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Lttp: the SD Gundam G Generation franchise



Even though I like giant robot/mecha srpgs like Super Robot Wars, I'd avoided trying the G Generation series for a long time because of my deep hatred for pre-rendered sprites. I always felt they looked really cheap and I figured I could get my Gundam srpgs through the Super Robot War games.

But with the output of licensed Super Robot Wars slowing down these past years, and wanting to play as Gundam Unicorn and Gundam QUAN[T], I picked up a copy of G Generation World PSP on ebay and have been playing it over the last 1.5 months (playing it casually, 1 or so 60-80 min map a day for 46 maps; total playtime was around 54 hours) and just finished it today so I thought I'd give my thoughts on the franchise.

Basically it plays like a typical SRPG meets Pokemon. The main difference is there is no story connecting the maps. It's literally: TIER A MISSION 1-10; BOSS MISSION; TIER B MISSION 1-10, etc...and then when you finish the final boss mission of the last tier you get a YOU WIN THE DAY 10 second fmv and the credits roll. It's the first time I've played an srpg that's all gameplay and no story. Then again it probably makes it much easier for people importing!

It gets around having no story by having each mission be your free-form party of whoever (think pokemon but with 800 gundams and gundam-related mechs to pick an srpg team of 16 to bring into a map) show up at a major battle from some Gundam anime/manga/movie and help one side. So there is self-contained story for each mission, but it's usually just a few lines because you come in when the battle already started and it's just "OH NO, WE'RE GOING TO DIE" and then you join their side and save them and get STAGE CLEAR.

The gameplay is moving your pieces (units) toward the enemies and using attacks on them that cost EN and do HP damage. Then you end turn and they do it back. You heal EN/HP by going back into the hanger of your mothership for a round. The game has all the usual SRPG stuff like support attacks, support defense, combo attacks, etc...

What the game has that is ORIGINAL and brings to the genre is when you kill a unit you get ATTACK CHANCE that lets you have another turn with that unit. Every unit gets at least 3 attack chances in a turn, which means if they keep killing units they can have 3 turns in a turn. Better units have up to 5 attack chances, meaning 5 full turns in a turn.

Then there is the KI or AURA system. Basically when you do damage or dodge attacks your AURA goes up for that unit. Get enough AURA and you go into SUPER AURA MODE where you are flashing and all your attacks do critical damage. Get one more kill while in that mode and you get into ULTIMATE ONE HIT KILLER FLAMING UNIT MODE where you do super critical damage that one hit kills basically anything the game, including warships. If someone hits you though you cool down back to starting KI/AURA.

So the combination of getting a unit to ultimate flaming aura and then having them get 5 turns a turn means they can fly around the entire map and kill everyone. A couple of units like that and you win. It's kind of unbalanced, lol. But getting to that Aura level takes a while unless you're killing 5+ guys a turn (some units have multi-enemy hitting attacks; some have map attacks as well). Still pretty unbalanced.

The OTHER original system is the "GENERATION BREAK" system. Each mission is actually 3 mini-missions, which are 3 major battles from 3 different gundam series. At the start of each mission you're given a challenge that relates to the plot from that battle like "Lead X character to safe zone in 3 turns". If you accomplish that, the dimension breaks and another battle from another gundam appears on top of your map and new units come in with another challenge, accomplish that and you get break 3 and a 3rd wave comes in. There's also a SECRET challenge in every mission, which is just a harder version of the normal challenges (like you'll have 2 turns to do instead of 3). Accomplish the SECRET version and not only will the 2nd wave come in, but a single obscure secret unit from the Gundam verse will show up to fight you. You don't need to do any of this stuff and there is no reward for getting all the breaks and secrets other than medals on the mission select screen, but if you want to see all the battles and fight all the cool mechs, you'll want to do it.

For the lack of balance in the game (which there is very little or none because the game is so free-form and open), the BREAK and SECRET challenges are what save it by putting pressure at all times throughout the map to do specific objectives.

Meanwhile you're leveling your UNITS and your PILOTS by killing things in the map. You can even capture grunt enemy units that the enemy motherships dispatch by killing the mothership afterwards and moving your mothership near the enemies dispatched who now hold a white flag and do nothing.

