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The generation of "Remasters" when will it end?


So far, it seems remasters are being made in far more frequency than before, with almost every "Big" game, getting a "remaster" or remake. Why is this a thing and why are people accepting it? I can understand a game of the year edition with all DLC and extras, but some of these games are simply "remastered" and are a year old!

So why, in an industry where people constantly complain about originality and new ideas are remasters/remakes EVER praised and held up as "good content" for a system. In my mind if your best game is a game released a year ago with a "remake" tag thrown on it then you must have shit for software.

GTA V on PC I give a pass as it was a game not released originally on PC with the consoles, but games like TLOU, GTAV on consoles, Sleeping Dogs, Tomb Raider, Metro Redux, and the future remaster releases coming seem like cash grabs.

What are your thoughts on Remasters, and do you think it will or is a problem?


Gold Member
When the previous gen is 2-3 years behind us we won't be seeing nearly as many of them, but they'll always be there to some extent. People love to play old games. Remasters are a way to breath new life into fan favorites. They're here to stay.
TLOU released on a system that was popular largely outside of the united states. the 360 and the Wii outsold it by a very, very very wide margin in the states.

This is not the case for the PS4, and many buyers haven't bought a sony system since the PS2, if ever. As TLOU is Sony's most critically acclaimed game of last gen, and the PS4 is not backwards compatible, many US Ps4 owners are quite happy they don't have to run out and buy a PS3 to play it.

can't speak for the rest of your titles, but TLOU (and hopefully demon's souls, puppeteer, the uncharted games, a few others) isn't a cash grab here.
It will not end.

As you said, they want money.

If people don't want remastered games, they shouldn't buy them.

I think there is a similar thread.


When is a good game running at a better resolution and framerate ever a bad thing? Its even bolstering the new consoles somewhat anemic libraries and allowing people who have never experienced these games in the past a chance.

I see no downside
With backwards compatibility not feasible with newer consoles and change of architecture I love being able to have "old" games as part of my collection, I'd give my left testicle for Uncharted 1-3 in 1080p60.


Hopefully it doesn't. Actually I want to see my favorite ports from last gen brought over to current gen, such as the DMC HD collection or Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and 2.5 (which feel guaranteed anyways...).
I don't see the issue with getting to play games at better frame rates and resolutions while simultaneously financing new games that will probably be even better thanks to extra funding
Also I assume it means more jobs as I imagine companies are unlikely to set their A teams on ports/remasters so that's good too
When the consoles have full backwards compatibility. I really don't see the problem with remasters. It allows the game to be played on new consoles and updates the graphics a bit. Really dont see a downside.

Edit: also looks like the OP is the only person who is upset about it.


Possibly never. Of the games you listed in the OP, the only one I played was Sleeping Dogs. I'm in a position to buy more games now and I'd prefer to get the remasters on a current gen system rather than the last gen systems. There are plenty of non-remastered games that to be played as well. I highly doubt remasters take such a ridiculous amount of resources that they snuff out other games from existing. And yeah, businesses do try to go after your cash. Aren't cash grabs expected?
I don't think there's anything wrong with bringing games to more platforms and even improving them for the new release.
Maybe it's also a way of recouping rising development costs this generation.

To the people who fear that we will get less new games because the devs are spending their time with remasters: that's not true. These remasters are often done by external studios or other teams.


If a lot of these games didn't run so shitty on last gen I would probably mind. They didn't have the luxury of waiting for the PS4/X1 to come out, and in cases where the PC version was miles ahead of the console counterpart, I think it's fine that they port it over now.
When there is no more games to remaster

Or when the amount of people that buy them stops covering the cost to remaster them.
I'm so sick of threads like this. If you don't like them or already owned the game, don't buy it it's clearly not intended for you. It's made for people with new consoles so they can play games they skipped out on last generation (in the case of me I had a 360 that broke so I couldn't enjoy GTA or TLOU). Complaining there's too much of them is a petty and boring thing to complain about.

Most "remasters" are also Game of the Year editions anyway. All the remasters I've seen had the DLC and extras put on. It's the exact same principle. So quit your whinin'
They've been remastering games since forever. The millions of arcade ports on early consoles/early computers, Mario All Stars on the SNES, etc.

That's a much different situation than what the OP is talking about though. Arcade to NES or Arcade to SNES ports were often drastically different in gameplay (look at bionic commando, or double dragon), and when there's no other way to own the game other than to buy an arcade machine for several hundred dollars per game, it's a different ball of wax.

Mario all stars is closer, but at least there was a totally new game in there (for the west) along with the ports.


