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Monster Hunter 4 - Logo, Releasing Spring 2013, Screenshots, [Up: Trailer]


Hey, hey, don't jump on me or conclusions!

Continuous environments is really different with how much of the environment you see in your normal view.

For example each SMG galaxy is not continuous, but you can have a view showing all of it.
I dont think that this is very hardware taxing though.
The trailer looks nowhere near as bad as some of you lot are saying, and obviously it'll look better on a 3DS screen at the resolution the game is intended to be viewed at.

This is fairly true, someone else mentioned Kid Icarus so I took a look at its trailer:
This misses out a lot of what looks great about the game, 3DS screen even in 2D brings most of its content to life; Kid still looks nicer than that trailer minus the character models.

Still some of those textures were pretty dreadful; hopefully Capcom fine tune these things.
The people expressing how great this looks for a 3DS game really need to pay attention though lol

I've given up hope of TriG getting released in the west, and I lost most of my interest in that since it didn't have online, but hopefully this will make it over here and actually have an online system.

4 would be a good time to relaunch it in the West. Pretend its a new game and change the name (Monster Hunter won't sell it imo, it doesn't translate well) and it could do okay.

Will they? Well, we'll see.


Dat ground texture. Hope its only temporary and they improve it even a tiny bit

Nevertheless I will highly enjoy playing this on a shiny 3DS XL

if it comes to na


MH has never been known for graphics (past the 1st game). Not sure why people are surprised. Pretty sure they're reusing assets they've already re-used a million times.

I'm just worried about online multiplayer. If it doesn't have it then I'm not interested.


I guess the character model is taking most of the resources.

MH has never been known for graphics (past the 1st game). Not sure why people are surprised. Pretty sure they're reusing assets they've already re-used a million times.

MHTri is one of the best looking Wii games. MHP3 is one of the best looking PSP games.
I'm just worried about online multiplayer. If it doesn't have it then I'm not interested.

Which ones have had online and hows it play? (Coop or battle?)

EDIT: Also despite the 3DS not being HD the trailer looks much better in the 1080p quality that the video also comes in. Textures especially look more 'acceptable' but those vines still look like N64 shit going on; enemy models are pretty great though again. Poorly uploaded trailer really.
MH has never been known for graphics (past the 1st game). Not sure why people are surprised. Pretty sure they're reusing assets they've already re-used a million times.

I'm just worried about online multiplayer. If it doesn't have it then I'm not interested.

I do not think so exalted ask capcom to do more, but the 3ds is not the right platform to do so.


4 would be a good time to relaunch it in the West. Pretend its a new game and change the name (Monster Hunter won't sell it imo, it doesn't translate well) and it could do okay.

Will they? Well, we'll see.

They could pretend it's a Dragon's Dogma spinoff. Replace Felynes with random humans and call them pawns.


I guess the character model is taking most of the resources.

MHTri is one of the best looking Wii games. MHP3 is one of the best looking PSP games.

Best looking PSP/Wii games or not, they're all stuck in the PS2 generation of assets. Not exactly "impressive".


I have never played MH before, what do you mean by the pace? Is the gameplay or the running or text speed really slow or something?

Well I find the characters to be heavy and kind of slow, the fights are not that dynamic. I liked Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, it's a great game but it can be really tedious sometimes.
MH 4 seems to be more dynamic, more Dragon's Dogma like.
After playing Monster Hunter games for so many hours that trailer showed that they are trying to breath new life into the franchise, lots of new mechanics and environments based on them. It'll be awesome if you could tame a monster and be able to ride them throughout the map for a limited time. Or have some special kind of whistle that calls it whenever you want to go flying.


This will be my first Monster Hunter ever. I've always wanted to play them but the PSP control scheme was too frustrating. So glad the XL is getting a CPPro of it's own. I can't wait to try this on a giant screen and a mutated, los plagas infested frankenstein of a controller.
my god, watched the trailer and I'm sooo happy. Sooo glad they went back to the look of Mohun2 IE: prehistoric, earthy atheistic

Also love that it looks like they're really put an effort in environment traversal/action. Series got pretty stale as despite the art and attention to detail in the environments, most of the time you were still just fighting in a flat arena ...obviously Tri being the exception ...but that in itself was an acquired taste

john tv

Best looking PSP/Wii games or not, they're all stuck in the PS2 generation of assets. Not exactly "impressive".
Yeah but I feel like they did a great job masking that with really nice art direction (MH3 and MH3P both look outstanding IMO). Not sure I'm seeing that yet in MH4, which worries me a bit.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
As others have suggested, MH4's visual quality will be hard to judge until you see it on a 3DS. Pretty much all 3DS games have shitty textures, but on a the small screen, in 3D and with a solid framerate they can look quite nice, especially if the devs make an effort to use plenty of shaders.

Kid Icarus is a good example of pretty varied and occasionally low detail geometry and texture work that ends up looking fabulous on the small screen thanks to all the shaders and rock solid framerate.


As others have suggested, MH4's visual quality will be hard to judge until you see it on a 3DS. Pretty much all 3DS games have shitty textures, but on a the small screen, in 3D and with a solid framerate they can look quite nice, especially if the devs make an effort to use plenty of shaders.

Kid Icarus is a good example of pretty varied and occasionally low detail geometry and texture work that ends up looking fabulous on the small screen thanks to all the shaders and rock solid framerate.

Absolutely, I watched the youtube video in 1080p (lol) first and eh...shock. Watching the eShop video with 3d on though, it's a night and day difference and honestly it's looking quite fine to me.
The only area that get's an 'ugh' from me there is the monkey tree thing, that looks a bit disappointing but the other stuff looks good.

