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Dear Dad, Please Don’t Vote For Donald Trump (Huffington Post)

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Author Ryan Holiday writes a sober critique of Trump's Presidential candidacy.

I like this letter because he uses reason and persuasion instead of resorting to juvenile name-calling and shaming you see other liberal circles.

The choice is simple because it’s hard for me to think of a single person who violates more of what you taught me as a child. The case against Donald Trump as a candidate — even as a person worthy of two seconds of anyone’s serious attention in our busy lives — is clear to me precisely because of what I learned from you, Dad.

I remember the trips we took us to Angel Island in the San Francisco Bay. This is where people like Grandma and Grandpa first arrived in America, you told us. It was here that they stopped on their way to the American Dream, fleeing the terror of their homeland and hoping for a better life. You taught us that it was honorable and brave to be an immigrant and that what made America special was that we opened our arms to these people.

As a police officer, you worked for a time in the hate crimes division. You’ve seen the horrible things that prejudice and ignorance can do. I remember you once told me that the way the Ku Klux Klan recruited people in our hometown was by convincing white people that they were being attacked and that their way of life was under siege.

C’mon Dad, is that not eerily similar to some of Trump’s campaign tactics? Why else would he have refused to immediately disavow the support of David Duke and other white supremacists? What possible purpose did he have to insinuate that President Obama was a Muslim, that he was not born in America? Or question a Mexican-American judge’s loyalty to the law and to the Constitution?

A few years ago, Donald Trump went on live television and talked about nice his daughter Ivanka’s body was, saying how if he wasn’t her father, he’d probably be dating her. It was disturbing then, but we all say things that come off utterly differently than intended. Except last year, speaking to a Rolling Stone reporter, Trump said the exact same thing again. “Yeah, she’s really something, and what a beauty, that one,” he told the journalist. “If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father...”

You have a daughter (and now a daughter-in-law). Can you imagine saying anything like that about them? What would you say to one of your friends who uttered something half that creepy? You’ve been married for thirty years. You taught me about respecting women, about the importance of marriage and fidelity. This man, he doesn’t stand for any of that. On the contrary, he refers to women he doesn’t like as “fat pigs“ and “dogs.” He attacks them and when they press him on the issues, says it’s because they’re probably menstruating.

The whole letter is linked below:



Now what's the next step in your master plan?
As conservative as my dad can be on stupid shit I'm still glad he's disgusted by all Trump stands for.


Dear Son,

Shut the fuck up and let me vote for who I want to.


P.S. I was voting for Gary Johnson, but now I feel like voting for Trump to spite you... ungrateful jerk.

is the love filled letter I'd write back...


Both of my parents will be voting for Trump, but I get it. They're not happy about it, but the Supreme Court is pretty important.
I'm fairly certain neither of my parents will be voting for Trump but I probably need to double check.

I know my mom will not vote for him. My dad has made strides, even as someone that consistently watches Fox News, towards becoming more reasonable in terms of politics. He voted for legalizing Gay Marriage in our state at least. I'm sure he doesn't like Trump, but he may stick to his roots and just vote Republican anyways based on the promise of lower taxes or something along those lines.


Dear Son,

Shut the fuck up and let me vote for who I want to.


P.S. I was voting for Gary Johnson, but now I feel like voting for Trump to spite you... ungrateful jerk.

is the love filled letter I'd write back...

I feel like this post needs further explanation.


I feel like this post needs further explanation.

I thought it was pretty self explanatory...
If I were this guy's dad I would be incensed that he took to HuffPo to write a fluff piece about how Donald Trump is evil and shouldn't be voted for...

Which is true mind you, but Clinton is just as bad in my opinion...

I can't vote for either of them personally.
Therefore, Gary Johnson is the only person I can consider giving a vote to.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I thought it was pretty self explanatory...
If I were this guy's dad I would be incensed that he took to HuffPo to write a fluff piece about how Donald Trump is evil and shouldn't be voted for...

Which is true mind you, but Clinton is just as bad in my opinion...

I can't vote for either of them personally.
Therefore, Gary Johnson is the only person I can consider giving a vote to.

Are we still playing the "both nominess are as bad as each other" card? Geez as a brown dude of mixed race I can't agree with that at all. I fear for what Donald Trump will do as president especially concerning people like me.
I thought it was pretty self explanatory...
If I were this guy's dad I would be incensed that he took to HuffPo to write a fluff piece about how Donald Trump is evil and shouldn't be voted for...

Which is true mind you, but Clinton is just as bad in my opinion...

I can't vote for either of them personally.
Therefore, Gary Johnson is the only person I can consider giving a vote to.
Trump is clearly worse.


Are we still playing the "both nominess are as bad as each other" card? Geez as a brown dude of mixed race I can't agree with that at all. I fear for what Donald Trump will do as president especially concerning people like me.

