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The Evil Within ruined Resident Evil 4 for me.


I recently started RE4 once more as preparation for the RE7 release in January. While I didn't touch it for quite some time, I remember it (as well as most of the people who played it, especially on GAF) as one of the best games ever even if I'm not too keen on the direction it took the franchise in.

While the game is still a blast to play and has a decent atmosphere, the only thing I'm thinking most of the time is...

"Why I'm not playing The Evil Within instead"?

Of course there are quite a lot of common traits between the two games, but I can't help feeling that Mikami took the very basics of RE4 and transformed them into something that is (IMO) a bit better even with its technical flaws.

While neither of these two titles has ever disturbed me or made me jump from my seat (Silent Hill, Siren and Condemned are still my favorites here), both can be still quite creepy at times. However, The Evil Within is much more consistent in that regard. The encounters with Laura and the Amalgam creature are the most tense experience I had this generation and nothing from what Resident Evil has brough to the table during the past two console generations has ever come close. I would go as far as saying that the amount of stress and tension were much higher than anything RE could ever offer (yes, even REmake).

The atmosphere is second to none and is maybe the closest to what REmake, Silent Hill and Siren had to offer. This is something RE4 lacked due to its too frequent enemy encounters which restricted my ability to just soak in the environment and made disposal of the enemies more routine activity.

Playing both side to side also shows that TEW is the more challenging of the two. And that's not only thanks to to lesser amount of weapons and ammo, as well as the need to pass through some of the enemies unnoticed. The overall amount of encounters is dialed down considerably, but each enemy is much smarter and hard to take down than your average Ganado.

Finally, no matter how better Resident Evil 4 looked for its time compared to TEW (I'm speaking strictly from technical perspective), the latter still has it beat when it comes down to art direction, environment variety and monster design. There is a nice thread about the stunning art of this game that I urge everyone to check out:


If you have ever put-off by the initial impressions based on the numerous technical shortcomings of the game, give it another try with all patches installed or better get the PC version. This is one of the very few games that get better with each subsequent playthrough and will be looked more and more favorably as the time goes by.


I love The Evil Within more than most, I think it's a genuinely brilliant -if slightly rough around the edges- game.

RE4 though remains a flawless, polished, monster-sized diamond of software. I bought the PS4 version earlier this year and finished the entire thing in a single 8 hour sitting, without shame. It was glorious.
I just finished another RE4 play through on PS4 and still consider it a masterpiece. TEW on the other hand remains my biggest game related disappointment of all time.
The Evil Within is excellent. A game that I feel takes a lot of unreasonable flack, though a lot of it is due to performance issues I think.


Resident Evil Revelations 1 & 2 ruined Resident Evil 4 for me. Couldn't enjoy using the old control scheme with no moving and shooting amongst other things.

The Evil Within is in my backlog to play though. Will check it out soon after reading your thoughts op.


I love The Evil Within more than most, I think it's a genuinely brilliant -if slightly rough around the edges- game.

RE4 though remains a flawless, polished, monster-sized diamond of software. I bought the PS4 version earlier this year and finished the entire thing in a single 8 hour sitting, without shame. It was glorious.

I think RE4 is flawless for its time. It could definitely use some new controls and enemy rebalancing to compensate for modern controls. If RE4 controlled like a modern 3rd person shooter it would be phenomenal all over again.
if you wanted to start a TEW appreciation thread, I'd say "its better than RE4" was juuuuuust about the worst fuckin way you could have went about it, OP. So good luck on the thread here, mate.
I feel the same, but I'm also not in the boat that played RE4 when it originally released, so I don't have nostalgia to allow me to completely ignore how ass the controls are.

I tried to play it when the HD version released on PC, and I couldn't finish it. Game feels incredibly dated.


Agreed OP, played both games at time of release and multiple times each and prefer Evil Within over RE4.

Now where's the sequel?
I love them both, but RE4 simply wins out due to nostalgia. I would LOVE to see a Pro patch for TEW, but I doubt we'll ever get it.


