the powerful charged attack of the Great Sword faster. That skill won't do anything when used in conjunction with non-chargeable weapon types.

If you compare this to Guild Wars then your class would be like your weapon type. Your armorset would be your skills. The way you use them in battle would be how you attack and how you use the prepared items in your inventory.

The only thing that really levels up is your Hunter Rank, which allows you to fight bigger and stronger monsters (and making better equipment from it). There are also some side things that get better, like cats cooking for you before battle giving you temporary bonuses.

The only thing that can (and probably will) limit players to stick to a few weapons at first is budget. Making weapons uses carved and gathered materials + money. So even if you want to try another weapon, you might lack the materials to create or upgrade. That's where most of the gameplay comes from: ohhh, I want to make X armorset or I need only 1 more carve from X monster to upgrade my weapon and you go and hunt the monster.

Growth in gameplay comes from experience and execution and not leveling and unlocking. None of the boss monsters are ever cannon fodders, you always have to work for it. So it's like Street Fighter in roaming space.


For those new to the Monster Hunter series (and I'm still very new to it myself), I can't really compare the overall structure of this game to anything else I can remember playing. The Wii demo was my first taste of the series and I enjoyed it so much that I went and bought a PSP and Monster Hunter Freedom Unite. I've put a little over 15 hours into MHFU and I still feel like a complete noob. I've only really gotten comfortable with two of the weapon types, the hammer and the long sword.

After 15 hours, I've only been able to improve 2 of my weapons to anything beyond a slight bump in stats. I've just now gotten comfortable fighting the Yian Kut Ku which is the first real monster I've fought. I've now gotten a felyne companion to fight alongside of me and two more in the kitchen. I'm now becoming comfortable making my own healing potions and mega potions though I haven't learned what item combines with what other item to make anything else. I've upgraded my garden using pokke points twice and planted a mushroom tree. And I've finished about half of the two star quests. I haven't attempted any guild or treasure hunting quests and have just recently unlocked the first training mission beyond the initial beginner training missions. Many of the folks in this thread will tell you I've just scratched the surface. Once again I'm 15 hours in.

This game is deep. And I love it.

I can completely understand how folks put over 200 hours into this game. It is just that good. Out of 58 boss monsters, I've fought only one of them. The first time I brought down the Yian Kut Ku, I was ecstatic. Last night when I beat the Kut Ku for the third time and finally got the flame sac I was needing for the Barbaroi Sword, I jumped up in bed and woke up my wife (who didn't share my same level of enthusiasm). I'm just now able to really wrap my mind around everything that's going on in this game, bombs/traps/cut vs. impact/growing crops/mining/fishing/getting piggy-rub buffs/etc.

Now most of you new folks will probably not take as long as me to get up to speed in this game. I'm known to be slow :lol . But my point is the Wii demo is like a drop in the bucket as far as the full game is concerned. Of course my only real experience with this series has come from the PSP version (not the upcoming Wii one) but from what most folks have posted in this thread, MHFU is to MH3 as Madden 09 is to Madden 10. They're not exact copies of each other, but still come from the same mold. My only concern is that when MH3 comes out, I won't be able to devote as much time as I'd like to both MHFU and MH3. This series can become a huge time sink.

Also, my take on how experience/leveling/skills works in MH...

You can equip ANY weapon or piece of armor you want at ANY time if you own it. This game does not work off of experience points or attributes as other games are accustomed to using. When you begin, you have access to one star quests. Once you complete all of the one star quests, two star quests open up. Once all of the two star quests are completed, three star quests are available to you, etc. etc. etc. And you can redo quests indefinitely. Now, to get the better armor or weapons, you must have the items to create them or to improve your current armor/weapons. You cannot get the better items to create the better weapons/armor until you complete the quest that either gives the item to you or has the monster you carve that item from. In other words, you can use "level four" armor at any time, no restrictions, except for the fact that level four quests must be available to you (you've completed all of level one, two and three quests) and you've successfully gathered/carved enough of the items from the level four quests to make the level four armor/weapons. Makes sense?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Sorry if posted, but saw the end of a commercial for the game last night, on TBS. Looked like a shortened version of the promos, as expected.


Unconfirmed Member
gotee12 said:
Last night when I beat the Kut Ku for the third time and finally got the flame sac I was needing for the Barbaroi Sword, I jumped up in bed and woke up my wife.
Makes sense?
:lol It makes brilliant sense! Good answers from you and Soneet. I hope we manage to bring in a whole load of newcomers like this.