Game looks like it could run on PSP without any problems, what's going on with some of the textures? I swear Freedom Unite looks better then this.

How can Capcom release something like Revelations and then this? oO


As others have suggested, MH4's visual quality will be hard to judge until you see it on a 3DS. Pretty much all 3DS games have shitty textures, but on a the small screen, in 3D and with a solid framerate they can look quite nice, especially if the devs make an effort to use plenty of shaders.

Kid Icarus is a good example of pretty varied and occasionally low detail geometry and texture work that ends up looking fabulous on the small screen thanks to all the shaders and rock solid framerate.

Seems easy to guess. It looks overall good and will be of course nicer on the 3ds but as it is, if some textures are not improved they won't appear much better on the screen cause contrary to kid icarus, here some of them are really rudimentary or in place more visible.

Conor 419


Game looks like it could run on PSP without any problems, what's going on with some of the textures? I swear Freedom Unite looks better then this.

How can Capcom release something like Revelations and then this? oO

As everyone who is reasonable in the thread keeps reminding us, the game will look much better in motion when it's actually finished. Also this game needs to support coop still



Game looks like it could run on PSP without any problems, what's going on with some of the textures? I swear Freedom Unite looks better then this.

How can Capcom release something like Revelations and then this? oO

MHFU doesn't look better than this, technically.

The weird mix of bump mapping, low res textures and a good looking main character hurts the game artistically, but that's only from watching the trailer and many have said that is not as noticeable on the 3DS screen.
As everyone who is reasonable in the thread keeps reminding us, the game will look much better in motion when it's actually finished. Also this game needs to support coop still

I'm seeing it in motion, granted I'm not seeing it on the 3DS screen, but even the Revelation gameplay videos on youtube look miles better then this. Hell, even freedom unite videos do.

MHFU doesn't look better than this, technically.

The weird mix of bump mapping, low res textures and a good looking main character hurts the game artistically, but that's only from watching the trailer and many have said that is not as noticeable on the 3DS screen.
There's some bloom and distortion effects that the PSP versions didn't have, that's true, but geometry and texture wise, it does indeed look better, and overall it just has a better look imo.



I own MH Tri for Wii and I never could get into it, but this looks way more fun. Sorry if I hurt MonHun fans because of this. Looking at the trailer and the way how Capcom USA is yanking the fans about MonHun releases in the US, I'd say the new and different MH 4 will be the one that's getting localized. It looks different, gameplay has been tweaked and I don't know... it could attract more western players like this.


Boy after seeing those screenshots that trailer sure was disappointing. Get this series off the 3ds already.

Of course if they moved it to vita/ps3 they'd have to actually do some work to the assets, and we know that isn't happening.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!

I own MH Tri for Wii and I never could get into it, but this looks way more fun. Sorry if I hurt MonHun fans because of this. Looking at the trailer and the way how Capcom USA is yanking the fans about MonHun releases in the US, I'd say the new and different MH 4 will be the one that's getting localized. It looks different, gameplay has been tweaked and I don't know... it could attract more western players like this.

Yes, it's something I started thinking with all the words spent by Sven about the brand. This entry has much more open places, and provides much more possibilities to the player about how to hunt monsters. It's more actionish, dinamic. Yeah, this seems made with ALSO West in mind.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!

I own MH Tri for Wii and I never could get into it, but this looks way more fun.
Most trailers focus on showing the action parts and thus look more fun to people looking for more instant gratification than the methodical, slow and eventually technical gameplay of the series. The game looks like it's still MonHun so if people like playing it chances are they'd like playing Tri and other MonHuns. Sure, maybe they'd miss some new features, just as Tri had new features (and various streamlined more intuitive aspects, like not having to equip a tool for every little thing, just activate it by context) over the other MonHuns one could miss by going back to previous entries.

A lot like Tri allowed people to go underwater and follow and hunt monsters there after being unable to do so in previous games for example, now they're doing similar with making climbing more prominent, faster and useful in this manner allowing players once again to go to areas and situations that wouldn't be there if it was an earlier MonHun, where even though climbing was included as a feature it was only used in specific situations, and almost never intended for mid combat use.

I guess the jumping on monsters' backs bits look like a big deal but it's not like they're turning it into Shadow of the Colossus, it's likely going to be preset opportunity attacks, similar to the Jhen Mohran in Tri, just used more often.

If people expect this to be very different to Tri's and other entries' fundamentals they're probably going to be disappointed as the bulk of the gameplay is likely going to be intact, including the (for fans, awesome) slower parts where you're preparing for the actual hunts by farming materials and crafting tools and weapons and armors.

I seriously doubt anyone who actually disliked previous entries after giving them a fair chance would suddenly get into this even if it does include the more hopeful assumptions like seamless environments which in the end would be little more than minor presentation updates (which however require the apparent fidelity downgrades compared to Tri/G) and could even have some additional minor downsides (the loading zones in previous monhuns sometimes represented quite a bit of travel distance, having to actually travel all that distance by yourself while chasing something could be annoying at times for example, while aspects that seem cool like the destroyable parts of areas could also not be paid attention to after the first few of many times through).








I mean, I know its still in development, but some of these shots are shocking. I think they are making the field a lot bigger than the previous series, but still.....some of this is just too much.

But the game still looks really fun. I hope they release the US version






I mean, I know its still in development, but some of these shots are shocking. I think they are making the field a lot bigger than the previous series, but still.....some of this is just too much.

But the game still looks really fun. I hope they release the US version

Because stretching them like that sure makes the game look better.


Just watched the pv from 3DS eshop. It is in 3D also. To be honest, it didn't grab me at all. I'll have to wait for further info and see if it gets better.
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