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NeoGAF's Best Film's of All Time, 2015 Edition - Voting Thread

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This thread will serve as a compilation of Neogaf's favorite films of all time. Film recommendations seem to be rampant on these forums (I'm among the biggest offenders), hopefully this list can be used as a starting point or reference guide for avid movie watchers on the forum. I'll be tracking everything on this Google Spreadsheet, and updating it periodically during the voting period.

As for the rules:

1) Each Member is allowed to compile a list of up to 10 entries, in order of their personal preference.

2) The point scale will be from 1 to 10, meaning that your number one film will receive 10 points, your second favorite film will receive 9 points - and so forth. In the event that you cannot come up with 10 films, please provide at least 3 films. They will be scored similarly, the only difference being the floor of your scale being higher (A list of three films will be scored from 10-8, a list of 5 films will be scored from 10-6, etc.)

3) Animation and made for Television movies are free game; Mini Series, however, are not allowed.

4) You're not allowed to list an entire Series under a single number, either list all of them within your Top 10 or choose the single best movie from the bunch to represent them all.

6) BE SPECIFIC. Considering the fact that remakes or adaptions sharing like source materials are frequent within the movie industry, please supply the year in which the movie was made so there aren't any misconceptions.

Voting will remain open as long as there is a relatively healthy amount of submissions. You're allowed to edit your list anytime within the voting period. Obviously voting must come to a close at some point, but I'll give a few days notice before it occurs. Once voting has ended, I'll create a new thread compiling all your submissions into a single list. My Photoshop skills are decent enough, but if anyone is interested in providing their graphic design expertise to creating the OT thread - then I definitely welcome the help! Simply PM me if that's the case.

As always, these lists are purely opinion so please refrain from being critical of another's list, be respectful and happy voting.
1- Vertigo
2- Bicycle Thieves
3- The 400 Blows
4- Citizen Kane
5- The Third Man
6- Tokyo Story
7- All About Eve
8- Annie Hall
9- Nights of Cabiria
10- The Exterminating Angel


con air

malkovich for acting chops, nic cage for action, steve buscemi for comedy, john cusack for the gays


1) The Shawshank Redemption
2) Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
3) The Dark Knight
4) The Matrix
5) The Princess Bride
6) Fight Club
7) The Usual Suspects
8) The Borne Identity
9) The Fugitive
10) The Goonies

I guess I like movies that begin with "The"!

Hopefully we can edit our lists up to a certain point? I keep thinking of movies I missed like Gladiator, Shaun of the Dead or Batman Begins. Also, these are our favorite movies right? I fully realize some of the movies I picked would never make a real "best" movie list, but I enjoy them. I basically picked movies I can watch over and over. I'm usually one and done with most Oscar winning movies.
1. Once
2. The Shawshank Redemption
3. Rocky
4. Hot Fuzz
5. Idiocracy
6. Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
7. Wall-E
8. Memento
9. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Secret of the Ooze
10. Up


1) Schindler's List
2) The Godfather Part 2
3) There Will Be Blood
4) Blade Runner
5) The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
6) Fargo
7) Pulp Fiction
8) No Country for Old Men
9) The Lion King
10) Once


Neo Member
1. The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring
2. Moulin Rouge
3. Casino Royale
4. Lost in Translation
5. The Prestige
6. Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance
7. The Dark Knight
8. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
9. Matrix
10. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban


1. Blade Runner
2. Stalker
3. 2001: A Space Odyssey
4. Eyes Wide Shut
5. Citizen Kane
6. Alien
7. Police Story
8. Once Upon a Time in America (extended cut)
9. The Thing
10. Solyaris / Solaris (1972)


Really interested in seeing what will be Gaf's top films. However I won't partake, it's just too hard to arrange all the movies I love in a single list in regards to overall quality. I'd be constantly interchanging different movies with certain positions and would never be completely happy with the results. But vote away and don't forget about foreign language films Gaf! :)
1. Who Framed Roger Rabbit
2. 2001: A Space Odyssey
3. Star Wars
4. The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
5. Blazing Saddles
6. The Godfather
7. Jaws
8. Alien
9. Back to The Future
10. Raiders of the Lost Ark


This is hard. Can we edit later if we change our minds?

1. Raiders of the Lost Ark
2. Blade Runner
3. Jurassic Park
4. Catch Me If You Can
5. Alien
6. Children of Men
7. O, Brother Where Art Thou?
8. The Truman Show
9. Toy Story
10. Take Shelter


1. GoodFellas
2. Moneyball
3. Guardians of the Galaxy
4. The Informant!
5. Children of Men
6. Raging Bull
7. Lost in Translation
8. Pan's Labyrinth
9. The Perks of Being a Wallflower
10. Drive


1. The Godfather Part II
2. The Godfather
3. Goodfellas
4. The Social Network
5. Back to the Future
6. Raging Bull
7. The Wizard of Oz
8. Terminator 2
9. Spirited Away
10. The Dark Knight

Some honorable mentions:
The Terminator
The Wolf of Wall Street
A Clockwork Orange
Pulp Fiction
The Empire Strikes Back
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

EDIT: Already fucked with the list a little.
1. The Dark Knight
2. Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan
3. The Rock
4. Aliens
5. Superman
6. Stand By Me
7. The Matrix
8. Predator
9. Heat
10. Excalibur


This is hard. Can we edit later if we change our minds?

