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South Park: Season 10 premier

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not a medical professional
Jesus H Christ that was hilarious.

The hack job with the voice was phenomenal, I cannot wait to hear the fallout from this episode. Especially that speech at the end, you can tell Trey and Matt were saddened by his leaving, and blame scientology.. heh..


Considering what the episode was about.... Duh?

Okay, well, right.

They've done it before though and I've never noticed until hearing the DVD commentary. This time it was painfully obvious, and not from the subject matter.


Junior Member
Off topic: There was an episode a long time ago. I only remember one scene where it shows houses at night and I think about people in the window in sexual positions. Like just the outlines. I can't remember what episode that was but I remember seeing it back in the early seasons. Does anybody remember an episode like this?


skinnyrattler said:
Off topic: There was an episode a long time ago. I only remember one scene where it shows houses at night and I think about people in the window in sexual positions. Like just the outlines. I can't remember what episode that was but I remember seeing it back in the early seasons. Does anybody remember an episode like this?

It was the elephant makes love to a pig episode.

I think it was first season or something.


My Cartoon Network is frozen too, Tamanon. It took place after an awkward joke in Aqua Teen Hunger Force, so I thought that they were just trying to draw out the silence for comedic effect.....but I think Jacksonville Comcast is broken or something.


border said:
My Cartoon Network is frozen too, Tamanon. It took place after an awkward joke in Aqua Teen Hunger Force, so I thought that they were just trying to draw out the silence for comedic effect.....but I think Jacksonville Comcast is broken or something.

Yeah looks like half the networks are frozen:( SUCKS! Ah well, glad I caught the initial episode!


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
FlameOfCallandor said:
The animation is getting way too fancy.

Bring back the simple "cut-out" style animation please. :(
Yeah, this has been my complaint for the last year or two. It's stuck in this weird purgatory between full on traditional animation and the cut-out look. It's pretty awkward, even more so when random elements are done with CGI. It's just weird now that South Park characters are so detailed and have shadows put over them.


Hollywood Square
I have some thoughts. First, I thought it was funny, but uneven. Oddly enough, this is easily the most emotional episode of South Park that Matt and Trey have aired, and you can tell they mean every line at Chef's funeral. It is almost legitimately sad, in a way.

That said, this is not the end of The Super Adventure Fun Club and/or Scientologists. I would not be surprised if Matt and Trey take out their behind the scenes shenanigans with the cult on the show. We can only hope the result is good.

The fact of the matter is neither Matt or Trey respond well to being told what to do, and Scientology wields an unprecedented amount of power within Hollywood (us Jews don't stand a chance!), which the dynamic duo still relies on. With Cruise's connection to Paramount and Scientology's connections in general, this could be an ongoing power struggle behind the scenes for as long as the show is on the air.

While the intial Scientology episode was meant for laughs, and probably just a one shot deal, it's spiraled into something that has become much bigger than it should've been. Quite frankly, Matt and Trey have opened a can of worms and I hope they can deal with it. This latest episode will only add more fuel to the fire, because if the Church of Scientology wasn't paying attention before, they are now.

I hope you know what you're doing guys.
Willco said:
I hope you know what you're doing guys.

If Scientology manages to take them down, it will be entirely in the public eye, which will probably sully their image with the general public moreso than it already is. I'm sure Matt and Trey are prepared for what they've gotten themselves into.


Hollywood Square
distantmantra said:
If Scientology manages to take them down, it will be entirely in the public eye, which will probably sully their image with the general public moreso than it already is.

Except it won't be in the public eye. Cruise got the Scientology episode pulled, but that's not major news or even confirmed (nobody is going to say what really happened). They'll feel the heat for anything Scientology-related, even if they try to hide it behind a thinly veiled metaphor, as long as they're affiliated with Paramount.
Willco said:
I hope you know what you're doing guys.

These guys have taken on Christianity, Jews, Gays, Blacks, Asians, Whites, Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, Bush, the mentally challenged, NAMBLA, etc., and Scientology is what's going to bring them down? :lol
Willco said:
I have some thoughts. First, I thought it was funny, but uneven. Oddly enough, this is easily the most emotional episode of South Park that Matt and Trey have aired, and you can tell they mean every line at Chef's funeral. It is almost legitimately sad, in a way.

I agree wholeheartedly. As usual, the guys wore their heart on their sleeves here. It was the funeral that knocked this episode over the edge into greatness. That and the death shit.


Hollywood Square
VisionaryQuest0 said:
These guys have taken on Christianity, Jews, Gays, Blacks, Asians, Whites, Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, Bush, the mentally challenged, NAMBLA, etc., and Scientology is what's going to bring them down? :lol

None of those groups are cults, save for maybe Bush (zing!), and have the infrastructure within Hollywood like Scientology.

I mean, perhaps you don't understand, but they do not want anyone know what they believe. They've sued people for just mentioning their beliefs. Allegations have even surfaced that they've murdered people over exposing them. Matt and Trey put all the cards on the table, and unlike Xenu.net, they did it on an insanely popular television show with an audience that'll believe anything they put on the screen.
Willco said:
Except it won't be in the public eye. Cruise got the Scientology episode pulled, but that's not major news or even confirmed (nobody is going to say what really happened). They'll feel the heat for anything Scientology-related, even if they try to hide it behind a thinly veiled metaphor, as long as they're affiliated with Paramount.
I, honestly, would not be surprised in the least if - were they to be bothered in person by any Scientologists - Matt and Trey went on some kind of news program and made just the biggest fucking stink about it that they possibly could. While the CoS might have some clout Matt and Trey have serious, serious balls and I think short of killing them, they won't fold. If Comedy Central ends up pulling South Park because of pressure from the CoS, you bet your ass EVERYONE will know exactly what happened and why. :D
BenjaminBirdie said:
I agree wholeheartedly. As usual, the guys wore their heart on their sleeves here. It was the funeral that knocked this episode over the edge into greatness. That and the death shit.

