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Final Fantasy XV Gamescom Active Time Report - CNN reporting live from disaster scene


Also, giving them a pass because it's on the PSP is pretty dumb. I've said it before, but Type-0's level design didn't even try.
Kingdom Hearts also suffered from PSP limitations, yet you can see that they were clearly trying to make the best out of those closed rooms. Even Third Birthday tried more than Type-0... And I'm not even mentioning games not made by SE (*cough*Ys*cough*)
To make the comparison again, Type-0's level design is equivalent of a randomly generated dungeon from the first .Hack games (and I mean the original ones, because even the random dungeons from GU are more fun than that).

As for the rest of the team, I'm super willing to give them a chance, Type-0 was great in many areas, just not the level designers >.>

It's sure that the fact of developing on PSP didn't excuse some of the choices they made for T0, but at the same time it's hard to think they're going to do the same things (bad level design) on a completely different console.
Whoa. .Hack//1-4 are the epitome of running from box to box, and I loved those games. Type-0 had great level design compared to .Hack, mon ami.

They could have been done better, but I mean, why would we expect that kind of design for FFXV when we have Duscae as an example of what they can do with open world...? And the other gameplay videos we've seen are traversable cities and even in the Malboro video they're trekking across some bog.

Running from box to box you say?


And that's one of the more interesting maps.

Type-0 is literally a bunch of stock-rooms that they just put together in different combinations... Much like .Hack.

I really wouldn't put Type-0 above it. They are very similar...

And XV is currently not any better. The fact that it is now open world doesn't mean it will have more level design. Duscae is pretty much as nothing as any of Type-0's maps. Except it has less loading screens. Also, I'm amazed at how some of the caves from Type-0 are more interesting than the one in Duscae lol.


In the defence of the new staff.....if the previous staff were charged with game, battle or level design on PSP hardware I doubt it would have been that impressive.

You're now giving people who have devoted a large portion of their lives with interests in these areas, a first chance to express themselves on powerful and open hardware.

Sakaguchi, Nomura, Kitase, Uematsu, Nozue, Matsuno, Yoshida were also all once young and unknown quantities who were given a big break, on a big project to express their unknown selves.

This. Type-0 had some really awesome ideas, like bringing back the world map, a lot of playable characters with customizable skills, ranged and meelee gameplay... had they been used in a full scale game, I believe, it would be just awesome =/...

Things I didn't like about type-0 were mostly due to hardware limitations (like
chapter eight
, the quest system and town sizes/variety, and the episodicish format), the game was too ambitious for the console and had some dumb design choices, like the quest system, the RTS parts (which were a kinda good idea because of the feel of the game but poorly executed) and the fact that you can't change party members mid mission, but I really appreciate the fact that they tried to things some of the main FF teams, with all the budget they had, were too afraid of =/, heck, it's still the best FNC game for me at least, the setting is awesome, the art direction was spot on, the gameplay of most characters was really fun...

Tabata himself said the story got screwed up because they had to fit FNC there somehow
infinite loop was a dumb idea
, i always wondered how the game would be without it...
part of it's charm for me was that I tought Cid was just a general from a screwed up country who had to feed his subjects while the other nations were being jerks and didn't care to help =/ like, you know, a normal reason for someone to start a war =P

Of course i'll miss the dream team, but I can't ask Tabata to do a Nomura game either, i'll just hope that he understantds the differences between a PSP and a PS4 game and hope for the best =/


Running from box to box you say?


And that's one of the more interesting maps.

Type-0 is literally a bunch of stock-rooms that they just put together in different combinations... Much like .Hack.

I really wouldn't put Type-0 above it. They are very similar...

And XV is currently not any better. The fact that it is now open world doesn't mean it will have more level design. Duscae is pretty much as nothing as any of Type-0's maps. Except it has less loading screens. Also, I'm amazed at how some of the caves from Type-0 are more interesting than the one in Duscae lol.

The squares are representative, the rooms aren't actually square shaped.

...you did play Type-0, didn't you...?

If we're criticizing moving from one cell to another, you're indicting practically all of videogame-dom as having bad level design. If you used Type-0's minimap instead of its area map it wouldn't look so bad.