RE4 is undoubtly the better game to me, but.. there was something about TEW that gave me the same vibes as RE4 did back then. Like, you play the game and you can feel the genius of Mikami here and there, but it's not enough and muddled with too much jank.

I really hope for a sequel that removes all the bullshit from the bad controls to bad paced segments; they should look at DOOM 2016 to learn how to make their game 'more pure'

Thought TEW was a janky mess. Outside of some nicely lit shots, the game isn't too impressive either.
RE4 is still loads better


Agreed. Game is a blast to play and I much rather replay TEW than RE4. Could use bit more dumb humor though. And while the game gives you less ammo I think it gives way too much trap parts so you never really run out of ammo. Not only that but the regular harpoon bolt is OP as hell when upgraded to max and costs like 2 parts.
OP, you're going to get slaughtered by GAF but I kinda agree with you. I love RE4 but feel TEW does everything it does, only better. Not perfect by any means, but a great ride from start to finish.

J 0 E

TEW has its technical flaws but it's a classic Mikami game deep within (pun intended)

It's mikami best work "artistically"

A sequel with the right engine and we'll have a masterpiece.


TEW was a technical disaster and that doesn't let it match RE4 for me. It feels very clunky and somehow feels more dated in controls than RE4 too. Otherwise, great ideas and good design. Maybe TEW2 will be the real deal.


I agree with you OP even if many won't. I love Evil Within much more then any of the action Resident Evil's from 4 onwards.

Some complain that EW gets too shooty later on but since we're comparing to RE4 then that game is much worse in that regard.


I loved The Evil Within a lot more than I expected to and the times that were like an actual survival horror were genuinely scary, especially the early chapters. And the game just oozed atmosphere. The amazing soundtrack played a big part in that. However, there are certain points in the game, the city especially, where it just devolved into an annoying shootfest and that really dragged it down for me.

Thankfully my performance was perfect on PC once I unlocked the framerate. Before I did that it would hover around 40fps with regular drops below 30. Once I unlocked the framerate, for whatever reason, it stayed at a near constant 60+ with very occasional drops below when there was a lot of fire and smoke on screen.
I probably wouldn't go that far because RE4 was a sublime experience back on GC, then on Wii and still is today on modern platforms but The Evil Within is a very special game that has sadly gone very underappreciated because of technical issues. Funnily enough, same happened to RAGE, another id Tech 5 game.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
OP, your opinion is incorrect and you need to change it.


How's the PS4 version of TEW run these days? I finished it on PC and loved it, but wouldn't mind a 2nd play through on PS4 since it's on sale. Did it get any performance improvements over time?
TEW to me felt more like a more gamey Last of Us (The gamey description here being a good thing.) so that I can't really compare it to RE4 all that much. For what it's worth, RE4 feels more replayable to me as TEW has a lot of downtime to focus on crazy horror-mood stuff that's effective on a first playthrough but not so much afterwards. In that regards it's similiar to TLOU's slow talking and scavanging sections.

Funnily enough, TEW's village section in chapter 3, despite the obvious RE4 reference, somehow reminds me of Mikami's God Hand too. I'm specifically talkig about the first few less-linear stages, where you'd try to take out all the enemy groups systematically, luring single enemies out of bigger groups and whatnot.

How's the PS4 version of TEW run these days? I finished it on PC and loved it, but wouldn't mind a 2nd play through on PS4 since it's on sale. Did it get any performance improvements over time?

Nah, but the performance is only really bad during the early village chapters. The backhalf of the game is mostly fine even if capped at 30FPS. It's all playable as the game is pretty slow-paced anyway.


How's the PS4 version of TEW run these days? I finished it on PC and loved it, but wouldn't mind a 2nd play through on PS4 since it's on sale. Did it get any performance improvements over time?

Yes, the game runs noticeably better now and there is finally an option to remove the letterboxing if you want.
How's the PS4 version of TEW run these days? I finished it on PC and loved it, but wouldn't mind a 2nd play through on PS4 since it's on sale. Did it get any performance improvements over time?

