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Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure |OT| This Is Not Your Father's Spyro


Toys for Bob mentioned some differences in the Wi version, but didn't went into details. Guess are tied to the motion controls more than anything.

Added Vook's review of the 3DS to the main post too (thanks Worthintendo :p). :)
Overall: 8.5
Some of the best fun I’ve had on the Nintendo 3DS since it came out. While I’ve enjoyed other games like Ocarina of Time its the first time I’ve played something original on the 3DS and had a real blast. The toy collecting too has been fun and I’m looking forward to spending even more. How often can you say that?


And according to their Twitter:

Does anyone know what the go with getting the store exclusive figures in Australia is? Really want to get ahold of Drill Sargent but not sure where to go to get him down here


Worthintendo said:
Does anyone know what the go with getting the store exclusive figures in Australia is? Really want to get ahold of Drill Sargent but not sure where to go to get him down here
Big W in Australia. They were giving it "for free" with purchases of any of the starters...and also selling it by separate.


Saint Nic
Holy shit that Skylanders display is EMPTY. I hate that I'm going to spend more moneys on this, but I NEEEEED to finish my collection. D:
Reading this thread makes me very happy I'm not the only adult addicted to this game! And while I'm glad the game is popular, it kinda sucks too, because it's getting really hard to find some figures and packs....


i'm....interested in this? I have to admit, I had not seen any media on this before. Being honest I was probably ignoring it because it did not seem like a real Spyro game, but I just got finished watching a trailer for a character called "Flameslinger" and he looked pretty awesome. I have seen the toys at Wal-Mart and TRU, but did not think anything of it originally.

I may pick this up actually, but I have a couple of questions if anyone can answer them.

I'll probably get the PS3 version, but how is the performance is there any technical differences between it and the 360?

Is it just the characters as is, or do they get new abilities in RPG fashion?

Is there equipable loot that actually shows on the characters?

Do each of the characters feel significantly different, or just like reskins?

If anyone can answer these question I would much appreciate it, from the vids it looks like it's basically an Action RPG, and the figures remind me of all the little figures I used to collect as a kid, like Battle Beasts, and Muscle Men.


ReaperXL07 said:
I'll probably get the PS3 version, but how is the performance is there any technical differences between it and the 360?
I've had the game lock up once on PS3, but otherwise I haven't noticed any performance issues. I haven't played it on 360 but I assume the content is mostly identical.

Is it just the characters as is, or do they get new abilities in RPG fashion?
As the characters level up they gain stats, and you can purchase new abilities for them with in-game gold. Once you've bought a few abilities for a character, you choose one of two growth paths for them based on their two primary abilities and then buy more abilities related to your chosen path. You can reset the figures if you ever want to redo them on the other path. On the 3DS version, they gain abilities as they level up.

Is there equipable loot that actually shows on the characters?
There are around 35 hats you can find that show on your characters and boost various stats. Only hats though, no other equipment.

Do each of the characters feel significantly different, or just like reskins?
Some of them are a little similar in mechanics, but mostly every character feels unique to play, and as you gain more abilities they only become more unique.

If anyone can answer these question I would much appreciate it, from the vids it looks like it's basically an Action RPG, and the figures remind me of all the little figures I used to collect as a kid, like Battle Beasts, and Muscle Men.
I used to love Battle Beasts, Muscle, and Monster in my Pocket, among other "little rubber guys." That's probably part of why the Skylanders bug bit me so hard and I already have 19 of the characters.


Saint Nic
I'll probably get the PS3 version, but how is the performance is there any technical differences between it and the 360?

Everything I've read says that all the versions are nearly identical. There shouldn't be a difference between any of the three major console releases to sway you in one direction or another. I don't know for sure, but that's just off of internet browsing about the game.

Is it just the characters as is, or do they get new abilities in RPG fashion?

You spend coins to buy upgraded abilities. It's not like a skill tree in Borderlands or whatever, but there are some neat upgrades you can get (wider attack, flight on some, etc). I've only started to scratch that surface, so the true depth is hard to gauge at my level.

Is there equipable loot that actually shows on the characters?

Hates, and they DO change your stats a bit.

Do each of the characters feel significantly different, or just like reskins?

Quite different.

Eruptor, the fire golem who plays very slow and tanky, has two attacks. The first is a fireball/firebomb. The second is a ground pound that causes a circle of lava to pour out in a radius around you, dealing good damage to all enemies/breakables in the pool.

Trigger Happy, the little Tasmanian devil looking gun toter, has a high rate dual pistol attack as primary, and a secondary attack that has him chucking a safe at the enemy. On the 3DS version, his secondary is him mounting a turret and unloading. I think. I may have them mixed up...

But you get the idea - every character feels VERY fresh and unique.

E: BEAT ME TO IT. D: But a second opinion never hurts, right? Haha


Awesome guys thanks a bunch. I saw a few of the characters that I want to pick up when I get the game.

