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Official Fitness Thread of Triceps Kickbacks, Swiss Ball Squats, and Testosterdrama

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DragonKnight said:
This is exactly what I was looking for. Any prices on sand?

Just to clarify. My BMR is around 1900. Will eating 120% of that put me at 2280 calories or is it 1900 PLUS 2280? I'm having a brain fart.

1) Did you calculate your BMR to take into account your work load? Is your base metabolic activity 1900 or is your base metabolism + your activity level 1900? I'm guessing its 1900 without factoring activity level/workout. Since you are going to be doing vigorous bodyweight workout (like Masta_K said, you will gain mass if your workout is vigorous enough + calorie surplus) you need to take that into account. http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/harris-benedict-equation/ Check this page.

1900 x 1.55 (for moderate activity level, which is the level you want to be hitting while you are consistently working out) = 2945 kcal.

2) Do you have a beach near by? If so, sand is free ;) If not, check lowes and/or homedepot. I dont have the price off the top of my head, but its affordable. *checks homedepot.com* Heck, I see a 50lb bag of damp mason sand for $3.58.


BlueScrote said:
That's more organized than my spreadsheet.


Someone a couple pages back in the thread suggested a book about bodyweight conditioning. I think it was Convict Conditioning, I could be wrong though.

Ok you both have convinced me to start a sheet after tomorrows session =D

As for convict conditioning, I have never read it. I ran a search on it and Never Gymless and going by the results of the first page, Never Gymless is being noted as the better book. Just as a FYI, Ross is a boxer and trainer and his books are written with the high performance combat sport athlete in mind, although anyone can reap great benefit from his book. I just want to make it understood that his books are no nonsense and the workouts are VERY demanding (although he talks about how to modify routines to make them easier or harder to complete).
DragonKnight said:
This is exactly what I was looking for. Any prices on sand?

Just to clarify. My BMR is around 1900. Will eating 120% of that put me at 2280 calories or is it 1900 PLUS 2280? I'm having a brain fart.

Eat your normal meals and record your weight for a few weeks. Have you gained weight? No? Add another 500 calories and repeat the steps for a week. Still not gaining? Add another 500 calories. Keep adding until you start gaining weight on a weekly basis.


Niblet said:
I hope others chime in with advice. If I may, I'd like to recommend a book that I own and find to be fantastic. Never Gymless by Ross Enamait. It has exactly the information you want. This book is heavily praised and for good reason. Ross knows his s*** and the information in this book is very good.
I'll second that Ross knows his stuff.

If I had to add any other books here, I'd have to add Convict Conditioning by Paul Wade. It's a complete how-to for progressively loading bodyweight exercises. It's convinced me enough that I'm experimenting with 5/3/1 by modeling all of my assistance work after exercises in that book. Paul Wade seems to be pretty anti-iron, unfortunately, but the how-to portions of the book are ridiculously in-depth and informative. The book is a good tool to build up to one leg squats, one arm pushups, one arm pullups, back bridges, leg raises and handstand pushups. It has ten exercises to work your way up to those movements if need be, and dozens of other exercises in addition to those. Well worth $40.


Just finished week 3 of my first cycle on the 531 program. My ass is well and truly kicked, and from what I consider fairly lighter weights.

The results of last set for each week are below (on 531 you need to go all-out on the last set). Week 4 is a deload week which I have yet to complete so those results haven't been recorded yet. Weights are listed in kg (suck it non-metric scum!) Looks like I will be increasing the weight for cycle 2 by 2.5kg for all my lifts.

Masta_Killah said:
Haha, oh man. I feel bad that your only option is Planet Fitness. What a fucking joke of a gym.

Youtube comment:

Okay, honestly... if you're intimidated by somebody GRUNTING, you have bigger issues than getting in shape. This place sounds tailor-made for pencil-necks and pantywaists. I wonder if they give out granola and hugs at the end of the day.

Dedalus said:
Just finished week 3 of my first cycle on the 531 program. My ass is well and truly kicked, and from what I consider fairly lighter weights.