This is what I meant:


From a serious level design perspective, Type-0 does a lot more than this.
No, it's not. Why would he have to finish every FF? You don't really think every director working on mainline FFs so far has played every single one to completion, do you? Most devs don't even play their own games from start to finish (especially with 60h+ RPGs). After seeing every little part seperately in thousand different completion states you get sick of it naturally.

You can get a general idea of every game after a few hours, the rest is filler and the gameplay or overall style doesn't change drastically over the course of most games anyway.

I already adressed this in more detail after your first post today in case you missed it:

I don't discredit him by my post, this is not my intention. I believe that he can make a great game. For me it's stirking, that you only played through one Final Fantasy, because you know, there are others that are better :)


The squares are representative, the rooms aren't actually square shaped.

...you did play Type-0, didn't you...?

If we're criticizing moving from one cell to another, you're indicting practically all of videogame-dom as having bad level design. If you used Type-0's minimap instead of its area map it wouldn't look so bad.

This is what I meant:


From a serious level design perspective, Type-0 does a lot more than this.

Yikes. Good luck FFVII if the rumours are true.
The squares are representative, the rooms aren't actually square shaped.

...you did play Type-0, didn't you...?

If we're criticizing moving from one cell to another, you're indicting practically all of videogame-dom as having bad level design. If you used Type-0's minimap instead of its area map it wouldn't look so bad.

Over 100 hours, yes. I saw every single map in the game multiple times.

Type-0 doesn't have a minimap for each area because they are all so simplistic that you don't need it. The boxed-map they have in the menu is enough and tells you all about it...

Actually, most (if not all) of the rooms are square shaped, they just draw a little path on it where you can walk. You have a bit of elevation in some of the caverns/mountains, but that's it. It is (again) a bunch of stock rooms they put together in different combinations.

And I'll be very honest here. If you find a proper minimap that covers the entire area, yes, it would be just as bad as the menu-screen map I posted, because the game is nothing but running around the same stock places over and over with no real thought put into it and no actual design to speak of.


Yikes. Good luck FFVII if the rumours are true.

People excited for CC2 to work on it is more about the visual quality of their work (and their attention to detail). For a roguelike with procedurally generated maps this is about standard fare.

I don't think anything in that screenshot is representative of stuff that would be applicable to FF7.


People excited for CC2 to work on it is more about the visual quality of their work (and their attention to detail). For a roguelike with procedurally generated maps this is about standard fare.

I don't think anything in that screenshot is representative of stuff that would be applicable to FF7.
It's a roguelike? Oh, then you're right.

My concern over them is that they have never developed a game even close to the scale of FFVII. And it's an external developer. I've only played the Naruto games and Solatorobo from CC2.

I don't know much else about the games they make, but I'm excited to see the first footage just to even get an understanding of what the scope is.


It's a roguelike? Oh, then you're right.

My concern over them is that they have never developed a game even close to the scale of FFVII. And it's an external developer. I've only played the Naruto games and Solatorobo from CC2.

I don't know much else about the games they make, but I'm excited to see the first footage just to even get an understanding of what the scope is.

Well they're probably just doing mass work, following Nomura's and other core stuff's orders.


I don't discredit him by my post, this is not my intention. I believe that he can make a great game. For me it's stirking, that you only played through one Final Fantasy, because you know, there are others that are better :)

Oh I see, that's what you meant! He still played others, though. FFVII left the biggest impression on him. His favorite is FFVI. Also he said that FFIII, FFIV, FFV and FFVI turned out to be the biggest inspiration for him while developing FFXV. So, it's not like FFI is his favorite just because he finished it.


Neo Member
FFXIII and Lightning are looking pretty awesome compared to this shitshow atm

She was a monotoned asshole, but shit at least an asshole shows some initiative and might try hitting the people making problems for them.


My god, this made me defend something Toriyama made. I need to sit and think real hard for a while. Excuse me.



In a recent interview by Spieletester with the director of Final Fantasy XV, Hajime Tabata discusses more about magic and how it’s handled, Kings Regis redesign and the dog, which was shown in the ‘Dawn’ trailer.

