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The reason why I have faith in FFXV's story-telling.

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Junior Member
so goddamn disappointed. Square's never going to see a new.game sale from me.

That seems like such an odd reason to swear off an entire company. Even I was one of the "bought a PS3 for versusXIII" people, but it served me well in the end. I simply learned never to invest in something without definitive proof that I'm guaranteed a return, that's all.

That's like me saying, "Goddamnit Team Ico! I will never buy your games ever!" when I found out that Ico was moved from PS1 to PS2. Shit happens, man.


I duno Square-enix are so far from what they used to be I dont' see one person being able to keep this ship afloat.

Lets not forget that most of us had high hopes for 13 until we played it also.

I'm just glad they haven't ruined the Dragon Quest series like they have the Final Fantasy one, although there is still time for that to occur.
Pfft, FFVII will be the HD era's VII.
You've been dropping hints like dubstep drops the bass. Looking forward to it. (Seriously, guys, read this guy's older posts. Verrrryyy interesting stuff in there.)
I have strong expectations of the team behind FFXV in general. There is a lot of good talent there. If they can't produce a great game, then it's time for me to give up on Final Fantasy. I mean, FFXIII nearly made me give up on life, but I overcame that.
I've noted in your past posts that you despise Square Enix's management but actually have good things to say about FFXV's dev team. I appreciate a nuanced critique.


Worships the porcelain goddess
No one made the obvious joke? Okay.


Yes, Jun Akiyama is quite talented.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
I loved Ivalice's stories even if XII didn't get realized as originally intended.

I hope that XV has a mature plot.


Junior Member
Well, Nomura has been quoted admiring the Ivalice games, saying the characters "felt like real people." At least he knows where to aim for, as the Ivalice games have probably the most complex and "mature" storylines Square has ever done. I'm at least intrigued enough to see if they can pull off this "mafia family" feeling that XV's storyline is supposed to have.

As for the whole deal about people liking Final Fantasy because they were the right age at the time, I think the argument has merit. I actually think a large chunk of console games have been consistently geared towards one specific generation -- males born between the mid 1970's and the late 1980's. Those people were kids when NES and SNES games mainly targeted kids, teens when PS1 games (like FFVII) mainly targeted teens, and are now in their 20's and 30's at a time when most big console games are targeting that age group. A lot of Japanese publishers though seem to have broken this setup by continuing to target their games at teens and at most people in their early 20's.


More than anything, it's just the fact that the characters who have had their bios revealed so far, and the plot as we know it so far are entirely competent, which is all anyone could ask for.

I do also see some similarities with the political aspects in XV, much like one that would be in an Ivalice title, which is a plus.


No it's PS4 only.

Originally it was PS3 only.

Then it was shifted to PS3 & PS4. If this remained then the game would probably be close to release about now

Then with the massive FF brand decline this title became even more important and they were worried that the game would look dated because of the PS3 version. So they opted for next-gen only to make it as good as it can be.

I assume they took whatever they could from the PS3 version, but a lot was also overhauled.

Well, lets also not forget this important tidbit: Sony (who owns a good chunk of SE), Moneyhatted the hell out of Square Enix. They supposedly pumped a ton of cash in to help offset the disaster that the FF13 / FF15 engine fiasco was.

Which is ironic, since the last big huge disaster they did cost the founder of Final Fantasy his job, this one got the 3 stooges 3 additional games to screw up. Life isn't fair sometimes.


Well, lets also not forget this important tidbit: Sony (who owns a good chunk of SE), Moneyhatted the hell out of Square Enix. They supposedly pumped a ton of cash in to help offset the disaster that the FF13 / FF15 engine fiasco was.

Which is ironic, since the last big huge disaster they did cost the founder of Final Fantasy his job, this one got the 3 stooges 3 additional games to screw up. Life isn't fair sometimes.

Not true for a number of years. Sony had a portion of Squaresoft and was mostly bought out long before it became Square Enix. Also, let's kill this rumor that FFXV is Sony exclusive. It's coming to Xbox One.


Probably because you were young and Toonami anime was the height of dramatic storytelling for you at the time, so you had no problem with FFX's terrible voice acting and cornball dialog and thematic development.

Or Probably because he truly he did connect emotionally to the game like I did and many others.

FF stories to me exude that charm and magic found in pixar.The main reason this series is popular is the story telling and awe inspiring moments.

I don't need confirmation from spoony or anyone else.I have never connected to a story like I did with FFX and probably never will.

It stuck with me for months and months after I finished it.

No oscar winning movie or Pulitzer prize winning work of literature can change that.

In fact I used to be an avid follower of the Oscars and watched their movies consistently.Never did quite connect to them but it was more of cerebral experience with this kinds of movies I guess.


