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LTTP: RAGE 2011 (PC) A good shooter with an awesome shotgun



Nothing about the game really evokes 'Rage' unless you're playing it on Harder difficulties and keep dieing every 2 minutes :V

I've finally finished this game after weeks of slacking off on it :p

First off the bad-
Enemies on Normal felt quite tanky, so I ended up dropping the difficulty to Easy just to make them managable. Mind you, you can still get wasted if you're not careful but the tankiness of enemies was pretty off putting as I'd waste lots of bullets just to kill them.

The game just...ends. Really feels like there were stuff that were cut from the main game, as the 2nd town you go to has far fewer missions than Wellspring.

Mutants suck, they're the worst enemies in the game IMO and I hated fighting them in certain missions.

The game's visuals are pretty...ugly. The lack of color and vibrancy for much of the game was disappointing, but the gameplay managed to hold me through.

Game felt like it dragged at certain points, and on that point there were some areas where you had to fight in some rather narrow or cramped areas. Felt rather claustrophobic.

That's it about the bad off the top of my head, so onto the good-
The shooting is really satisfying, much more so if you're playing keyboard and mouse. I tried playing this with a controller but aiming with the Right stick didn't feel good but once I switched to m+kb things got a lot better as I could aim the cursor much more properly at enemies.
The shotgun is great in this game, esp. the double barrel shotgun, that thing is so satisfying to hear when you fire and I used it for much of the game XP

There are other cool weapons too, like the crossbow and it's LIGHTNING BOLTS. It's always entertaining to fling electric shocks at enemies' faces. The rocket launcher is pretty cool too.
I liked how the game gave you weapons as you cleared missions, same with ammo too at a few points.
Despite my earlier complaint about the battle areas, the overall combat flow is pretty nice. The game really encourages moving around rather than being stationary or you get wasted. This is true for various parts of the game, and while you could hide behind some cover, later missions would have enemies that rush at you so you need to stay on your toes.

Combat really feels like a kind of precursor to Doom 2016.
Bonus points for having you carry all your weapons with you at all times and can switch between them, cuz you WILL be running out of ammo for various weapons over time.

Another useful gameplay concept is crafting. As you can craft healing items and ammo if you have enough supplies, which you can also buy from shops.

The driving and racing in the game are rather good and were designed pretty good for keyboard play. I got bored of the races by the 2nd town sadly, but I enjoyed what I played of it in the races.

The game's plot is rather non-existent, you can tell the team focused on the gameplay for the most part. From the game's title you'd think it'd be a grim game with people being grumpy and pessimistic, but a lot of the characters are friendly and helpful.

That's about all I can say about the game, if you got a PC or laptop that can run it, def. give it a play, it's a good 10-15 hour game despite any shortcomings, cuz shotgunning people at their faces is pretty fun in this game.

Screenshots I took of the game said:


That opening when you first emerge into the light. Oh boyo, that was something else.

Didn't finish it though. Got stuck in the gameshow(?) level you have to beat and never went back. Guns feel awesome though and I loved the environments as well as the monster designs.


Just started it last week on pc, played some on PS3 before but couldn't stand the texture issues, still have to jump through some hoops to get 60 FPS and sort out the textures on pc though.


I had it on 360 and didn't give it a fair shot. I plan on playing it sometime soon though on the Xbox One.


I thought it was pretty good although I could have done without the light RPG stuff. Graphics are a bit muddy if you look too closely but the environment and level design is nice. The sky in particular is fantastic. One complaint is the world feels very painted and not interactive, it looks good but it's like objects are glued to the desk. You're right about the enemies, ammo, they do keep you on your toes, playing Rage was different to other shooters, definitely not going through the motions.

One thing I haven't seen repeated as well in games that this does is momentum in vehicles and contact with the ground, it's immensely satisfying and you really feel the push up a hill or acceleration down one on and off the gas.

That ending, what ending!


The story and characters weren't any good but I loved the environments, the giant bosses, the weapons (Wingsticks were the most fun to use), and the shooting. The final mission and ending were alao incredibly disappointing. I remember the animations being pretty goodl, and RAGE had one of my favorite soundtracks from last gen. Might go back and finish the DLC now that I'm thinking about it.