Summary of the interview from Spieletester with Hajime Tabata:

-The reason wasn’t that King Regis previous design didn’t fit in the game, Tabata actually liked it and said that they have a good reason for it, though it’s a huge spoiler for the rest of the game so they won’t tell you why yet. They are going to reveal what’s not the case soon.
-Magic is usually activated by special rings the characters will be able to wear. It won’t come from the characters hands, instead you will manipulate the elements in the environment.
-There are two types of magic in the game. One of them being that only those from the Lucis family can use.
-Magic is about 60% complete. It works in-game, though they aren’t happen with the visual effects yet.
-The dog featured in the ‘Dawn’ trailer is a messenger for one of the characters.


It's nice to have bits of information here and there, though they could have told this kind of stuff in the ATR to begin with.

So apparently party members can also use basic magic with the rings, but Noctis has special powers in addition to that.

I'm excited to see what it looks like.


Magic is usually activated by special rings the characters will be able to wear. It won’t come from the characters hands, instead you will manipulate the elements in the environment.


My imagination is probably just running a bit wild but I like the sound of that.


no surprise summons will take such a central role then.
Summons were an integral part of Nomura's Versus XIII/XV already, that's not something Tabata has brought to FFXV. Nomura talked about summons and how they would have an important role in the story, how there would be secret, optional fights against summons and how there would be different ranks of summon creeatures, the highest ones being those like Ramuh that are massive and hugely powerful. All of that should still be true for Tabata's FFXV, though they might've expanded on some of the ideas thanks to being able to use more powerful hardware.

It's a roguelike? Oh, then you're right.

My concern over them is that they have never developed a game even close to the scale of FFVII. And it's an external developer. I've only played the Naruto games and Solatorobo from CC2.

I don't know much else about the games they make, but I'm excited to see the first footage just to even get an understanding of what the scope is.
CC2 has never done a massive scale project because they haven't been paid to. Publishers just haven't been interested in giving them that kind of money. That doesn't mean they couldn't handle it if someone like Square Enix came along and gave them the resources to do so.

Having said that, they've done some pretty impressive work with the Naruto games & Asura's Wrath, so they do obviously have the talent to make some pretty epic stuff. Given more money & support, I'm sure they will be able to do well on FFVIIR. Though I doubt CC2 would be the only company working on FFVIIR. Maybe they are the main grunt-work team while creative & lead design control is still over at SQEX and they'll outsource work to a lot of smaller companies.


Summons were an integral part of Nomura's Versus XIII/XV already, that's not something Tabata has brought to FFXV. Nomura talked about summons and how they would have an important role in the story, how there would be secret, optional fights against summons and how there would be different ranks of summon creeatures, the highest ones being those like Ramuh that are massive and hugely powerful. All of that should still be true for Tabata's FFXV, though they might've expanded on some of the ideas thanks to being able to use more powerful hardware.

Agreed on the specifics concerning summons, but he never stated anything specifically concerning their motives or personalities or how this would relate to the story (as I can remember). Of-course, these changes might have taken place even before he left his position as main director, meaning that Nomura was the guy that was behind the changes even if the game had already switched to versus.


Agreed on the specifics concerning summons, but he never stated anything specifically concerning their motives or personalities or how this would relate to the story (as I can remember). Of-course, these changes might have taken place even before he left his position as main director, meaning that Nomura was the guy that was behind the changes even if the game had already switched to versus.

Considering that Tabata said they deliberately hid changes in the first trailers not to freak out old Versus fans, I have a feeling that Nomura was involved at least with the Luna / story modifications in some capacity. No idea when the Regis design swap was executed though.

Of course Nomura could've been moved out long before it was announced to us, and Tabata was holding the reins already at that point.


Maybe the fire Magic here is coming out of the vulcano/mines around Lestallum:

Sounds pretty cool. Can't wait to see how it's implemented and how it's used up. Iirc, they said that Magic wouldn't use the same MP bar as Evading/Techniques.