I feel the same-I could probably change out 20 other titles here and not flinch. Oh well.

1. Alien (1979)
2. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
3. The Godfather (1972)
4. The Godfather Part 2 (1974)
5. Ghostbusters (1984)
6. The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
7. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
8. Goodfellas (1990)
9. Twelve Angry Men (1957)
10. Lawrence of Arabia (1962)

EDIT: Painfully edited my list.


1. 2001: A Space Odyssey
2. The Godfather Part II
3. Alien
4. Rocky
5. Mulholland Dr.
6. Dog Day Afternoon
7. Annie Hall
8. Drive
9. Inside Llewyn Davis
10. The Wrestler
1. The Godfather Part 2
2. The Godfather
3. Alien
4. Goodfellas
5. Terminator 2: Judgement Day
6. Casino
7. There Will Be Blood
8. Shawshank Redemption
9. The Dark Knight
10. Taxi Driver



1. 2001: A Space Odyssey
2. Eyes Wide Shut
3. The Shining
4. The Tree of Life
5. Rear Window
6. Apocalypse Now
7. The Exorcist
8. Mulholland Drive
9. Blade Runner
10. Fight Club

Hard to pick but these are the films I never get tired of watching.


Silly trying to place these incredible films in any kind of order, but maybe with a group vote we can find some kind of consensus...

Also, guys, try not to forget all about the comedies! Comedies are so hard to do, good ones deserve acclaim. Animated films, too.

1. 2001: A Space Odyssey
2. The Good, the Bad and The Ugly
3. Withnail and I
4. Alien
5. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
6. Life of Brian
7. Master and Commander
8. There Will Be Blood
9. Grave of the Fireflies
10. Spirited Away

I actually couldn't fit Godfather Part 2 or The Terminator in there, picking 10 movies is insane.
1. Avatar
2. Prometheus
3. Cars 2
4. The Scorpion King
5. Shrek
6. Superman Returns
7. Bruce Almighty
8. 2001: A Space Odyssey
9. Happy Gilmore
10. The Expendables 3


I feel the same-I could probally change out 20 other titles here and not flinch. Oh well.

1. Alien
2. 2001: A Space Odyssey
3. The Godfather
4. The Godfather Part 2
5. Ghostbusters
6. The Silence of the Lambs
7. Raiders of the Lost Ark
8. Goodfellas
9. Back to the Future
10. Lawrence of Arabia

That, and every time I read someone's list I'm thinking "Damn, I forgot about X, Y, and Z." haha
Oh god... Here goes...

1. Pulp Fiction (1994)
2. Blue Velvet (1986)
3. The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)
4. Videodrome (1983)
5. M (1931)
6. Oldboy (2003)
7. Zodiac (2007)
8. Magnolia (1990)
9. Pyscho (1960)
10. Casablanca (1942)

Very, very tough... Some ordering is completely debatable, especially since I've watched some of these more recent than others.
1. The Dark Knight
2. Pulp Fiction
3. Toy Story 3
4. No Country For Old Men
5. There Will Be Blood
6. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
7. Good Will Hunting
8. Princess Mononoke
9. Fargo
10. Children of Men

This is like 100% arbitrary outside of the top 3.


1. Avatar
2. Prometheus
3. Cars 2
4. The Scorpion King
5. Shrek
6. Superman Returns
7. Bruce Almighty
8. 2001: A Space Odyssey
9. Happy Gilmore
10. The Expendables 3

I can't decide which if the most offensive-an Adam Sandler movie or Prometheus?

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
I could write this list ten times and get ten different answers, but at this moment, this is my quick and dirty list.

1. Funeral Parade of Roses
2. Danger; Diabolik
3. Design for Living
4. Paris, Texas
5. Sunset Boulevard
6. The Battle of Algiers
7. Persona
8. The Apartment
9. Happiness
10. The Red Shoes

1) Brazil (1985)


2) ALIEN (1979)


3) Fantasia (1940)


4) The Maltese Falcon (1941)


5) Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)


6) Goodfellas (1990)


7) Ran (1985)


8) Rear Window (1954)


9) Apocalypse Now (1979)


10) Princess Mononoke (1997)

This only gets harder the older I get.

edit: And I already want to completely change it upon posting it and looking at it. Goddammit. That's gonna be the real challenge - not fucking with it 300 times before voting closes.

edit edit: aaaaaand already succumbed to a change.


Picking a Top 10 I won't overthink in a few hours seems impossible. But this is my current one and I won't change it.