Reading this does give me hope. While I enjoyed FFXIII sagas gameplay it's no secret the story was a clusterfuck and broke immersion sometimes.


Not true for a number of years. Sony had a portion of Squaresoft and were bought out long before it became Square Enix. Also, let's kill this rumor that FFXV is Sony exclusive. It's coming to Xbox One.

*google google*

Sony still owns Square Enix shares:

About 8.25% as of last year. (The founder of Enix owns the largest chunk of the company, about 1/5th of it.)

But you're quite right about the XBone thing. I have written the entire platform off after E3 and apparently missed that announcement. Whoops, my bad.


*google google*

Sony still owns Square Enix shares:

About 8.25% as of last year. (The founder of Enix owns the largest chunk of the company, about 1/5th of it.)

But you're quite right about the XBone thing. I have written the entire platform off after E3 and apparently missed that announcement. Whoops, my bad.

That's none nearly enough to actually effect anything in day to day operations and certainly not a "good chunk" T___T
OP should probably have specified that he was talking about cutscene direction immediately, rather than the actual narrative of each game. Woulda saved a lot of time that ended up being devoted to people who can't tell the difference between story and storytelling. Also, because storytelling happens outside of cutscenes.

Anyway, I had no idea Akiyama was working on XV. At the very least we know cutscenes will look great.

Seriously, comparing the scene direction of stuff like Vagrant Story/FFXII to some of Square's other games, the gap in quality is just really out there. *coughFFXcough*


Junior Member
That's none nearly enough to actually effect anything in day to day operations and certainly not a "good chunk" T___T
Dude, owning nearly a tenth of a huge company like SE is a very big chunk. Not enough to own every single game, but certainly a big chunk from a strictly business perspective.
Or Probably because he truly he did connect emotionally to the game like I did and many others.

FF stories to me exude that charm and magic found in pixar.The main reason this series is popular is the story telling and awe inspiring moments.

I don't need confirmation from spoony or anyone else.I have never connected to a story like I did with FFX and probably never will.

It stuck with me for months and months after I finished it.

No oscar winning movie or Pulitzer prize winning work of literature can change that.

In fact I used to be an avid follower of the Oscars and watched their movies consistently.Never did quite connect to them but it was more of cerebral experience with this kinds of movies I guess.
I think someone else mentioned this before, but FF games have always relied very heavily on music and soundtrack to convey emotion (especially in the pre-voiced days). Even if the script and facial animation is not up to snuff with more compelling stories, Square has always delivered on those emotional sonic moments. They're very competent at conveying an emotion.

So no, you're not a babby for getting emotional during FFs. You probably are just more responsive to sound, and Square's specific type of scene construction.


All I needed to see was Final Fantasy Tactics on that track record/resume. That and, as another gaffer stated, FFXV will be the last straw for me in regards to the FF brand, and with the train wreck that was FFXIII, they better make something fucking magical.


Junior Member
OP should probably have specified that he was talking about cutscene direction immediately, rather than the actual narrative of each game. Woulda saved a lot of time that ended up being devoted to people who can't tell the difference between story and storytelling. Also, because storytelling happens outside of cutscenes.

It's anybody's guess at this point. One thing we do know, Nomura trusted Akiyama, just like how much Matsuno trusted Akiyama, giving him the creative freedom as scenario director for FFXII after his departure from SE. While Akiyama mainly handles the cutscene direction, who is to say he has zero control over the script and dialogue lines? Remember, he is a director in this occasion, not just a planner or producer.
I like how back in 2008, GAF boosted on ff13 being the next best thing. 5 years later, you all thought the game was a mess. Now 15 is coming, and all of you are now saying the exact same thing. This cycle continues ALL THE TIME WITH THIS SERIES.


I like how back in 2008, GAF boosted on ff13 being the next best thing. 5 years later, you all thought the game was a mess. Now 15 is coming, and all of you are now saying the exact same thing. This cycle continues ALL THE TIME WITH THIS SERIES.

