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Wii Sports Resort


paid requisite penance
BikoBiko said:
So is there any way to play the skydiving intro sequence from when you first start the game again? It's a great intro for new players and the skydiving minigame is not quite the same, so I was wondering about this.

Yes. It's in the air sports category, with the plane games.


0OoO0 said:
Did you try flying into the
inside of the volcano yet
You can
access the lava room from a cave, the one used in archery
so it's not as "tricky" as it may seems.

I'm still missing around twenty :(


Neo Member
elektrixxx said:
I still hate not being able to hit the ball hard.

Still my biggest grumble with the golf - half the fun is whacking the bugger as hard as possible - just means I'll be sticking to TW for my golfing rounds at the moment. At least the putting works.

Also the golf is kinda missing a few tricks on the presentation front - it's a bit too sterile (something you could argue about TW but it fits in with the kind of game it is) but compared to something like Everybody's golf it's missing any kind of "fun". For a start you really should have a caddy (played by a Mii ala the other games) and something more than "Good Shot" as far as fanfare goes. You don't get any more reaction from hitting the fairway to hitting into a bunker. Maybe that's just me.

Only downer (for single player anyway) is that I've found the AI on the Swordplay and Table Tennis a bit too easy - but then I've played GST to death so maybe I'm just too good!


Haruspex said:
Um... isn't it under Airsports, the first one on the list? That's where I found it.
Well as I said it's not quite the same, you don't have to pose for photographs in the intro and it ends with zooming in on the WSR parachute.


0OoO0 said:
Did you try flying into the
inside of the volcano yet

That was actually one of the first things I tried. I'm pretty sure I'm missing one '!' from a whale, but beside that I don't know. I love this :)


paid requisite penance
BikoBiko said:
Well as I said it's not quite the same, you don't have to pose for photographs in the intro and it ends with zooming in on the WSR parachute.

Maybe in the training mode then? Just start the game and press "-" when it appears at the bottom of the screen.


alkasteveh said:
Also the golf is kinda missing a few tricks on the presentation front - it's a bit too sterile (something you could argue about TW but it fits in with the kind of game it is) but compared to something like Everybody's golf it's missing any kind of "fun". For a start you really should have a caddy (played by a Mii ala the other games) and something more than "Good Shot" as far as fanfare goes. You don't get any more reaction from hitting the fairway to hitting into a bunker. Maybe that's just me.

This is worthy of complaint? Personally I am happy they forwent that crap.


CoolS said:
That was actually one of the first things I tried. I'm pretty sure I'm missing one '!' from a whale, but beside that I don't know. I love this :)

You could try
The aerobatics team flying at club island
The cable checking boats
Sand pit thing on the north of the main island
Broken clock tower in the town
In the forest. It was obvious there should be one there, but I just couldn't find it!
Guide plane
There are none on the whales themselves, but there is one at "whale watchers"

They are the ones that took me longest to get.

I SO wish there was a proper "free roam" in the game. I can imagine it being like Vice City, just quietly flying around exploring the island with Nintendo tunes playing.

And I would love to be able to walk around the island, dropping into the different areas to play games then taking a walk up the mountain or to the ruins or.. Well, you get the idea.


elektrixxx said:
I haven't noticed it either. They were complaining about nothing on Nintendo Voice Chat.

I get it frequently on sword fighting, thinking the sensor bar placement or lighting is at fault.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Tim Rogers reviewed it. He liked it.

upandaway said:
Music? What music? It's all soundscape in the actual games. The only tracks I remember from the game are the Showdown background music and naturally the title theme.
I kind of accept it. It helps me be more focused and more easily 'get in the zone' kinda deal.
Still, I could just mute the TV if I really wanted to focus.

About Wakeboarding, I used to think it kinda sucks, but it grew on me. Especially the Expert course, there's a stamp that wants you to go over 1000 points without hitting an obstacle, and it proved harder than I thought. The ship will turn just to be a dick and if you didn't memorize the layout you're screwed.
It's still one of the easiest events, however. Once I figure out what the hell they want from me on the last stamp, I think I can leave it for a couple play sessions.

Side note: Am I supposed to care for the skill points and the graph? I really want to, but what does Pro Status even do? It's really stupid how getting the same score from different difficulty modes in the same event give me the same skill points. For example, in Archery if you score 100 in Beginner or 100 in Expert, they reward you the same skill points.

The 1000 status gives you things like in bowling a ball with stars, etc...
We used to be very competitive about that in the original, my family and me in christmas. Who had the special thing of the game first, and who has it for most time (you can loose it if you perform worst than the last games and the graph goes down below the 1000 mark).


