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KINGSGLAIVE: Final Fantasy XV Thread: Everything for the future king


Are we really sure that FFXV was Romeo and Juliet stuff? Especially when Nomura has said otherwise and devs confirmed that the quotes are just to set the tone more than anything?

I totally got the Hamlet vibe from Versus and get the same feel from FFXV. Even more so with FFXV now.

With the new FFXV I miss the whole Baz Luhrmann R&J and Gatsby crystalline look more than anything. It looked rad.

I always felt it was more Henry IV (which is less focused on the king than on Prince Hal becoming worthy of taking over the throne). But who knows how familiar Japanese devs are with Shakespeare's histories, I guess.


Are we really sure that FFXV was Romeo and Juliet stuff? Especially when Nomura has said otherwise and devs confirmed that the quotes are just to set the tone more than anything?

I totally got the Hamlet vibe from Versus and get the same feel from FFXV. Even more so with FFXV now.

With the new FFXV I miss the whole Baz Luhrmann R&J and Gatsby's crystalline look more than anything. It looked rad.

Everyone in FFXV seems to be not nearly insane enough to be Hamlet.

I always felt it was more Henry IV (which is less focused on the king than on Prince Hal becoming worthy of taking over the throne). But who knows how familiar Japanese devs are with Shakespeare's histories, I guess.

I keep saying this, but one scene in an early Versus XIII trailer is a shot-for-shot remake of the intro scene of Baz Luhrmann's Romeo + Juliette. He's at the very least aware of the plot of that story.


Well, that's a tad concerning to hear for what it could mean for the game itself. Granted, I'm not convinced the original Versus story would have been all that spectacular either but then there isn't any way to really know. But if the game fails then that status of 'Versus would have been better' will only grow stronger regardless of how true it could have been.
Are we really sure that FFXV was Romeo and Juliet stuff? Especially when Nomura has said otherwise and devs confirmed that the quotes are just to set the tone more than anything?

I totally got the Hamlet vibe from Versus and get the same feel from FFXV. Even more so with FFXV now.

With the new FFXV I miss the whole Baz Luhrmann R&J and Gatsby's crystalline look more than anything. It looked rad.

I remember that trailer scene of Stella confronting Noctis in the street and drawing her own sword and it makes me super sad that basically 100% of that entire concept is gone.
I always felt it was more Henry IV (which is less focused on the king than on Prince Hal becoming worthy of taking over the throne). But who knows how familiar Japanese devs are with Shakespeare's histories, I guess.

lol given that a big part of the Henry IV plays is him telling his silly childhood friend to go fuck himself that would be a huge bummer for Prompto


Nomura is a huge Baz Luhrmann fan...

If this is directed at me, I'm not saying he's not. Baz Luhrmann is his favourite director. I'm saying R+J and the conventional R&J are completely different things though. I always felt that Versus had pulled more from the style of Luhrmann's R+J more than anything.


I don't think it not being Versus is that big a deal. Just a personal thing for me. But I really don't find what they tried to do in Kingsglaive very interesting. It tries to go for the FFXII and GoT serious fantasy style, but just doesn't quite nail it.


I keep saying this, but one scene in an early Versus XIII trailer is a shot-for-shot remake of the intro scene of Baz Luhrmann's Romeo + Juliette. He's at the very least aware of the plot of that story.

It was identical with the aquarium especially.

I always felt it was more Henry IV (which is less focused on the king than on Prince Hal becoming worthy of taking over the throne). But who knows how familiar Japanese devs are with Shakespeare's histories, I guess.

I'm not as familiar with Henry IV's story, though I'm sure I learned it and forgot it or something. I would think Nomura would be more familiar with Hamlet as that's more popular, especially with Luhrmann having adapted one of Shakespeare's works already.


If this is directed at me, I'm not saying he's not. Baz Luhrmann is his favourite director. I'm R+J and the conventional R&J are completely different things though. I always felt that Versus had pulled more from the style of Luhrmann's R+J more than anything.

Absolutely. They way Stella and Noctis meet in Versus XIII in front of fish tank is another thing taken straight from Luhrmann's R+J.

Edit: Ninja'd.


that puzzling face
Pretty good. Diamond Weapon looks great.

Legit spoilers from information in credits, but not immediately apparent from just watching the film, easter egg material:

I like that it's "Knights of the Round"* that beat up on the Diamond Weapon(s). Was a cool thing for FFVII fans to pick up on

*The name is directly referenced to in credits

I thought it was pretty great overall and worth watching on the big screen. Some mixing issues, but I'm not sure how much of that was inherent to the film and how much of that was due to our theater being (as far as I can tell) crippled with only a stereo mix playing (2016 ringing, hallo?).

