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Predict the Flops of 2017

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Horizon: Zero Dawn | Review Thread



I would say Yakuza 0 as well but I think they know.

Probably Yakuza 0 sadly.

Buy the game because it's awesome!

Yakuza 0: sell poorly, in the range of how the games sell on PS3.

Yakuza 0 - low sales figures. Will make publishers requestion their commitment to bringing 6 over.

waiting on sales #'s but happy that these posts were wrong! especially that last one - US sales have been so bad forever now, this one is looking to hopefully break some records & you can believe we're gonna push Kiwami & 6 after that to keep the momentum going.

Commercially? Gravity Rush 2 and Yakuza 0 are absolutely gonna tank. Would love to be wrong, but they're out at almost the exact same time as each other, Resi 7, and KH2.8. Whoever made those decisions needs a good yelling at.

agreed that it was way too busy (especially for large & niche japanese releases) a timeframe, but especially with nagoshi/sega stuff, there's sadly precedent for that


Reading the first page of this thread is delicious in hindsight but to be fair to them Guerrilla have not really delivered something as critically well received as Horizon in the past.

So many people say this constantly, as if Killzone 2 never happened. I'm just gonna assume that the people saying this are very young and just don't remember 2009??


So many people say this constantly, as if Killzone 2 never happened. I'm just gonna assume that the people saying this are very young and just don't remember 2009??

Were you a toddler back in 2009? smh.

I guess I should maybe have said "consumer" reviews then. I don't know many people who would consider Killzone 2 that highly or put amongst their 'favourite games' myself included. Guerrilla Games did well with their KIllzone titles but they were hardly groundbreaking.

With regards to both your childish insinuations I was 20 then as if that would make a mistake any less or more valid.
]I guess I should maybe have said "consumer" reviews then. I don't know many people who would consider Killzone 2 that highly[/B] or put amongst their 'favourite games' myself included.
With regards to both your childish insinuations I was 20 then as if that would make a mistake any less or more valid.

How many people do you know bra?
I guess I should maybe have said "consumer" reviews then. I don't know many people who would consider Killzone 2 that highly or put amongst their 'favourite games' myself included. Guerrilla Games did well with their KIllzone titles but they were hardly groundbreaking.

With regards to both your childish insinuations I was 20 then as if that would make a mistake any less or more valid.

I think Killzone 2 was really good, but I could never go back to it today with its clunky movement and the goddamn horrible DualShock 3. I reckon if they did an HD port it would still hold up pretty well, and I'd love the chance to play it again
if they copied the control scheme from KZ3 or Shadow Fall


Damn GAF is just as bad at calling flops as it is at predicting successes

That is what I was thinking LOL

GAF is bad at predicting, period.

A particular thread with people predicting Wii U as the winner of the gen and PS4 floping so hard that makes Sony gets out of the business comes to mind...


waiting on sales #'s but happy that these posts were wrong! especially that last one - US sales have been so bad forever now, this one is looking to hopefully break some records & you can believe we're gonna push Kiwami & 6 after that to keep the momentum going.

agreed that it was way too busy (especially for large & niche japanese releases) a timeframe, but especially with nagoshi/sega stuff, there's sadly precedent for that
Were they really wrong? We have the PS4 top 10 and yakuza wasn't there or on the digital lists. So it did good in japan but flopped in the west
Ha, NeoGaf prediction threads are always great to look back on. So many people blind to the insanely positive reactions Horizon was getting.

I don't think you can make posts big enough.

the best ever was the PS4 prediction thread. 90% of people in there proclaiming the death of Sony.


the best ever was the PS4 prediction thread. 90% of people in there proclaiming the death of Sony.

Yeah it's amazing, pretty sure there's even 1 guy who kinda predicted right and multiple people were laughing at him for it.

Anyway found a fun little game, just randomly jump to a page and enjoy, so far everyone has been gold.
Horizon Zero Dawn

Critically not commercially.

FF VII remake episode 1, Horizon and Scalebound.

Horizon looks like the next big stinker.

Horizon because Guerilla Games.

I don't feel it will review outright badly, but I feel Horizon will disappoint.
Certainly for me, nothing from what has been shown has been deserving of the hype it has so far received.

As OP stated, Agents of Mayhem and Scalebound.
In addition, Nier Automata and Crackdown 3 I feel will not sell well.

EDIT: I feel ME: Andromeda may disappoint some, in fears of it going in a DAI style direction.
Also, RE7 I don't think will sell well in comparison to recent mainline titles in the series.


I don't want it to, but I have a hunch.

Horizon Zero Dawn

I am looking forward to Scalebound, Horizon and Crackdown 3 but I am definitely worried for all 3 and would not be surprised at all if they end up being not very good or just decent.