The way he says it, it sounds like a new system they are coming up with now.
Does anyone not remember Tabata saying like earlier this year that they didn't like the way magic looked, and he is still saying that today? I have never heard of these magic rings before.

Also rings that only use environmental effects sounds really limiting if you are indoors that have no weather effects. The only thing that I hope to see is that when he says "Lucis exclusive magic" it means Noctis can freely use Fire Blizzard and Thunder at the least whenever he wants, all the ring stuff should be just extra.


Crystal Bearer
Considering that Tabata said they deliberately hid changes in the first trailers not to freak out old Versus fans, I have a feeling that Nomura was involved at least with the Luna / story modifications in some capacity. No idea when the Regis design swap was executed though.

Of course Nomura could've been moved out long before it was announced to us, and Tabata was holding the reins already at that point.

Going with my, it's not Regis theory.


Neo Member
I may have missed it elsewhere but have we had it confirmed how Summons will work?

Did not like how Ramuh only summoned when at 0 HP.

Can only think that others summons will be used when within certain parameters (only a quarter of life is remaining/poisoned state/etc).


I translated the part regarding Stella's magic skills and that transformation scene from the old trailers:

Stella's powers and magic were very popular. Are they gone or still in the final game?

Hajime Tabata:
Her transformation skills, right. Hmm, they were from a very early version of the game, everything was pre-rendered. When we wrote the new story, we could, of course, just have used everything from the old trailers and recreated it exactly the same way. But we didn't want to implement everything that was already there come hell or high water. As long as it doesn't fit the game perfectly, it shouldn't be in it, we think. The most important thing is to make FFXV the best game it can be. Of course we understand that many really liked those scenes, but we're trying to include elements that will trigger the same feelings with fans. We understand what you want and we want to give you that, but not by forcing the inclusion of things that don't fit. Do you understand that? I just want to be honest regarding our motives."


Going with my, it's not Regis theory.

Yup, his answer in that interview sounded pretty much like that. He even said how much he likes the original Regis design and that it fits perfectly, but there is a "very good, very special reason" for his change. I think they just don't want to spoil it and rather "lied".

I may have missed it elsewhere but have we had it confirmed how Summons will work?

Did not like how Ramuh only summoned when at 0 HP.

Can only think that others summons will be used when within certain parameters (only a quarter of life is remaining/poisoned state/etc).

Not yet. But they confirmed that the way it worked in ED was just a placeholder mechanic and not representative of the final game (actually there's a message box popping up saying exactly this in-game when you get the summon).

Deleted member 20920

Unconfirmed Member
Going with my, it's not Regis theory.

That was my very first thought when I first saw the trailer. It seems like the father is giving up his son for adoption into the royal palace because Noctis was chosen to be the next king.


Unconfirmed Member
All this new information that's been coming out from interviews is making me feel hype for this game. I just hope they don't wreak the hype train.. Who knows what secrets they are hiding from us and what not.
"-Magic is usually activated by special rings the characters will be able to wear. It won’t come from the characters hands, instead you will manipulate the elements in the environment."

I really like the sound of that. I like the visual effects, but find the typical FF magic system fairly bland and too abstract. Like, wait, how exactly are these guys casting these powerful spells, and why are they able to? Grounding it in the world more specifically could be great!
The newest interview almost gives me hope that the Versus changes are indeed for the best but Tabata seriously needs to start showing us, not just telling. Maybe the changes were to distance it from FNC as much as possible, which is probably a good thing.

I agree with the Noctis adoption theory. But if true, then flat out calling the man in the Dawn trailer King Regis is a blatant lie, which I can't really see them doing after the Stella fiasco.


The newest interview almost gives me hope that the Versus changes are indeed for the best but Tabata seriously needs to start showing us, not just telling. Maybe the changes were to distance it from FNC as much as possible, which is probably a good thing.

I agree with the Noctis adoption theory. But if true, then flat out calling the man in the Dawn trailer King Regis is a blatant lie, which I can't really see them doing after the Stella fiasco.

On the other hand, if they hadn't have a name for him everybody would have known immediately that it's not his dad. Then again, in the interview he said they will reveal more about the reason behind the change pretty soon.