Most people don't buy every notable game just to add them to their backlog. A re-master is a better deal for someone who has never played the game.


They don't bother me much. This is a pretty cut throat business, so if an enhanced edition helps these guys financially, why should it bother me? I love this hobby.
Hopefully never.

Remasters, ports and remakes are usually meant to be played by people who missed the original games. I don't really see a downside.

Astral Dog

Its easy to explain, Remasters are easier, cheaper to make than a full, new game, and when making new games, wich cost a lot and are too risky, these can bring a little money, specially on launch window.
There will always be games that are hampered by the hardware they were originally on and could be improved.

I'm hoping Capcom does something with Dragon's Dogma. It's a great game but it's obvious the hardware was holding it back in a lot of areas and it could be better enjoyed on current hardware.
I don't have a problem with them. But I wouldn't be surprised if these same games get re-remastered for the next next-gen consoles. If people are willing to buy remasters or re-releases, then why wouldn't companies keep on pushing them out? No one is forcing anyone to buy them, though, so if you don't like it, simply spend your money elsewhere (or do whatever you want to do with it).


It's actually kind of important that seminal titles from videogame history remain playable and available to the public at large.

No other entertainment industries seem to have this violent pushback to re-issues and re-masters.

"Warner Brothers is releasing a restoration of Casablanca? Fuck those greedy asssholes! When will it ever end?"



Keep 'em coming, I don't see why it's a bad thing to (optionally) pay for an updated version of a game you love, and for the convenience of hacving only one system plugged in.
I don't mind them. Like an album or film being rereleased, as long as there is commitment and love for the product, remastered work is always justified in the end. And who doesn't want to play their favorite console exclusive games in better quality?


Complaining about remastered games is probably the most unproductive argument in the industry. Stop it.

Point 1: It's relatively cheap to do, and is a decent income to help development for other, non-remaster titles.
Point 2: Amazing games from a generation or two ago have EVERY FUCKING RIGHT to be brought back, and in a new era of games. Those games deserve it.
Point 3: Have you even fucking PLAYED The Last of Us on PS4?
Point 4: How is re-mastering games hurting you in any way?
Point 5: The Last of Us. PS4. Yeah. Yep. Word.



I think there is a similar thread.

Only once a day.

I love remasters. I'm playing through Wind Waker HD at the moment and it's gorgeous. There are a lot of games I never got to play because I didn't have the money to afford each console or even enough for every game I wanted for the console I had. Even then, I still would like to see the games I enjoyed back then remastered (specifically Tekken 3 that was my favorite game).

It's not a big deal really. You don't have to buy them and going out of your way to be angry about it isn't bothering anyone but yourself.


As long as there is demand for them, they will continue to be made. My guess is they are here to stay for a good long while and that is fine with me, as I rather enjoy them.
I'd like better remastered games, doing something like Halo 2 with the MC Collection where there was a complete graphics overhaul. If a game like Metal Gear Solid or hell even Spyro did something like that, it'd be an instant buy for me.

But instead, we get some pretty decent remastered collections (DMC was pretty sweet) but at the same time you get bad versions too (Silent Hill)

I'd like a healthy in-between of good, remastered games and original, good games.

That being said, I think it'd be only fitting if the last ever remastered edition of a game would be FFVII. It'll never happen, but wouldn't be a bad send-off.
When is a good game running at a better resolution and framerate ever a bad thing? Its even bolstering the new consoles somewhat anemic libraries and allowing people who have never experienced these games in the past a chance.

I see no downside

Pretty much this

Consoles last gen stuck around too long and the games started to suffer cause of it
Speaking as a gamer who much prefers silky smooth video performance over graphical bells and whistles, I would rather play improved last gen games than some of the embarrassingly choppy current gen games that came out this year.


Self professed bad raider
Man guys if we didn't have all these remakes think of the amazing games that we'd be playing right now! If only studios would stop wasting 100% of the time and money a new game requires to remaster an old game!


It's actually kind of important that seminal titles from videogame history remain playable and available to the public at large.

No other entertainment industries seem to have this violent pushback to re-issues and re-masters.

"Warner Brothers is releasing a restoration of Casablanca? Fuck those greedy asssholes! When will it ever end?"


I really don't understand the hate for remasters.

*No one is forcing you to buy them.

*Some people missed out on the games during the gen they originally released in.

*Big fans of the series want to play a better version on their new console that isn't backwards compatible.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
Never I hope.

There are plenty of port houses that can use the money and experience and I can always use more games.

Bring on the Uncharted trilogy @ 1080/60.

I can also use a few XB1 "exclusives" remastered to 1080P like they did with Plants vs Zombies.
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