Horizon, looks utterly mediocre imo

I truly hope Horizon is going to be something great but you guys who are dead cert on it doing so are deluded.

This is Guerrilla games, I'd say they have yet to make a truly great game. Technical showcases, for sure. A true classic game? Not yet.


I don't think Horizon is going to flop, but I don't think it'll be the bee's knees.

No one wants it to fail, but there's cause for concern if you weren't a huge fan of Killzone. It'll look amazing, but the fear is that the gameplay will be bland and generic. People are expecting it to be a great game when there's a huge chance it could just be mediocre.

Horizon if skin deep looks like a recent Tomb Raider or Uncharted with some light combat options. Which isn't the worst thing but I kinda feel we need to move beyond that and the setting gives them a chance to show new things. Fingers crossed.

Who wants it to fail? I think it looks great but I am not a fan of Guerilla Games' past work so I think it's rational to be apprehensive about it.

Scalebound looks incredible. At least we've seen some good gameplay from it... something that is absent from Horizon ~~

doesn't have any factor in sales though, otherwise Nier would be best selling game of all time

I think the Horizon sentiment comes from unobtainable hype levels the game is starting to reach. It will be a fine game, but a disappointment to many who expect the second coming.

In my gut, I get the Horizon mentions in this thread. Anyone using great positive impressions from preview cycles can look at all the games that were in a similar situation and flopped. My Destiny case says "Winner of 180 awards and nominations," and it flopped critically. Mafia 3 being an example from this year.

Horizon looks exactly like what I'd expect an open-world RPG from GG to be.

A beautiful, artistically appealing game with some nice ideas that will quickly become boring as hell and tedious. Happy to be proven wrong but eh.

Yeah, it has looked horrible in every showing. Clearly headed for critical and commercial failure.

Horizon will be a nice 7-8/10 Ubisoft-like, though.

Assassin's Creed: Egypt/Empire/Whatever won't be a crazy sales disappointment but I don't see the two-year wait helping boost the series' sales back to its highest point. Honestly much of Ubisoft's output for next year has the potential to disappoint sales wise; For Honor, Ghost Recon: Wildlands being the main suspects.

If there's a CoD next year (which is likely) it will likely do less in terms of numbers than Infinite Warfare did, it all depends on how similar it is to the future-warfare style of the past few games.

Whilst Horizon won't flop in any way shape or form, I don't see it being the 9.5/10 GOTY-tier material some think it might be. The developer just doesn't have the pedigree and outside of the amazing graphics and the cool premise I can see it dropping points in the gameplay department. There will almost definitely be a few review thread meltdowns (same when BotW gets its inevitable 7/10 score from one review site) :p

As for the most major flops, both Agents of Mayhem and MGS: Survive will bomb quite significantly. Scalebound's platform will help kill it financially. Sadly I don't see Gravity Rush 2, Ni-Oh and Nier doing that well but you do never know.

Yes it does matter. I played many games (especially open-world games) where I had fun for the first hour or two but after one point was sick it of it and wanted it to end. Even a good gameplay foundation can't always carry repetitive design for hours.

Not saying that it'll happen with Horizon but people should keep in mind that these play sessions which recieve good feedback were probably not longer than an hour and most likely held in a controlled environment.

This is what I'm afraid of. It's one of the games I'm most excited for, though, so I hope it's not.

Was gonna PM you about it but since I can't could you point to any specific video where they touched on this? I've been looking at a lot of Horizon impressions and would like to hear some more critical ones.

I'm betting Horizon will just be another open world game and disappoint anyone who expects it to rock their world.

At first I was pretty hyped, but the more I read and see about it the more I think it's being overhyped.

Y'all really thought 😂


Were they really wrong? We have the PS4 top 10 and yakuza wasn't there or on the digital lists. So it did good in japan but flopped in the west

relative to the series sales out west (sub 20-30k at best) it's looking like this one may've doubled those #'s or more. it's a super niche series, so looking at the top 10 alone is pretty short-sighted; the fact that it likely put up respectable #'s given the audience/timeframe shouldn't be dismissed because games like RE7 did well.

if we did anywhere near 6 figures, it'd be incredible. much love all around to the many gaffers who jumped in; it's not only a fantastic starting point, it's one of the series' absolute best.

I have no sources but the game felt massively under shipped. I couldn't find it anywhere so bought the digital version

this is also very much worth noting - the series never really sold through here. now? it did so well, we saw reprints of older chapters.


"Hmm, personally I'm worried about Horizon." - some fucking idiot a month ago.


I bet you wish you didn't say that now hahaha! You should've agreed with me when you still had the chance.

for real
you get a ton of people who didn't put their balls out there getting pretty bold once the #'s are safely in, these threads are rife with em
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