Some of the fight scenes were a little hard to follow, but pacing for the movie was pretty good.


Speaking of the aquarium... It's kinda in Kingsglaive... but the scene with Nyx and Luna is so different...

They've shown it off screen in one of the voice actor interviews. I only remember Luna saying something along the lines of
"I'm safest right next to you, right?"


Legit spoilers from information in credits, but not immediately apparent from just watching the film, easter egg material:

I like that it's "Knights of the Round"* that beat up the Diamond Weapon(s). Was a cool thing for FFVII fans to pick up on

*The name is directly referenced to in credits

I don't want to spoil the only nice surprise the film has for fans...

I thought it was super obvious when watching it.
I don't think it not being Versus is that big a deal. Just a personal thing for me. But I really don't find what they tried to do in Kingsglaive very interesting. It tries to go for the FFXII and GoT serious fantasy style, but just doesn't quite nail it.

I'm glad they're at least understanding that that's a good tone to go for (as opposed to teen melodrama). Hopefully that'll bear out in future games.


I'm all the way the heck down in Mattoon right now. Our nearest 'big city' is Champaign which is like an hour away IIRC. I usually live in cities large enough to host this sort of an event. Me am sad. :C

I might try to trek to Peoria...

EDIT: Can you make it to Schaumburg? I don't know much about Chicago... never been there... but Wikipedia lists it as a suburb of Chicago, so hey, it's part of your metro area!

Yeah I can but it's an hour away each way due to the horrible traffic here. I'm planning on going but it would just be a more convenient situation for me since Friday traffic is completely awful.
Well I just watched it. The english version is already in cinemas in Malaysia. Here's my short spoiler free review:

Final Fantasy XV Kingsglaive is a mess and the first 2 acts are like a bunch of 5 minutes shorts stitched up together. Everything moves too fast and no scenes are allowed to breathe. The dialogue and acting at times too, was cringy. Ansolutely bad action cinematography at times that you just get confused on whats happening.

The final 3rd act however, was pretty cool.

Deleted member 20920

Unconfirmed Member
Okay so I'm still on the train but goddamn. Nozue is still a really weak director and it shows. Terrible actiob storyboarding, chaotic cuts, poor transitions, cantseeshit. Half the movie is set at night with close up action filled with garish effects and iffy sound mixing.

Fans familiar with the FMV in FFXIII where they all ride their summons to attack Eden on the highway will recognize the same nonsensical camerawork here. Visualworks animated the hell out of the movie but the direction is still amateur shit. >_<

Yes that is the exact scene I would equate it to...Such a pity because the Kingglaives' abilities could have been done well. Imagine the first Versus trailer we had but with more characters warping around if they haven't been crazy with the camera....

I think action wise, if we're comparing with Advent Children, I kind of prefer Advent Children.

Diamond weapon was really good though. Felt like a real Kaiju moment. I wonder how Nilfhiem has control of all these creatures to help them fight.
Diamond Weapon was called a demon in the film
(Term spoiler, very minor)

Deleted member 20920

Unconfirmed Member
Lol at duckroll's pee break...
Such anticipation XD
It's actually quite decent.

There's no anime esque cringe that plague so many Japanese stories.

It was bad. :(

More later.


Deleted member 20920

Unconfirmed Member
Yikes, so Kingsglaive is worse than Advent Children? &#128128;

No it's still better than Advent Children. Nothing is worse than Advent Children, if we're comparing Square Enix FF movies.

It was only good for the visuals then and the FF7 nostalgia milking.


Purple Drazi
Yikes, so Kingsglaive is worse than Advent Children? &#128128;

Personally, I really don't see that being the case for me. I have not seen the film as yet, but for me to walk away thinking it inferior to Advent Children, it'd have to do certain things it straight-up cannot do.
Bringing Rufus (and Sephiroth, really) back from the dead was such a kick in the teeth to me I can't even begin to express it. Like, I don't even know why it bugs me as much as it does. I can get on fine with certain character revivals in other franchises but this stings.
Other than that, there's also the matter of AC's silly
and dialogue that is probably more wooden and awkward than Kingsglaive's, given what I'm hearing about this newer pic.

Of course, if we're talking about the action sequences being a garbled mess, I mean, yes, it sounds like ACC might remain the gold standard of Square Enix fight choreography that's somewhat easy to follow and still very flashy. Which is kind of a shame, but I mean, look, I don't like Advent Children and I'm still willing to admit that the Complete version still holds up really well visually.


