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The GOTY 2013 and one of the best games ever made, and the industry cancers

I've been holding off on getting this game until it was announced for the PS4 but I might bite earlier than that. I'd been waiting for a Toki Tori 2 thread to pop up for some time now.



you know, the 'generic brown shooter' nonsense is just as noxious and dumb as the 'nintendoz for the kiddiez' shit.

This is just console wars, but instead of rooting for a company I'm rooting for a gaming philosophy. Nothing more and nothing less than that.
Uh huh. Ok tell me about some games you think fit that mode that don't happen to be on a Nintendo platform.

Unfinished Swan?
Gone Home?
Papers Please?
The Stanley Parable?
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime?

I could go on. Could you?


In other words, this is a game which relies on gaming mechanics to be as impressive as it is.
Funny, I see people on NeoGAF applauding this type of game all the time. It's almost as if OP is putting up a baseless strawman argument to make himself feel superior.


Most of the top successful games of the year have been cute G-rated gamey affairs:

Pokemon X&Y
Animal Crossing
Super Mario 3D World
Luigi's Mansion 2
Candy Crush Saga

plus GTA5, COD and TLOU.

Not sure what OP is worried about?


Please don't not buy this game just because OP. The devs didn't make this guy write this crap.

It's actually a pretty fun puzzler.


Toki Tori 2 is certainly a wonderful puzzle game and beautifully designed.

It's also not very ambitious, the levels are basically strings of river crossing puzzles that become more and more intricate through higher topological and animal complexity. You don't really learn new things, you begin to apply your two main mechanics (chirping and stomping) to more and more variations of similar situations.

The progression is all show-don't-tell and natural, but it's nothing you haven't seen in a lot of games now considered classics -- you could say it illustrates how well such an old-fashioned formula (with the limitations that originally created it long overcome) still works and makes sense, and in what ways this way of thinking could inspire design solutions even in more directed, text- and voice-heavy games, solutions that are a little less heavy-handed.

The design itself isn't an alternative for these games; they aren't 2D, they aren't puzzle games, they are linear, they focus on story etc. Toki Tori 2 shows that a simple game doesn't need to be simple-minded, -- I think that's already a lot and deserves credit! It's not the avant-garde of video game design, and I'm pretty sure it doesn't want to be.

I think the game will be featured in my personal top 10 this year, ranking higher than a lot of games that received almost universal acclaim. That's not because these games are cancerous, it's because I really like puzzle games, and Toki Tori 2 is a great puzzle game.


Can we discuss the grammatical use of Cancer Op is using.

So my man just used Cancer as a verb a past tense verb. Like it is possible to do the action of cancer and then it is possible to stop.
Not a complete meltdown, but he's pushed this "industry cancer that started with the PS1" bullshit before- http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=92081284&postcount=865

Wonderful stuff. This needs to be saved and documented.

Nope, it demonstrates that this industry has been invaded completely by the cancer it started on the PS era, people that played videogames because they became "cool" thanks to the CGI.

Outside of a few indie titles, I don't think investing in innovative or well designed gameplay mechanichs is worth it anymore.
Once you have:
1. Graphics
2. Plot
3. Graphics
4. Graphics

Covered, you can forget about everything else. It's a bit what happened on the cinema industry when the CG effects appeared and tons of people wanted that at any cost, but with the difference that the cinema was something cool way before the appearance of the CG effects, and cinema critics were always aware that good CG is something that won't make a movie good.
The difference is that besides 4 or 5 "frikis" videogames were always considered like a regular toy and they weren't considered "mainstream entertainment" until the CGI arrived.

The "videogame critics" are, most of them, a product of this massification, so unlike with what happened with the cinematographic industry, that always had a renowned and recognised expert crowd that always had on mind what make a good film good, on the videogame industry those who care about playability and those things are not only a minority, but also the ones being considered "frikis" or "not cool" by the mainstream.

