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Rape Time - Should it really be acceptable?

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Now we're all familiar with the RAPE TIME joke by now. It's a stupid meme, it's all over GAF and most of the time I just ignore it. But recent banning practices have shown that you cannot use the word "fag" even in a joking manner and that making a joke out of Itagaki (lol) sexually harrassing his co-worker is a big no-no.

Yet RAPE TIME is allowed to run wild and free. You can't even have a normal conversation or a normal response to a photoshop of RAPE TIME so wtf is the point? It's just everyone going "ha ha ha" like it's something funny. Is rape funny? Should it be considered funny? Does photoshopping a scene that makes it look like someone is going to rape another person funny? What kind of ****ed up world do we live in?

I normally wouldn't even bring up such issues, but I was having a nice time in the official Blue Dragon thread until someone decided to show off his "RAPE TIME" Blue Dragon music video. How do I even respond to that? I find it offensive, so I said so. And now I'm making a thread so everyone can discuss how they feel about RAPE TIME too.

Personally I don't think it should have a place here, but I would like to see how you guys feel too.


I've seen people get banned in the past for saying things that can be taken equally as offensive as RAPE TIME. A friend of mine suffered getting banned because of the Itagaki jokes, yet no one gets punished for RAPE TIME.

A good friend of mine was raped at college back in 2004 and I personally don't like the saying at all. I'm not one to complain about it usually, but duckroll brings up a good point.
Bothers me too. Definitely a weird double standard when you think of the kind of stuff that doesn't fly around here.

I'm interested to hear if someone can come up with a defense that doesn't involve phrases like "gimme a ****ing break," "it's not a big deal" or "get over it."
maybe, its one of those things that rides on a thin line; if the pictures are posted in, say the Itagaki thread. ya thats offensive but it can also be funny. and I know alot of girls that think some of those pics are funny.

though I never did understand how come "fag" is bannable here and why other stuff isn't.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
:lol @ people attempting to fuse logic with the TOS.

It'll only make your head hurt in the end.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated

"Oh he's not a boy anymore. He's a man. 'CAUSE HE JUST RAPED ME!"

(The haters can piss off, I'm enjoying the new season of ATHF.)


Yeah I agree it wasn't that funny to begin with, now its just getting really old and it reflects badly on people using it now.

Also, rape is hilarious in the right context. It's a forbidden fruit. It's something you're not supposed to joke about. Which is why people will always joke about it and why it will always have the potential to be funny. I don't know if the rape time bit is funny, but I have no problem with the concept.

Then again, I'm a sociopathic bastard.


It's a catchphrase. People want to say it. It's a joke for crying out loud. Why should people be banned for saying things that they want to say because they find it funny? It's OK to just hot back and look at another topic (Unless the GAF police are making you read every topic and will imprison you at Guantanamo Bay unless you pass a test on them.) I see topics and things I don't like from time to time on GAF, and all it takes to make it go away is a simple moving of the mouse and a click.


As usual in this country, political correctness wins out over all. It's a joke, humor shouldn't be subjected to censorship. Lenny bruce is rolling over in his grave rihgt now.


I don't think any rational person thinks rape is funny, but I also don't think any rational person thinks a "RAPE TIME" gif is encouraging rape.

You say it offends you? Welcome to the internet. If you're not offended, you're probably doing something wrong.


"Rape Time" is hilarious. There's nothing wrong with saying "faggot". Some people on this board are far, far too uptight.


I'm free 2night after my LARPing guild meets.
Threads like this make me think neogaf needs to have a 3rd forum where anything goes and there is no moderation so ppl can mess around without having whiny babies look too far into everything and complain all the time.


Link1110 said:
It's a catchphrase. People want to say it. It's a joke for crying out loud. Why should people be banned for saying things that they want to say because they find it funny? It's OK to just hot back and look at another topic (Unless the GAF police are making you read every topic and will imprison you at Guantanamo Bay unless you pass a test on them.) I see topics and things I don't like from time to time on GAF, and all it takes to make it go away is a simple moving of the mouse and a click.

Right, so calling people "fags" is alright because someone finds it funny? Apparently not.


