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Uncharted 3 New Gameplay Videos and Pre-release impressions

thuway said:
Your also forgetting the media loves first party Xbox titles. GAF didn't really care of Gears 2, and even less cared for Halo 3, but the media evangelized it.

Resistance 2 also got alot of love (smh).

Sony exclusives, on the whole, are reviewed at the highest scores. Even better than Nintendo titles.
thuway said:
22 out of 20 anyone?

Edit: I just have a hard time believing this game will reach Uncharted 2 status of awesome. Usually if the game is that awesome, someone will say something on twitter that will give something away.


ThisWreckage said:
Sony exclusives, on the whole, are reviewed at the highest scores. Even better than Nintendo titles.

This year Resistance 3 and InFamous 2 deserved to be rated better.


Uncharted 2 was such a huge improvement over the first game that it had a much bigger wow factor. while I trust ND will make a great game, I don't think it will be as huge as a leap as the previous sequel.

To me it doesn't have to be better. If it's as good as U2, I'll be more then happy.

Gears 3 is the weakest single player game in the franchise, I really hope Uncharted 3 doesn't follow those footsteps.


MrPink93485 said:
IGN had the first review for Uncharted 2 and that was over 3 weeks in advance. Perhaps we'll be seeing reviews within a week or so.

I Expect Some Early review to hit soon, next few days or next week.


rhino4evr said:
Uncharted 2 was such a huge improvement over the first game that it had a much bigger wow factor. while I trust ND will make a great game, I don't think it will be as huge as a leap as the previous sequel.

To me it doesn't have to be better. If it's as good as U2, I'll be more then happy.

Basically this. I'm not expecting as big a leap, or any leap at all actually, just make it good damn it.

I'm more concerned that they'll kind of fall into a formula as far as SP goes. There were a lot of similarities between the stories, scenarios, etc. of the first two. I'd really like to be surprised. Resistance 3 had some nice surprises in it.


edit - removed

Nathan_Irvine Nathan_Irvine
That's yer Uncharted 3 completed. Breathless action from start to finish. You're in for a treat.
8 hours ago

nathan irvine from gamesradar


hey_it's_that_dog said:
Thanks for posting an endorsement from a joke twitter account. It's only slightly less credible than praise from the actual Kaz Hirai.

Ok :\

New to twitter -.-


ThisWreckage said:
Sony exclusives, on the whole, are reviewed at the highest scores. Even better than Nintendo titles.

How the media has scored Gears 3 as if it's better than Resistance 3 is LOL worthy to me.
How inFamous 2 has been brushed out of everything is also LOL worthy.
Killzone 3 am cry?


thuway said:
How the media has scored Gears 3 as if it's better than Resistance 3 is LOL worthy to me.
How inFamous 2 has been brushed out of everything is also LOL worthy.
Killzone 3 am cry?
Please keep this exclusive battle crap out of here.


Lingitiz said:
Please keep this exclusive battle crap out of here.

Its not exclusive battle crap, its not even just Sony - MS. Resistance 2 was made out to be the best game ever, look how that pile of shit turned out.

Uncharted 2 is the only game, I've felt this generation, has deserved the 10 out of 10s that publications have given it.


Resistance 2 has an 87% average rating.

How was it made out to be the best game ever when it didn't even end up with a AAA score?


Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
rhino4evr said:
Uncharted 2 was such a huge improvement over the first game that it had a much bigger wow factor. while I trust ND will make a great game, I don't think it will be as huge as a leap as the previous sequel.

To me it doesn't have to be better. If it's as good as U2, I'll be more then happy.

Gears 3 is the weakest single player game in the franchise, I really hope Uncharted 3 doesn't follow those footsteps.

I was really looking forward to Gears of War 3 and while I haven't finished it yet it's been really disappointing so far. I do think U3 will be pretty amazing based on the gameplay footage.

thuway said:
Its not exclusive battle crap, its not even just Sony - MS. Resistance 2 was made out to be the best game ever, look how that pile of shit turned out.

Uncharted 2 is the only game, I've felt this generation, has deserved the 10 out of 10s that publications have given it.

I agree with your posts. Resistance 3 was a lot better than Resistance 2 but was scored a lot lower. Infamous 2 was really over-looked. Killzone 2 was better than Killzone 3 IMO. Gears 3 has been a disappointing experience for me so far.

I think in general exclusives are rated high because they put a lot of polish into those games and they are made by AAA developers. I am _loving_ Rage as well so I really don't care that much about reviews. The only thing that makes me sad is that a lot of people do follow reviews and it affects sales.


DrewM1788 said:
Resistance 2 has an 87% average rating.

How was it made out to be the best game ever when it didn't even end up with a AAA score?

If you look at argument from start, some feel [including me] some ps3 exclusives were underrated.

And its wierd seeing R2 as the best resistance games on meta critic while other resistance games are far better.

Anyways i think we should stop our off topic discussion :)
So about one to two hours shorter than the first game...little bit of a bummer but I'll wait to see what the majority of journalists say.
upJTboogie said:
So about one to two hours shorter than the first game...little bit of a bummer but I'll wait to see what the majority of journalists say.

