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Are you satisfied with the graphics NIntendo has been able to produce on Wii U?

I've always been a nintendo fan, even if i've not always had one of their consoles... from nes to present day.. Nintendo to me they can have the shittiest tech... but their artstyle is second to none..


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Yup. Rough start but things are looking up.

I expect the 2014 titles to look great.


Junior Member
I think the Mario series is an easy one with which to reconcile hardware capability with art direction, especially since Nintendo has turned Mario's art direction a little bit back towards what it used to be on the SNES.

The Mario games Nintendo has made since NSMB and Galaxy have mostly been about solid colors with relatively simple gemoetry and textures. The whole thing has a very efficient, cartoon look about it which definitely helps in the face of much more powerful hardware.

This is why, in my opinion, the most impressive-looking Japanese games from the last several years have been cel-shaded (Tales of Vesperia being a notable example). Star Ocean 4 probably should have been cel-shaded.


I was happy when Nintendo made games on the NES. Doesn't mean I'll overlook the price and timing of this thing.

Where was that HD Mario game in 2009? Now we have 1080p TV's so I'm going to expect more.


Not really. All look pretty standard relative to last generation although SM3DW looks quite nice. However Nintendos art style and game types aren't really hindered by low power.

Before we knew what Wii U would be, I wanted the machine to make phenomenal graphics.

I will wait for Retro to show me what the machine can do on a title with a decent budget WHEN they do Metroid.
The problem with the OG Wii was that 480p games looked like total garbage on most HD TVs. This isn't a problem any more, also we've reached a point where art direction is more important than technical prowess.



- Too much colors which should probably make us overlook the easy geometry of most Nintendo games
- Their bloom shading engine is terrible (ex.1: Wind Waker)
- Most areas in Nintendo games are empty, no level geometry and probably the main reason why we won't see any third-person shooter with cover mechanics based on chest-high walls so soon
- Textures are borderline last-gen; it's like they use YouTube compression-filter on everything
- Their lighting engine is of poor quality; they didn't make any big steps since Mario Sunshine
- Lack of post-processing effects is annoying. If I turn, the world needs to blur into a unrecognizable mess to give attributes such as precision less meaning => more emphasis on action
- Ignoring industry standards such as using a more unsaturated color palette (brown, grey, the good colors in general) or lens flares for light bulbs is almost insulting and pretentious

Those clowns will never reach the ceiling of perfect visual expression since they are so busy with having a appealing art style that they ignore the technical necessities of games today. Sorry, I don't need your 1080p or 60 FPS bullshit when I can have 30 fps and basically a painting to look at, thanks Nintendo
Just want to comment that art direction helps but lets not forget all the small details they nail, those also elevate the games.
The gargantuan amount of aliasing on everything is jarring. Some games look pretty good, but there are a lot of low res textures, and clever tricks hiding the obvious lack of power.

This is magnified by the fact that almost all games are 720p; and it's very noticeable to someone like me.

Coming off of playing games at native 1080 on PC and PS4, I'm spoiled.

Nintendo gamers have gotten so accustomed to getting the shit end of the stick with Nintendo, that they are willing to accept just about anything from them. Any tiny little morsel is prized and cherished.

Sure Mario 3D world is fun and look pretty good, but it definitely has its flaws from a gameplay standpoint-- The run, attack, and grab button are all the same button? Christ its frustrating when four players are on the screen. But that's another topic entirely.

It's gonna be 2014 in a month and some change, and Sony proves that you can make hardware that supports 1080p gaming at an excellent price point. The framerate might not be 60 across the board, but it's damn fine for being this early in the gen.

Get it together, Nintendo.

sony is selling ps4 at loss,
I'm content, but then again I grew disinterested with the graphical arms race sometime last gen. There's always room for improvement, but even on last gen hardware there are infinite possibilities for good devs to create convincing illusions. Sometimes it feels like people go into a game looking for IQ issues, frame rate stutters, etc. I dislike blatant performance issues as much as the next guy, but it really feels like gamers have slowly become the proverbial princess with a pea under her mattress when it comes to minor inconsistencies in presentation.

Hell sometimes creative solutions are born directly from problem solving within a defined set of limitations, which isn't to advocate a return to Atari 2600 graphics or anything, but nonetheless the fact remains that much of what's iconic in gaming today was originally the result of necessity. Any artist, musician, writer, developer or otherwise creative type should know this well, as it permeates virtually every creative endeavor. So while it's nice to give someone all the power in the world to create something new, sometimes hard and fast limitations help to refine the approach, within reason of course.

