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Milo Yiannopoulos is Going on Real Time with Bill Maher

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Her grievance was public info, she did mutiple prior interviews didn't she before he came to the college? If I'm not mistaken her story, likeness and grievance with the school was featured in numerous news sites/web etc.. 6 months before.
I think she was pretty well known before he made her a focal point of his talk briefly in his talk.

What is your point?


Honorary Canadian.
So the sheer amount of transphobic hate Milo gets paid to transmit on college campuses just doesn't matter?

Why is opposing Milo fake "outrage", why is opposing a man who dehumanizes my community at every turn being a "crybaby"
The fake outrage isn't the people opposing Milo. It's the people opposing Bill and already screaming for his job because he had him on the show. It's just silly. As if the audience watching Real Time are going to suddenly pick up Milos book and decide Trans people are scum. Come on.

He's baiting the left for a fight.
But my point about liberals throwing hissy fits doesn't apply to that. Watch one of the recent episodes of Maher during the new rules segment. There is such a thing as being too sensitive to mildly offensive things said on the internet. One of the reasons liberals have such a bad reputation is that the loud minority gets extremely offended by things that should just be ignored. If you don't like what is being said and it isn't directed at hurting a specific person, then let it go. That's all I'm trying to say.

I'll quote myself:

I see so much shit about "liberal sensitivity," as though outrage is somehow unique to that side of the aisle.

Anyone here ever visited r/The_Deluded? Ever see how sensitive those motherfuckers get? Have conservative Facebook friends? Notice how they exist in a constant state of outrage over shit like Starbucks cups or "Happy Holidays" or how unfair the media is to Trump?

Still want to single out "liberal hissy fits"?
Is it a joke when he organizes and supports harassment campaigns? Bullies a transgender student out of school? Incites and supports violence?

But what a goof, right?

Its all in good fun right?

What are you talking about?

The crap this person does is disgusting nothing goofy about it.

Because he actively harasses people and travels to campuses to talk to people and encourage them to hate on folks like you know Trans people....

Chill out, its already over and the shows pretty much done. No need to start taking comments out of context because you disagree with someones opinion
The fake outrage isn't the people opposing Milo. It's the people opposing Bill and already screaming for his job because he had him on the show. It's just silly. As if the audience watching Real Time are going to suddenly pick up Milos book and decide Trans people are scum. Come on.

He's baiting the left for a fight.

So basically being upset at someone giving a platform to bigots without challenging them on their bigotry is faux outrage now?

And the risk isn't full conversion of the audience (though some might be who knows) it's giving a bigot an air of respectability so that the next time he gets protested even more defend him and fight for his right to hate unimpeded.


So did it suck or is it still going on?
It's done, and it sucked. This post pretty much sums it up:
This was Bill's equivalent of this moment:



The primary concern wasn't him reading Mein Kampf on camera tonight. The issue was that his appearance would increase his audience in general. Maher is using Milo to get ratings and Milo is using Maher to increase his ability to make more Nazis.

The overlap between Milo and Bill's worldviews says more about Bill than it does Milo here.

If you think that people watching Real Time are going to drop all their liberal leanings and go full Nazi because Milo was a sleazly charming person then I would say you aren't respecting the audience enough. What about the people who tuned into Maher's show to see Milo and decided that Bill had some strong points about Trump? Milo is a very influential person to the alt right, which is the only reason he got on to Bill's show in the first place. He extended an olive branch to Milo for this reason to have a conversation that would hit his crowd. Granted I don't think that the interview he had with Milo hard on the horrible shit he's done in the past, but if even a few Milo fans decided to have some respect for one of the most progressive talkshow hosts on TV then I think it was a success.
Chill out, its already over and the shows pretty much done. No need to start taking comments out of context because you disagree with someones opinion

He described Milo as a goof with a foul mouth. We brought up the very real shit that shows he is not that. We're very much in context. Thanks for your time.


Impeding the ease by which these views are spread is the goal. To expand on the analogy from earlier in the thread: You wouldn't suggest people taste test coke, pepsi, and drain cleaner. You'd make sure drain cleaner was not on the same table, and definitely not drinkable.

Maher will impede the ease of these ideas by delegitimizing them through rational argument. To your analogy, it's the difference between there being three bottles and actively trying to remove one saying don't look at it, verses there being three bottles and arguing that one of them will kill you if you drink it. And in the meantime, there are people saying that the drain cleaner bottle is actually the good one and that people trying to remove it are forcing their opinions on you because they can't/don't have a rational argument. Milo makes these claims all the time when the protests happen. Violence and silencing is often viewed as a tactic that people use if they don't have good arguments, not necessarily a tactic used to minimize highly dangerous ideas. The optics of silencing and violence are not in your favor, especially when these tactics are explicitly and constantly publicized and spinned into bigger stories than they would've been otherwise. The protesting and forced silencing are literally bringing more attention to Milo than he would otherwise get.