The results of last set for each week are below (on 531 you need to go all-out on the last set). Week 4 is a deload week which I have yet to complete so those results haven't been recorded yet. Weights are listed in kg (suck it non-metric scum!) Looks like I will be increasing the weight for cycle 2 by 2.5kg for all my lifts.


Did you drop your estimated 1 max reps by the suggested 10% before calculating your numbers? This being your first first cycle, your bench and deadlift are only slightly above the minimum rep amount.

Not a [I]big [/I]deal, but you might stall and have to reset sooner than you'd like. For comparison, I've been doing 531 for 5 months now, all my numbers are up, i'm not close to stalling (bench is getting close) and i'm still able to routinely get 7-8 reps even at 95%
I was able to get 10 reps @ 185 today where a few months ago, I struggled to do 3x5 @ 160.

Yay for IF and 5/3/1!

It isn't that impressive but it is a great feeling to see progress.

Still have no idea what is going on with my weight as I still am the same but waist is a bit smaller and I look leaner.

I'll take it.
I'm a member at Life Time Fitness and I just got an email that for new members they will be increasing the price starting May 1st. If you were planning on signing up I recommend checking them out before that.


let me ask you guys something .. i usually do a mon/wed/fri workout but I switched it to tues/thurs/sat .... what are your energy levels like on Sat after a hard workout? I'm sitting here at 5pm, want to nap and have like no desire to go out tonight lol ... i just hit age 30 so maybe i'm just getting old?

so i noticed today after filming a squat from a different angle that i have, what appears to be, an odd "twist" in my left hip as i ascend on the squat. i have a herniated disc at L5 S1 and I think this i the cause. My hip felt "out" today. I have had a long history with SS .. I have a back injury and I also have issues with my knees. This is my 3rd day back after taking yet another break from the program. I believe in this program so I don't feel like quitting ... I am going to work through this and see how I feel. Today, I feel pretty good and I'm looking forward to making gains, I just hope that my knee holds up. GAF - let me now if you see the hip twist that i see, her is vid:

JB1981 said:
let me ask you guys something .. i usually do a mon/wed/fri workout but I switched it to tues/thurs/sat .... what are your energy levels like on Sat after a hard workout? I'm sitting here at 5pm, want to nap and have like no desire to go out tonight lol ... i just hit age 30 so maybe i'm just getting old?

so i noticed today after filming a squat from a different angle that i have, what appears to be, an odd "twist" in my left hip as i ascend on the squat. i have a herniated disc at L5 S1 and I think this i the cause. My hip felt "out" today. I have had a long history with SS .. I have a back injury and I also have issues with my knees. This is my 3rd day back after taking yet another break from the program. I believe in this program so I don't feel like quitting ... I am going to work through this and see how I feel. Today, I feel pretty good and I'm looking forward to making gains, I just hope that my knee holds up. GAF - let me now if you see the hip twist that i see, her is vid:


I do an upper/lower split, M/W/F/S and I'm 28. My energy levels on Saturday is pretty good, but I tend to go to the gym in the mid afternoon. I also use a pre-workout drink, which helps me with my energy levels(stim junkie :p).

As for squats, try mixing squats up between heavy/low reps and light/high reps. You could also try doing front squats, which allows you to go low and take a lot of pressure off your back. Also, when you come up from the bottom of a back squat, concentrate on making sure your knees are flared out and not buckling inward due to the heavy weights. I posted a how-to squat vid a few pages back from some elite powerlifters. The tips they give really helped me with my form. Just squeezing my back, keeping my elbows stiff, and looking upwards allowed me to break 200 lbs for the first time.

Watching your vid, try looking up.

Edit: Okay, just watched your form a few times. The only time I saw your left hip rotate oddly was the first rep. After that, your hip form looks spot on.


Luscious LeftFoot said:
Did you drop your estimated 1 max reps by the suggested 10% before calculating your numbers? This being your first first cycle, your bench and deadlift are only slightly above the minimum rep amount.