The four armed Goroish character looks pretty awesome, aswell as the Flameslinger archer, and Prism Golem. I'll probably pick this up sometime during the next week.


Junior Member
I'm surprised that on the 3DS Dark Spyro plays differently from regular Spyro. He has a melee attack and a different projectile attack. Put them in at the same time and it's almost like two different characters. Even his look is more than a repaint as he seems to have a longer neck. On the console versions though, he's back to just being a recolor. XP

Do you have to do the same character on the portal twice to get your 3DS stats saved to that character?

Using the portal of power on the 3DS is an outright pain in the ass. They might of well have just had you wire it to the system.


Damn I wish this game had a difficulty slider. I'm thinking of getting this for myself but it looks way to easy from watching videos.


RobbieNick said:
Do you have to do the same character on the portal twice to get your 3DS stats saved to that character?
Basically yeah. Use the character on the portal to load them into the game, then when you've finished playing or want to move them to the console version, load the same character from the portal again and it'll update back to the toy. If you're not using the figures on another version of the game I don't think you have to worry about updating the toy before you quit, but I'm not entirely sure since I always do it anyway.

Honestly I think the way they handled the portal on 3DS is the best way. While not the most elegant functionality, it at least allows you to play without lugging a portal around with you, and the 3DS doesn't really have anywhere to hook up a wired solution anyway, so it would've probably had to be wired to the game cart to do that.


bodine1231 said:
Damn I wish this game had a difficulty slider. I'm thinking of getting this for myself but it looks way to easy from watching videos.
It starts easy, but it gets difficult later on..even more if you keep switching characters and not leveling up specific ones.


And yep, 3DS portal is my favorite. Granted positioning is key; but it also saves batteries and doesn't force you to carry it around. Plus it's smaller than the console ones. :p


fernoca said:
And yep, 3DS portal is my favorite. Granted positioning is key; but it also saves batteries and doesn't force you to carry it around. Plus it's smaller than the console ones. :p
I've never had an issue with positioning. I rest the top left corner of my 3DS's lid on the green arrow and it picks up the IR signal perfect every time.


fernoca said:
And yep, 3DS portal is my favorite. Granted positioning is key; but it also saves batteries and doesn't force you to carry it around. Plus it's smaller than the console ones. :p

Does the distance of the portal from the system have an effect on battery life?


izakq said:
Does the distance of the portal from the system have an effect on battery life?
I doubt it. You only use the portal for 5 seconds at a time. It transfers the character into the game, and then you play without needing the portal at all. Once you're done you can sync to the portal again to update the figure.


Yep. As far as I know, distance doesn't affect...plus in only up to 7 inches of recommended distance; moving it or blocking it slightly stops the communication. The transfer last up to 5 seconds and the portal stays on for 25 seconds (per use).

So in an hour if you use it once (to update the stats of the figure) it means around 30 seconds of sue. Compared to the Wii/PS3 wireless ones that if you play for one hour; is one hour that the portal stays on and is transmitting/receiving data.


See, I have the Wii version, and the batteries that came with the portal, were drained within a couple of days. And then with my boy playing the game for at least a couple of hours a day, I would always need to recharge our batteries, it seems, every other day. So I was just wondering if the distance between the portal and system effect battery life? Like you said, probably not, being that the portal is on the whole time.


The only way I know of to save on batteries for the 3DS is after you sync a figure, you can push down on the portal for a couple seconds and it will turn off, which saves you like 20 seconds of power. But honestly I don't see the batteries being an issue given how seldom the portal is even used.


izakq said:
See, I have the Wii version, and the batteries that came with the portal, were drained within a couple of days. And then with my boy playing the game for at least a couple of hours a day, I would always need to recharge our batteries, it seems, every other day. So I was just wondering if the distance between the portal and system effect battery life? Like you said, probably not, being that the portal is on the whole time.
It should be noted that 3Ds and Wii/PS3 portals are different in that aspect...well, in nearly every aspect.

-Wii/PS3 is fully wireless. A wireless signal is sent to the USB receiver that you plugged in the hardware, in this case the Wii and that's what communicates between the game and the portal. The portal is always on, with the light(s) and sending/receiving data so it's constantly in use no matter if you play for 15 minutes or 2 hours. Distance shouldn't be a problem (aside possible interference caused by other wireless devices).

-3DS portal uses IR (like TV remotes). You manually turn on the portal (by pushing it) and it stays on for 25 seconds. In those 25 seconds if you go to the game and choose to change your Skylander by putting a different figure or update the one you're using, by putting that character's figure in the portal; that's when the game starts sending the signal through the 3DS IR port;, and the IR on the portals starts receiving and sending the data. That takes 5 seconds max and after that, both stop sending/receiving signals and after 25 seconds the portal just turns itself off.

So basically, the reason the Wii/PS3 portals may seem to eat more batteries; is because they're been used more ...and for everything too (4-7 hours according to people online).