Just FYI people, the exclusive "chest" edition from GAME.uk.com has dropped £10 if you were still a bit iffy.

Also, I went along with some Hunter pals to the VIP event in London at the weekend, and it was simply magical. All so well-put together, gave us a consta-buzz throughout the afternoon!

It's crazy, no game gets me so pumped as this series. Will post a few pics this evenin'.

Will read, thanks!


Monster Hunter 3 Contest!

Winners of each category (as voted on by the community) will receive the following prize package:

1 - Classic Controller Pro
1 - Wii Speak Package
1 - Copy of Monster Hunter Tri

The grand prize winner (each category winner will be pitted against each other) will receive all of the above PLUS a brand new Wii!

The Deadline is April 19th at 11:59PM PDT!
More: http://www.capcom-unity.com/jgonzo/blog/2010/04/05/announcing_the_great_monster_hunter_tribute_contest!

And... :'(

Monster Hunter Contest: Create Your Own Quest

The contest starts now and ends on Thursday April 8th. Winners will receive a copy of Monster Hunter Freedom Unite for PSP, a Monster Hunter Tri demo, and a Lagiacrus Fossil model.

How did I miss this? :'(


Somebody please tell me that my copy of the demo is suffering a really weird glitch. I refuse to believe that they would map one of the attack buttons on the Classic Controller control scheme to the + button.


KevinCow said:
Somebody please tell me that my copy of the demo is suffering a really weird glitch. I refuse to believe that they would map one of the attack buttons on the Classic Controller control scheme to the + button.

One of the attack buttons? Is it the kick?


Been following this game for AGES and am pretty excited for it now. All the videos I'm seeing make the game look super hard - which is a good thing! Looking forward to playing it and getting better and better at the game. *reads new iwata asks*
I've never played this series before, but it looks pretty cool. Is this the type of game you can do at your lesiure or is it super involved? This would be a good way to dust off the Wii and play something different for a change.

Is April 20th still on point for release in NA?


Thanks for the info/impressions Soneet and gotee. That really gives a good sense of what the game is about, which was difficult to discern from straight gameplay footage when all they show are awesome boss fights. I should probably go see if I can get the demo at some point.


Nostalgic Nightmare said:
I've never played this series before, but it looks pretty cool. Is this the type of game you can do at your lesiure or is it super involved? This would be a good way to dust off the Wii and play something different for a change.

Is April 20th still on point for release in NA?

This game is definetly very involving and challenging. This is not a mindless hack and slasher game where you can relax and mash buttons. Once you enter the field of battle, you're able to be attacked by monsters whenever and wherever... even when it comes to running away to find a hopefully safe place for a few seconds to consume a health potion item. As far as combat goes, you've got to constantly dodge and attack monsters to bring them down which requires a good sense of timing and some skill. Monsters can run or fly away so you have to follow them if you fail to bring them down quickly enough.

According to the game's tv commercial, yes it is.


Unconfirmed Member
Nostalgic Nightmare said:
I've never played this series before, but it looks pretty cool. Is this the type of game you can do at your lesiure or is it super involved? This would be a good way to dust off the Wii and play something different for a change.

Is April 20th still on point for release in NA?
Like Iwata and co. explain, there's plenty of light stuff to do easily at your leisure. Even the "hardcore" stuff is not that involved. If you're crazy, you can number crunch the shit out of it with things like damage calculation and luck, but for most of us every quest (especially with friends) is full of epic moments and/or laughter. That's what it's all about.

I think late April is pretty much set in stone for both US and EU. Cannot bloody wait!
Here are some pics from the event at the Village Underground near Old Street, London:

Great atmosphere and deco



Crazy shouty people and crazy hot people



Capcom PR maestro Leo Tan taking us all back to school

But Pugi is late...



No. Thank YOU.


I think Capcom's promotion of Monster Hunter Tri is the best marketing of any Wii game, even rivaling the best of Nintendo's first-party efforts.

Their holding events, releasing weekly online video ads, tv commercials (before the game's actual release), in-store ads, game demos and contests. Heck, Capcom's been promoting this game for months on end like it did with Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, but on an even bigger scale.
Is there any official news on why Gamestop has stopped offering preorders for the bundle?