Not a big deal, but you might stall and have to reset sooner than you'd like. For comparison, I've been doing 531 for 5 months now, all my numbers are up, i'm not close to stalling (bench is getting close) and i'm still able to routinely get 7-8 reps even at 95%
I agree. I'm 4 cycles into 531 and hit anywhere from 6-8 reps on the third wave lifts. That chart makes me think the starting weights were too heavy.

Wendler writes it's better to blaze through the first couple cycles than to get stuck early on. A couple months lifting relatively baby weights isn't going to hurt progress. Hitting a wall 3 weeks in is a total collapse of the program.
Draft said:
BTW I record my lifts using the latest in record keeping technology:


This is my recording device-

lol. A journal is great though. I used it when I first started lifting last year. Really helped keep me on track and sticking to a routine.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Masta_Killah said:
This is my recording device-

lol. A journal is great though. I used it when I first started lifting last year. Really helped keep me on track and sticking to a routine.

Same, I don't use a journal anymore.


When I went off a journal, I noticed my training became simply working out - but only once I returned to a journal. I was less focused, save for a few lifts, and progressed much slower towards more indeterminable goals.

I'll keep a journal around for the duration of 5/3/1, at least for the main lifts. I'm still writing down my assistance work and trying to improve those, especially my pull-ups and chins.


Truly deserves to shoot laserbeams from his eyes
Jeez, it has been forever since I've been around. How have you gents been?

I should post pics of the progress I made thanks to this thread, it's been 2 years now, I've gotta thank you guys again for helping me get back into it after a traumatic injury.

Anyway, I was curious if any of you know of any non-breakable gymnastic rings to mount on a pull up bar. I see way too many crap ones on the market that I don't trust..


Luscious LeftFoot said:
Did you drop your estimated 1 max reps by the suggested 10% before calculating your numbers? This being your first first cycle, your bench and deadlift are only slightly above the minimum rep amount.

Not a big deal, but you might stall and have to reset sooner than you'd like. For comparison, I've been doing 531 for 5 months now, all my numbers are up, i'm not close to stalling (bench is getting close) and i'm still able to routinely get 7-8 reps even at 95%
Yep I started off at 90% of my actual 1RM. I bench without a spotter so that may be why I have to be conservative with my reps. Deadlift is no excuse, I just had a bad day.


Masta_Killah said:
This is my recording device-

lol. A journal is great though. I used it when I first started lifting last year. Really helped keep me on track and sticking to a routine.
Alienshogun said:
Same, I don't use a journal anymore.
Even if you don't believe anything else I say in this thread, believe this -
Use a fucking journal.
You'll thank me later.

Like, seriously.

Also, record as much information as you possibly can.
Chichikov said:
Even if you don't believe anything else I say in this thread, believe this -
Use a fucking journal.
You'll thank me later.

Like, seriously.

Also, record as much information as you possibly can.

Agreed. Your brain isn't going to remember that you tried a new grip, different spacing, that you left your shoes at home, that you didn't get a lot of sleep the night before, etc. I write just about a solid paragraph for each workout.
Mr. Snrub said:
Agreed. Your brain isn't going to remember that you tried a new grip, different spacing, that you left your shoes at home, that you didn't get a lot of sleep the night before, etc. I write just about a solid paragraph for each workout.

Yes, yes it is.
Mr. Snrub said:
Don't get cute, you know what I mean. Unless you're gifted, you're not going to remember minute but important details about your workout months down the road.

Alright, but why would I need to? If I added 15 lbs. to my bench I'm not going to be like "oh I did it despite the fact that 7 weeks ago I only got 6 hours of sleep on my upper body day".


Update on Combine: He's found a coach, who is a national level lifter, and has really improved his form and his attitude. In fact, he sounds like a new man, confident and excited.


On the subject of notebooks. there's no real reason not to use one. I deal with a program with has me beating rep PRs (Greyskull LP), and use my notes to keep track of those. I also write down any aches/pains and lifting issues I had.


Mr.City said:
Update on Combine: He's found a coach, who is a national level lifter, and has really improved his form and his attitude. In fact, he sounds like a new man, confident and excited.


