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Xbox One Kinect and Gameplay Video (UI stuff)

I bet this is fixed (almost all of it, anyway) by launch. Microsoft is a software company, launching what is their second biggest product of the year (behind W8.1), there is no way they will not have this ready by launch (or as part of the initial X1 update).


Dropped friend requests, people! I for one, am worried.

But seriously, this sounds like the kind of things I'd expect from both networks. Kinks will be ironed out.


6 months these won't be issues, launch issues that will be ironed out. 720 was bigger and even that can be better in 6 months.


The problem isn't the fact that there are issues with connectivity for the OS and the XBL service. It's completely normal they are working on a different approach compared to the original one and certainly there must be a lot of debugging and testing in order for it to work on day one.

However, what should be the problem here is the fact that MS can't afford time. Launch is soon and if things are not fixed by launch, that may create an uproar for clients.


Truth in advertising.
Just read it

Appreciate the info, thanks .

However, no need for that sort of major hyping on twitter from certain folks. Just no need at all and in fact it puts a doubt as to what info will be delivered in future if this is the routine.

It's disappointing to read about the OS and shame on MS but come on the hype did not justify this.


Unconfirmed Member
Just read it

Appreciate the info, thanks .

However, no need for that sort of major hyping on twitter from certain folks. Just no need at all and in fact it puts a doubt as to what info will be delivered in future if this is the routine.

It's disappointing to read about the OS and shame on MS but come on the hype did not justify this.



However, this system is entirely different on Xbox One. So, lets say me, you, and Thuway have xbox one’s that are online. We are signed in our profiles. Sitting at the home screen, we are considered to be in a “Xbox Party” on the server. There are no more ‘party leaders’. With that said if any one of us decide to start a game, the party is shifted over to that game’s party system. Each game now has their custom written VOIP.” (Pete note: shoutout to thuway!)

“In essence, it is almost EXACTLY how it was on the PS3, and it is in those API “handshakes” that is breaking the online experience.”

That can't be true? Why would they do this?
I'm a Sony guy but I'm not fucking stupid, the Xbox did this "better" - it was clever. The PS3's method was messy and not integrated.

I find this kinda hard to believe it's so crazy and I'm only a portion down the article. That's totally weird / madness.


Seems like other OS functions interfere with each other crashing games regularly! that would be a mess to be honest. also fixing this might take some of X1 already scarce resources...


That can't be true? Why would they do this?
I'm a Sony guy but I'm not fucking stupid, the Xbox did this "better" - it was clever. The PS3's method was messy and not integrated.

I find this kinda hard to believe it's so crazy and I'm only a portion down the article. That's totally weird / madness.

You know the saying? Don't fix what is not broken. MS seem to do exactly this, Win7 to Win8 and now X360 to X1.


All this insider stuff is getting a bit silly imo. I know, he knows, she said, he said... I know some readers get a kick out of this though. I'd understand if we had a RROD 2.0 situation, get this info to the masses asap cause that would be some game breaking shit.
And shaking my head at the people especting a Megaton, like a delay or hardware failure. How does that benefit you?

All in all, I'm ,not saying I won't be bothered if all this stuff turns out to be true come launch, you usually expect to buy a product with features advertised working off the bat.


OK so back to the UI. I wonder how notifications will work. Specifically, what kind of notifications can you set to be able to get? I've been watching sports nonstop tonight, what can I set with my friends? What about actual sport notifications while watching other games that allow me to jump to the other channel?


Still potential to piss off a lot of customers at launch if multi-player has issues considering it's launching nearly concurrently with the two biggest muliti-player games of the year. But tough to tell the impact without seeing what the actual experience is like once they deliver the day one patch. This console has taken a lot of abuse considering no one actually has one yet to complain about.

What's more interesting to me is the issue raised by the VOIP stuff getting designed without an understanding of how and why it currently worked the way it does on the 360. After the re-org isn't the Xbox division now part of the OS group? I wonder if that means we're more or less likely to see issues like this crop up. One would think the move to a unified OS platform makes managing this stuff across so many products a lot more complicated given the extra variables you have to account for and the impact that has on complicating designs vs a dedicated device function.


This is the 3'rd or 4'th time I've seen an article / journalist / comment of sorts online, seemingly claim that the remaining management of Microsoft / Xbox division have no fucking clue about gaming.
Not that they are bad directly, not that it's deliberate - but that people making decisions are simply not gamers, don't get gaming and are kind of ... well clueless.

I dunno how much merit there is to these claims but they keep on coming up!


Gold Member

Description says it's made by Microsoft, but I haven't seen it anywhere (can't find it on their YouTube or press site).

Questionable whether it's real-time, or whether loading between apps is that quick, considering they're using Gamescom footage of Titanfall, etc.

Interesting video nonetheless. No idea if it was leaked or anything like that, so here's a backup just in case: https://cdn.anonfiles.com/1382913506517.rar

"Xbox, close thread" if old.


Download it here if you want: http://compass.xbox.com/assets/06/69/06694e0d-45b0-4091-b9f8-aff30dfa93f5.mp4

Well, the video looks real. I'm not personally real excited about the new features of the XB1 but this is a good ad and shows some cool stuff. Definitely a good, short walkthrough of the new capabilities they'll be marketing the machine for! Good job.