I eventually will get a PS4 when it has GAMES that are worth it, but this "consumer fever" for mediocre games with "next-gen" graphics demonstrates that this trend is unavoidable.
How many media will give The Last of Us their GOTY 2013? Can anyone tell me what has The Last of Us in terms of gameplay design, or even scenario design, to make it a GOTY? I'll answer that, absolutely nothing.
But it has the best graphics ever made on a PS3 and one of the best plots of the videogame history, and that's more than enough.

This is what I was saying. The WiiU is being sold at a lost right now, but instead of focusing on the chipset, it tried to evolve gaming with a gamepad that that allowed for asymetrical gameplay or other UI innovations.
Why isn't it a "great console"? Because as I said, nothing matters besides polygons to the "mainstream".

I've been saying that for years, the only difference between my aunt who plays Wii-Fit to lose some kilos and the poster I've quoted is that my aunt it's pretty conscious that she doesn't know anything about videogaming and she won't try to influence the industry to go towards a direction where everything are Wii-Fits and the likes.

I don't even...


Hard to objectively look at something like this when it's presented in a way that just makes me want punch you in the nose.


I'm not even pretending to be better than those who play because of any reason I list, it's just that to me they're the reason games are not what I think should be, and to them, I'm the one to extinguish.

I enjoy certain cinematic games for that cinematic experience. I don't want them ALL to be cinematic though and I don't want anything of yours to be extinguished except your condescending, superior attitude towards others who don't share your personal tastes. We are not at war here, guy.
Braid does not really belong in the "dynamic puzzler" genre. I guess it can seem that way because of its complicated systems, but the solutions to the puzzles are exact and narrow. The puzzles in Portal are not linear at all. Have you watched a speed run of the game? Most of the puzzles are really soft obstacles that can be overcome in a variety of ways with fast reflexes and creative use of momentum. Portal 2 sadly dialed this aspect back. Many levels in World of Goo can similarly be solved with broad range of designs.

I guess I am still not seeing how Toki Tori 2+ evolves the formula.
It's true that Braid had an exact design that allowed only one solution, I thought you were referring to the fact that in Braid you also have to experiment a bit with your abilities in order to progress.

Regarding Portal and Toki Tori 2, the difference it's like Contra and Metroid.

Veelk said:
I enjoy certain cinematic games for that cinematic experience. I don't want them ALL to be cinematic though and I don't want anything of yours to be extinguished except your condescending, superior attitude towards others who don't share your personal tastes. We are not at war here, guy.
Yeah, explain that to the Survival Horror crowd. The last one that resembled that was ZombiU and it was immediately trashed for not being a shooter. Yes, it's not a war because traditional gaming is dead outside of a few indies, so it's more like if someone was kicking a dead corpse than an actual fight.

sofiabudapest said:
Magic Mushroom said:
Mario 3D World? Pikmin? Wonderful 101? Animal Crossing? Metal Gear Rising? Proteus? Guacamelee? Papers Please? The Swapper? Year Walk? I could go on and on. Gaming has never been more varied.
Try also Thirty Flights of Loving, Cart Life, Limbo, Fez, Monaco, Braid, MirrorMoon EP, and many more.
Just what I was saying. Those lists are all Nintendo and indies. Imagine that the movie industry had become all about FX besides one big company that's loosing market quota and some shorts made by independent directors. That's the videogame industry right now.
Secondly, there are tons of games that do not fit this criticism at all. Mario 3D World? Pikmin? Wonderful 101? Animal Crossing? Metal Gear Rising? Proteus? Guacamelee? Papers Please? The Swapper? Year Walk? I could go on and on. Gaming has never been more varied.

Thank you. Try also Thirty Flights of Loving, Cart Life, Limbo, Fez, Monaco, Braid, MirrorMoon EP, and many more.

The PC (and even the console) market is full of adorable and refreshing games. With more variation and eagerness to experiment different with ways and styles of gameplay mechanics than ever.