On the subject of notebooks. there's no real reason not to use one. I deal with a program with has me beating rep PRs (Greyskull LP), and use my notes to keep track of those. I also write down any aches/pains and lifting issues I had.
Good for him glad he is doing better
So I worked out for the first time in my entire life last week. Felt good man, but now I'm sore all over my body and everything hurts. Any tips? Aspirin?
So I've been sick as hell and haven't been able to wear much clothing besides boxers and a t shirt, so I decided to do a few poses (I"ll spare you most of the pics, but of all of them I'm incredibly happy with my leg development.

Between bench squats, leg press, etc I don't do much crazy. I might put some of it down to the stair climber which I do 30 mins of on level 9 of 12. But I dunno, just happy with it! Im also cutting at the minute s definition is key, still wanna get them a little larger though!

Excuse the messy room, it's not my place!


Nice. How heavy and regularly do you squat, or work your legs in general? You say you don't do much of anything crazy, but it's helpful to know what's worked for you. The quads are one of those muscles where size and definition really shine through, and it would be difficult to ruin the aesthetics with too much size - at least as a natural. I'm always trying to strengthen and bulk up mine!

If nothing else lacking the ability to fit into skinny jeans is always a plus.
MjFrancis said:
Nice. How heavy and regularly do you squat, or work your legs in general? You say you don't do much of anything crazy, but it's helpful to know what's worked for you. The quads are one of those muscles where size and definition really shine through, and it would be difficult to ruin the aesthetics with too much size - at least as a natural. I'm always trying to strengthen and bulk up mine!

If nothing else lacking the ability to fit into skinny jeans is always a plus.

I squat once a week. MY leg workout = Squat, Leg press, single leg press (less of an incline, almost horizontal), leg extensions (incredibly important for the tear drop front) and stiff leg deadlifts

My squats are 6 x 45lb plates + 47lb bar, my leg extensions are using the whole rack which goes up to 17 (no idea what the weight actually is) and my leg press is 14 x 45lbs plates...So maybe it is a little be crazy but nothing extraordinary

The quads are amazing when they shine through, but I have only seen them recently since I started cutting for the past months and a bit. I can't wait to strap on a bit more weight on my legs in the winter, but bloody hell jeans don't wanna fit! I already have to go up a waist as some jeans don't wanna get past my thighs or sit way too tight on them!


Good mornings are awesome, though I haven't performed any in quite a while. I'm no where near leg pressing 14 x 45lbs plates like Mecha, but I'll get there. Squatting six plates is closer to what I'm going for, actually. I should be there by the beginning of 2012, so long as my 5/3/1 template progresses accordingly.

_dementia said:
So I worked out for the first time in my entire life last week. Felt good man, but now I'm sore all over my body and everything hurts. Any tips? Aspirin?
It's probably Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, or DOMS. Be prepared to discover the difference between this and real pain or soreness as you continue working out, since DOMS is normal. It will subside with time and become less pronounced as you work out more often. Everyone who trains will get DOMS, but adaptation will rid yourself of a good portion of it. I've taken the occasional epsom-salt bath or alternating hot-cold shower in an effort to lessen the effects, though.

Preemptive action is more effective than trying to eliminate DOMS once it's kicked in. Don't waste an asprin on this. Warm-up before you work out, stretch gently but often, or take up yoga even. I've read a plethora of testimonials for foam-rollers helping with DOMS, though I've never tried that myself. Pay close attention to your nutrition, pre- and post-workout especially. I will get far more DOMS on a cut than when I'm eating a surplus of calories. Food does wonders for proper recovery.
MjFrancis said:
I'll second that Ross knows his stuff.

If I had to add any other books here, I'd have to add Convict Conditioning by Paul Wade. It's a complete how-to for progressively loading bodyweight exercises. It's convinced me enough that I'm experimenting with 5/3/1 by modeling all of my assistance work after exercises in that book. Paul Wade seems to be pretty anti-iron, unfortunately, but the how-to portions of the book are ridiculously in-depth and informative. The book is a good tool to build up to one leg squats, one arm pushups, one arm pullups, back bridges, leg raises and handstand pushups. It has ten exercises to work your way up to those movements if need be, and dozens of other exercises in addition to those. Well worth $40.