And the Darth Chef at the end.


Hollywood Square
I don't think Matt and Trey will roll over. And I don't think Comedy Central would pull the show. But I do think there are going to be some huge behind the scenes shouting matches, power struggles and sheer intimidation.

The two have balls. I don't doubt them. I just hope they know what they're doing. They're not going to get axed (although if they die in a car accident, I swear to God!), but you really got to wonder how far they're willing to push it.

VisionaryQuest0 said:
You're right. Something about an alien and a volcano or some such is all I know...

That's exactly the stuff they don't want people to know. Simply because if you just believe they're some mysterious, cool religion that celebrities subscribe to, as was the case in the 80s and 90s (it's only recently due to the Internet that we've gotten real documentation on what the whole cult is about), it makes it easier for them to brainwash you. And that's what happens. Once they determine that you're "clear" aka susceptible to their bullshit, they'll tell you about aliens and volcanoes and all that good stuff Tom Cruise thinks is the gospel.


VisionaryQuest0 said:
These guys have taken on Christianity, Jews, Gays, Blacks, Asians, Whites, Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, Bush, the mentally challenged, NAMBLA, etc., and Scientology is what's going to bring them down? :lol

You've done it now....



Kills Photobucket
so last weeks run of the episode was pulled so they coudl show the 2 big Chef episodes. Why was it pulled this week? Did anyone see the original scientology episode tonight?


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I think some of you are making a bigger deal out of this than it really is. I mean it's not like this episode really had anything explicitly to do with Scientology, and for all we know, this or the next one or two episodes will be it as far as dealing with this Chef/cult matter. I must say, though, that it'd sure as hell be interesting to see an all out war between Matt&Trey and the CoS. It's be nice to see it explode into something that ends up hurting the CoS badly in the long run; and if something like that were to ever happen to the Cos, it would probably involve a lot of publicity. There's a reason the 'church' tries really hard to keep a low profile on a lot of aspects of Scientology. I just think it'd be cool to see the death of Scientology as an entitiy with so much power to be brought on by none other than Matt & Trey. :) How sweet would that be.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Willco said:
Please don't tell me you're this dense.
Please don't tell me you don't know the definition of "explicit". Exactly what can the CoS accuse them of with regards to this episode?
demon said:
Please don't tell me you don't know the definition of "explicit". Exactly what can the CoS accuse them of with regards to this episode?

It's not as if CoS is in a court of law and has the burden of proof to show that the episode was about scientology. It was very blatant from the start, and if they have enough influence, and are angered enough by it, they can probably have it pulled.
Hey you guys, you know what they call a Jewish women's boobs? Jewbs :lol

Good episode, this is what super adventure club actually believes :lol
Argh I missed it. Any place I could download this?

I think the CoS is going to now just try and let this blow over. They've had too much bad publicity of late ... well more than usual anyway.


soundwave05 said:
I think the CoS is going to now just try and let this blow over. They've had too much bad publicity of late ... well more than usual anyway.

I'll have to agree with this. Scientologists didn't get this much power by being idiots, and since they aren't idiots, they should know fighting South Park head on is a stupid proposition. If they bitch about this episode, well, that would be fucking stupid. They will never win the war of public opinion, which is why they go after the weak minded and celebs. Since they are smart enough to know that attacking SP again would lead to bad press amongst everyone under 35, I bet they leave this episode alone and just hope all their pub disappears.


DJ_Tet said:
Scientologists didn't get this much power by being idiots, and since they aren't idiots, they should know fighting South Park head on is a stupid proposition.
Uhh... heh. In 1996 they sent a delegation of lawyers here to Sweden over a case where a guy posted some OT documents on Usenet and his website. The legal battle ended with CoS winning in 2001 and led to an alteration of the Principle of Public Documents in the Swedish constitutional law.

I don't think they are afraid to take on South Park.


Hyoushi said:
Uhh... heh. In 1996 they sent a delegation of lawyers here to Sweden over a case where a guy posted some OT documents on Usenet and his website. The legal battle ended with CoS winning in 2001 and led to an alteration of the Principle of Public Documents in the Swedish constitutional law.

I don't think they are afraid to take on South Park.

Sweden isn't the US. And 1996 is a long time ago in the information age. I don't think they are afraid to take on SP, and they already have. I think they realize it's a losing battle though in american consciousness, and if they are smart, they will just let it go. In 2006 we aren't dependent on the paper or TV for our news, this stuff has probably spread further than they even imagined.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
The Shadow said:
What? When did this happen?

I've missed too many episodes.

That was the first episode of the last season. It wasn't just Kyle's dad turning into a "dolphin," the main plot point was Mr. Garrison getting a sex change and becoming a woman, and Kyle getting a "negroplasty" and being a six foot tall African-American so he could play basketball.


If South Park got pulled it would be picked up by another network. It's too huge of a show to let die. Assuming that didn't happen, there's always the internet. I never was much of a fan of South Park, but I have to say my respect for Matt and Trey has gone through the roof after seeing how they're handling this Scientology bullshit. If they went internet only, I'll subscribe to whatever the hell they have to offer just to show my support.
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