There's a basic refusal to acknowledge fascism isn't a viable stance in a free, democratic society, here. The idea is an inherently bad one. It's destructive to the very nature of freedom. This isn't a debatable tenet you're advocating get its time in the spotlight. It's a poison.

There's a basic refusal to acknowledge that people need to be convinced that authoritarianism is a bad form of government.

Your argument seems to boil down to the idea that if Milo gets to say "I won because you did this" that he actually won because... what? Because he said so? I asked earlier why people are so inclined to set the bar for winning so unfathomably low and cheap?

He isn't winning because he says "I won," he's winning because Trump is now President. Is that not obvious?

What possible frame of reference are you using in which "Lets discuss the positive tenets of my fascist, racist, white supremacist viewpoint" is the fair and rational way towards a better future? Why does Milo, of all people, get to freely, and without any significant challenge, get to set the believable terms of rationality in response to leftist pushback to his abhorrent views? Who cedes that power to him, and what good is it to do so?

I didn't say there were positive tenants of a fascist, racist, white supremacist viewpoint. In fact I've explicitly said multiple times that aggressive debate will prove that such ideas are garbage. But refusing to let the debate happen while yelling "Nazi!" isn't how to convince non-voters or Republican-leaning voters to push back against bad policy.

Maher said at the start he wanted to approach this discussion with an open mind and focus more on what they agree on than what he finds him to be “colossally wrong” about. At one point he asked how liberals are scared of “this little impish British fag.”

This paragraph should just be brought up anytime anyone claims Bill Maher is useful.

He had an avowed bigot on and decided instead of talking about his bigotry and taking him to task he wanted to find that common ground and just get along... and this is the guy that talks about being part of the resistance?


If you think that people watching Real Time are going to drop all their liberal leanings and go full Nazi because Milo was a sleazly charming person then I would say you aren't respecting the audience enough. What about the people who tuned into Maher's show to see Milo and decided that Bill had some strong points about Trump? Milo is a very influential person to the alt right, which is the only reason he got on to Bill's show in the first place. He extended an olive branch to Milo for this reason to have a conversation that would hit his crowd. Granted I don't think that the interview he had with Milo hard on the horrible shit he's done in the past, but if even a few Milo fans decided to have some respect for one of the most progressive talkshow hosts on TV then I think it was a success.

You're missing the point. It's not that we think people are going to be instantly converted. It's the veneer of legitimacy his appearance on the show gave him. That he's reasonable(he isn't).

Next time he does some messed up shit, he'll point to his appearance on Maher and say "who me?"

The entire framing of this as a freedom of speech issues really bothers me because people aren't against free speech, it's a grave concern because he's a person who uses his platform as a weapon.

Bill was tougher on Tomi, and she actually looked foolish because she sat there and didn't have the intelligence to even engage in the conversation. Milo as evil as he is, is quite adept, more so than even Bill at leading a dialogue.
With context to the post OP was saying in the interview he was being a goof, i dont think he was generalizing his attitude on a everyday bases.

Ummm read the post again especially the bolded.

The interview was great. Milo was the giggling goofball that says and does shit to make you gasp and clutch the pearls that he's always been. Its pretty much the same reaction I had to him being on the Rogan podcast. He's a goof with a foul mouth and I'm still amazed by how much attention he gets for being such as obvious joke.


If you think that people watching Real Time are going to drop all their liberal leanings and go full Nazi because Milo was a sleazly charming person then I would say you aren't respecting the audience enough. What about the people who tuned into Maher's show to see Milo and decided that Bill had some strong points about Trump? Milo is a very influential person to the alt right, which is the only reason he got on to Bill's show in the first place. He extended an olive branch to Milo for this reason to have a conversation that would hit his crowd. Granted I don't think that the interview he had with Milo hard on the horrible shit he's done in the past, but if even a few Milo fans decided to have some respect for one of the most progressive talkshow hosts on TV then I think it was a success.

The most progressive talkshow host is someone who is afraid of Muslims? Yeah, Bill Maher may be liberal on some issues but he has some very troubling beliefs .http://www.mediaite.com/tv/bill-maher-on-islam-the-more-people-learn-about-it-the-more-you-would-be-afraid/
Look at this cute fella', he's silly and harmless. How can people be so mean to him. This is a just a normal dude yo, stop your hatin'. Let's have a beer together.

Thanks Bill, you idiot.
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