Junior Member
Finally got Drill Sergeant and my last 3-pack. Now I'll I need is the two level sets. But those are not selling that well and I can wait on them. Plus, $20 seems steep for one Skylander and a level set.

So...anyone know when the second set will be released? I really want Warnado. XD



'Skylanders: The Beginning' (in 3D) will be featured in select runs of Dreamwork's' Puss in Boots' (in 3D).
Is the same 2 minutes short in CG that explains how the characters ended "as toys"; that can be seen here:

Short (in 2D):




fernoca said:
'Skylanders: The Beginning' (in 3D) will be featured in select runs of Dreamwork's' Puss in Boots' (in 3D). Is the same 2 minutes short in CG that explains how the characters ended "as toys"; that can be seen here:

You can watch the 3D version of that trailer on the eshop.


fernoca said:
'Skylanders: The Beginning' (in 3D) will be featured in select runs of Dreamwork's' Puss in Boots' (in 3D). Is the same 2 minutes short in CG that explains how the characters ended "as toys"; that can be seen here:


Activision throwing dat clout around.


I picked the game up yesterday along with an extra figure and a 3-pack. I Played about an hour of it and like it alot,a little slow in the beginning (didn't get hit once) but I realize its mostly tutorial/training parts. I think I'm missing a couple elements so I may grab those later on. The game reminds me alot of the Lego games,aimed for kids,but adults will enjoy it as well. It's a great pallet cleanser.
SebastianAlexander said:
Gamera? Is it supposed to be Bash? Because he is already in one of the 3-packs and available solo.

He's talking about Warnado. :D

I kind of fear when he goes on sale - it might be harder for me to get one. There seems to be a lot of love for this guy already.


Saint Nic
Chances are, I'll be ordering all of them when the new ones drop, but Wrecking Ball is my must have of the new ones. :p


Does anybody here have both the 3ds and wii/ps3/360 versions? I currently have the 3ds version, still haven’t opened it but I’m wondering if its worth to get the ps3 version, I know the gameplay is different, but if I level up my guys on the 3ds, won’t they be too strong for the ps3 version?


You can always reset the figures to play again ... That also gives you the opportunity to try different branches.

On a side note, I picked up Sonic Boom today ... I couldn't resist. It looked to cute sitting there.


If you level up a figure on the 3DS version it will gain stats and be more powerful in the console version, but since you can't earn any gold in the 3DS version you'll still have a lot of grinding to do to really get them up to par since they won't have any of the ability upgrades in the console version.


Saint Nic
Made my final purchase to complete the available figures! Darklight Crypt and the Drobot 3-pack!

Also, regarding the 3DS and console versions, I've actually put the 3DS version on the back burner for now. I want to go through the Wii version as vanilla as possible. But that being said, the 3DS version is a VERY solid game. One of the better games available, so if you've got it, don't brush it off or get rid of it unless you REALLY don't care for it.


Bamelin said:
Any ideas on how to get Whirlwind in Canada? (no Targets here)
A quick google search tells me it's apparently not available in Canada. You could order one online from ebay or something. I saw one post claiming to have found it at a Walmart near Toronto, but nothing else to support the claim.
so I just finished the wii version - and oh boy! you could NOT defeat the last boss with only your 3 starter skylanders! I have 10 Skylanders ... all of them were dead but my last one. Sonic Booms 4 Babys saved my life! :D

Did you guys also notice that you can speed up the credits with the dpad? welcome addition to credits that roll for like 15mins lol

My portal only ran out of batteries in the second to last level, so its not that bad.

Also there always was a rich bear standing around, always saying something like "i dont have anything for you at the moment" but now that the game is over I can't find him anymore - what is his deal?

Oh and my Stealth Elf got to level 10 during that last boss, but the meter can still be filled up, so are there more levels after all?


Junior Member
SebastianAlexander said:

Also there always was a rich bear standing around, always saying something like "i dont have anything for you at the moment" but now that the game is over I can't find him anymore - what is his deal?

I don't know but I think he was in the older Spyro games if I remember correctly.


bodine1231 said:
I think once I get the Target exclusive and Ghost adventure I'll be done...for now.

Fix'd. :p
(nice pic)

So a couple of Drill Sergeants at Wal-Mart. Have to get one!! What was weird; is that unlike last time were they had a ton of figures in the toys section and no games (at all); this time they had no figures, except 5 Drill Sergeants behind a display case and 2 Xbox 360 copies.


fernoca said:
Fix'd. :p
(nice pic)

So a couple of Drill Sergeants at Wal-Mart. Have to get one!! What was weird; is that unlike last time were they had a ton of figures in the toys section and no games (at all); this time they had no figures, except 5 Drill Sergeants behind a display case and 2 Xbox 360 copies.

Lol yeah. I had to go to an out of the way Wal-Mart to find the Drill Sergent,they had about five of them as well but not much else. The Target nearby was sold out of their special figure. I think I may keep the exclusive guys sealed just in case they skyrocket in price and just open all the other ones. The Ghost adventure pack looks sick.
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