The main problem is that with some games the score seems pretty badly implemented. I've reached 2000 in archery, but there's no way I could stay at this level by playing the hard course. (and I don't see any difference, even in wind speed... at least, they could put the gold medal somewhere. Where can you check your medals ?)
BTW I love the cycling race, just feels like a Tour Le France or La Vuelta a España game. I love when the race starts and you see the video of the island with the track, just like in the TV.

I havent had too much problem with turning in that game.


Caesar III said:
Are those sights daytime dependend? I found 44 so far but I don't know where to find those other 36. (haven't played evening and night so far).

According to the stamp list, they're the same 80 sight with different messages depending on time of day. And if you look at the map after you complete a run, each sight has three dots on it, for time-of-day I think.

Which reminds me. Has anyone noticed a way to see if a stamp has been cleared, but not at the time you're flying at?

swerve said:
People having de-sync problems need to try big swipes rather than waggling in front of them.

If WM+ turns a lot but doesn't *move* much, it'll de-sync pretty quickly in sword-fighting, as it's not expecting that.

Showdown is the only game where I have problems, though they're not much—and in any event they're easily cleared up with a down-tap while I'm running on to the next wave.

I don't know how I can not make the more subtle motions when I'm guarding... since the idea is to get your sword at an angle to defend, not swing it around like when I'm hitting someone.

Trust me, I'm not trying to shortcut this game. My wrist says otherwise. :D


Kilrogg said:
What do you mean?
My strategy for table tennis: Hold the Wiimote facing straight forward, make the quickest decision whether to go slightly right or slightly left, then make a quick tiny swing.
My strategy for speed slicing: Same thing.

McNum said:
Archery is just cool. It's also a rare game where you hold the Remote in your left hand.
I actually can't do it. If I could I would delete my preferences and change them to left-handed instead of right-handed. It's so much more comfortable holding the Wiimote in the right hand.
It's kinda weird, but I heard different sports can have different dominant sides, so I guess it's fine.

Also one thing I haven't seen mentioned about the game: It has Achievements. Well, they call it "Stamps", but it's pretty obvious what it is. Do something nice or unusual and you get a stamp for it. Some are easy like hitting the target with every arrow or making the Frisbee Dog do a jumping catch, and some are hard like a perfect 300 in bowling or completing the final level of Swordplay Showdown unharmed.
Probably some the best implemented achievements in a game I've seen, rivaling Wario Land and Megaman 9. Instead of just giving you a stupid useless reward for them, they inform you of what's possible in the game to a certain degree of difficulty. They give you challenges to do in the game when you can't come up with them yourself, which is what they should do.

As an aside, does the town layout remind anyone a bit of Isle Delfino from Super Mario Sunshine?
I'm really loving Wuhu Island. The island has so much detail put into it, it's what I wanted every single area in a game to be for forever. It makes me wonder what the hell was Miyamoto doing with Zelda because Hyrule isn't nearly as fun to explore, and Delfino also is much less developed with a lot of copy-paste areas.

It'll be awesome to wander around Wuhu's sewers though, they're missing that from Delfino.

zigg said:
According to the stamp list, they're the same 80 sight with different messages depending on time of day. And if you look at the map after you complete a run, each sight has three dots on it, for time-of-day I think.
Actually some of the !'s are exclusive to a specific time of day. That's the icon that appears on the map in the end.
If you'll look at probably some of the first !'s you got, you'll see they have 2 or all 3 of the day times highlighted.


zigg said:
According to the stamp list, they're the same 80 sight with different messages depending on time of day. And if you look at the map after you complete a run, each sight has three dots on it, for time-of-day I think.

Which reminds me. Has anyone noticed a way to see if a stamp has been cleared, but not at the time you're flying at?

In game, no. You can only check the stamp list after a flight and remember which ones are missing or not.


Kilrogg said:
Maybe in the training mode then? Just start the game and press "-" when it appears at the bottom of the screen.
Nah, not the same, guess the only way to see it again is deleting your save file or something? Oh well, I guess the skydiving game has to do then :)
After finally playing all the games the only two I don't like are Canoeing and Golf.

Canoeing is just bad, can't get into it at all. I didn't like the Golf in the original Wii Sports and this one is not much different. Tiger Woods 10 does it much better.

Swordplay still my favourite.


zigg said:
Showdown is the only game where I have problems, though they're not much—and in any event they're easily cleared up with a down-tap while I'm running on to the next wave.

I don't know how I can not make the more subtle motions when I'm guarding... since the idea is to get your sword at an angle to defend, not swing it around like when I'm hitting someone.

Yeah, blocking should be fine with subtlety. Problems seem to arise when it receives fast rotations without spacial movements. If you're blocking up, make sure you're holding the remote over your head (like Uma Thurman in Kill Bill!). Don't hold it in front and just rotate it on the spot.