On the other hand, if they hadn't have a name for him everybody would have known immediately that it's not his dad. Then again, in the interview he said they will reveal more about the reason behind the change pretty soon.

Spoilers incoming.


That was my very first thought when I first saw the trailer. It seems like the father is giving up his son for adoption into the royal palace because Noctis was chosen to be the next king.

Now that's an interesting theory actually. Who is this guy then if not Regis? High ranking soldier or something? Could Make for some interesting plot.
Now that's an interesting theory actually. Who is this guy then if not Regis? High ranking soldier or something? Could Make for some interesting plot.

Could be Regis's brother. If Regis has the throne it would make sense if he was chosen to be king next especially if Regis doesn't have any children.

But honestly I think it is Regis. I guess we will see though

Also it would make Noctis's real father be a father figure to him and in his life by being his uncle. IDK it could work. Still think it is Regis though


If they have to basically all but spoil that there are some fatherhood shenanigans going on already, then that's a pretty terrible way to market the story for your game. I wish it was explained some other way than alluding it to be a "heavy spoiler".

Of course, this could very well be fanfic like it was for all of the Versus years, but SE is already in a position where they have to comment on stuff that shouldn't need further explanation, but they give it anyway because long time fans are paranoid. Just a crappy situation.
Does anyone have a full translation for that interview with the tidbits about magic? I'm hearing from some that Tabata was asked about spells like Ultima and Flare and gave a really lame "quality over quantity" response that might have implied they're not in. I don't speak German though so I can't tell if this is true or not.


Crystal Bearer
The newest interview almost gives me hope that the Versus changes are indeed for the best but Tabata seriously needs to start showing us, not just telling. Maybe the changes were to distance it from FNC as much as possible, which is probably a good thing.

I agree with the Noctis adoption theory. But if true, then flat out calling the man in the Dawn trailer King Regis is a blatant lie, which I can't really see them doing after the Stella fiasco.


He just admitted they basically lied to hide spoilers/changes so...

Also consider there might be someone else who was previously called "Regis" since the name itself means king.



During Gamescom 2015 we had the possibility to get an interview with Hajime Tabata, the director of Final Fantasy XV. We talked about changes that have been made on the character designs, as well as about the Magic-System and much more! And here is what we found out!

Spieletester.com: Why has the design of King Regis been modified so drastically?

Hajime Tabata: As I already explained in the Active Time Report, that was held yesterday and which was broadcasted on a livestream, there is one good reason for this change. But unfortunately, it’s a huge spoiler for the rest of the game, so we can’t tell you yet what’s it all about. It’s going to get revealed soon, though. I may explain to you though, what’s not the case: The issue wasn’t that the old design of Regis didn’t suit to FFXV - it was a great work. The reason for that is a different one., The reason is a solid one and has a special meaning.

Spieletester.com: What can you say about Minigames, like the Casino Cities from Final Fantasy VII or the Cardgame from Final Fantasy VIII.

Hajime Tabata: Yes, we do include Minigames in the final game. We announced last year already, that you are able to go fishing. And ofcause you’ll be able to ride on Chocobos through the world. Because of the huge size of the Worldmap, they are very important for Transport. But you’ll be also be able to do much more different things with them - consider them as an own Minigame. There are also other Mingames, that are going to be in the game, which we can’t talk about yet.

Spieletester.com: In the past, we saw how war has changed the life of people, making them experience fear and terror. The parts we saw from FF XV, look kind of happy and unburdened. Is this atmosphere going to stay towards the whole game, or will it change as the game proceeds?

Hajime Tababta: This is a great question and I find it great to get asked about it. Until we released the playable demo “Episode Duscae”, we wanted to focus on the Roadtrip-Feeling of the young group, who are experiencing an exciting trip. The atmosphere there isn’t comparable with the real atmosphere that will be presented in the final game. If you have a look at the Teaser Trailer (he talkes about the DAWN Trailer), that we had released yesterday, one can get a good feeling about the much darker part of the game and the story - It will definetly not only feature joy and happines. There are those parts, which are dark and not that nice and we try to let them get followed by parts which are more happy in order to give relief to them. As I think, this mixture is something, that give it a nice human experience. I think we made there a good balance.