It's just not true that Nintendo is doing only good gaming and Sony & Microsoft is full of cancer - such obvious very simplified assumptions (which I simplify again) are the reason why everyone is upset of OP.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
i'm at the office right now so i can't but can someone PLEASE print screen and post this embarrassing OP to r/cringepics

this shit is amazing because i think this kid actually believes what he's writing

Firstly, I want to warm the majority of posters of this site, "the videogames are cool thanks to the PlayStation" crowd, this won't be the game you're imagining now.
Not only that, but you will find it a "boring", "kiddy", "nerdy" game. In other words, this is a game which relies on gaming mechanics to be as impressive as it is.

Hey dude what's that shit? We're my weapons bro?

is why that game is one of the best ever made, even if as a classical RE fan I hate that the survival horror genre was dead after it's release.

Toki Tori 2+ not only evolves the puzzle-adventure genre to a new level, it even goes further than that, it introduces a new concept that could have influenced the whole industry if it wasn't because the industry cancers have almost destroyed it.

Whadda hell dude? I wanna kill some mothafucka terrorists and not frogs!!!

Firstly, it's a game that requires some efforts from the player to be understood. It doesn't guide you (the + version does it a bit more thanks to the few industry-cancers that picked it crying all over the internet) with an arrow pointing at which point of the corridor the level will end, you in fact are thrown in a 2D-open world which draws a "certain" progression path through the players knowledge.

Wow!! That'a hell of a corridor man! I not know where to go!!!!

Nope, it demonstrates that this industry has been invaded completely by the cancer it started on the PS era, people that played videogames because they became "cool" thanks to the CGI.

This has been a good hobby while it has lasted, now it's time for other people to enjoy another hobby that has taken the place of my own one. It was obvious that this would be the result seeing the past generation..


Wouldn't be a freezamite post/thread without the condescending attitude.

I wish I would have known about this guy before reading the OP. I thought "industry cancers" was going to refer to Season Passes, Always Online, retail exclusive DLC, or something.

OP, next time you want to promote a game that you feel is being overlooked, refrain from bad mouthing games that are well-liked. That's just going to have the opposite affect and make people want to avoid what you're promoting.

This is like the Puppeteer promotion thread from before...only 3 times as bad. At least the creator of that thread just expressed disappointment in Nintendo and left it at that. They didn't feel the need to throw the entire Nintendo fanbase under the bus as well like you just did to people who like Sony games, all while fluanting self-proclaimed superiority.


freezamite said:
And there also were a ton of shitty games before, that's not the problem. The problem is that a movie is made to tell a story, and that has always been what they were rated for.
On the other hand, videogames were meant to be a gamming experience, and now they are reviewed for how good the graphics are, or how awesome the story is.

Movies aren't specifically for "telling a story." A movie is made to be engaging through any combination of plot or mise en scene or dialogue or whatever else. Games share that same goal but have different (more) tools to get there, and great games today use a lot of these tools in combination just like they did before the Playstation.


Definitely in my top 5 this year, along with Papers Please. But then, I loved the first Toki Tori as well.


Yeah, explain that to the Survival Horror crowd. The last one that resembled that was ZombiU and it was immediately trashed for not being a shooter. Yes, it's not a war because traditional gaming is dead outside of a few indies, so it's more like if someone was kicking a dead corpse than an actual fight.

I don't know about that game, but I'm going to assume that people who played it have other complaints about it besides not being a shooter. And besides that, you still have Evil Within coming.

And you misunderstand my point. I agree there are a lot of things the industry does wrong, but you're not going after the industry, you are going after fans, saying we suck for not liking what you like. You're making it out that we are enemies. We, as in us, because we like different things. That is insane. I don't like survival horror, but I would prefer to see it thrive rather than have it dead in the ditches like it is now. I have no animosity towards survival horror whatsoever even though I don't care for it at all. Likewise, I don't want to see the games you want crash and burn. But your attitude clearly makes the feeling not mutual. I guess, in simple terms, I'm asking you to be less of a dick about the whole thing.


This, my friends, is a textbook example of what we call "Thread Backfire".

I haven't played Toki Tori. I don't know if I ever will. Not due to OP of course, that's silly.

It just never really seemed to fit my style of gameplay. I have a hard time of playing puzzle games without it making me feel stupid...