I don't care who is worse. Trump and Clinton are both objectively awful people who I can't in good conscience vote for.


Are we still playing the "both nominess are as bad as each other" card? Geez as a brown dude of mixed race I can't agree with that at all. I fear for what Donald Trump will do as president especially concerning people like me.

I'm also afraid of what Hillary Clinton will do tbh, fam.


I thought it was pretty self explanatory...
If I were this guy's dad I would be incensed that he took to HuffPo to write a fluff piece about how Donald Trump is evil and shouldn't be voted for...

Which is true mind you, but Clinton is just as bad in my opinion...

I can't vote for either of them personally.
Therefore, Gary Johnson is the only person I can consider giving a vote to.

Why not just write it on toilet paper and toss it in a bonfire?


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I don't care who is worse. Trump and Clinton are both objectively awful people who I can't in good conscience vote for.

I mean the fact you're equating how bad Trump is to Hillary is pretty suspect no matter who you're voting for.

I'm also afraid of what Hillary Clinton will do tbh, fam.

Such as? Again comparing her to Trump and considering them equally bad baffles me to this day. People are pissed Hillary lied but when Trump lies through his teeth with everything he says, of course they're just as bad as one another!


I thought it was pretty self explanatory...
If I were this guy's dad I would be incensed that he took to HuffPo to write a fluff piece about how Donald Trump is evil and shouldn't be voted for...

Which is true mind you, but Clinton is just as bad in my opinion...

I can't vote for either of them personally.
Therefore, Gary Johnson is the only person I can consider giving a vote to.

Okay. I get it. I thought that you were implying the content of the letter would elicit this kind of reaction from you to your son. I thought it was a heart felt plea.

The fact he is putting his father out there on HP is somewhat unfamily-like.

He seems to be on good terms with his dad, I would hope they had discussed this before he published the letter.

Thanks for clearing this up. I thought your post was a bit more insidious.
I thought it was pretty self explanatory...
If I were this guy's dad I would be incensed that he took to HuffPo to write a fluff piece about how Donald Trump is evil and shouldn't be voted for...

Which is true mind you, but Clinton is just as bad in my opinion...

I can't vote for either of them personally.
Therefore, Gary Johnson is the only person I can consider giving a vote to.

I don't get why people keep moaning that they should 'respect my right to vote for whoever I want'.

Short of kidnapping you on polling day they are doing that. They just care about you and would like it that, in this case, you didn't vote for a bigoted moronic piece of garbage.

Even if the election didn't have someone as awful as Trump, people would like you to see things from their view, because that's what makes sense to them. They will debate and try and push through the thing you say that don't make sense. And if your response to that isn't a counter argument, just a dismissal in the form of 'stop pressuring me!' then you clearly don't want to hear anything and wanna make a vote based more on feeling than anything.


I mean the fact you're equating how bad Trump is to Hillary is pretty suspect no matter who you're voting for.

Such as? Again comparing her to Trump and considering them equally bad baffles me to this day. People are pissed Hillary lied but when Trump lies through his teeth with everything he says, of course they're just as bad as one another!

I'm not super exited about how she has been influencing Haitian politics and helping in disaster profiteering. I also have reason to believe she's more of a war hawk than Obama and I'm already disappointed with a lot of his policies with regards to drone strikes.


I mean the fact you're equating how bad Trump is to Hillary is pretty suspect no matter who you're voting for.

I'm a registered independent.
I'm socially liberal and fiscally conservative with a strong disdain for bureaucracy.

Clinton represents unbridled government and crony capitalism with Supreme Court picks who will erode personal freedoms while heading us towards more globalization.

Trump is for all intents and purposes a blithering idiot. He's a moron... It's not even funny. He can't even stay on topic for 10 seconds at a time.

As a person who despises big government and blithering idiots, I can't vote for either candidate.


I'm a registered independent.
I'm socially liberal and fiscally conservative with a strong disdain for bureaucracy.

Clinton represents unbridled government and crony capitalism with Supreme Court picks who will erode personal freedoms while heading us towards more globalization.

Trump is for all intents and purposes a blithering idiot. He's a moron... It's not even funny. He can't even stay on topic for 10 seconds at a time.

As a person who despises big government and blithering idiots, I can't vote for either candidate.

Good to be white when it don't matter that one candidate is running on a platform of white supremacy. So nice


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I'm not super exited about how she has been influencing Haitian politics and helping in disaster profiteering. I also have reason to believe she's more of a war hawk than Obama and I'm already disappointed with a lot of his policies with regards to drone strikes.