Father_Mike said:
maybe, its one of those things that rides on a thin line; if the pictures are posted in, say the Itagaki thread. ya thats offensive but it can also be funny. and I know alot of girls that think some of those pics are funny.

though I never did understand how come "fag" is bannable here and why other stuff isn't.

The thing is, most humor has a purpose and can lead to discussion or comic relief. This is one joke that just dies with that post. You can either a) follow the meme and just spam more photoshops of the same shit, or b) post lol smilies. There's no discussion that can come out of posting something that draws humor from.... rape. Seriously. :(


Honorary Canadian.
telling GAF to get rid of rape time is like telling a rapper they shouldn't use 'nigga'. Yeah, it's not appropriate for most people, but do you really need to be shielded from it when it's use in this forum is clearly of a less serious and more comical nature than the original iteration of the word? does anyone see the joke and clearly think that it's intention is to put down rape victims?

there's tons of stuff on this forum that should be corrected. the list is in the dozens and this ranks right near the bottom in terms of relevance to conversation and debate.

and "rape time" isn't like "faggot" because one is using a social taboo to make humor, which is something comedians have been doing forever, and the other is using a slur to put someone down.


What about the term "owned"? I think it's insensitive to people of color, who may have slavery in their past.

I see alot of people use the term "lame". I have an uncle who had his leg amputated ... I think it's very insensitive to use that term in such a degragatory manner.


emomoonbase said:
Threads like this make me think neogaf needs to have a 3rd forum where anything goes and there is no moderation so ppl can mess around without having whiny babies look too far into everything and complain all the time.
OA? I have this weird feeling that I'm not allowed to mention the those other boards.


I'm free 2night after my LARPing guild meets.
ToxicAdam said:
What about the term "owned"? I think it's insensitive to people of color, who may have slavery in their past.

I see alot of people use the term "lame". I have an uncle who had his leg amputated ... I think it's very insensitive to use that term in such a degragatory manner.

Your right! They should probably just close down all forums because forum comes from Roman Forum and romans had brutal bloody gladitorial games and we are not animals and need to move away from this offensiveness.


ToxicAdam said:
What about the term "owned"? I think it's insensitive to people of color, who may have slavery in their past.

I see alot of people use the term "lame". I have an uncle who had his leg amputated ... I think it's very insensitive to use that term in such a degragatory manner.

I think you misunderstand, we're not talking about the term "raped" here, but the meme RAPE TIME that gets photoshopped onto any pic from TV/movie/game/anime that shows a scene that looks like it could be leading to a rape.
Well the problem is, like most jokes on gaf, instead of actually being funny "rape time" photoshops are poorly made and recycled ad nauseum.

"as a young girl I was raped by a doctor, which is kind of bittersweet for a jewish girl"
-Sarah Silverman

see rape can be funny.
duckroll said:
The thing is, most humor has a purpose and can lead to discussion or comic relief. This is one joke that just dies with that post. You can either a) follow the meme and just spam more photoshops of the same shit, or b) post lol smilies. There's no discussion that can come out of posting something that draws humor from.... rape. Seriously. :(

since when does anything here lead to any discussion? Would you to have a serious discourse about cats who say "LET ME SHOW YOU MY POKEMANS"?

90% of the jokes posted here can be found offensive by somebody, somewhere.
avcables said:
Right, so calling people "fags" is alright because someone finds it funny? Apparently not.

there's really only one way to use the word "faggot" though, and that is to direct it at a person or group of person's to put them down using what is widely considered a derogetory slur. Its only really a fair comparison if one poster here threatens to seriously rape another, in which case they probably would get banned anyway.


Ninja Scooter said:
since when does anything here lead to any discussion? Would you to have a serious discourse about cats who say "LET ME SHOW YOU MY POKEMANS"?

90% of the jokes posted here can be found offensive by somebody, somewhere.

Well, it's true that most meme photoshops lead to nothing and are hence really stupid in the first place, but I'll argue that most of them aren't directly offensive in the same way. Why would you find it funny to imply that someone is going to rape someone else? If a rape *is* indeed about to take place, it's a horrible thing, if it isn't why imply it?


duckroll said:
I think you misunderstand, we're not talking about the term "raped" here, but the meme RAPE TIME that gets photoshopped onto any pic from TV/movie/game/anime that shows a scene that looks like it could be leading to a rape.