I loved Meteos, but Im still scared to play-through Portal in fear of never finishing it... Lol


The Amiga Brotherhood
Firstly, I want to warm the majority of posters of this site, "the videogames are cool thanks to the PlayStation" crowd, this won't be the game you're imagining now.
Not only that, but you will find it a "boring", "kiddy", "nerdy" game. In other words, this is a game which relies on gaming mechanics to be as impressive as it is.

But which game is that?
Hey dude what's that shit? We're my weapons bro?

It happens a few times per generation that it appears a game that redefines a genre. Resident Evil 4, for example, redefined how the 3rd person shooters had to be made thanks to it's innovative over-the-shoulder camera. Not only that, but it also had tons of crazy scenarios that put the player in front of a lot of different situations, and the player had to constantly push the boundaries of that gameplay in order to adapt to them. This is why that game is one of the best ever made, even if as a classical RE fan I hate that the survival horror genre was dead after it's release.

Toki Tori 2+ not only evolves the puzzle-adventure genre to a new level, it even goes further than that, it introduces a new concept that could have influenced the whole industry if it wasn't because the industry cancers have almost destroyed it.

Whadda hell dude? I wanna kill some mothafucka terrorists and not frogs!!!

Firstly, it's a game that requires some efforts from the player to be understood. It doesn't guide you (the + version does it a bit more thanks to the few industry-cancers that picked it crying all over the internet) with an arrow pointing at which point of the corridor the level will end, you in fact are thrown in a 2D-open world which draws a "certain" progression path through the players knowledge.

And here is the key: THE PLAYER'S KNOWLEDGE.
There are other 2D open world games, some of them more open than the others, and those kind of games is called the "metroid" style (or metroidvania for some people since the 2nd gen castlevanias where of that style) in honour to the first game with that kind of concept.
Until now this genre was about upgrading your character and exploring the world. You found some strange doors or blocking objects that couldn't be opened at a certain point, and you had to progress through the available paths until you found anything that allowed you to progress. The limit was on your character, and you had to overcome it.

This game evolves this formula to the next level. This time the limit is not on your character that can't be upgraded, it's on your MIND. The game is designed so that a normal player is more or less guided in the sense that the "logical" route it's also the one designed as a tutorial. This is done in an absolutely natural way, to the point that one doesn't realize that this was the tutorial until he advances more into the game.
Instead of upgrading your character, this game upgrade's the player's knowledge about it in a way that allows certain already seen situations to be resolved in a way that wasn't known before. It's not that it has some of the best puzzles ever made, it's that it integrates them in a so natural way that they're part of the scenario, some of them even have multiple solutions and most importantly, it doesn't allow progression through random trial and error.

Wow!! That'a hell of a corridor man! I not know where to go!!!!

What could it bring to the industry?
That progress through knowledge mechanics is something amazing in an open world design. It could impact future metroids if that was done properly, in a way that felt natural to the player and to the game design.

Why won't it have the influence it should?
The answer is simple. How many players are there? Not even 1/1000 of the people that buys videogames. Maybe in specialized forums we may reach a proportion of 1/10, but it's still not enough to influence shit.
I mean, how many people can grab a game that doesn't constantly throw amazing lighting effects, explosions, and that doesn't explain you what to do because it wants you to find out?
That's why this game, undoubtedly the GOTY 2013, will be over-shadowed by the classical cinematic AAA experiences that of course won't require anyone even the slightest effort when it comes to LEARN new things.

Yes, this game should be the 2013 GOTY, and if this was still the videogame industry instead of the AAA-interactive-movies one it would be absolutely relevant and an example of how gaming design has to be approached.

Thank you Two-Tribes for reminding the few of us that play because we simply love to play that besides the well known Nintendo and Valve, there are still companies that know what videogames should be, instead of what they've become.

One last thing: this game can be bought through the WiiU eShop and Steam, but to everyone having the possibility of buying it through the WiiU do it there, because the steam version is a free present to everyone who has already purchased the game on WiiU (but this isn't the case if you purchase it first on steam).