Spieletester.com: There was a dog shown inside the gamescom-Trailer. Can you tell us more about it? Will the dog be part of the party?

Hajime Tabata: The dog we showed to you is definetly not a pet. The Japanese culture
often features dogs as messenger for humans and in our case it’s the same. The dog is really a messenger for one of the characters during a mission. Inside the trailer we saw him sniffing the ground. He does it, because he’s on the search for someone. I actually feel a bit bad for presenting you a trailer that let even more questions arise, than answering them. But don’t worry, soon there’ll be more explainations. The trailer is also named Dog-Trailer, because the dog is the first big piece of information we show to the player. What is important to me, how the bond between Noctis and his father and the focus on the car is going to be represented in the story.
If I remember correctly, in Japan kids tend to be very proud of the car of their father and also seem to be very interested about cars in general. It’s a big thing to actually to go on a ride with a car and to get the functionalities of the car explained by your father. This is a wonderful experience on my own childhood. This aspect is presented within the game. At home in Tokyo, I drive a German car, because Germans seem to value their cars a lot. Therefore it is important for us to show the German fans, how important cars are to us. Although some get really excited about our cars, we have the impression that dogs seem to be currently more popular than them. Maybe I strongly misjudged the assumptions about Germany. Another thing is, that we wanted to work with YouTube Stars about the promotion in order to introduce the game to new fans, so they can tell them how good it is while playing some footage. Our German team gave us the ideas and it’s the way how things get promoted nowadays. I was very impressed by the ideas and how things work out nowadays - the whole procedure at Gamescom is modern and fascinating.

Spieletester.com: One small technical question. In previous Active Time Reports you talked about 1080p and 30fps. How much does it already represent your goal?

Hajime Tababata: I already gave most of the answer about it yesterday. Currently we are able to reach 30fps pretty smoothly. The framerate is more important to us, than the resolution. We only reach 30fps, if we don’t run it at 1080p. The issue is, that we need to optimize the game for different platforms, which is a huge technical task. Therefore we might not be able to present the game in full HD while maintaining the 30fps, but something close to that. One needs to balance between using 30fps and 1080p or cancelling features, that need a lot of progressing power. We don’t want to do that, especially in order to not simplify the gameplay. In the end, we need to set priorities, and to us gameplay is much more important, than a full HD resolution.

Spieletester.com: In a previous version of the game, there was a scene, which got canceled in the end. In the trailer there is a woman, who looks very similar to her. Will Stella still be presented within the game?

Hajime Tabata: The woman in the trailer is not Stella. She may has some similarities. The reason we took Stella out of the story was, that she was important to the game and was very popular among the fans. But we had the impression, that we needed a different female figure in the game - we wanted to have a different female character. We think, that we have the better character, hence it was a simple decision for us. Changing the design of characters or the characters themselves is something, that is kind of common in RPGs - it’s not something that unusual. But this time the thing is, that Stella was so popular among the fans. We had the impression, that we need to be careful on this issue, and wanted to show, that there a good reason exists, although normally one would do changes like a normal routine.
I think in the Witcher 3, the characters also have drastically been changed during development. Stella was so popular back then, hence we needed to share you the information as friendly as possible. It wasn’t like we had the feeling, that we have made something wrong with the game - it was something that needed to be done.

Spieletester.com: One thing regarding the previous question: Fans loved Stellas power and magic skills. Did they also vanish, or will they be still presented within the game?

Hajime Tabata: Her transforming-skill won’t be within the game. It belonged to a very early version of the game, so everything was prerendered. When we rewrote the story from anew, we could have used the old Trailer and could have tried to rebuild it one by one. But we didn’t want to do it like that only because it once existed. We think, that as long it doesn’t suit to the game perfectly, it shouldn’t be in the game. The most important thing is to make FFXV to the best game it can be. We do understand though, that many liked these scenes and we try to implement those elelements, which will let the same feelings arise to the fans. We do recognize what you fans want, and we also want to offer it to you. But we don’t want to add parts to the game forcefully, that don’t suit the game. Do you understand it? Honestly, I only want to show our motives behind it.