Then after the map it's the pokemon side. Your mechs all have upgrade paths. So like at lvl.2 they become a different mech, at lvl.3 a different one, at lvl.4 maybe 2 different ones. Etc... through about lvl.5 usually. So when you gain a few levels you can upgrade to a better or different mech. You can also combine mechs to get new ones and trade mechs to get different but equal power ones. There's also a shop, like the demon book in SMT where you can rebuy any mech you already had. Unfortunately, unlike SMT where you can register them with their upgraded levels, you can only buy them all back at lvl.1, which is a bit tedious. But still, through all this you go from a team of 4 no-name characters in no-name original grunt mechs to a team of 16 of the ultimate badass Gundams from across like 30 gundam series. It's very addictive and fun collecting Gundams and taking them out to the map to blow up stuff.

The only annoying thing is that the units don't come with their respective pilots. And when you go into battle with a new unit it'll play the music from the series of the pilot, not the unit and only the actual pilots from the series will tend to yell out the correct attack names for each attack when you do it. So if you want the original pilots, you have to buy them at lvl.1 and by the time you get their unit, your no-name pilot whose been upgrading the unit that become it, is probably lvl.10 and has way better stats. So you gotta downgrade into a weaker unit just to have a cooler mech. Likewise when mechs level they let you put upgrade points into their stats, so when you do upgrade to a new mech at lvl.1 it's often a downgrade to weaker stats that takes a few levels to get good again. Kind of lame.

The other lame thing is maps are physically BIG. Sometimes taking two planes that you can switch between with your unit (like SKY ABOVE and GROUND LEVEL). Often when you finish a wave, the next wave will start on the exact opposite side of the map and it takes 2-3 turns of moving 16 units each turn just to get to the enemies. This is boring, even if it's only 10 mins of moving in an 80 min map.

So that's about it, it's a pure gameplay SRPG with no real connecting plot of single cast of characters that you level up and grow throught the game until the final boss. Instead you're just jumping into battles with a team that's constantly changing (both units and pilots) as you build a stronger and cooler and more fun group of mechs out of a set of like 800. The gameplay part is very addictive because of both the leveling/upgrading and racing for the constant challenge objectives the game throw at you. It's not perfect as the maps are kind of long and the pacing can be a bit slow, and the balance is zero. But it's an enjoyable game/series. I don't see myself playing every entry at this point, but once in a while when they've added 50 or so new mechs/stages I'd give it another run.

Oh and one of the big draws is that it has almost EVERY GUNDAM EVER. Not just all the TV series/movies, but novels, manga, spinoff models, etc... it even has completely original stuff, like BLACK HISTORY ERA TURN A (picture below, evil Turn A is pretty cool in my book). As someone personally whose seen all the Gundam anime (save part of V, working on it!) but only the Crossbone and Astray manga, playing out scenarios from spinoffs like Gundam Sentinel, Hatheway's Flash, even the Gundam games like Blue Destiny or PS3's Gundam Senki 0081 is really cool to see their stories (at least parts of them) and their mechs.

Visually it's ok. They've improved the pre-rendered sprites a lot and the newer fancier attacks (like Unicorn down below) have cool angles and look very cinematic. Unfortunately 95% of the attack animations in the game are a pre-rendered model sitting still going pew pew pew with a rocket or beam or guns and then it hits the enemy and they don't visually react. So outside the major attacks I kept all the animations off.

The music and voices are good. Game has a lot of voice clips and anime cut-ins when new major units appear in the story. The music is all BGMs from the show (as opposed to Super Robot Wars which uses the OPs/EDs vocal songs from the shows), but Gundam as a franchise has some really great BGMs, so that's actually pretty cool. I especially love how they give manga characters their own canon BGMs and some are really rad like Tobia from Crossbone and Pray from Astray X.

That's about it! I'd give it around an 8/10 and would recommend it for people who want a Gundam based srpg and don't mind that there's no plot and it's just playing out battles from the franchise.

Some random screenshots:




A couple of videos for animation/music quality:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwNkOn0XR4s (Unicorn in Destroy mode attacks)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xmvcq4Fw8dg&feature=related (montage of best attack animations; I have no audio on my computer so I dunno what the audio is; beware)


I played F (and whatever one was before that - G maybe?) and thought it was pretty good. All the Gundam tv series, and I guess a few of the manga and book series, each had their own set of missions you could go through. There was some sort of collecting aspect to it. It's been at least 10 years since I've played it, so my memory is foggy. Really liked F at the time, but the games since F have been terrible, so I stopped bothering with the series.


Dear mother of god. I must have this, and I must have this now.

It's on PS2, Wii, PSP, DS, 3DS, etc... so it's probably on something you can play it on :)

The most recent games are:

G Generation World (PSP & Wii releases; identical except one is portable). Has a one of the largest selections of units from across all the series; goes through Gundam OO S2 and Unicorn ep2. QUAN[T] from OO movie is included as a bonus, but no story from that movie.