All the time? XIII was the first instance of the series not living up to expectations, and every game since then has been met with mild to extreme skepticism, and yes, including XV. We've seen enough of XV over the years to gather that, at worst, it'll be on par with XIII and at best, the start of redemption for the series. Definitely a lot more than we ever got to see of XIII


I like how back in 2008, GAF boosted on ff13 being the next best thing. 5 years later, you all thought the game was a mess. Now 15 is coming, and all of you are now saying the exact same thing. This cycle continues ALL THE TIME WITH THIS SERIES.
Well, that was mostly based on how awesome the original target render was and on some hopes they wouldn't go bacwards in game/world design after the wonderful world they realized in FFXII. FFXV's hype is purely based on what we have been told the game will be like. Open(-ish) world, massive explorable cities, vast overworld, plenty of exploration and secrets, combat system as fun as Kingdom Hearts and possibly airships + with a more grounded storyline with war, politics & more realistic human interactions. They have also actually shown the game, which seems to be delivering on its promises.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I like how back in 2008, GAF boosted on ff13 being the next best thing. 5 years later, you all thought the game was a mess. Now 15 is coming, and all of you are now saying the exact same thing. This cycle continues ALL THE TIME WITH THIS SERIES.
It isn't a "cycle" if a failure happened one try, and you call bullshit on the next try.


Junior Member
Name me another RPG that strictly has a playable cast of 5 males looking exactly like them.

People are so quick to call the generic card.

Plus even if they are generic (personally I don't know any other JRPG character that looks like Cor for one), the realistic renders they made of the characters make them all look pretty unique.

Not only in games but also animu and mangos. They're definitely generic if you count the last two in. Basically the perfect cast for a Yaoi story.

lol you can say this for every character ever. Oh no this one character vaguely resembles another one from somewhere!


Junior Member
I think they look fine, but they do look like the average k/j-pop boy band. I'm just glad we are done with the Tidus and Vaan types.

Noctis maybe. Prompto you're stretching it a bit. I don't know any kpop band that has dudes looking like Cor, Ignis, or Gladiolus. Certainly not an..."average" one.


Junior Member
Not only in games but also animu and mangos. They're definitely generic if you count the last two in. Basically the perfect cast for a Yaoi story.

THEN name me another RPG, wait no, another video game that has these exact configuration of 5 guys as playable party members, along with their prescribed personalities.

Do it. :)


lol you can say this for every character ever. Oh no this one character vaguely resembles another one from somewhere!

Generic doesn't always mean they have to look the same. I'm talking about the whole gang meta which is composed of terrible male japanese manga cliches.


Noctis maybe. Prompto you're stretching it a bit. I don't know any kpop band that has dudes looking like Cor, Ignis, or Gladiolus. Certainly not an..."average" one.
How is prompto stretching it? Ignis's type is common enough. I'll give you the bulky ones. Nothing strikes me as memorable though. I don't think that's neccerally a bad thing, since they look more naturally to me.


THEN name me another RPG, wait no, another video game that has these exact configuration of 5 guys as playable party members, along with their prescribed personalities.

Do it. :)

Yea sorry I meant I wouldn't be able to find in games, but you'll most likely find a similar cast in everything else.


Junior Member
Generic doesn't always mean they have to look the same. I'm talking about the whole gang meta which is composed of terrible male japanese manga cliches.

Has a video game/ RPG done that yet?

Oh wait, there really hasn't. EVEN if there is, it's probably so obscure you could only find that shit in the depths of a hidden Japanese basement.

Now, if we were to argue about their individual appearance, I can give you that. Then again, how "un-generic" can you get in today's video game industry without it overlapping with pre-existing characters?

Besides, generic doesn't necessarily means bad news. Tales characters have always been fairly generic, yet people loved them.


Junior Member
Generic doesn't always mean they have to look the same. I'm talking about the whole gang meta which is composed of terrible male japanese manga cliches.

Which cliches are we talking about? Just because they're all dudes drawn by a Japanese artist makes them automatically fall in manga cliches?

How is prompto stretching it? Ignis's type is common enough. I'll give you the bulky ones.

Hair aside, Prompto looks nothing like a kpop band member. Hell he looks white.

Show me these Ignis types.


Hair aside, Prompto looks nothing like a kpop band member. Hell he looks white.

Show me these Ignis types.
Plenty of bleached guys, by having blue eyes doesn't make him totally different.

Hmm never mind I'll give you ignis. I think that looking at prompto and noctis clouded my judgement on the rest of the group.


Junior Member
C'mon, it took me 3 seconds on google image to find this


Like I said, hair aside he doesn't look like that.

Not just the eyes but facial structure as well. He looks like he could be part of the Weasley family in Harry Potter...basically he looks like a male redhead (but his hair is blonde).


What does an Event Planner do exactly? Non-convoluted plot points aside, I really do hope that FFXV has a likable set of characters that I can get behind and support. The FF series always stood to me as that one franchise with a memorable cast of characters. Well, it used to anyway. I'm putting all my Squeenix eggs into this one basket and so far, Noctis & co. are giving me really good vibes.

Final fantasy stories have never been great....or good really.

Huh. FF7, 9 and 12 had not only really interesting story-lines but it also was backed up by some of the most intriguing video game worlds as well (imo).
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