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The Wonderful 101 Demo on eShop [up in JP/EU, now up in NA]


Oh my god, the different things you can equip in the custom menu are great. I had unite charge on, which explains why I was able to charge attacks but other people weren't. You can also equip dodge mine, which leaves a landmine behind when you dodge!

Oh wow I need to replay the demo again, totally forgot to check the menu.


It reminds me of a mix between Pokemon Ranger and Pikmin. I wish I could get it launch day but I wont have funds for it. =(


I'm stuck at
the small hangar where there are three knobs on the wall, and none of them is doing anything to open the rolling door
. What do I do?

Also, while I'm really digging the gameplay, the game bugs me in its presentation. Bland loading bars, confusing tutorials... Some camera issues here and there, too. I know I'm nit-picking, but I want it to be Wonderful, goddammit!


I'm stuck at
the small hangar where there are three knobs on the wall, and none of them is doing anything to open the rolling door
. What do I do?

Also, while I'm really digging the gameplay, the game bugs me in its presentation. Bland loading bars, confusing tutorials... Some camera issues here and there, too. I know I'm nit-picking, but I want it to be Wonderful, goddammit!
Look at your TV. WHen you turn the knobs, the numbers on the roof on the TV change. Look at the shutter inside the room. Make those numbers match.
I'm stuck at
the small hangar where there are three knobs on the wall, and none of them is doing anything to open the rolling door
. What do I do?

Also, while I'm really digging the gameplay, the game bugs me in its presentation. Bland loading bars, confusing tutorials... Some camera issues here and there, too. I know I'm nit-picking, but I want it to be Wonderful, goddammit!

The numbers for the code are on the door you need to open in that room.

You can also tilt to gamepad around to look in that room.
I'm stuck at
the small hangar where there are three knobs on the wall, and none of them is doing anything to open the rolling door
. What do I do?

Also, while I'm really digging the gameplay, the game bugs me in its presentation. Bland loading bars, confusing tutorials... Some camera issues here and there, too. I know I'm nit-picking, but I want it to be Wonderful, goddammit!

one cannot hope to master a Kamiya game in a single sitting
Just played the demo and my God... This game it so damn awesome!! It bring back the joy when the last time I played great games in arcade for the 1st time!
This is some kinda pikmin thing or

I don't get it

me neither. However watching videos of others play im starting to understand it.

basically, to put it in DMC terms, you have to look at each weapon as a style and the right stick is the style switch. Straight line = rebellion. Circle = Beowulf. L shape = ebony& ivory.

You also can combine styles to attack in two different directions.

You make your attacks more powerful by recruiting more people by circling them.

the larger the shape your draw when attacking = Exceed moves

left trigger = Block which can be made stronger by the amount of people recruited

right trigger = dodge , but dodging takes you out of your style unless you hold the button down a la dodge offset.

If you get hit, you get taken out of your style and have to run around waking up your buddies to continue. x allows you to run faster to do this.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
shield part
was a holy shit this is awesome moment for me.


Downloaded, but haven't had a chance to play yet. Just watched the trailer though. I can't even begin to understand how this plays like a comprehensive game!


ZL is the jello "Wonder Guts" block. ZR is Wonder...Spring? dodge, and Y is just dash.

Also just found out about the equip menu + item mixing screen in the pause menu.

Unite charge just lets you hold the attack button instead of drawing a bigger shape for bigger unite weapons.

I think im going with Dodge Mine.

The first stage theme is great stuff too.


Do the heroes you find do anything? I found Wonder Painter and Wonder Kungfu but they don't seem to do anything
I don't really understand why people have so much problems with the controls in this game. Even by just trying out a few things you eventually discover the massive depth of the gameplay.

Btw, I love the death animation with Red flying away in his thong.

Impressions sound great, potential system seller?

Not a chance in hell. It's way too complex to be suited for a mass audience. This is the very definition of a hardcore game. Immense depth, a lot of player agency and complex gameplay.
But honestly for everyone that actually wants to play a game instead of running from setpiece to setpiece, and likes games that offer more depth than most games, then this is a must buy.


Played the demo on normal. It was a little confusing at first but I got the hang of it.

