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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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I would so love to be proven wrong, and that both Snyder and Goyer bring their A-games and drop their bad habits, but with fast things are going, I just don't see how this won't be a mess. Hopefully, it'll be an entertaining one.
Man of Steel
Man of Tomorrow
The Last Son of Krypton

That's how I was hoping the titles would be for the trilogy.

Yeah, same here. Looks now like it's gonna go

Man of Steel
World's Finest
Justice League

It reeks of money hungry studio execs pushing it on the film makers .

Well no shit. The whole reason superhero movies are even a thing in the 21st century is due to money hungry studio execs pushing these properties onto the filmmakers they hire.

Kenneth Branagh made a THOR movie, yunno?
I wonder if Larry Fong's getting the job on this means we're getting speed-ramping back.
I think this effect would suit Batman pretty well. I'm really looking forward to seeing Snyder return to some night time action. We didn't get much of it in Man of Steel, but the little bit we almost had, was very beautiful.

Yeah, It's pretty easy to watch that clip and just sorta swap in Batman for Nite Owl to get a decent idea of what a Larry Fong-shot fight sequence w/ Batman might look like.
I'm expecting Snyder Batman to be more acrobatic for some reason.


Super Member
screw you guys it should be Superfriends and Superfriends Unlimited

Slayven said:
I love that arc. They bring up the serious possibikity of Supes losing control but have fun with it too.
Afleck scenes are going to be baller. The rest of the scenes are going to be nonsensical and explodey just like Man of Steel.
That's not the title of the movie.

And you basically just requoted the only bit of new info that was in the original post.

You did at least manage a cursory scan of the thread before posting, right? :)


That's not the title of the movie.

And you basically just requoted the only bit of new info that was in the original post.

You did at least manage a cursory scan of the thread before posting, right? :)

So burn the thread down, it's not even the title of the movie. We deserve a better class of title
I think Snyder said there wouldn't be any Kryptonite in Man of Steel, not in the film universe entirely.

He then made sure to show that simply being exposed to Kryptonian atmosphere is enough to depower/weaken Clark.

Whether that means a chunk of meteorite will ever show up, or whether someone (LUTHOR) is going to figure out how to synthesize a version of Kryptonite that does the same thing, who knows. But I'd bet that Kryptonite shows up in some form between now and Justice League.
In regards to the title, I will gladly change it to whatever the consensus is. I just figured it is going to be the Worlds Finest 2 Year Wait, and well, Batman vs Superman is the only name we got so far.
In regards to the title, I will gladly change it to whatever the consensus is. I just figured it is going to be the Worlds Finest 2 Year Wait, and well, Batman vs Superman is the only name we got so far.

Man of Steel 2 |OT| The World's Finest Two-Year Wait

You just came up with the title right there, man.
He will. All the doubters will be served crow, he is not the same actor from 10 years ago.

This is my most anticipated movie ever because its my favorite two characters since childhood. I will be turning 32 when this releases but I'm going to turn into a 8 year old when the lights go down.

I hope he find out about Cranston as Lex soon.
He really isn't much better then he was 10 years ago.


I for one am hyped about this. I have a feeling we'll be getting the most comic accurate Batman to date.

Agreed, and he will need to be if they have him throwing down with Supes at first and then be shown as needed against whoever the real villains are.

Batman will now be with super powered heroes on screen for the first time, he has to be more of a exaggerated comic book character to be shown that he's needed and useful. I think they will play up his intelligence, gadgets, and acrobatics big time.
He's not that much different of an actor, but he's given himself better material and directors to work with, esp. when it's with himself. That makes a hell of a difference.
Yeah, he's only been decent in things he gets to write or direct. Everything else he's made in recent years is the same old Affleck. And he isn't even the most impressive performance in the movies he's directed. He has to work with a Goyer script, who isn't exactly great, and Snyder as a director, who Affleck could direct laps around.

Dudes directing and writing skills are leagues
above his acting. He reaches into the realm of good acting in specific situations and this is not one of those situations. That said he's still a better choice then some of the other names that were being thrown around. Fuck Orlando Bloom being Batman.
His performances in:

State of Play
To the Wonder
The Town

Are very different from his performances in

Reindeer Games
Jersey Girl
Changing Lanes

I'm wondering if people have watched any of the movies in the upper list beyond Argo & The Town.

He's different because he's learned how to underplay things. His characters get a chance to breathe now. The sense of artificiality that's hindered his earlier roles is greatly reduced, and in many cases, totally gone.

Basically, he's gotten REALLY good at getting out of his own way, as an actor. And it's obvious he knows this, because he's made the decision to be in movies that are more reliant on ensembles, movies that let him just be a character and not be the guy carrying all the weight. He's making those calls consciously, so that means he's got a great idea at what he's good at and what he's not so good at.

An actor with that kind of self-awareness, on top of the skill in telling stories both from a writing and directorial standpoint is a MUCH different actor than the guy in Chasing Amy getting in shouting matches with Joey Lauren Adams.
I'm not particularly a fan of Ben Affleck, and he definitely wouldn't have been my first choice, but looking at the big picture, I definitely think he was a very sound choice.

I think it's great that Snyder is the type of director that's willing to collaborate. Affleck, Goyer, and Snyder should result in a very well balanced team that really compliment each other quite nicely.
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