I think, however - especially from Puppet Master's experiences and video - that there are just play styles which result in it going crazy for some, whilst not for others. I'm in the lucky camp, where I've only had a tiny number of de-syncs in a month's ownership. I guess maybe I hold it forwards a lot or something when resting? Even when deliberately trying to screw with it, I've only seen the on-screen sword drift back to the middle a few times. Usually it's already there.


Watching your video, I just had it come up in my head, instead of holding the Wiimote like normally in the flight, to hold the Wiimote like I would hold a toy airplane, between my thumb and finger.

Tried it, and wow, it's a world of difference. It's far more fun this way. Can't believe I was playing holding it the wrong way.


upandaway said:
Watching your video, I just had it come up in my head, instead of holding the Wiimote like normally in the flight, to hold the Wiimote like I would hold a toy airplane, between my thumb and finger.

Tried it, and wow, it's a world of difference. It's far more fun this way. Can't believe I was playing holding it the wrong way.

Yeah, it feels great holding it that way.


I've been playing some more. So plane is nowhere Pilotwings, but it's still enjoyable. However, the speedup/down controls are broken. I wish you could just use a button. BTW, today a message popped up saying the nunchuk can be used. Great, because flying and pressing A at once was a pain in the ass (I play toy plane style).

I've tried golf for the first time. Somehow it feels smoother than Tiger, and at the same time, it feels less predictable. There're some hard courses, and the indications given by the game are hardly enough. Putting without even a grid is a thing of faith. Is like it better than the original Wii Sports Golf, but I preffer playing Tiger Woods, even when it's less smooth.

Now, is it me and my gf that are blind, or the hidden target in archery are too generic? I mean, We have played beginners and advanced looking for some hidden target and we didn't find a thing. Everything is too far or too generic to consider it an alternative target. Not that I want anybody to tell me where they are, but I find it odd that they don't jump to the eyes easier :-/


SpacePirate Ridley said:
I havent had too much problem with turning in that game.
Got any pointers? I really want to get into the cycling minigame more, it's got so much potential.

I've switched to not pedalling while trying to turn to have more control over it, but sometimes the fucker still swerves all over the place without me doing too much. :mad:

How are you holding Wiimote and Nunchuck when turning (position-wise)?

upandaway said:
I actually can't do it. If I could I would delete my preferences and change them to left-handed instead of right-handed. It's so much more comfortable holding the Wiimote in the right hand.
It's kinda weird, but I heard different sports can have different dominant sides, so I guess it's fine.
I also hold the Wiimote in my dominant hand in archery. Feels much better to me and makes it easier to aim, imo.
Damn, Table Tennis really is cool and definitely worth the entry price!

Has anyone worked out the full range of shots / tactics / controls for the game yet? I've only noticed:

1. forehand flat (straight, fast)
2. forehand topspin (curves inside, fastest shot)
3. forehand backspin (curves outwards, slowest shot)
4. backhand flat (straight, fast)
5. backhand topspin (curves inside, fastest shot)
6. backhand backspin (curves outwards, slowest shot)


Hitting the ball late = ball is hit straight back to your opponent
Hitting the ball early = ball is hit away from your opponent (i.e. other side of the table where your opponent isn't standing)


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
fresquito said:
Now, is it me and my gf that are blind, or the hidden target in archery are too generic? I mean, We have played beginners and advanced looking for some hidden target and we didn't find a thing. Everything is too far or too generic to consider it an alternative target. Not that I want anybody to tell me where they are, but I find it odd that they don't jump to the eyes easier :-/

Some of the 'targets' are really hard to spot, but they're there. Look for something that's out of place, at least in the context of the scene. Do you want to know what the hidden targets are, rather than where they are?


wackojackosnose said:
Damn, Table Tennis really is cool and definitely worth the entry price!

Has anyone worked out the full range of shots / tactics / controls for the game yet? I've only noticed:

1. forehand flat (straight, fast)
2. forehand topspin (curves inside, fastest shot)
3. forehand backspin (curves outwards, slowest shot)
4. backhand flat (straight, fast)
5. backhand topspin (curves inside, fastest shot)
6. backhand backspin (curves outwards, slowest shot)


Hitting the ball late = ball is hit straight back to your opponent
Hitting the ball early = ball is hit away from your opponent (i.e. other side of the table where your opponent isn't standing)
Sidespins and smashes can be done as well, obviously. But as for smashes I dunno if timing is a factor. I need to get it tomorrow to find out everything. :D
rpmurphy said:
Sidespins and smashes can be done as well, obviously. But as for smashes I dunno if timing is a factor. I need to get it tomorrow to find out everything. :D

Oh shit! I think I've been applying sidespin to my back and forehand shots! Guess I should go back and try some new shots then. :lol

Anyone figure out what the Wii / Friend code shown in the versus screen is used for? I think they're only 12 digits long and I know this game doesn't have online play.


fresquito said:
I've tried golf for the first time. Somehow it feels smoother than Tiger, and at the same time, it feels less predictable. There're some hard courses, and the indications given by the game are hardly enough. Putting without even a grid is a thing of faith. Is like it better than the original Wii Sports Golf, but I preffer playing Tiger Woods, even when it's less smooth.

