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I wanna start a debate about homosexuality

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Lately, many girls I used to talk to are becoming lesbians or homosexual if you prefer. Now that's something I consider weird because they were all mostly toward men, hell I even had one as a girlfriend. When I ask them why they are turning homo, they say "we are born homo, we don't choose it". How is that even remotely possible? I mean, did they watch too much porn involving girls and tried it for fun? OK I'm kidding a little but that's saddening. It's like if in the 10 past years homo = the way to be for more and more people. I do think it's wrong. I respect the homo represent, though I feel they are not right. Why will you ask me? I think it's a mental problem. Humans are not born homosexuals, they BECOME this way because of society. And it's not right. I explained nothing, true. What about mental disorder? I'm not writing this big ass thread just to flame homosexuals, I just wonder if there are other people who, like me, just think it is bad to be that way. Not the people, but being sexually and mentally attracted by the SAME sex. Do homo animals exist? How can that be explained, other than by the physical appearance?

I know men and women have distinct natural perfumes and whatnot to attract each other, mostly subliminal - and not so subliminal stuff. If people are born homo, that would mean there are underage couples. In fact, you see homosexual couples starting 12-13 years old. Oh, I suppose they did not know earlier and had some kind of revelation. Please enlighten me. And now this girl blocked me because I told her my opinion. You know what she had to say? "humans did not want to assume homosexuality was something you can be born with so they said it was a mental disorder". I can't believe it. Do all homosexuals refer to the natural/born theory? Is it even possible, as far as science and hormones are related?

I do think it's a choice of life. But when someone tell me they are born that way, I can't help but tell them it's a mental disorder. Admit it or not, being homosexuals is not "natural" . Men have penises and women have vaginas, the formula is easy to understand. I'd like opinions and reaction from the GAF homosexuals, and I'm serious. I did not mean to offend anyone, even if I know my opinion is close to homophobia. Again, I will say I have absolutely nothing about the people who are homo, it's their choice, I just refuse to believe the reasons they are giving me to act like that.
Yes, homo animals exist.

And it probably isn't that there are more homosexual people today, it's just that more are open about it because it's more acceptable now.


Sir Jerk-a-Lot said:
Yes, homo animals exist.


WHAT? Better keep them away from the animals children.



Queen of Denmark
Come back when you want to start a debate involving actual data and figures, not points based on a few people you know and conclusions you're drawing from your own anecdotal observations and oversimplified reasoning.


{Mike} said:
I do think it's a choice of life. But when someone tell me they are born that way, I can't help but tell them it's a mental disorder.

Please continue doing this. Eventually someone will beat the living shit out of you for it.

Admit it or not, being homosexuals is not "natural" . Men have penises and women have vaginas, the formula is easy to understand.

Did it ever occur to you that there's no such thing as "unnatural"? We draw distinctions between a skyscraper and a beaver dam, but really, they're both natural constructions by perfectly natural animals. Even if you refuse to give up that distinction, the gay dolphins pretty much blow the "unnatural" thing out of the proverbial water.


Well I don't understand what the **** you wrote, but I'll offer my opinion anyway.

Many gays display the same characteristics, gestures and personality traits as women. So I think they are born that way, I've yet to meet anyone who would make that "choice". I don't believe I am even capable of ****ing a dude, so it's a "choice" I could never make. So are you saying you could play catcher with a man? And or suck him off and do him? You can make that "choice"?
Oh god, one stupid point after another. First of all these girls aren't "homo" they're attention whores. Second homosexuality exists in mammals that don't have the logic to become gay because it's their "lifestyle" or "choice"(or other retarded catch-phrases homophobes use). Homosexuality is something that exists in nature (thus the word "natural") and studies have proven it. Third the fact that you call it a mental disorder is making me furious. **** off.
fortified_concept said:
Third the fact that you call it a mental disorder is making me furious. **** off.