So, suggesting that Mario may be "raping" Peach in a .gif will encourage young males to rape women in their real lives? Is this your pressing concern?


I'm free 2night after my LARPing guild meets.
Kuran said:
Why does this thread exist.

Apparently the deep philosophical discussions that take place in every thread of neogaf are being marred by instances of someone posting joke photoshops. CAN U FUKIN BELIEVE THIS! ON NEOGAF! WHERE WE CURED CANCER AND STOPPED GLOBAL WARMING! OMG ITS ALL OVER! THE DISCUSSIONS ARE RUINED! WHY GOD WHY NOW!


I will only say that my wife got a HUGE kick out of the phrase. I used it in the BSG episode where Boomer is prisoner on the Pegasus and they are about to "interrogate" her. It was such a horrible scene that I think she appreciated the complete absurdity of the phrase.


duckroll said:
Well, it's true that most meme photoshops lead to nothing and are hence really stupid in the first place, but I'll argue that most of them aren't directly offensive in the same way. Why would you find it funny to imply that someone is going to rape someone else? If a rape *is* indeed about to take place, it's a horrible thing, if it isn't why imply it?
You just answered your own question. A rape *is not* about to happen. It's a photoshop on the internet.
emomoonbase said:
Threads like this make me think neogaf needs to have a 3rd forum where anything goes and there is no moderation so ppl can mess around without having whiny babies look too far into everything and complain all the time.

A place like this exists:

It's called \b\

And no, its a horrible place.

So many things i have seen that cannot be unseen.


I'm free 2night after my LARPing guild meets.
dabookerman said:
A place like this exists:

It's called \b\

And no, its a horrible place.

So many things i have seen that cannot be unseen.

Yeah, I already go there.
duckroll said:
Well, it's true that most meme photoshops lead to nothing and are hence really stupid in the first place, but I'll argue that most of them aren't directly offensive in the same way. Why would you find it funny to imply that someone is going to rape someone else? If a rape *is* indeed about to take place, it's a horrible thing, if it isn't why imply it?

some people dont' find it as serious, especially if its dealing with friggin cartoon characters. No, i don't find it horrible to jokingly imply that a cartoon character is going to rape another cartoon character. Hell, how many movies and cartoons imply prison rape in a joking manner? its not nearly as taboo as you make it out to be.


ToxicAdam said:
So, suggesting that Mario may be "raping" Peach in a .gif will encourage young males to rape women in their real lives? Is this your pressing concern?

No? My concern is not remotely how anything would influence anyone to do or not do anything. My concern is simply that it sends the wrong message as to what is or is not acceptable here. If it's okay to make jokes about RAPE TIME, then logically it makes sense that loose talk and joking remarks about sexual crime in general is considered okay. But that's clearly not the case here.
duckroll said:
The thing is, most humor has a purpose and can lead to discussion or comic relief. This is one joke that just dies with that post. You can either a) follow the meme and just spam more photoshops of the same shit, or b) post lol smilies. There's no discussion that can come out of posting something that draws humor from.... rape. Seriously. :(

but you can also just ignore it and go respond to the parts of the discusion that you want to. I mean you ignore most other stupied statments people - everyone does -, so why cant you ignore this? conversations in the threads always branch, just chose not to respond to the branch with imature people posting rape time pics. I dont think I have ever seen a rape time picture derail the tread like your talking about, unless the thread was really crappy to begin with.

that being said, I havent laughed from a rape time pic in a long time. I think the fad should be on its way out soon.
It was acceptable before it was beaten to the ground like a dead horse.

That said, I still get a kick from Jarosh's .gif file with the old man playing with the Wii controller.

White Man

If rape jokes get taken away, what next? Pedobear jokes? Pedophilia is also AWFUL when it happens in real life. What about drug jokes? In real life drugs are bad, right? Same with murder. We'd better not talk about caffeine either, since it aggravates some people's heart problems, and that's bad in real life.
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