Okay, so yeah. Well, that was... something. The film felt like Jon Snow from Game of Thrones. A bastard child possibly from an aborted relationship that ended badly, raised by someone who is honor-bound to care and treat it like family, but aware enough that it isn't good enough to showcase and legitimize as an heir. I would give it a solid A+ for technical effort, and a C- for the actual result.

The film is simple enough. It's about an elite taskforce set up by Regis to help repel the invading army over the course of a 12 year war. The taskforce is made up of people from the regions outside of Insomnia, considered "foreigners" by "pure" Lucians. There's an attempt to make a social statement about immigrant conscription and what a home is to these people, but none of it is really deep. Instead most of the runtime is filled with action setpieces which range from kinda entertaining to whatthefuckamIlookingatcantseeshit. Mostly the latter. The sound mixing is also incredibly poor, making chaotic quick cut action scenes even more confusing because the audio cues are just a mess.

For those who have not already read 50 wikipedia articles about the lore and setting of Final Fantasy XV, it's really easy to get lost in this film. There isn't much exposition, which is usually a good thing, but there really isn't much development either which is not okay. The film starts with a long droning narration by Luna about the state of the world and how the war started, but instead of feeling like an organic introduction to a fantasy story, it feels like a poorly edited LAST TIME ON FINAL FANTASY XV intro in a TV show.

I liked a lot of the designs, and I think the conscious attempt to ground the direction in the non-action scenes actually worked. Unfortunately there simply isn't enough of these scenes, and while they try to do quite a bit with the small original cast in the film, a lot of it falls flat and feels wasted because no one really knows any of these characters, and never will. Without a connection to these people, the only thing we have to go on is what they say about themselves, which frankly isn't interesting at all. There isn't enough interaction between the characters to build up any sort of natural dynamic and development for any sacrifice or tragedy to have impact.

I think long time FF fans, especially FFVII fans will be very pleased with the visual homages and boss nods throughout. Unfortunately that's all surface level fanservice because there's no reason for any of them actually being in the film. They're just pretty props. The final action set piece was clearly designed to be visually complex and I totally got what Nozue was going for in designing it the way he did, but his lack of ability to execute it in an elegant way made the entire fight confusing and messy rather than showcasing a really cool comparison of scale between two related but separate duels going on at the same time. Huge waste there.

Yeah, the film wasn't very good at all. But it's a Final Fantasy movie, so I guess it was pretty much what I expected. I wonder how useful it will be as a promotional tool for FFXV though. At my screening when the credits started rolling, it felt like the entire audience had a collective "huh, that's it?" reaction. And those who stayed for the post-credit game tease just laughed.
Okay so I'm still on the train but goddamn. Nozue is still a really weak director and it shows. Terrible actiob storyboarding, chaotic cuts, poor transitions, cantseeshit. Half the movie is set at night with close up action filled with garish effects and iffy sound mixing.

Fans familiar with the FMV in FFXIII where they all ride their summons to attack Eden on the highway will recognize the same nonsensical camerawork here. Visualworks animated the hell out of the movie but the direction is still amateur shit. >_<

whaaat, but the action scenes looked so good in the trailers.

No, not at all. If anything, it makes me worried that the game will be a simplistic barebones story of two people reuniting, peppered with eyerolling tryhard faux socio-political fluff.

After Kingsglaive I am convinced that almost nothing remains of the Hamlet and Romeo & Juliet inspired stuff Versus promised. Tabata has a different style and I'm not a fan.

The dialogue was very good for what it is though. Very natural, other than the nonsense names and terms.



Purple Drazi
The film felt like Jon Snow from Game of Thrones.

This is a really great review you've put up; I'm hoping of course that I come away from the film more positive, but still, great review.

If you'd just left it at that first sentence though I'd feel so confused because Jon Snow's my favorite character in fantasy fiction. XD


Are we not counting Spirits Within here or is that one in its own category?

The Spirits Within is not a FINAL FANTASY movie.. I dont care what it says in the title.

Advent Children and Kingsglaive are actual final fantasy movies...in fact they are the truest form of a video game movie in that they are not just loosely based on a game, but actually directly tied to it, like a sequel or prequel but in movie form.

Assassin's Creed is supposed to be set in the same world as the game making it also a true video game movie.. hopefully its good.


whaaat, but the action scenes looked so good in the trailers.

The animation is REALLY good. The choreography and editing is garbage. There are several fights where they had like different fights taking place in totally different places with different characters at the same time, and they would keep cutting between them, but because the art direction is so similar it's really hard to get a good read in each cut which fight you're actually watching, so it's really hard to just enjoy. But at least the earlier scenes took place in some daylight. Once the night time invasion begins.... seriously... can't... see.... shit.


that puzzling face
The animation is REALLY good.