I can't believe they would make it like PS3 so devs have to come up with their own VOIP solutions. That can't be true. I thought Skype was going to do all of that.
This. If Skype is handling party + VoIP, why would games need to implement their own?
It sounds like Mortimer getting bad tips or something lost in translation.


This. If Skype is handling party + VoIP, why would games need to implement their own?
It sounds like Mortimer getting bad tips or something lost in translation.

Yeah, the only thing I can think of that games might have to be involved with in regards to parties are if the player is in a party(in case certain playlists should be off limits) and who the player is in a party with(so as to matchmake all players with each other). So strange that a robust standard was not designed from the get go.


That video can't be real. Starting a online game with the character already running? No game does that.

Well, no its not real. What they do have is the smart match thing that finds a match and notifies you when your set to play. Hopefully we see it actually working soon.
The day we see the OS functioning seamlesss and fast, this rumor drops?

You're imagining things. :)

But, seriously, the exaggerated negative news for the Xbox One has reached ridiculous levels now. It's already weaker. What, are people suppose to now fear the system? Be very afraid? Don't even think about purchasing one around the holidays? What is the point? it's kind of nuts. So, there are possible early launch issues that will need to be ironed out. When hasn't the Xbox Live team taken care of problems?


Seems like other OS functions interfere with each other crashing games regularly! that would be a mess to be honest. also fixing this might take some of X1 already scarce resources...
That isn't it, and no it wouldn't.

These problems would be server side if they exist.
This may not be popular, but I don't think Microsoft are complete idiots. Whatever the problems may be, if there are any on a big enough scale to begin with, they will sort them out. This isn't a reason to be worried about your Xbox One purchase if you're getting the system.
This may not be popular, but I don't think Microsoft are complete idiots. Whatever the problems may be, if there are any on a big enough scale to begin with, they will sort them out. This isn't a reason to be worried about your Xbox One purchase if you're getting the system.
There is no reason to have confidence in Microsoft at the moment. Do you ever not defend them?
There is no reason to have confidence in Microsoft at the moment. Do you ever not defend them?

Do people like you ever not attempt to exaggerate or blow things out of proportion just to have another apocalyptic doomsday story you can run into the ground regarding the system? Seriously, does it make any sense for people to go out of their way, with what seems like every other day now, to scare people about the prospect of buying an Xbox One? Is this what it has really come to? Scaring people? I especially find it a riot how innocent people try to act, almost as if they're somehow conflicted about what they're doing. Listen, people aren't stupid. Some will love this kind of crap, and eat it right up, but then others will see it for what it truly is. It looks opportunistic and petty. Some people just want to see a disaster, a trainwreck in the making, and will do whatever, say whatever they can to contribute to that cause. It may sound harsh, but that's what I see.

Microsoft releases a great looking video of the Xbox One OS/UI in action with Kinect, and almost immediately there's a rumor attacking that aspect of the system. It's not really a major surprise that something like this was brewing, because the UI/OS for this system has always looked and sounded particularly impressive. This video only served to help drive that point home. And with perfect timing something specifically designed to target it and tear it down is released, and nobody is going to say to themselves, "Now wait just a minute here. Doesn't this all seem a little too convenient?" Xbox One reveal: the OS and the way it worked was one of the most amazing things shown. The response? It was all fake, doesn't exist. Not real. It's vaporware. it's all a smoke and mirrors campaign. Or, even if they do, it doesn't work as nicely as shown. Family Sharing aspect of previous xbox one policy sounds pretty cool, many people like it, one of the few bright spots nobody could attack? Oh, wait, random online post out of nowhere from a no doubt fake MS employee claiming it was a demo, which it absolutely was not, and people eat it up, because it feeds right into that nothing at all could possibly be good about the xbox one narrative.

Microsoft may have some issues at launch, but is that really suppose to be a shock to anyone? People, people, people. We had "insiders" on here claiming that the fact that the Xbox One even attempts to run games in 1080p at all would send the OS crashing and failing. I mean, I'm sorry, but if that doesn't send your bullshit detector flying off the charts, then something has gone seriously wrong. Microsoft, as we all know from time to time, can be incompetent enough as it is on their own. They don't need extra help in the form of absolutely bogus and boneheaded falsehoods designed to scare the living shit out of people who may be, for their own reasons, interested in, or already committed to picking up the system.

The Xbox Live team does amazing work, and has consistently done amazing work now for years. Their track record is an excellent one, even if there have been some bumps in the road along the way. Does anyone seriously believe that if there are any serious issues with the basic functions of the system, Microsoft will fail to fix them as quickly as possible? This is what they've done now for years. People call themselves gamers and yet are bizarrely celebrating at the prospect that a platform they don't like could fail, and it's pitiful. it really is. When are people going to start rooting for a healthy and competitive industry rather than rooting for failure, which may satisfy your most selfish desires, but is ultimately not good for anybody?

And, yes, as rare as it may be, there are times when I absolutely don't defend them. There are just times when I think the silliness takes center stage.
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