Maybe he's not a typical Westerner. I've heard it from Muslim colleagues whenever the subject came up.
{Mike} said:
Lately, many girls I used to talk to are becoming lesbians or homosexual if you prefer. Now that's something I consider weird because they were all mostly toward men, hell I even had one as a girlfriend. When I ask them why they are turning homo, they say "we are born homo, we don't choose it". How is that even remotely possible? I mean, did they watch too much porn involving girls and tried it for fun? OK I'm kidding a little but that's saddening. It's like if in the 10 past years homo = the way to be for more and more people. I do think it's wrong. I respect the homo represent, though I feel they are not right. Why will you ask me? I think it's a mental problem. Humans are not born homosexuals, they BECOME this way because of society. And it's not right. I explained nothing, true. What about mental disorder? I'm not writing this big ass thread just to flame homosexuals, I just wonder if there are other people who, like me, just think it is bad to be that way. Not the people, but being sexually and mentally attracted by the SAME sex. Do homo animals exist? How can that be explained, other than by the physical appearance?

I know men and women have distinct natural perfumes and whatnot to attract each other, mostly subliminal - and not so subliminal stuff. If people are born homo, that would mean there are underage couples. In fact, you see homosexual couples starting 12-13 years old. Oh, I suppose they did not know earlier and had some kind of revelation. Please enlighten me. And now this girl blocked me because I told her my opinion. You know what she had to say? "humans did not want to assume homosexuality was something you can be born with so they said it was a mental disorder". I can't believe it. Do all homosexuals refer to the natural/born theory? Is it even possible, as far as science and hormones are related?

I do think it's a choice of life. But when someone tell me they are born that way, I can't help but tell them it's a mental disorder. Admit it or not, being homosexuals is not "natural" . Men have penises and women have vaginas, the formula is easy to understand. I'd like opinions and reaction from the GAF homosexuals, and I'm serious. I did not mean to offend anyone, even if I know my opinion is close to homophobia. Again, I will say I have absolutely nothing about the people who are homo, it's their choice, I just refuse to believe the reasons they are giving me to act like that.

If society is a natural extension of human beings, and human beings become homosexual because of society, doesn't that mean that being homosexual is actually natural? Might it be possible we can do everything under the sun because it somehow excites us?


Instigator said:

Go defend him.
Nah I'd rather not. Knowing GAF I would have to make some long winded reply and post some of the articles and scholary journals I have read on the subject. I will concede that I don't think that homosexuality is a "mental disorder" and genes may play a role. I just don't believe that genes are the main factor in one's gayness. If it was so then why are there so many identical twins where one is gay and the other isn't? I will also concede that there has been conflicting reports as to whether it is more common to have both members of a set of identical twins to be gay or just one.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I wish my girlspacefriends would become lesbians. Then I wouldn't have to hate most of the guys they date.

Plus, you know...lesbians. Awesome.


I don't care if someone's gay as long as they're not trying to come on to me
unless I wanna do them back


My point of view? What does it matter if it's a choice or not? It may just as well be a choice, because there's nothing wrong in that.

If I choose to be in a hetero relationship, then that's a choice as well. Maybe I was born hetero or maybe I chose to be. Either way it shouldn't be illegal IMO.

If being gay is choice then what's the big deal? We make choices all throughout life. Who we sleep with is just one more on the long list.


{Mike} said:
Lately, many girls I used to talk to are becoming lesbians or homosexual if you prefer.

And you have a problem with this?!?!? Born with it, a choice she made...whatever. It's all the same to an HD camcorder. Start the video blogs NOW


Console Market Analyst
Suerte said:
Is it now a weekly requirement that this kind of topic be posted on GAF?

I think the mods should introduce "The Dedicated Ignorant about Homosexuality Thread," in which the child-minded can blog about that gay man they ran into at the Home Depot.
{Mike} said:
Lately, many girls I used to talk to are becoming lesbians or homosexual if you prefer. Now that's something I consider weird because they were all mostly toward men, hell I even had one as a girlfriend. When I ask them why they are turning homo, they say "we are born homo, we don't choose it". How is that even remotely possible? I mean, did they watch too much porn involving girls and tried it for fun? OK I'm kidding a little but that's saddening. It's like if in the 10 past years homo = the way to be for more and more people. I do think it's wrong. I respect the homo represent, though I feel they are not right. Why will you ask me? I think it's a mental problem. Humans are not born homosexuals, they BECOME this way because of society. And it's not right. I explained nothing, true. What about mental disorder? I'm not writing this big ass thread just to flame homosexuals, I just wonder if there are other people who, like me, just think it is bad to be that way. Not the people, but being sexually and mentally attracted by the SAME sex. Do homo animals exist? How can that be explained, other than by the physical appearance?