G Generation 3D (3DS release). Cuts the unit list in half, cuts the stage amount in half, dumbs down the systems to streamline them. But goes through OO Movie, Gunpla Builders, and the first 7eps of Gundam AGE in terms of new units.

I went with World because it was kind of the ultimate end of PS2-era largest content, most complex G Generations game for that decade. 3DS is kind of a reboot of the franchise to create a base, like many games this gen and it'll expand from there.

I played F (and whatever one was before that - G maybe?) and thought it was pretty good. All the Gundam tv series, and I guess a few of the manga and book series, each had their own set of missions you could go through. There was some sort of collecting aspect to it. It's been at least 10 years since I've played it, so my memory is foggy. Really liked F at the time, but the games since F have been terrible, so I stopped bothering with the series.

World got really good user ratings, which is another reason I started with World. I think the Generation Break system introduced in it adds so much to the game and I couldn't imagine playing an earlier G Gen game without it now.


G Generation games are quite fun, if not a little grindy at times when it comes to its customization. It the current iterations, prior to 3D, are bit collect-a-thons at times but still good stuff. The scenarios in the cross-over iterations are great (some are more traditional story related).

Nothing is worse than losing your battleship/carrier with all your units inside though, all that firepower gone in an instant if you're being stupid. =(


I'd definitely be more interested to play a G Gen game that had an actual continuous plot that carried over stage to stage with characters and plot twists and stuff like SRW. Playing a long rpg/srpg without a plot in the background to give me a reason to continue was a little off putting.

Nothing is worse than losing your battleship/carrier with all your units inside though, all that firepower gone in an instant if you're being stupid. =(

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the game has perm death for everything. (since no one is story required because there is no story!). But you can save every turn and the game is pretty easy. I didn't lose anybody until basically the final boss stage and then I just did a bunch of soft resets to save them :p


I played F (and whatever one was before that - G maybe?) and thought it was pretty good. All the Gundam tv series, and I guess a few of the manga and book series, each had their own set of missions you could go through. There was some sort of collecting aspect to it. It's been at least 10 years since I've played it, so my memory is foggy. Really liked F at the time, but the games since F have been terrible, so I stopped bothering with the series.

F is great and with most of the units on board, even for msv and others that are not in the most popular entries. Also most detailed and complete story campaigns to date.
After F, with the stupid HARO systems and such it just went all down hill. Cutting down the units to a minimal isn't really helping either.
The last I played was Wars, with the newly made animations and unit size mechanism being the only redeeming factor really.


Unit size is stupid imo. The XL units take up 4 freaking slots, so I never used any of them. Would rather have 4 awesome units than Strike Meteor or Exia GN Arm. It makes sense since they're more powerful, but it's not fun because you never want to use them because they take up so many slots.

Also the unit list is really good in World. The only thing I have issues with is Astray only has the base units. Can't go anywhere from Red Frame or Blue Frame, which makes me sad :(


The XL units do massive damage, even if they take up 4 slots, their weak attacks are as powerful as some of the strong ones on smaller suit as I recall. I usually use them when I don't have enough units to fill out slots or to soften up forces to let weaker units get kills.


for the taking up 4 slots thing I agree with you. What I meant is the unit size during battles, with the vessels weak points and stuff making it more interesting and tactical if you will.

Beth Cyra

I played a little bit of PS2 G Gen, it seemed like fun.

I decided though not to import one unless it had Wing EW suits and as far as I know none of them do the starters so I'm still waiting.

I have a similar rule for SRW with only importing if it features three suits that I like.


I played a little bit of PS2 G Gen, it seemed like fun.

I decided though not to import one unless it had Wing EW suits and as far as I know none of them do the starters so I'm still waiting.

I have a similar rule for SRW with only importing if it features three suits that I like.

World has Wing -> Wing Zero -> Wing Zero (EW), and TV version -> EW for all the rest of them. I'm pretty sure it has every Wing TV and Wing EW major unit.

Beth Cyra

World has Wing -> Wing Zero -> Wing Zero (EW), and TV version -> EW for all the rest of them. I'm pretty sure it has every Wing TV and Wing EW major unit.

Wing EW as Wing/Shenlong/Deathscythe/Sandrock/HA?

As far as I saw/read it only had Zero/Hell/Altron/Kai/Kai. Don't get me wrong still love the movie suits but as time goes on I actually like Early types more then Ova/Movie aside from Zero posing and HA.


Wing EW as Wing/Shenlong/Deathscythe/Sandrock/HA?