Drawing the unite morphs on the screen is a great idea. It makes switching between weapons and combo juggling a blast.

Splitting up your morphs is cool too. I was confused on how to do this at first but it's basically: Draw out the morph you want + x button. I can see this being really handy in the final game where they'll probably throw a ton of enemies your way.

The section where you have to turn the switches to 253 was a bit cumbersome. It's obvious the controls weren't meant for such up close gameplay. That said, I didn't mind it, but you have to be aware that the controls will be more sensitive up close.

Combos are incredibly satisfying also.

I love the guts morph and the dodge.

There are a lot of options in the menu. A LOT. You can mix food, change abilities, look at trophies, bottlecaps, heroes, etc. It's kind of overwhelming at first, but I'm sure in the final game, it'll all work out. This game pretty much feels exactly as I imagined it and I'm very delighted. For people who are confused at first, keep playing a bit. The game is very chaotic starting off, and I think your mind has to adjust to it. All games have a learning curve and this game is NOT BUTTON MASHING FRIENDLY. Take your time when you draw out the morphs (as you draw it out, everything goes into slow motion), don't mash the buttons and be aware of where the enemies are and you'll be golden.

Edit: Also play mission mode. It's straight up fighting and will get you familiar with the controls quicker I feel.

So can this be compared to anything else?

Is it like what if Pikmin was a high speed action game?

There's a lot of different influences for the game, but I don't think there's anything like it.


It doesn't have that type of mass appeal.

I'd say it easily does in concept, especially in an time when super heroes has never been more popular. But selling someone on this kind of game, especially on this kind of console, requires marketing efforts that Nintendo so far haven't really shown.

That said this is easily slated to be the underdog hit of 2013 if you ask me.


So a 15 use limit on the demo is making you lose entusiasm for the main game? Not that you don't like how the game plays or it wasn't what you hoped it'd be but the fact they released a demo, and said demo has a limited amount of uses?
Some people get more mad on general principle than others.

Edit: I'm not sure if the demo only allows 15 minutes per use or just allows it to be booted 15 times only. If it's the latter than I could understand him being pissed as that sounds ridiculous.
Is the whip in the story mode? Because I was running around in the mission area before jumping into the misson and the game prompted me to use it


So can this be compared to anything else?

Is it like what if Pikmin was a high speed action game?

Like eariler, take Pikmin (group mechanics) + Viewtiful Joe (style) + Bayonetta (QTEs) + Okami (attack symbols) mix em up and there you go.

EDIT: Yes that shield is a little too Dragon Quest-ish.


Took a while to get hang of things but I think I understand how the combat works now. I've run through the demo story mode twice now and on the second run things really clicked. I was changing between the different unite morphs a lot quicker. Blocked better and using the leap to dodge out of the way. That move really drains the batteries. I was able to pull off a second unit morph easier as well. I didn't see the full instruction the first time. I still took to much damage both times but it was easier to string combos with the different weapons the second time. Using two morphs allowed for the final boss to go down a lot quicker.

The game is a little addicting so far. I want to play it again and try to get the pure platinums in the sections. That seems to be time based as well I think because I only got two and I finished those sections in less then 30 seconds where as the first time I took much longer due to figuring out what I had to do and only ended up with silvers.

Am I reading this correctly or do you have points subtracted from your score based on how much damage you do to the area?
I've been always happy with my WiiU. But with this demo I've just realized that this console really don't gets the praise it deserves.

This is videogames at his best.


So can this be compared to anything else?

Is it like what if Pikmin was a high speed action game?

Feels like a combination of Viewtiful Joe, Devil May Cry, Okami and yeah, a little bit of Pikmin, but not much. It's the most Kamiya-ish game of all time though and just based on the demo is goty material for me


OK how do you rescue the civvies under the tanker?

Oh and protip: If you dont already know, circle an enemy right before they blow up, and you can recruit them. No one is immune to the call of justice.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
The closest you could compare it to a game would be Okami.
The only thing this and Pikmin have in common is seeing up to 100 'units' on the screen.
Agreed. Though if we took Okami as setting the direction, P100 just takes it to an entirely new level.
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