I played and beat it on the PS4 when it launched and I never had any issues. Sure, it had framerate drops here and there, and there was the forced letterboxing, but it was completely playable. I think it did get some performance improvements, as well as the option to remove the letterboxing (but it downgrades the graphics a bit)


The Evil Within felt like I was playing a poor copy of Resident Evil 4. I couldn't even bother to finish it despite having finished Resident Evil 4 multiple times.
I definitely do not agree. I'd much rather play Resident Evil 6 over The Evil Within.

TEW is simply not interesting. The pacing, action, and scenario design are all weaksauce in comparison to RE4.
I definitely do not agree. I'd much rather play Resident Evil 6 over The Evil Within.

TEW is simply not interesting. The pacing, action, and scenario design are all weaksauce in comparison to RE4.
It's your opinion but man you couldn't be more wrong about TEW. Did you actually play the entire game? It was a roller coaster man and a true spiritual successor to RE4.
RE4 is so tightly designed to perfection that comparing it to that clusterfuck of a game is unimaginable. The Evil Within had so much shit thrown into it, a majority of which taken from other games and movies, and gameplay that was so generic with horrible crafting and trap mechanics. I felt no fear what so ever as I felt so equiped with so much bullshit that i felt invincible. Worst of all, it felt like no one who made it actually cared except for Bethesda who just wanted to market the "return of survival horror" everyone fell for.


TEW suffers from many game design issues such as weird pacing and some terribly designed combat encounters. Even the controls feel a bit weird. It's like the game was rushed off to the shelves before it was ready.

It's such a shame I wanted to like TEW especially after he did the excellent Vanquish, but the game sucks. I don't know Mikami can come from making RE4 and Vanquish, both games where the graphics, controls, combat and level design are all top notch. Then turn out rubbish like The Evil Within.
The Evil Within remains one of the best games of this gen. A little rough perphaps, but more than made up for by the staggeringly creative encounter design, beautiful art direction, varied batch of enemies and levels, and solid mechanics.

I prefer RE4, but TEW is definitely a worthy successor.
I love The Evil Within more than most, I think it's a genuinely brilliant -if slightly rough around the edges- game.

RE4 though remains a flawless, polished, monster-sized diamond of software. I bought the PS4 version earlier this year and finished the entire thing in a single 8 hour sitting, without shame. It was glorious.
The Evil Within remains one of the best games of this gen. A little rough perphaps, but more than made up for by the staggeringly creative encounter design, beautiful art direction, varied batch of enemies and levels, and solid mechanics.

I prefer RE4, but TEW is definitely a worthy successor.

Listen to these two guys, they very much know what they're talking about.

I feel the same, but I'm also not in the boat that played RE4 when it originally released, so I don't have nostalgia to allow me to completely ignore how ass the controls are.

I tried to play it when the HD version released on PC, and I couldn't finish it. Game feels incredibly dated.

So, let me get this straight. One can only appreciate RE4's controls because of "nostalgia"? If so... What an incredibly stupid comment, yikes.


Can't agree at all. If anything TEW let me appreciate RE4, and other mikami classics 10x more. TEW has to be one of mikami's weakest titles. Game felt like an excuse for him to squeeze all these ideas he had, but were originally meant for more than one game. After the beginning it turns more actiony and experimental than RE4 did I felt, and not for the better.

I'm surprised so many people like it. It's more of a flawed experience than RE6.


So, let me get this straight. One can only appreciate RE4's controls because of "nostalgia"? If so... What an incredibly stupid comment, yikes.
Who's the stupid one here? He's exactly right. I far prefer classic RE and the tank controls suit those games better than they do RE4. TEW finally got that right.


The Evil Within has really odd pacing problems, and it also doesn't seem like it can make up its mind which Resident Evil it wants to be. Sometimes it's REmake (initially), sometimes it's RE4, but the second half is mostly just RE5. It would have been a much better game had it been more focused, instead of a "best of" Resident Evil mix.


Putting TEW above RE4 is like preferring the Colin Farrell Total Recall remake to the original. Sure it's more technically advanced and has some aspects that are more impressive, but the overall package is a pale imitation of what made the original great and is lacking in both charm and execution. I can understand why some would rate it highly but I could never agree.
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