All that you like of this game is already in Knytt Underground for Pc, Ps3 and Vita, the entire op applies to Knytt Underground too, so if you can buy it ;)

I didn't know that Toki Tori 2 was an open world game, the first one was a common puzzle game right? If TT2 will get a Vita version i'll buy it for sure :)
lol @ hyper sensitive people in this thread.

I will check this game. Caught my attention.
There's some content difference between the Steam and Wii U versions?

BHZ Mayor

Please elaborate.

It's no secret that one of the major reason why budgets have ballooned so much in recent years is because of the push for bleeding-edge graphics and "Oscar-worthy" storytelling. And how GTA4 got 10's across the board almost solely for the latter. Don't forget the constant the graphics look good "for a Wii game" that was parroted throughout the media. Or how people have absolute meltdowns because a TV antenna or a truckbed railing wasn't rendered at a certain resolution. Or how "resolutiongate" was almost the sole focus of this console launch, both in the media and on GAF. Also, how more gameplay-focused games are criticized for "too gamey," or how "game overs are a sign of bad design," or how genres like platformers "aren't worth $60," or how a game on Kickstarter couldn't possibly need a $100,000 budget because it's "just a 2D fighter". So I guess it applies from a GAF standpoint too.
Firstly, I want to warm the majority of posters of this site, "the videogames are cool thanks to the PlayStation" crowd, this won't be the game you're imagining now.
Not only that, but you will find it a "boring", "kiddy", "nerdy" game. In other words, this is a game which relies on gaming mechanics to be as impressive as it is.

But which game is that?

Hey dude what's that shit? We're my weapons bro?

I hate your attitude, this isn't Gamefaqs.
Not only that, but you will find it a "boring", "kiddy", "nerdy" game. In other words, this is a game which relies on gaming mechanics to be as impressive as it is.

Do you really not see the inherent hypocrisy in saying that people are unable to recognize game mechanics because of the cute, kiddy aesthetics of a game, and then going on a rant in which you constantly insist that "mature" or "violent" games inherently lack game mechanics?

Please, tell me this is just a schtick. Tell me you did not just spaz out this mess of an OP decrying people for their inability to look beyond a game's aesthetics to see the underlying mechanics while constantly, mindlessly failing to look beyond an entire genre's aesthetics to see the underlying game mechanics.

I want to live in the best of all possible worlds. I want my reality to include a quietly brilliant Kaufman-esque satire and not someone who could actually have written that post completely oblivious to what they were doing. I'm just going to choose to believe that is the case.
I would not go that far to call it "industry cancer". Sometimes I am in the mood for those kinds of games, like Uncharted series.

About the game I will check it out someday, just that my playing time is very limited.

I just want to comment on two things.

1. A lot of studios dying between the start of last gen and today. Some of this studios died as part of "natural selection" due to the end product(s) delivered or the genres or IP not clicking with gamers. Don't want to discuss what caused these studios to die, the thing is that there are less studios and budgets have grown, so devs and pubs have to go with what sells the most and play it as safe as possible. That is somewhat sad as independent of if we enjoy the games or not, creativity is somewhat limited in the AAA space. This is the reason why Indie devs are so important and their games have been embraced so much (mainly on the PC side). We have AAA games and indies games, the B tier games have mostly disappeared. I really hope that this gen we see either indies getting a bit bigger to tackle some B tier games, or AAA studios having small teams deliver this types of games, like Call of Juarez Gunslinger or Far Cry Blood Dragon where they can take risks and deliver innovative gameplay. If succesful they can implement those mechanics in higher budget games.

2. We live in a fast pace world, Work Work Work Internet Internet TV TV, not so much time to game. This is most people now and this type of lifestyle tends to favor quick play games. We still have very deep games but I think the industry tends to favor games that are good for quick play sessions.