I know men and women have distinct natural perfumes and whatnot to attract each other, mostly subliminal - and not so subliminal stuff. If people are born homo, that would mean there are underage couples. In fact, you see homosexual couples starting 12-13 years old. Oh, I suppose they did not know earlier and had some kind of revelation. Please enlighten me. And now this girl blocked me because I told her my opinion. You know what she had to say? "humans did not want to assume homosexuality was something you can be born with so they said it was a mental disorder". I can't believe it. Do all homosexuals refer to the natural/born theory? Is it even possible, as far as science and hormones are related?

I do think it's a choice of life. But when someone tell me they are born that way, I can't help but tell them it's a mental disorder. Admit it or not, being homosexuals is not "natural" . Men have penises and women have vaginas, the formula is easy to understand. I'd like opinions and reaction from the GAF homosexuals, and I'm serious. I did not mean to offend anyone, even if I know my opinion is close to homophobia. Again, I will say I have absolutely nothing about the people who are homo, it's their choice, I just refuse to believe the reasons they are giving me to act like that.

We know you suck dick now.
Just wanted to say hi. Oh, and OP...run. Don't run like a girl like them gays, amirite?

Seriously, I pretty much figured the only people that thought homosexuality was a mental disorder or something that can just be decided on were religious nuts and rednecks with big trucks.

Not that I have any conclusive evidence or data charts to debate my contrasting opinion, but I pretty much imagine a guy being attracted to a guy (for a homosexual) has the same or similar instinctual mental processes a straight guy who's attracted to a chic.


To the original poster: Based on what you wrote, you are not actually interested in a "debate" about homosexuality. You have clearly made up your mind and have already dismissed the valid points that people would make against your position: that homosexual animals do exist in nature and that science has already shown a strong genetic component. You didn't present a single independent source backing up your opinion -- it's solely an argument based from ignorance and anecdote. So what kind of "debate" will this lead to?

I'm incredibly unamused at your insistence on dragging your moral judgments into this as well. It might be possible for someone to actually be unconvinced about the current feeling on the relative influence of nature versus nurture in homosexuality and want to have a discussion about what scientific research has shown. However, the fact that you're already judging homosexuality as being wrong is a clear indicator that you aren't interested in being convinced otherwise.

If you eventually get to a point where you are willing to listen to other opinions, that's another story...but as long as you just feel like airing your moral judgments and preconceived notions, my advice to you is NOT to make this kind of thread again.

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!
I'll try to be somewhat serious in this post.

To the original poster - you can't really expect a serious conversation about a hotbed topic like this in a forum that is centered towards videogames. You just can't. Sorry.

Secondly, the way you feel about homosexuality is going to piss folks off. It pissed me off, but I don't fly off the handle when someone irritates me. Usually.

Whether you consider it a "mental disorder" (jesus christ wtf), a chemical imbalance, or whatever, the outcome is the same - you're either attracted to the same sex, or opposite sex. Your female friends who are "turning gay" either are looking for attention, were already gay and had to find out for themselves, or are confused about what gives them pleasure.

As for my feelings about it - I don't understand how homosexuality works in nature. You can't reproduce with two mammals of the same sex, so in that sense, I've always considered it wrong. But I have no religious stand on it - I don't think someone is going to hell if they're gay. I don't dislike someone if they're gay. I'm not going to kick the shit out of a guy if he makes a pass at me. I'm not going to walk on the other side of the street if a guy in drag is walking towards me. I have both family and friends who are gay, so I guess I don't look at it the same as you do.


DarkJediKnight said:
In such a curious thread, I see an opportunity to ask a curious question:

Do gay men have an enema before buttseckz regularly? :)

I would imagine that's common courtesy. Kind of like Brillo-padding your anus before salad tossing.

Isn't this thread great!?
{Mike} said:
Lately, many girls I used to talk to are becoming lesbians or homosexual if you prefer.

Dude I shall end your debate for you. These girls are not lesbians. They are your dime a dozen lipstick lesbians that just want to look cool and crave attention. Call me when you see these girls double stuffing their vaginas with a long dildo while they're getting anally drilled with strap-ons as they munch away at another box at the same time...
DarkJediKnight said:
In such a curious thread, I see an opportunity to ask a curious question:

Do gay men have an enema before buttseckz regularly? :)

I don't know for certain, but I imagine if you have enough fiber in your diet, you don't need to do anything special to be clean for anal sex.
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