01. The Dark Knight
02. The Lion King
03. Lord Of The Rings - Return of the King
04. Memento
05. Princess Mononoke
06. Fight Club
07. Star Wars V - Empire Strikes Back
08. Toy Story 3
09. Alien
10. Forrest Gump
1.) The Fifth Element
2.) Children of Men
3.) Jaws
4.) Head-On (Gegen die Wand)
5.) Happiness
6.) Pulp Fiction
7.) Aliens
8.) The Truman Show
9.) Kung Fu Hustle
10.) City of God


1. Throne of Blood (Kurosawa)
2. Children of Men
3. Rashomon
4. Godfather Pt. 2
5. Ikiru
6. Raging Bull
7. One Flew over the Cukoos Nest
8. Godfather Pt. 1
9. 8 1/2
10. Shindler's List

Wow lot's of good taste with Children of Men.


1. The Devils
2. Autumn Sonata
3. 2001: A Space Odyssey
4. 4 Months, 3 Weeks & 2 Days
5. Mulholland Drive
6. Secrets & Lies
7. A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
8. Oslo, August 31st
9. Waltz With Bashir
10. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?


10. Kagemusha
9. La Haine
8. Stray Dog
7. Unforgiven
6. Jaws
5. Chinatown
4. Apocalypse Now
3. 2001: A Space Odyssey
2. The Road Warrior
1. Blade Runner

I looked up my list from 2013, similar movies but jumbled order. Guess I appreciate Road Warrior the more I watch it.

Honorable mentions: Hot Fuzz, Blue Velvet, Raiders of the Lost Ark and Brazil.
Ooph... I'm gonna need to watch more movies before I vote.

You could tweak it just once, man... Just once ;)

I've already done my one change.

And then I see other people's lists and I'm like... fuuuuck. So much good stuff. My list has no Blade Runner on it. No 2001. No Ikiru. No Grave of the Fireflies. I've only got the one Spielberg, how did that happen? Is a Ridley Scott movie REALLY my #2 of all time? For a guy who has devoted entirely WAY too much of his life to talking about Star Wars in one form or another, Empire doesn't show up at all - and might not show up even if this list went out to 20 films.


1) The Godfather pt 2
2) the Godfather pt 1
3) Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
4) There Will Be Blood
5) Rocky 1
6) Alien
7) Jaws
8) Jurassic Park
9) Children of Men
10) Terminator 2



1) Cloud Atlas
2) Good Will Hunting
3) The Incredibles
4) Men In Black
5) Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain
6) Toy Story 3
7) Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
8) The Lego Movie
9) Terminator 2
10) Battle Royale

I'll probably have to edit in more later, it's late so I can't remember as many greats as I'd like
1) Lost in Translation
2) Oldboy (the Korean movie)
3) Donnie Darko
4) Goodfellas
5) Groundhog Day
6) Dark City
7) The Godfather
8) Inception
9) Requiem for a Dream
10) The Butterfly Effect


1. Boogie Nights
2. Hustle & Flow
3. Dr Strangelove
4. Magnolia
5. Unbreakable
6. Back To The Future
7. Moulin Rouge
8. Jackie Brown
9. Die Hard
10. Lethal Weapon 2


Does his best thinking in the flying car
How exciting. My first Best Films of All Time thread it's going to be hard to get down to 10....

1) Apocalypse Now
2) Chinatown
3) 2001: A Space Odyssey
4) Rebecca
5) Godfather Part II
6) Taxi Driver
7) Blade Runner
8) Annie Hall
9) Alien
10) Spirited Away

Honorable Mentions: Lawrence of Arabia, The Empire Strikes Back, On the Waterfront, Midnight Cowboy, Unforgiven
Honorable Mention Mk II: Brazil

I may add comments later...

1) 2001: A Space Odyssey
2) A Clockwork Orange
3) Taxi Driver
4) Raging Bull
5) Annie Hall
6) The Graduate
7) Midnight Cowboy
8) The Godfather Part II
9) Blue Velvet
10) Apocalypse Now

I like older cinema
I've already done my one change.

And then I see other people's lists and I'm like... fuuuuck. So much good stuff. My list has no Blade Runner on it.
No 2001. No Ikiru. No Grave of the Fireflies.
Son... (You're older than me, but I'm still going to call you 'son')
I've only got the one Spielberg, how did that happen? Is a Ridley Scott movie REALLY my #2 of all time?
Son! (Don't question having a Scott movie, especially when it's ALIEN)
For a guy who has devoted entirely WAY too much of his life to talking about Star Wars in one form or another, Empire doesn't show up at all - and might not show up even if this list went out to 20 films.
Okay, this is legit disappointing... But I can't say I'm that surprised. There are so many great films (that I haven't watched) out there, so it's a hard choice, but you did what you have to.


1. 12 Angry Men
2. The Dark Knight
3. The Shining
4. The Bridge on the River Kwai
5. Up
6. Patton
7. Star Wars: A New Hope
8. Aladdin
9. In the Heat of the Night
10. Rear Window

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