After that Haitian and Clinton's thread yesterday it seemed like it was the fact the Clinton Foundation had to deal with what was already a corrupt and rotten government and just didn't handle it well. Maybe I ducked out of that topic early but it sounded like people had some reason to be pissed at the Clintons but it also seems like a lot of that hate was misplaced and based on misinformation. Not saying they didn't screw up but the stories sounded fairly exaggerated but I'm not well enough aware of the facts on it to give a full call.

I'm a registered independent.
I'm socially liberal and fiscally conservative with a strong disdain for bureaucracy.

Clinton represents unbridled government and crony capitalism with Supreme Court picks who will erode personal freedoms while heading us towards more globalization.

Trump is for all intents and purposes a blithering idiot. He's a moron... It's not even funny. He can't even stay on topic for 10 seconds at a time.

As a person who despises big government and blithering idiots, I can't vote for either candidate.

Erode personal freedoms with the Supereme Court choices? uhhh care to explain that one?

Also who are you going to vote for? Gary Johnson and the Libertarians who are all blithering morons on most subjects or Jill Stein and the Green Party pushing such blithering idiots policies like listening to Anti Vaxxers and Anti GMO nuts while also favoring moves like the Brexit?

Justify your opinions all you want but don't make it sound like you're making some stand and voting for the pure and righteous candidates unless you're voting for Alice Cooper or some nonsense.


listen to the mad man
I thought it was pretty self explanatory...
If I were this guy's dad I would be incensed that he took to HuffPo to write a fluff piece about how Donald Trump is evil and shouldn't be voted for...

Which is true mind you, but Clinton is just as bad in my opinion...

I can't vote for either of them personally.

d*mn that ownage is siiiiick!!!
I'm a registered independent.
I'm socially liberal and fiscally conservative with a strong disdain for bureaucracy.

Clinton represents unbridled government and crony capitalism with Supreme Court picks who will erode personal freedoms while heading us towards more globalization.

Trump is for all intents and purposes a blithering idiot. He's a moron... It's not even funny. He can't even stay on topic for 10 seconds at a time.

As a person who despises big government and blithering idiots, I can't vote for either candidate.

Lol, yeah you're going to have to explain yourself here. What evidence do you that ehr SC picks will erode personal freedoms? If anything they would expand them, like the Gay marriage one that got past mainly due to the liberal SC justices. Also why do you dislike globalization? The fact that you call yourself a fiscal conservative makes your dislike of it seem especially dubious.


I'm a registered independent.
I'm socially liberal and fiscally conservative with a strong disdain for bureaucracy.

Clinton represents unbridled government and crony capitalism with Supreme Court picks who will erode personal freedoms while heading us towards more globalization.
Why against globalization? Doesn't that generally mean less bureaucracy thanks to less trade restrictions and tariffs?

Donald Trump is across the board authoritarian.


Are you white?

Some white, some brown. A little gray.

If anything they would expand them, like the Gay marriage one that got past mainly due to the liberal SC justices.

See... I believe in true separation of church and state. Marriage seems to be a hugely religious thing, so I don't think the government should offer marriage at all.

I think ALL marriages should be made void and replaced with civil unions regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.


After that Haitian and Clinton's thread yesterday it seemed like it was the fact the Clinton Foundation had to deal with what was already a corrupt and rotten government and just didn't handle it well. Maybe I ducked out of that topic early but it sounded like people had some reason to be pissed at the Clintons but it also seems like a lot of that hate was misplaced and based on misinformation. Not saying they didn't screw up but the stories sounded fairly exaggerated but I'm not well enough aware of the facts on it to give a full call.

I guess I missed that thread. This isn't new stuff though; her brother for example acquired a gold mine in Haiti after the earthquake, the first one permitted by the government in like 50 years. It's also likely that she or at least her state department aggressively suppressed an attempt to raise the minimum wage in Haiti. And a ton of other stuff. There's a lot of stories about her influence in Haiti that I don't really know which is true or not -- but it's not really making me confident in supporting her.


I'm a registered independent.
I'm socially liberal and fiscally conservative with a strong disdain for bureaucracy.

Clinton represents unbridled government and crony capitalism with Supreme Court picks who will erode personal freedoms while heading us towards more globalization.

Trump is for all intents and purposes a blithering idiot. He's a moron... It's not even funny. He can't even stay on topic for 10 seconds at a time.

As a person who despises big government and blithering idiots, I can't vote for either candidate.

Then you lack nuance.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
See... I believe in true separation of church and state. Marriage seems to be a hugely religious thing, so I don't think the government should offer marriage at all.

I think ALL marriages should be made void and replaced with civil unions regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.

Are you fucking joking me with this? Gay people wanted the rights associated with "marriage" and to be treated as equals. It wasn't about forcing Church's to marry them or to recognize their marriage as a religious union. Is that really all you got out of that whole fight? It was a non religious as it got, they wanted to be treated like everyone else.


Dad, I am disappoint.