As far as I saw/read it only had Zero/Hell/Altron/Kai/Kai. Don't get me wrong still love the movie suits but as time goes on I actually like Early types more then Ova/Movie aside from Zero posing and HA.

Ah, yeah I don't think it has those. Deathscythe goes from TV version -> TV version 2 -> EW Hell version.

Beth Cyra

Ah, yeah I don't think it has those. Deathscythe goes from TV version -> TV version 2 -> EW Hell version.

Yeah that is what I thought.

I really don't see TV existing with Early types in one game so I doubt I will ever really see Early Types in a G Gen.

The rest of the suits I see often enough in SRW (Though I would like ZZ a bit more often Banpresto) that I don't ever feel the need to buy a G Gen game. However if they do ever leave the TV version of Wing out and give me Early Type -> Ova/Movie I will import and support it. Just like I did Alpha 2 for Wing Gundam EW.
G Generation World is the first G Gen game I haven't played in quite a while. I'll probably pick it up after it drops in price.

I actually liked the SEED Destiny Generation of CE game on the PS2. It was a G Gen game, but with full sized mecha units.


G Generation World is the first G Gen game I haven't played in quite a while. I'll probably pick it up after it drops in price.

I actually liked the SEED Destiny Generation of CE game on the PS2. It was a G Gen game, but with full sized mecha units.

Heh, I think I played some of that game back in the day. Didn't realize it was a G Gen game.

Beth Cyra

World should have HA, HA Kai, HA Kai EW etc in there.

Well maybe I will just import it and see when I finish Z2.2.

Just hoping in the next few years that Wing Gundam EW makes more apperances instead of TV/Wing Zero EW. Really love Wing Early Type along side some Crossbone/DX/God action.


I really want them to go back to the old days where the games were massive crossovers. G Gen DS did this so well.

I guess the reason why they don't do that anymore is it requires more effort since you need to write a story and cross-series interactions like SRW as opposed to just copying and pasting the dialogue from the original anime eps.


Good Art™
I'm not at all in Gundam but G Generation neo on PS2 was a fucking shock to me. The best tactical rpg i've ever done, eveeeer. Everything about it is perfect and the difficulty and the way you have to think everyone of your moves...

Also more than a pokemon i would talk about trpg meets gran turismo in some way, cause of the Gundam garage and fusion porn it gives you.

Beth Cyra

Here's a video from World with the TV versions of the Kais


You really like your Wing don't you, True.

Depends on what you mean by love Wing.

I love the Mecha design (EW being the big one) and the music. Sadly I think the story and characters outside of Treize and Ep 1-26 Zechs are complete trash.

Also the way I'm listing the suits are confusing you I think. The suits I'm looking for are the Wing Early type redesigns by Katoki or I guess Ver Ka's of Wing/Sand/Ect.

I think a big part of this is because I used the Kai name when talking about Customs as it really seems like Bandai is completely dropping the Custom name for all Wing suits. Zero has offically switched in some media to Wing Zero EW instead of Custom as well as Deathscythe Hell doing it last year for the (or best I can understand from reading translations online)MG. I'm just guessing that Sandrock and Heavyarms Kai will follow suit and not be called Kai Customs.

I really hope they decide a way to seperate the names better then just Wing Gundam TV/EW and Wing Zero TV/EW

When I say media switching away from Custom for Zero I'm talking specifically about this.


If they are switching with Deathscythe, and even more so Zero desipte having it be known as Custom for years and even having a Perfect Grade out with that name I'm guessing they will switch over Heavyarms and Sandrock.

Then again who knows what they will do, seems like they can't make up their minds when it comes to Wing even with Glory and FT running. I just want to see Snow White and then I can move on from the crap.


I really want them to go back to the old days where the games were massive crossovers. G Gen DS did this so well.

i wish they went back to those ones too. loved the first one since it was fully functional to use the dpad and buttons, or touch controls. hated the second because it forced you to use the touch controls even though it had better animation, mechs, pilots and larger squads.


One reason I picked up G Gen World was because you recommend the game (along with G Gen 3D) in your srpg picks for 2011:


Don't get me wrong, I played a few stages of G Gen World, but I didn't complete it. I own G Gen 3D but unfortunately I don't have a JP 3DS to play it on. Given the lack of 3DS SRPGs, there wasn't much competition for G Gen 3D, and it is a good game according to impressions (not mine, but others). Sorry if that was misleading.

Beth Cyra

One thing after watching some vids again, I really want to give G Gen love for allowing TBR to be used in Beam Rifle mode instead of Buster or Rolling Twin Buster.
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