If it's like the first one, pressing 1 will bring up a colour gradient thing on the green
Wow, just noticed it tells you what your current favourite game is :D

Thought it'd be Swordplay, but it's basketball. Trying to get the top score, since my brother obliterated mine :lol


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
wackojackosnose said:
Damn, Table Tennis really is cool and definitely worth the entry price!

Has anyone worked out the full range of shots / tactics / controls for the game yet? I've only noticed:

1. forehand flat (straight, fast)
2. forehand topspin (curves inside, fastest shot)
3. forehand backspin (curves outwards, slowest shot)
4. backhand flat (straight, fast)
5. backhand topspin (curves inside, fastest shot)
6. backhand backspin (curves outwards, slowest shot)


Hitting the ball late = ball is hit straight back to your opponent
Hitting the ball early = ball is hit away from your opponent (i.e. other side of the table where your opponent isn't standing)
Try to recalibrate while your wiimote is on the side: you will add much more top spin :)


EatChildren said:
Some of the 'targets' are really hard to spot, but they're there. Look for something that's out of place, at least in the context of the scene. Do you want to know what the hidden targets are, rather than where they are?
Thanks, but I think I'll try harder :)

lopaz said:
If it's like the first one, pressing 1 will bring up a colour gradient thing on the green
Oh, I totally firgot about it. It's been years since I last played Wii Golf. Thanks!
marc^o^ said:
Try to recalibrate while your wiimote is on the side: you will add much more top spin :)

Already have been! I hold it on its side so that the face side (buttons) is the front of the racket and the trigger side is the back of the racket. I still need to figure out how to hit the ball with top and no sidespin (is that even possible with this game?!?).


paid requisite penance
fresquito said:
I've been playing some more. So plane is nowhere Pilotwings, but it's still enjoyable. However, the speedup/down controls are broken. I wish you could just use a button. BTW, today a message popped up saying the nunchuk can be used. Great, because flying and pressing A at once was a pain in the ass (I play toy plane style).

Been playing today too, it rocks much more than I initially thought. Wuhu Island is BIG. I can't wait to see what game Miyamoto/Nintendo will come up with that uses Wuhu Island :D. That said, like you, I find the speedup/down Wiimote flicking broken. The plane always ends up getting a speed boost, even when I want to slow down.

Now, is it me and my gf that are blind, or the hidden target in archery are too generic? I mean, We have played beginners and advanced looking for some hidden target and we didn't find a thing. Everything is too far or too generic to consider it an alternative target. Not that I want anybody to tell me where they are, but I find it odd that they don't jump to the eyes easier :-/

I can see them, but I have a question for those who've played enough: is there a hidden target in EVERY single stage? That is, in each one of the 4 places of every difficulty level?

[EDIT] You're off to a great start.

Sane Man

Apart from archery and ping pong this game is poo. Yet more money wasted on the Wii. I think I use my George Foreman grill more than the Wii and I'm a vegetarian.


Sane Man said:
Apart from archery and ping pong this game is poo. Yet more money wasted on the Wii. I think I use my George Foreman grill more than the Wii and I'm a vegetarian.
Your George Foreman grill probably has better games too.


Neo Member
Sane Man said:
Apart from archery and ping pong this game is poo. Yet more money wasted on the Wii. I think I use my George Foreman grill more than the Wii and I'm a vegetarian.

What makes archery and ping pong...not poo?


Registered User
Question for current owners: Is it possible to select your opponent in vs. CPU games? It always bothered me in the original Wii Sports that you always had to play against randomly generated Mii's.


Oli said:
Question for current owners: Is it possible to select your opponent in vs. CPU games? It always bothered me in the original Wii Sports that you always had to play against randomly generated Mii's.
You know, I thought I was the only one. Go figure! :lol
Huttie0 said:
Was that really ban worthy? Perhaps he just wasn't a huge fan of the game (and/or system)?

It's one thing to dislike a game, it's another to troll it and a system. Add in the fact that juniors get no second chances... It's sometimes good to point out specific posts to others so as to avoid a similar fate.
Dragona Akehi said:
It's one thing to dislike a game, it's another to troll it and a system. Add in the fact that juniors get no second chances... It's sometimes good to point out specific posts to others so as to avoid a similar fate.


On a lighter subject, where is everyone getting this game? Just local stores or are places like Gamestop and Target selling it?
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