Great post, freezamite! I hope you've seen all of my posts recommending Toki Tori 2+ and how you would be saddened if I failed to recommend it. ;)

BTW, any idea how to contact Two Tribes? I emailed them a question about Edge (to their customer service email) but haven't heard back....
It's no secret that one of the major reason why budgets have ballooned so much in recent years is because of the push for bleeding-edge graphics and "Oscar-worthy" storytelling. And how GTA5 got 10's across the board almost solely for the latter. Don't forget the constant the graphics look good "for a Wii game" that was parroted throughout the media. Or how people have absolute meltdowns because a TV antenna or a truckbed railing wasn't rendered at a certain resolution. Or how "resolutiongate" was almost the sole focus of this console launch, both in the media and on GAF. Also, how more gameplay-focused games are criticized for "too gamey," or how "game overs are a sign of bad design," or how genres like platformers "aren't worth $60," or how a game on Kickstarter couldn't possibly need a $100,000 budget because it's "just a 2D fighter". So I guess it applies from a GAF standpoint too.

That didn't initiate with the PS1, mind you.
2+2=5 said:
All that you like of this game is already in Knytt Underground for Pc, Ps3 and Vita, the entire op applies to Knytt Underground too, so if you can buy it ;)
I can't properly judge Knytt Undergound but for what I've seen they are not the same. Knytt Underground is more about exploration, platforming and puzzles are less integrated.
But what's most important to me, you are always aware of what you lack to reach a certain area which isn't the case in Toki Tori 2+.

Edit: It's not the same. I wouldn't say Knytt Undergound revolutionized anything despite I see why someone could consider it a good game.


I regard video game as the next medium for storytelling, so I pass this one GoTY that emphasis on game mechanic. Thank you.
We get it OP, you don't like big-budget, high aesthetic, cinematic games. You are perfectly entitled to your opinion.

But just know that you will never endear yourself to anyone taking such a militant stance on this. You want to try and convince people to see your point of view, talk to them. Don't talk down at them like with this OP.

Your purpose would have been much better served with something along the lines of

"Hey, I really like this game and I think you guys should try it out too." No console wars, no insulting people who don't subscribe to your views, no calling people cancers because they play certain types of games.
It's no secret that one of the major reason why budgets have ballooned so much in recent years is because of the push for bleeding-edge graphics and "Oscar-worthy" storytelling. And how GTA5 got 10's across the board almost solely for the latter. Don't forget the constant the graphics look good "for a Wii game" that was parroted throughout the media. Or how people have absolute meltdowns because a TV antenna or a truckbed railing wasn't rendered at a certain resolution. Or how "resolutiongate" was almost the sole focus of this console launch, both in the media and on GAF. Also, how more gameplay-focused games are criticized for "too gamey," or how "game overs are a sign of bad design," or how genres like platformers "aren't worth $60," or how a game on Kickstarter couldn't possibly need a $100,000 budget because it's "just a 2D fighter". So I guess it applies from a GAF standpoint too.

GTA5 is actually one of the best playing games of the generation. In multiple genres, no less.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Do you really not see the inherent hypocrisy in saying that people are unable to recognize game mechanics because of the cute, kiddy aesthetics of a game, and then going on a rant in which you constantly insist that "mature" or "violent" games inherently lack game mechanics?

Please, tell me this is just a schtick. Tell me you did not just spaz out this mess of an OP decrying people for their inability to look beyond a game's aesthetics to see the underlying mechanics while constantly, mindlessly failing to look beyond an entire genre's aesthetics to see the underlying game mechanics.

I want to live in the best of all possible worlds. I want my reality to include a quietly brilliant Kaufman-esque satire and not someone who could actually have written that post completely oblivious to what they were doing. I'm just going to choose to believe that is the case.

no that's the brilliant part of the OP - he is the True Gamer, for having played a game pre-1997, and we are all Call of Duty fans who only play video games to look cool

or something

he didn't convey anything very well, outside of his own sense of false superiority and lack of personableness

"Hey, I really like this game and I think you guys should try it out too." No console wars, no insulting people who don't subscribe to your views, no calling people cancers because they play certain types of games.

but then how will we know that he's smarter than the bros?
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