I'm having the book ordered as we speak. I've skimmed the exercises and it sounds a lot like P90X. Im very interested to see how body weight exercises compares with lifting. The only thing I don't like is that nutritional information is no where to be seen but luckily I already know how and what to eat to gain mass.

Edit: I'm thinking about purchasing the "Naked Warrior" instead? Any experiences with the book?


DragonKnight said:
Edit: I'm thinking about purchasing the "Naked Warrior" instead? Any experiences with the book?
Funny you mention that, because I just bought that book this weekend.

I would recommend Convict Conditioning over the Naked Warrior, if only because the information per dollar in Convict Conditioning rivals Pavel's book pretty significantly. Forty dollars is a lot and I wouldn't have bought the Naked Warrior if it wasn't heavily discounted. There's useful information in both, but Pavel drags on and on covering the same idea many times over and wastes tons of space with that, testimonials, and not entirely necessary pictures. He only goes over the one-leg squat and the one-arm pushup for exercises, but he covers breathing and muscle tension techniques that will help you along the way. It probably could have been 60 - 80 pages and it wouldn't have lost anything significant aside from the price tag attached to it.

If you have to pick one or the other I would go with Convict Conditioning.
Best way to deal with doms is to continue to workout. Like MJ said, once your body gets used to it, doms will subside. If you stop working out because you are too sore, you'll discover that the next time you workout, you'll continue to have severe doms.

I've actually been getting pretty sore these passed few days. Decided to throw away any idea of cutting after checking myself in the mirror and realizing I'm not really a fat bastard anymore and more a skinny bastard. lol Gonna pick up the pace and increase my rep range, but will go lighter in weight in an attempt to build some endurance. Also, I've come to the realization that my shoulders are weak as fuck and I've started to blast them. Any tips for increasing strength and size for them? I heard barbell back press really does a good job in increasing size, but I'm kinda worried about the amount of stress the exercise creates on ones shoulders.

-viper- said:
How do I increase my bench?

I've been doing dips regularly and they haven't really helped.

I was able to increase my bench by going lighter weight, increasing the rep count, and going for fast explosive speed. Also, I tried to prevent my elbows from flaring out like a bb bench press and concentrate on working my tris.
-viper- said:
How do I increase my bench?

I've been doing dips regularly and they haven't really helped.
Lots of ways to break plateaus.

Work on support exercises maybe. Tricep extensions, close grip bench press, etc.

If you're exhausted, take a break. Take a week off from lifting maybe. Keep your diet in check and let yourself recover for a full week.

Reevaluate your diet. You might need to eat more or up your protein.

Get more sleep if you're not getting enough.

If you have a really complicated routine, try simplifying it. You might just be overdoing it. Or simply change it up. Sometimes you just need to shake up your routine. If bench is currently your last exercise, do it first maybe. Switch days.

Post your routine and diet so that we have more to go on.


-viper- said:
How do I increase my bench?

I've been doing dips regularly and they haven't really helped.

Probably hurting more than helping. Rest longer in between sets. Eat more. Keep benching.
taylor910 said:
Is lifting heavy weight (bench press) the only way to get a defined chest? Will that 'convict conditioning' book yield any results?

Definition is achieved through lower bf %. Heavy weights allows you a more rounded shape and bigger size when you do get to a lower bf %.
taylor910 said:
Is lifting heavy weight (bench press) the only way to get a defined chest? Will that 'convict conditioning' book yield any results?
Eat lots. Lift heavy. That'll do it. Hit the chest with different exercises too.

Edit: Oops, for some reason I thought you were asking about a bigger chest.


No gym for the whole week for me, back home for Easter. Thankfully I got some weights lying around here - albeit not very heavy ones; so I'm gonna bang out a high rep x low weight week for the first time. Should be fun :D
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