EDIT: And just to correct Tenbatsu, streets only support 4 players in the NA/EU versions. This is likely to cut down on WiiSpeak clutter.


I will not have enough time for this, Super Street Fighter 4 and the Halo: Reach Beta this month and next. :(

I'll still pick up my pre-order though!


Littlegator said:
Is there any official news on why Gamestop has stopped offering preorders for the bundle?

EDIT: And just to correct Tenbatsu, streets only support 4 players in the NA/EU versions. This is likely to cut down on WiiSpeak clutter.
Never heard of this? Damn and I was originally planning on procrastinating. Luckily I caved in and pre-ordered earlier. It's not that I didn't want the game it's just I was lazy. :lol


Littlegator said:
Is there any official news on why Gamestop has stopped offering preorders for the bundle?

EDIT: And just to correct Tenbatsu, streets only support 4 players in the NA/EU versions. This is likely to cut down on WiiSpeak clutter.
Wow I didn't know that, thanks for clarifying. Can you post me the link where they announce this? Four is kinda little thou, you all will kinda miss the fun of having a group of ten.


Tons of videos in US Nintendo channel. The story trailers are pretty nice but if you do not want to be spoiled, do skip them as it shows how the offline story progresses.

The graphics are still so pretty to me.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I already have a classic Wii controller, so i don't see any reason why i should pay more for this game just to get an improved classic controller, just hope there is the option for that. Unless the new controller is THAT much better.

The game looks great & fun, hopefully the learning curve & difficulty isn't as hard as some people here are saying.


Nostalgic Nightmare said:
One other question, will you be able to hook up with friends online or is it random ala Demons Souls?

Thank you.
You are able to hook up with your friends by an unique ID by adding them in your list rather than friend codes.

Bisnic said:
I already have a classic Wii controller, so i don't see any reason why i should pay more for this game just to get an improved classic controller, just hope there is the option for that. Unless the new controller is THAT much better.

The game looks great & fun, hopefully the learning curve & difficulty isn't as hard as some people here are saying.
The controller is superb, even better than the Dual Shock 3 IMO. Only downside is that it lacks rumble.

As for learning curve wise, just start by playing offline mode and you are fine. The pacing for offline mode for new players is pretty well done.
Man, ever since I played the demo, waiting for this game is like torture!

I was watching videos on youtube lastnight... VIDEOS OF THE DEMO THAT I HAVE herp.

Other videos I try to ignore =/ they show too many monsters. I'd rather not see all the monsters before the game is out.

Also, I got totally used to using the wiimote and when I tried the classic controller agg.. I have to get used to turning the camera and going back to a instead of b.


Bisnic said:
The game looks great & fun, hopefully the learning curve & difficulty isn't as hard as some people here are saying.
It's not that the learning curve is overly difficult, it's just that there's a LOT to learn right off the bat. Most games start you out with one or two actions and every hour or so you learn a new attack/skill. MH starts out with all attack skills and weapon types available to you. It's just a lot to take in at once...

Kyuuketsu_Night said:
Man, ever since I played the demo, waiting for this game is like torture!
That's why I broke down and bought a PSP to play MHFU!
Kyuuketsu_Night said:
Man, ever since I played the demo, waiting for this game is like torture!
Definetly, I even sign up for for broadband connection at my grandma's house. :lol

And I predict some kind of sickness around April 25th, you know, just taking a break to spend the whole day with mah Monsta Hunta. <3

Don't judge me, Gaf. Most will do the same. :lol


I didn't see this mentioned.

Monster Hunter Tri on UStream Tomorrow - Ask us your Questions said:

Tomorrow, April 7th, we're going to UStream Monster Hunter Tri live and answer your questions. The stream will start around 4:00pm PST and we'll post a blog with the stream location tomorrow. We'll be focusing on showing the single player portions of the game, so if you have questions about Monster Hunter Tri post them in the comments below. You can also chat with us live during the stream to ask us questions on the fly.

See you there!
gotee12 said:
Well I know what I'm doing tonight at 7:00pm EST....
Did the stream already end? Im on the channel but nothing showing.

edit : well according to the nice gentleman in the chat, the stream has been moved to tomorrow at the same time. So ill make sure to see that then i guess.


Damn Wii Speak limits the towns to only four players! That's surprising.

kafka rock opera said:
Did the stream already end? Im on the channel but nothing showing.
Apparently it was moved tomorrow. (mic troubles)
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