I think there's a little bit of an un-evenness in quality for the animation (or capture work, or w/e). Some scenes it's easy to forget it's CGI. Others look really stiff.
Izakaya scene
was the first scene in the movie that struck me as 'hey yup, it's CGI'. Also where Nyx
briefs the Glaives while Captain is absent


I think there's a little bit of an un-evenness in quality for the animation (or capture work, or w/e). Some scenes it's easy to forget it's CGI. Others look really stiff.
Izakaya scene
was the first scene in the movie that struck me as 'hey yup, it's CGI'. Also where Nyx
briefs the Glaives while Captain is absent

Yes. I agree. The facial animation and close ups are godlike. The action animation is very good. But the more subtle character work where they're just hanging out is substantially worse. I also noticed that the modeling for the bodies and the skin textures on the arms in that
Izakaya scene
was really kinda.... fake looking.

I'm mostly talking about action, because he said it looked so good in the trailers. The actual complete scenes flow much more awkwardly.

Deleted member 20920

Unconfirmed Member
I think the movie tries to stay to a fixed theme, which is better than what you can say about Advent Children, which felt like a badly written OVA of an anime. Whether it achieves that or not is another question. There were a few character scenes where they tried to establish the motives of Nyx, Luna and Libertus but I felt that there were gaps in the dialogue. I can't recall the exact lines but the character whose motives were being established will try to explain why they're doing certain things but doesn't quite say it completely. The person who is listening would acknowledge something else entirely, as though he or she has managed to read the person's mind.

I think one scene in the movie, though not about motives, has the same problem as well.

Spoilers for the party scene

Nyx tries to give Luna the hairpin. And during the conversation Luna manages to jump to the conclusion that the person who tried to deliver it has died, even though it wasn't that heavily hinted to Luna. The whole mood didn't feel right. I guess during times of war such tragedies tend to happen, but it was weird. And they moved on from that particular beat as well in the conversation a bit too quickly. It was good hearing Somnus and seeing Amano's paint. I wonder of the goddess in the painting is still part of the story.

Coming back to the motives of the characters, i felt that it wasn't entirely clear as to why Nyx does what he does. The film tries to look more complex than it really is but in the end the actions of Nyx, Libertus,Luna and the other characters are really quite simply minded and it is that way because they didn't expand on what has been written with more depth.

The resistance leader was a really odd character. And having Libertus join the resistance and be called a hero is also very strange because there seems to be a huge chunk cut off. They should have been more scenes of Libertus and the resistance beyond that introductory scene at the arcade.


Well I just watched it. The english version is already in cinemas in Malaysia. Here's my short spoiler free review:

Final Fantasy XV Kingsglaive is a mess and the first 2 acts are like a bunch of 5 minutes shorts stitched up together. Everything moves too fast and no scenes are allowed to breathe. The dialogue and acting at times too, was cringy. Ansolutely bad action cinematography at times that you just get confused on whats happening.

The final 3rd act however, was pretty cool.

Yeah, I actually heard that before from someone's impression.

As I said, nobody should've been expecting a cinematographical masterpiece. Nozue has only worked on Advent Children and loose CGI cutscenes. A full, coherent movie is a whole 'nother beast and is a craft that movie directors study for years and years. Nozue just has to learn to slow things down and show a bit of restraint, and many scenes would already benefit a lot.

Judging from the trailers so far I actually thought they would've improved on that aspect, but maybe that's because we haven't seen much of the crazier action scenes. How is the cinematography outside of those?


that puzzling face
Coming back to the motives of the characters, i felt that it wasn't entirely clear as to why Nyx does what he does.

To me that felt like a transition from
"home and heart" to following King Regis' orders, then basically starting to see things Luna's way and keeping on his mission to keep Luna safe.

Also felt that the Resistance thing was weird. Poor guy says 'it's happening' then gets shot 3 seconds later hahahaha. Libertus hearing Glaive chatter with Resistance chatter at the same time and putting two and two together that the traitor(s) were pretty high up on the food chain was a pretty cool 'oh shit' moment though.
Yeah, I actually heard that before from someone's impression.

As I said, nobody should've been expecting a cinematographical masterpiece. Nozue has only worked on Advent Children and loose CGI cutscenes. A full, coherent movie is a whole 'nother beast and is a craft that movie directors study for years and years. Nozue just has to learn to slow things down and show a bit of restraint, and many scenes would already benefit a lot.

Judging from the trailers so far I actually thought they would've improved on that aspect, but maybe that's because we haven't seen much of the crazier action scenes. How is the cinematography outside of those?
Serviceable. Nothing that stands out.

But to be honest I do like the story and how it will lead to FFXV.
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