Hopefully id revisits the series. Hines did say that it sold well enough for a sequel so I guess there's hope.


Great game that felt a bit unfinished towards the end (also the hubs/open world were pretty pointless.)

That whole Hospital section is pretty amazing.


I didn't like it because I felt the environments were too confined.
Like outside of the actual levels you basically just drive the car from point a to point b and then you load up a level where you kill stuff in confined corridors.
I also remember thinking it was a tad "slow".

Maybe I should give it another try...


I'm glad that the public consensus on Rage has turned more positive as we've gotten further away from its super duper messy launch.

It's fast, frenetic, and has really really good gunplay. You can definitely see some of Rage's DNA in Doom 2016.

They just really shouldn't have marketed it as an open world game because it really isn't. The game structure has more in common with Super Mario 64 than it does GTA.


I thought the guns felt and sounded better in Rage than they did in Doom '16

Not sure what happened there

How's the PC port? I've been meaning to revisit it.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Hugely underrated game.

I got it on PS3 which ended up being the shittier version but I still loved it. I just didn't want to deal with 2 discs at the time.

Now that it's digital and BC on Xbox One/360, I'm spewing.


It's unfortunate the game is at its best at 2/3rds of the way or so. Ever since finishing the game I remain convinced that Jackal Canyon and Gearhead Vault are some of the best first person shooting levels/experiences ever. Jackal Canyon especially feels like a precursor to DOOM 2016 to me. This is how RAGE should've been since the first level, in my opinion. Blue Line Station also deserves a mention for its large mutant battle part.

Which brings me to another one of RAGE's best features: the mutants. They're like beta Imps from DOOM 2016. Their hit reaction animations are spot on, and their ability to traverse through the room via walls, pillars and obstacles was - especially back in 2010 - pretty groundbreaking.

A polarizing game for sure, with very low lows and very high highs. But definitely proved that id Software were still capable of making fun shooters.

Too bad the multiplayer was pretty boring.
Loved the game despite the ending (or the lack of an ending rather). Wingsticks were fucking awesome. Never played any of the DLC, the game warned you about the sewers being difficult so I thought I would save those for later in the game, and then completely forgot about them. The Scorchers DLC also came out super long after the game had been released.


Gold Member
I really enjoyed Rage. However, one thing of note.

Fuck that five finger fillet game. Only trophy to stop me getting the plat.


Good valid points. One thing about RAGE's minimap that a fellow gaffer pointed out was how it wasn't designed for resolutions higher than 720p.
Furthermore if you got close enough to various stuff you can see how low textured they are.


I enjoyed and the combat was great but it was lacking in a lot of areas. The world felt a bit too small for me, it suffered from that whole thing where quest givers big up the task and make it sound like it's an epic trip which only you can do and then the area you need to go is literally a minutes easy drive away and the task is killing 5 minutes of sewer mutants. Shame it never got a sequel though.
I enjoyed and the combat was great but it was lacking in a lot of areas. The world felt a bit too small for me, it suffered from that whole thing where quest givers big up the task and make it sound like it's an epic trip which only you can do and then the area you need to go is literally a minutes easy drive away and the task is killing 5 minutes of sewer mutants. Shame it never got a sequel though.

I also recall there being extremely limited interaction with the world other than combat. All the NPCs in the game were behind counters and served no purpose other than being a merchant or a questgiver.


I don’t remember the enemies being tanks. I spent most of the game one shooting them with throwing stars, there was no challenge.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Just started it last week on pc, played some on PS3 before but couldn't stand the texture issues, still have to jump through some hoops to get 60 FPS and sort out the textures on pc though.

If you have an Nvidia GPU, you can use vt_useCudaTranscode 2 to force the use of all CUDA cores for texture transcoding. That (and upgrading to the then current beta driver) completely eradicated the texture pop-in issues I was experiencing back when the game launched.
Such a huge letdown, story was boring, the game was short yet still dragged, ending was lol, the car stuff was crap, only redeeming factor was the gunplay which had some weighty feel to it. I can see how console only players may have found this to be a revelation since games in the console space usually don't feel that good but as an id fan I was super disappointed.

