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Digital Foundry: Rise of the Tomb Raider (PC)

Face-Off article including xb1 equivalent settings and PC performance profile
Face-Off Video

Select quotes:
Tessellation: This particular feature enables higher quality terrain rendering by engaging tessellation on selected surfaces. It looks excellent in action and adds plenty of depth to the world. Tessellation of this variety is not present on Xbox One. That said, the deformable snow feature actually does make use of adaptive tessellation both on Xbox and the PC but this differs from the setting available in the options menu here.
Ambient occlusion: On Xbox One, Rise of the Tomb Raider makes use of broad temporal ambient obscurance while PC users are also granted access to HBAO+. The default AO method actually does an admirable job but HBAO+ further enhances contact shadows. It should be noted that both PC solutions appear to differ greatly from the BTAO method used on Xbox One.
One hallmark of a great PC port pertains to the number of settings available and how quickly they can be modified. In the case of Tomb Raider, we were satisfied to discover that all settings are dynamically adjustable in-game, meaning no lengthy reloads as you tweak. You can see changes happening behind the menu in real-time giving you immediately feedback and enabling easy resource monitoring. This makes adjusting the experience an absolute breeze, encouraging experimentation on the part of the user.
Input lag from XB1 version is gone:
Of course, one of the most important improvements here isn't something you'll notice in screens or videos. We're talking about a reduction in input latency - an issue where the Xbox One version feels mildly unresponsive and more difficult to play. We were already surprised when the Nixxes-engineered Xbox 360 version offered faster input response but on the PC, where faster frame-rates rule the day, this is improved further. Rise of the Tomb Raider is very responsive on the PC and it has a transformative effect on the quality of the combat experience.


Additional Information from other benchers / outlets:
PC Tech Showcase from Nvidia
PCGamesHardware Benchmarks (German)
Candyland Comparison video (XB1 v. PC)
Increased detail and strand count in PureHair:


Gold Member
Looking solid.

Might get this next week at some point since I'll be playing the division beta this weekend.
wonder if the 750 ti performance is solely because of vram. do xbone settings with lowered textures still perform poorly? that 13 to 25 fps is far below xbone performance. also curious to know how the default AO option compares to the xbone btao, since thats apparently not available in the pc version
wonder if the 750 ti performance is solely because of vram. do xbone settings with lowered textures still perform poorly? that 13 to 25 fps is far below xbone performance

I was wondering about that as well. How does it performs with xb1 settings but texures on low or med?
The xbone version holds up extremely well. Shame about the input lag though, hope that when i finally get to play it there's already an patch.

The Argus

The xbone version holds up extremely well. Shame about the input lag though, hope that when i finally get to play it there's already an patch.

Yeah there isn't that huge of a difference. On the Xbox One it looked beautiful and I never really noticed the input lag until I read about it here.


Can't believe they removed the input lag, that was clearly an artistic choice to suggest Lara hesitating at her actions to the player.
bloody hell, so Xbox One isn't even on par with medium settings on pc?

For some settings. For others it is the same as high (level of detail for example). Being a tailored console game, finding the exact settings that match on PC are sometimes not straightforward as they lie between two presets, or the presets do not toggle somethings the console version does. Like not having leave shadows in that shot, that is a platform specific optimisation.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Probably the best looking game I've played on current gen consoles and that includes The Order. The Order looks better i guess, but Tomb Raider impressed me more simply because of the variety of environments and the fantastic hair and character model of Lara. God i hate The Order.

You PC owners are going to love this game. Enjoy.


Yeah there isn't that huge of a difference. On the Xbox One it looked beautiful and I never really noticed the input lag until I read about it here.

30 fps -> 60 fps is HUGE. End of story.

On top of that, tesselation, better antialiasing, better anisotropic, better shadows, better LOD, better hair, better textures, better ambient occlussion, better (inexistent) input lag.... really, what do you need to say the difference is huge? a different game?


yeah the xbox version holds pretty well.

30 fps -> 60 fps is HUGE. End of story.

On top of that, tesselation, better antialiasing, better anisotropic, better shadows, better LOD, better hair, better textures, better ambient occlussion, better (inexistent) input lag.... really, what do you need to say the difference is huge? a different game?

hyperbole the post


For some settings. For others it is the same as high (level of detail for example). Being a tailored console game, finding the exact settings that match on PC are sometimes not straightforward as they lie between two presets, or the presets do not toggle somethings the console version does. Like not having leave shadows in that shot, that is a platform specific optimisation.

All right, thanks. I was looking at more of the pictures in the article and it did look very similar to the pc pictures.

Watch the video, XBO version does a very well job IMO.

Yup, yup, did and it really does look good.
hyperbole the post

Beyond the increased detail offered with capable hardware, I think the 30 to 60 fps on top of input lag being gone is quite the stark difference. Sadly the DF video did not put up too many sections of 60fps Very High next to the wonky 30 fps in combat of the xb1. That would show it off.


The xbone version holds up extremely well. Shame about the input lag though, hope that when i finally get to play it there's already an patch.
I said fuck it to the Xbox One version after two months of silence regarding the input lag issue, gave up playing halfway through the game, sold it, and bought the PC version. I just couldn't deal with the input lag on the Xbox One version. It was equivalent to the input lag of Killzone 2, only with enemies that kept on charging you and were agile as hell.


First intensive game I'll be fully playing with my 980ti. Looking forward to cranking everything to max.
Beyond the increased detail offered with capable hardware, I think the 30 to 60 fps on top of input lag being gone is quite the stark difference. Sadly the DF video did not put up too many sections of 60fps Very High next to the wonky 30 fps in combat of the xb1. That would show it off.

Besides, it's not really 30 to 60 fps. The increase is bigger.

I'll be playing it a much faster rate.

But you know how these things go: since it was a console exclusive, the pc version is "just the same but later".


I can't believe there was someone in the other thread saying there was no input lag in the Xbone version, glad to read it's not in the PC version.
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