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Games you will defend till the day you die.


Lords of Shadow. One of the best character action games of this generation and a great Castlevania as well.
Isn't this coming to PC or something? I'm not really sure. In the back of my mind I feel like I remember seeing it on one of those rumored Steam game lists.
Halo 1
Half-Life 2

The most important games in a long time. Barely anything else last gen on the 360/pc/PS3 comes close to making the strides they made. There's that and the fact that they still hold up extremely well.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Agreed. That game [MGS2] was way ahead of its time.




that game gave me the first boner regarding customisation.
the pyramide level. the music. building the ugliest kisshand using robot to throw your enemie of the map. the multiplayer.

best game ever.
Alan Wake
Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha
Street Fighter Alpha 2 (SNES)
Doom 3
Mass Effect 2
Ridge Racer 4
Super Mario Land
Marathon Trilogy


On that note, Final Fantasy II. The leveling system is broken, but "only" in execution. The storytelling, on the other hand, is amazing and every bit as good as Final Fantasy IV. It's also one of the most open Final Fantasy worlds to date, almost like something out of a wRPG.
Wut? FFIV's storytelling is some of the worst shit Square has done. It has a few cool characters (not from a writing POV, just cool looking & sometimes acting ones) and begins promisingly but the story itself is hilariously bad, ruined by some seriously stupid twists. Kinda like Toriyama's games, in that regards, only less "out there" with time travel & other shenanigans.
Mass Effect
Mass Effect 2
Mass Effect 3

Pokemon (RPGs, not the spin-offs)

Mirror's edge

Deus Ex: HR

The Walking Dead


Jade Empire

Road Rash 1995


Lost Odyssey
Best JRPG I've ever played, tied with Tales of Symphonia and Final Fantasy VII
Uncharted 3
So much better than the second one
Super Mario Sunshine
simply charming


World of Warcraft. I'm always amused with people who say that the gameplay is boring after sinking 100+ hours into it. Look down the list of games you've played 100+ hours, and they better be your favorites, or you are just weird.

The art style is the "Pyscho's Shower Scene" of video games. It's been copied so much that watching the original has no effect on you anymore, but man, it was awesome when it came out. Not just for looking good, but also being low poly and running on everything but a graphing calculator.


Mirror's Edge

A lot of the hate seems to come from the controls. This is one of those games that becomes much better the more you play. Once you fully grasp the controls and know the routes, the game really opens up and becomes a blast to pick up and play. Not to mention it's still in my opinion the best looking game this gen.

edit- On a quick note, I'm finding it really annoying how people just list a game and don't elaborate on why they would defend it.
God of War:Ascension, I really enjoyed the level design and puzzles in it + the back and forth narration. Love the game to death, beaten it exactly 8 times since launch.
Lost Odyssey
Best JRPG I've ever played, tied with Tales of Symphonia and Final Fantasy VII
Uncharted 3
So much better than the second one
Super Mario Sunshine
simply charming

Glad to know I am not the only one who thought UC3 was a better game than 2, that's how sequels should be, better than the previous one and Imo UC3 had the best set piece moments. Drake sucked out of a cargo plane and catching onto a parachute in mid air still gives me goosebumps, brilliant sound design and epic soundtrack by Greg Edmonson.


Wii Music. A fantastic gem of a game and the only one of its genre to encourage creativity at a fundamental level, rather than reducing music to a purely mechanical rhythm exercise.


The Ar tonelico series, kinda.

What is this "Kinda?" Until the day you die goddamnit. Ar Tonelico reinvented it's battle system each game, had 2-3 different unique character progression methods per game, braindiving, the best crafting system ever made (the main reward isn't the item, it's seeing your party goof off in the lab, and then talk about it afterwards.) A soundtrack that will make you *shiver*. A crazy language and a fascinating sci fi world history. To say nothing off all the crazy computer science and networking references. What's that spell you're casting? Is it EXEC_over.METHOD_SUBLIMATION/ ? Just a tad more interesting then 'Firestorm' or 'Control Monster.'

Top that all off with the occasional flash of interesting analysis behind some more esoteric impulses (Finnel's masochism in the 3rd game particularly,) and you have a game that's light years ahead of most jrpg fare. For those who can handle it it'll give back in spades. SPADES I TELL YOU!

It's funny, it's brazen, it's utterly unashamed of itself. Rah rah Ar Tonelico!
Final Fantasy IV, only game I'll willingly re-purchase every time SE re-releases it.

Except for the PSX version, because the loading times were horrible for that "port".


Neo Member
Breath of Fire V was definitely a love/hate title with most fans of the franchise..They definitely took some huge risks by switching up the battle system and the game ending 'countdown' mechanics the way they did, but I thought it was refreshing. Still have some heated arguments about that one.


Neo Member
Thousand Arms for me. It's like i'm the only person I know that has even heard of it and when I do find someone that has heard of it, it's always "That game looks so bad. Darn waifu rpg. Final Fantasy <Insert Number Here> will always be better.".

It was way ahead of it's time and is overshadowed by games like Final Fantasy 7. I wish it had gotten more popularity.
Mario 64. I disagree with anyone who says it has aged anywhere but the graphics (which have actually help up well for that era, especially considering it was a launch game).


MGS2 and FFVIII. Both misunderstood masterpieces.

Uncharted 3 was also a great game, even if it wasn't quite as good as 2.


knights of the old republic 2
alpha protocol

mask of the betrayer doesn't really need defending because it's fucking awesome, but hey I'll defend that too. same with new vegas, which actually sold well iirc

basically any shitty bug-ridden Obsidian game, because dammit, fuck david cage


Chalk another up for Metal Gear Solid 2. What a bold move by Kojima.

And while I really enjoyed MGS4, I wouldn't defend it until the day I die; I understand all the criticism.

Umm... one game that I liked a lot that no one else seems to have played is Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy. Maybe it doesn't need defending because no one cares, but I've brought it up and sung its praises quite a few times to seemingly disinterested people...

Edit: Add Deadly Premonition and Spec-Ops: The Line.


Jak 2 was super radical. This is my pick too.

Also Resistance 3. Most fun I had with an FPS on PS3.

What? Sorry not a native english speaker but does "rad" come from "radical"? Mind blown. I thought Rad was just a different word.

urban dico tells me this :
An abbreviation of 'radical'--a term made popular by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Still primarily used by people on the West Coast who find words like 'cool', 'awesome', and 'tight' to be tired and overused; 'rad' is generally considered to be a much higher praise than the aforementioned superlatives. Also used as a general expression of awe.
Wat. Really? TMNT? Double mind blow.
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