Oh and I forgot to mention the huge tech issues the game had at launch and it didnt even look hot or anything.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
I enjoyed it at the time but visually it really didn't hold up. I thought mega textures would look great at 4K60, and finally shine with at least distant scenes. But nope. Looks like horse shit.

Doom 3 with a few Mods holds up much better IMO.


i really never understood the hate for it.

It was a very solid game, ran great on consoles too...

The only negatives really are the non-existent story, the last section + ending.


It's a definition of development hell. I was surprised it actually released, but what we got was a scramble of glimpses of original ideas that don't mix that well into coherent package and don't utilize the potential of what it could have been.
It tries to do so many things but it fails at almost everything except gunplay.


I enjoyed the game but then just randomly stopped and never got back into it.
I'd def take a sequel or a reboot of some kind. In my opinion id still do the best gunplay in games.

Patrick S.

Back when I was a filthy pirate, I downloaded and burned this for my Xbox 360, and a big issue the game had, was that it took ages for the textures to stream in, and the DVD drive was going crazy all the time. Was this a common issue on the 360, or was that just my 360's drive dying (or a bad burn)?

I do want to get this for PC, wonder if it's censored here.


I remember playing this on the 360, it felt great, was a good game for the most part, with an abrupt ending.

I bought it recently on a Steam sale and the pop-in of textures was so off putting, I dropped it after about 30mins.

It was obvious they needed more time to finish the game and fine tune the megatexture component of the engine.


Back when I was a filthy pirate, I downloaded and burned this for my Xbox 360, and a big issue the game had, was that it took ages for the textures to stream in, and the DVD drive was going crazy all the time. Was this a common issue on the 360, or was that just my 360's drive dying (or a bad burn)?

I do want to get this for PC, wonder if it's censored here.

Been a while since I played it but sure you needed to install/unpack part of it which is maybe why I didn't notice so much pop in or I've just forgot. It was like 22GB or something if you installed everything.


Unconfirmed Member
One of of my favourite shooters from recent years. I loved it, even the car driving/shooting, and thought it was very satisfying to play. Satisfying, meaty weapons and fun enemies to fight against. Throwing the boomerangs to chop peoples heads off never got old, reminds me constantly of Starship Troopers Some cool gadgets to mess around with. Very underrated.

It also does have one of the worst endings I've ever seen in a FPS though.


Neo Member
I really enjoyed Rage. However, one thing of note.

Fuck that five finger fillet game. Only trophy to stop me getting the plat.

What was the trophy requirement?
I platinummed the game and thought it was fairly easy

Edit: sorry, read that wrong. Yeah, that was hard... Still, the drinking game in watch dogs pre-patch was way worse


Played through this and it's dlc on ps3 using the hardest difficulty and man I don't know what it was but I really enjoyed this game, everyone else I personally know was not a fan at all for some reason or another but I was basically addicted until I beat it. The multiplayer was trash for me though, I only played it for the trophies.


Great game. I played through it a couple years ago and had a blast. The car combat kind of sucked but I really liked the gunplay and setting. Too bad we'll probably never got a sequel. Check out Call of Jaurez: Gunslinger if you haven't already, it's another overlooked gem worth playing.


I recently played this for the first time, I thought it was fantastic. Really weak towards the end but still an amazing game. Had some of the best AI I've seen in a game as of late, playing against those authority soldiers was a real treat.


I really enjoyed this game back in the day, even with it running like ass on my ATI card. id unsurprisingly nailed gunplay and gameplay mechanics in general. Its only problems is a crappy story with a sudden ending. Thankfully there's really not much story here.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Back when I was a filthy pirate, I downloaded and burned this for my Xbox 360, and a big issue the game had, was that it took ages for the textures to stream in, and the DVD drive was going crazy all the time. Was this a common issue on the 360, or was that just my 360's drive dying (or a bad burn)?

I do want to get this for PC, wonder if it's censored here.

It's not. There is no censored version.
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