So, I'm glad to have more powerful hardware at whatever rate it can be offered for an affordable price without sacrificing reliability. Better draw distance, new shaders, improved AA techniques, and subtle particle effects are always nice, but that's not what's going to make a better game. There's enough frosting to bury the cake at this point, now developers need to focus on creating a better recipe. If stuff like Pikmin 3 and Super Mario 3D Land are the result of "weak" hardware, I guess I can cope just fine.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm more impressed by Wind Waker and SM3DW than anything I've seen on PS4. I know the Wii U doesn't have as much muscle, but those games look amazing.
So far I'm satisfied with what Nintendo's first party has done. Nintendoland is great, Mario 3D wold look excellent. I played Mario Kart 8 demo and was digging that and it has plenty of time to improve.

I wish third parties would push the system more but we all know we shouldn't expect that to happen. I have long learned to purchase Nintendo consoles for 1st party exclusives, the other consoles for the genre's and raw graphical power. That said, if I had to be left with only one system I'll pick the WiiU for the reliable stable of characters and timeless gameplay; at least this gen it won't look horrid on my flat screen.

Now if they could just fix that online infrastructure.
As a PC/Nintendo gamer who usually plays with AA off (don't ask, I like pixels tbh), I'll just say that outside of flagship titles like BF3/4, and Crysis, Nintendo honestly wows me more. Part of it is that tech wise they pull off amazing shit with their hardware, and the other part is that artstyle.


Super Member
We are getting a sequel to Xenoblade so I'm pretty sure Wii U can deliver some of the greatest games of all time


some of there stuff has been a bit more impressive than other next gen stuff. mainly as there really the only ones doing high end vibrant 3D cartoon/styled graphics. All the other next gen stuff is just more of the same realistic graphics.
Yes. Of course there's no denying PS4's more powerful, but WiiU's visuals look fantastic. Games like Pikmin, WWHD, and 3DWorlds look amazing.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Well, long before the Wii-U's specs were finalized, my expectations were fairly low. If Nintendo decided to go with 360 level power, I would be pleased as punch. After the Wii, I didn't even think Nintendo would go with 256 MB of RAM for their next console, so in that sense, Wii-U slightly surpassed my best hopes.

However, I do think it's kind of a shame that the Wii-U wasn't as powerful as the original rumors claimed it to be (6X that of the 360).


Unconfirmed Member
So far there hasn't really been a single cartoonish game that seems to need more than 360/PS3/Wii U level power to make me feel that the Wii U is insufficient. That new Guilty Gear game looks fantastic graphically, but it very well may look great on PS3 as well.


I just got back from bringing my Wii U over to my brother's house. We played Wonderful 101 and Super Mario 3d World. On his TV-- a ~$400 LED LCD-- both games looked like CGI. My brother just laughed, "Some people think the Wii U's graphics aren't good enough??"


Yes. And I think Nintendo can program beautiful looking and fun to play 1st Party games that take advantage of it.

But for 3rd party? When you see WiiU (2012) versions comparing with the Xbox 360 (2005) then we have problems. Eventually we are gonna get to a point where games designed from the ground up for PS4 will be unviable for the WiiU because you'd have to turn down the graphic settings so much it would lose its identity.

This is my fear. It's bad enough 3rd party ignores it right now when it could EASILY handle so many PS360 games, but when the industry goes full steam ahead for PS4 it's gonna be worse. I hope not though.


Yes. The HD struggle has probably been there internally, but it sure as hell didn't translate to games. All their games look great and 3D World looks gorgeous. And it will only get better, I can't imagine what Zelda U will look like.


I really couldn't give two shits about graphics so yes I'm satisfied. As others said it's all about the art direction.


Beautiful art direction is beautiful art direction.

Doesn't matter if it is a pixelated 512 × 239 snes game like Yoshi Island or glorious 1080p with Super Mario 3D World


I realized a few years ago that graphics does not matter. Technology is always improving and so will graphics with it however what looks good now might look terrible in a few years. What matter most is aesthetics and Nintendo does that better than anyone.

If this doesn't satisfy you then...


Some of the games are going beyond what I expected, like Mario 3D or WW HD. Others like Wii Sports Club or NSMB ended up exactly how I was imagining it. Overall, I like it. It is still only the first year as well. The games that they have coming up like X or MK8 all look promising.


Neo Member
Yes, but it's still not worth $299.

$199 basic, $249 bundle.

Next holidays, I'm pretty sure this is what will end up happening. I think Nintendo are probably waiting for hardware costs to go down a bit more, and let the Wii U sell whatever it can at its current price.


"Art direction" sure is thrown around a lot in these discussions. The only games i can think of where art direction is a legitimate fault are LoL and Darksiders.

I've seen people say that Crysis has bad art direction, lol.
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