Uncharted 1 was not 9-10 hours, it was like 7-8 hours. I completed the first game in 8 hours my first play through.
thuway said:
Your also forgetting the media loves first party Xbox titles. GAF didn't really care of Gears 2, and even less cared for Halo 3, but the media evangelized it.

Resistance 2 also got alot of love (smh).

Gears isn't a "first party" title.


I'm usually slower than most when it comes to finishing games, and I'll be playing Hard on my first go. I think it took me about 11 hours to beat each previous game the first time around. So even if it's a little shorter than U2, as long as the quality is up there I have no qualms with 8-9 hours.


There should be more tampons in gaming
I know Im a little late but damn, Sony exclusives just keep fighting over best graphics titles. Can't wait to see what Guerrilla and Santa Monica do next! Im giddy like a japanese school girl.


Himself said:
I wonder if any setpiece in U3 will top the
being inside a collapsing building
moment from U2.
Probably, I mean the sequence they showed off at E3 has the potential to beat that by a long shot.
Himself said:
Haha. I won't read your guys' spoilers because I've literally seen NO footage from the game.
Good for you, I've seen some footage and if you considered
collapsing building
to be the highlight of U2, then I'm pretty sure you won't be dissapointed by U3
Holy crap seeing that High Res headshot of Drake gave me the feeling of meeting up with an old friend you hadn't seen in years. Naughty Gods do it again.
Who wants to make guesses at plot points?

I have this feeling that we'll see
Drake performing his trademark godly climbing at a younger age as a tutorial possibly showing how he acquired such a skill.
After all, it's been said that
this is a story about Drake and Sully's relationship and flashbacks aren't out of the picture.


Callibretto said:
Good for you, I've seen some footage and if you considered
collapsing building
to be the highlight of U2, then I'm pretty sure you won't be dissapointed by U3

Well, one of the highlights. Even in this generation full of set pieces, that one really caught me off guard.
Pranay_ said:
He started The Game at 8 oct and finished it in a day

Either its short or its so good that one cant keep the controller down

No way will this be shorter than the other two games. When I first played Uncharted 2 for the first time this year I did it in two sittings and in one day. So don’t worry about the length.

LightOfTruth said:
I highly doubt the game will get better scores than U2

I won’t be surprised if this gets higher scores than 2. As Godly as Uncharted 2 was you can still improve it. I expect lots of 10's, this one (presumably) being the last in a trilogy will do it big favours.

In short, I think everyone should start preparing themselves to be blown away all over again. The latest desert gameplay has made me believe that this'll trump Uncharted 2...it's gonna be so good!


Callibretto said:
Don't you think that's lready being surpased by
being inside sunken ship
Of what we've seen of U3, I don't think the
sinking ship will out-beat the cargo plane. Have we forgotten that few frames at the end of the TV spot that was shown during a football game?


The Chateau gameplay is intense and I love the music and how it kicks in at the right time.

I have zero worries about UC3 matching U2 after see the vids in this topic.


Absolutely beautiful looking game, I have no doubt in my mind that Uncharted 3 is the best looking console game to date!


The train level was the highlight and centerpiece of UC2, without a doubt. The
section is cool and all, but is way too short.
rhino4evr said:
while I trust ND will make a great game, I don't think it will be as huge as a leap as the previous sequel.

To me it doesn't have to be better. If it's as good as U2, I'll be more then happy.

Gears 3 is the weakest single player game in the franchise, I really hope Uncharted 3 doesn't follow those footsteps.

I clearly recall ND once saying around the time they first started talking about how much more complex of scenes they'll do in Uncharted's sequel (Uncharted 2), due to improved efficiency in the engine, and how they reckoned there was room for yet another leap past that (Uncharted 3).

I don't know if that prediction will hold true, but I expect Uncharted 3 should at least be a little better looking than Uncharted 2, which is a mind blowing feat. I agree with whomever said they need to mix up the formula.

I haven't played Gears of War 3 yet.
CozMick said:
Absolutely beautiful looking game, I have no doubt in my mind that Uncharted 3 is the best looking console game to date!

God of War III is its only competition as far as I'm concerned. Not sure yet if it’ll top it. I suppose we'll all find out really soon.

DigiMish said:
The train level was the highlight and centerpiece of UC2, without a doubt. The
section is cool and all, but is way too short.

I doubt that the
is the highlight and centrepiece of Uncharted 3. We haven't seen anything yet! The possibilities.....**drools**


DigiMish said:
The train level was the highlight and centerpiece of UC2, without a doubt. The
section is cool and all, but is way too short.
You do know that wasn't the whole part right?


Pranay_ said:
edit - removed

nathan irvine from gamesradar

More tweets:

Took me about eight to nine hours of solid play. Some of the set-pieces in it are jaw-dropping. You bought that PS3 yet.

I'd put them in order of most recent = best. So U3 is my favourite. They come on loads each new release.

Two days. Some might say I've wasted my weekend. I would not be one of them :)

On the question whether the game has taken the crown for best looking game:

@Desmio possibly. Everything is so much bigger in this one.

And he's not reviewing the game btw.
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