Spieletester.com: The magic-system wasn’t implemented in Episode Duscae. How are you progressing so far?

Hajime Tabata: Obviously, we weren’t that finished with the system in order to implement it in Episode Duscae, since we wanted to polish it a bit more and tweak it a bit. But shortly after we released the demo, the system got implemented in the game and it works kind of smooth. The processing of the system works quiet good, but the visual aspect is yet to be done. It should be around 60%, if our aim is to be set at 100%. The internal development of the game is wonderful. but since it isn’t that tweaked yet, we didn’t want to show it to the audience yet.
Some things about the magic-system. All spells and processings are based on physical progresses. In Type-0 you shoot Magic directly from your palms, like a ray. FF XV will work differently in that aspect. The idea behind the magic-system is to modify the elements of the world and during that process, the magic is activated through magic-rings, which are equiped by the characters. That’s all we currently have to say about the magic-system.

Spieletester.com: Another question about the magic: How good are the chances that we might see some older spells like Ultima or Flare once Gin the game?

Hajime Tabata: Okay, here are some basics about the magic-system: There are two types of magic. The first one is the previous explained magic, which can be used by anyone. Additionally, there is a second one, which can only be used by the citizens of Kingdom Lucis. So there are two types, two specialties of magic. We try to add different spells into the game that actually suit to the game and that feel good, rather than adding just a lot of magic-spells.

Spieletester.com: During the development there was a rumor, that you will be able to play every character, not just as Noctis like in the demo. Will this stay like that? And if it does, will you be able to give party-members orders?

Hajime Tabata: Like in the demo, you’ll only be able to as Noctis. There will be some events, where you can attack with all your party-members - some special attacks. So the focus is set on fighting as a party. Although you fight alone, you can make use from your party-members while attacking. The focus lies on a fighting with a single person and a party, which can be included into the fight by using commands. The gameplay as Noctis is very direct and active, while the controls of the party are kind of indirect and more passive.

Spieletester.com: When will we be able to play FF XV?

Hajime Tabata: I can already tell, that you won’t need to be waiting until 2017.

Spieletester.com: The weapons we saw in the demo are already all weapons, which will be featured in the game, or will there be more?

Hajime Tabata: There will be definetly more weapons inside the game. One of the main activities in the game is to collect all weapons. The demo featured two kinds of weapons, normal and magic weapons. Both will be in the final game, but in a much more diverse variety.

Spieletester.com: How big in size is Duscae in repect of the full game?

Hajime Tabata: Oh, that’s something that is often being asked. It is difficult to say, but it’s at least 10 times as big as Duscae. It is difficult to say how exactly tall it is in fixed units . Much more important is the impression it will leave. Due to the fact, that you can drive quiet a distance by car, the dimension changes a bit. This kind of roadtrip-like story and the beautiful car of the father makes you let’s you perceive the game differently, than if you would walk all the way by foot. We want to integrate this into the game, so the assumption of the world-size is difficult.
By the way, on my trip to Germany I actually wanted to try out the German highway - but the PR-department didn’t let me.

Original Interview by Spieletester.com (http://www.spieletester.com/specials/final-fantasy-xv-interview-mit-hajime-tabata/)
Translated by lolgc
EDIT: 18.08.2015; 14:45:
Some typos and the mistranslation of “Stellas Transformation” still being inside the game.
I don’t give any guarentee on how accurate the translation is. But I tried to do a one by one translation. Unfortunately, that has led to the fact, that I mistranslated the Stellas Transformation part.



He just admitted they basically lied to hide spoilers/changes so...

Also consider there might be someone else who was previously called "Regis" since the name itself means king.

I think a lot of elements from the really early concept stuff from 2006-2008 have remained in tact.

Stuff like "Nifilheim" and "Idola Eldercapt" could be heard on the radio in previous trailers.

We have seen concept art showing the overworld outside Insomnia and it looks exactly like what Nomura showed in the TGS2010 Gameplay reveal.

It's not a completely different game.
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