Are you fucking joking me with this? Gay people wanted the rights associated with "marriage" and to be treated as equals. It wasn't about forcing Church's to marry them or to recognize their marriage as a religious union. Is that really all you got out of that whole fight? It was a non religious as it got, they wanted to be treated like everyone else.

No, my argument is about separation of church and state.
I want gay people to be treated as equals with straight people to have partners recognized by the government for tax purposes and death benefits and the rest.

Love is love.
I just don't want the blatantly religious term, marriage, sullying my civil union with my wife or a gay person's civil union with their partner. Get your religion out of my life.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
No, my argument is about separation of church and state.
I want gay people to be treated as equals with straight people to have partners recognized by the government for tax purposes and death benefits and the rest.

Love is love.
I just don't want the blatantly religious term, marriage, sullying my civil union with my wife or a gay person's civil union with their partner. Get your religion out of my life.

I can't roll my eyes hard enough at this. Its basically a semantics argument. Its a word, its connotation for the government is in no ways religious and if you think that is somehow a threat or affront to separation of Church and State in this day and then I have no clue what to tell you except there are far more insidiuous and dangerous and realistic threats to the separation and Church and state. The word marriage or civil unions is so far down on that list its not even funny.


I'm a registered independent.
I'm socially liberal and fiscally conservative with a strong disdain for bureaucracy.

Clinton represents unbridled government and crony capitalism with Supreme Court picks who will erode personal freedoms while heading us towards more globalization.

Trump is for all intents and purposes a blithering idiot. He's a moron... It's not even funny. He can't even stay on topic for 10 seconds at a time.

As a person who despises big government and blithering idiots, I can't vote for either candidate.

I'd caution against despising blithering idiots.


See... I believe in true separation of church and state. Marriage seems to be a hugely religious thing, so I don't think the government should offer marriage at all.

I think ALL marriages should be made void and replaced with civil unions regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.

was this a strong belief of yours before gay marriage entered the national conversation?


was this a strong belief of yours before gay marriage entered the national conversation?

I'm not entirely sure where Nephtes is coming from, but marriage privatization had been advanced as a method of securing marriage equality in the past. It's not entirely absurd, though the issue is largely cosmetic these days.
My father and I will both be breaking ranks this election to vote for Trump.

We're both traditional labor leftists (he's a teacher and union member and I inherited most of his opinions and values regarding issues of labor and economics) who have always voted Democrat, but 2nd amendment rights are an absolute dealbreaker this time around. Hillary is simply too radical and outspoken on the issue for us to vote for her.

In the past gun control was a relatively minor and inconsequential part of the Democratic platform, but ever since Obama got re-elected it is almost all they ever talk about. Its basically become their #1 issue. And with SCOTUS on the line its so important to make sure that a conservative is elected president to ensure that DC v. Heller remains the law of the land well into the future.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
My father and I will both be breaking ranks this election to vote for Trump.

We're both traditional labor leftists (he's a teacher and union member and I inherited most of his opinions and values regarding issues of labor and economics) who have always voted Democrat, but 2nd amendment rights are an absolute dealbreaker this time around. Hillary is simply too radical and outspoken on the issue for us to vote for her.

In the past gun control was a relatively minor and inconsequential part of the Democratic platform, but ever since Obama got re-elected it is almost all they ever talk about. Its basically become their #1 issue. And with SCOTUS on the line its so important to make sure that a conservative is elected president to ensure that DC v. Heller remains the law of the land well into the future.

So guns? That's it? Fuck what happens to minorities right? Our standing in the rest of the world? The fact he's a fucking moron?

Man I wish I could be cold hearted and have tunnel vision.


was this a strong belief of yours before gay marriage entered the national conversation?

I don't have an exact date for you... 2001ish?
I was still in college...
I realized that legislating morality is dumb.
When I realized it made no sense how the republicans are supposed to be the party for limited government and yet they want to legislate the bedroom.
I've been an independent ever since.

Can we go back to talking about how sons shouldn't tell their dads who to vote for?


My father and I will both be breaking ranks this election to vote for Trump.

We're both traditional labor leftists (he's a teacher and union member and I inherited most of his opinions and values regarding issues of labor and economics) who have always voted Democrat, but 2nd amendment rights are an absolute dealbreaker this time around. Hillary is simply too radical and outspoken on the issue for us to vote for her.

In the past gun control was a relatively minor and inconsequential part of the Democratic platform, but ever since Obama got re-elected it is almost all they ever talk about. Its basically become their #1 issue. And with SCOTUS on the line its so important to make sure that a conservative is elected president to ensure that DC v. Heller remains the law of the land well into the future.

Do your thing. You are not fooling anyone here anymore.

No one believes this second amendment loving narrative you started recently to hide your shit.
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