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E3 2011 Microsoft Conference Thread [Over]


Twilight Princess said:

Pulled the ol' bait and switch on them.

Nintendo: "Casual is the wave of the future!"
*sells millions of consoles and games*
Microsoft: "O RLY? We can be casual too"
*starts to focus on casual*
Nintendo: "SUCKERS!"
*goes back to hardcore focus*
Microsoft: "WTF?"
I found these parts to be interesting:
-Future Soldier Gunsmith
-Tomb Raider a.k.a. Orgasm: The Game
-GoW3 (quality looked pretty good)

Other than that, the conference was pretty skippable. I'd say... C-.
So Microsoft is sticking to its big known franchise exclusives(halo, gow, forza) letting third parties handle the core(Cod, Tomb Raider, MinecCraft). Adding more live features(youtube, Bing search) and really really expanding Kinect.

Gaf will say it's a failure and I'll agree that as a long time gamer it was very underwhelming and super boring to watch but they are expanding on what made them so popular this year. I don't see their sales slowing at all.
I might be forgetting the last few years' conference threads, but I would have to say the bulk of this thread (especially first 100+ pages) are some of the most pathetic string of posts I've seen in the Gaming section.
Insaniac said:
did that woman say "Scan your car"?

how do i scan my car?

You'll have to park it in the living room, or wherever you have your gaming setup. Just scan your dick or your sex toys, like everyone will.


Oh man....I'm so glad I missed this. Sounds like all the good stuff was things that were expected. ie. Halo, Forza and Gears.


Well, they showed off a little of everything, just it was that, little. Very underwhelming overall, I was shocked, I expected some big surprises on games and such but they really didn't deliver. Even a little surprise would have been nice, but man, there was nothing to be had.

Sony it's up to you to save the hardcore non-PC gamers, even if it is via NGP. I can't live with 1 console, it's sad that I'm actually going to be diverting my attention to even ninty in hope for some support here.

Very boring conference, a real let down. :(

Onto EA's next!
PSFan said:
Wow, Tomb Raider was the only good thing shown at this conference. Also seemed like a random choice as well :/

You mean the on rails as eff demo that involved holding forward for 10 minutes and occasionally relighting Lara's torch?

The conference stunk, not as bad as people are making it but it did in fact stink. But for the same reasons the next two will stink too. No hopes for this industry at all. None.




Neo Member
DaBuddaDa said:
Conference if you're a 10 year old casual? A+

Conference if you're most other people? C-

Conference if you're a hardcore gamer? D (Gears 3, Tomb Raider and Forza 4 prevent this from being an F)

Pretty spot on.


Zero-Crescent said:
The conference was okay, too much of a Kinect focus once again; the Disney thing should not have been demoed as long as it was. I mostly agree with Totilo's B, though it's leaning toward B-. Tomb Raider looks surprisingly good.



One thing is abundantly clear: Neither Microsoft nor any other developer know how the hell to integrate Kinect into a true hardcore experience.
I usually laugh when I read posts like this, but Microsoft pretty much just lost me as a consumer, which is sad, because I have a 7 next to my gamertag.

They've made it so there is one game I want to buy from them in the next 18 months, not including Anniversary, which I will probably buy for the Reach maps.

Good job, guys: there is almost nothing I want to give you money for anymore.


being able to import random objects looked cool. that could have a lot of potential for hilarity.

that's about all i saw out of this conference.

Guts Of Thor

Thorax of Odin
Very underwhelming. I was liking the Kinect stuff with Ghost Recon until he started playing.
Kinect stuff with Mass Effect was a kinda cool but ultimately I won't bother with it.

Really enjoyed Gears 3, MW3 and Tomb Raider demos. Outside of those three, this conference was nothing but shit.


Your Excellency said:
The Worst Conference Of All Time.
No, first half was amazing, which is sadly to forget because of all the "Kinect stuff gaf hates", sadly.

Sad remedy was not on stage, though.


time to take my meds
i dont think it was worse than last year's e3. but it was pretty bad.

6/10 once again.

up to sony and nintendo to save us from this console gaming ghetto.


Quite possibly one of the cheesiest things I have ever seen!

I think I realise why I dislike kinect, those insanely shitty actors!

A whole lot of nothing like someone else said.

Price drop is all there is left for MS!

New hardware unveiled at e3 2012 for sure.

Some criticize Sony for sequels, most are sequels to new IP from this gen.

I love Halo but its time to move on.

I look forward to MS conference at e3 2012.


seriously sony and nintendo all you have to do is not do what microsoft did, all of the opposite.

just come out show your exclusives, show your new hardware, dont show charts and get out.

and you will have won.


microsoft has made the impossible,possible..this conference it's actually WORSE than the last year's one ò_ò.
i'm seriosulty thinking about pass to ps3 ò_ò

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Tomb Unraided won, and it wasn't all that great either TBH.

Halo 4 trailer was pretty great, hints at faster action than before? I really wonder if trailer was in-engine.
Another terrible conference from MS.

Anyone who had seen the leaks and rumors should have been expecting this, I know I was. Yet, there are lots of people in here feigning surprise at it's suckiness.

Now, we'll be in for 2 weeks to a month of "MS is done" and "I'm selling my 360" threads, and then it will blow over and it will continue to be the best selling console in NA.
farnham said:
brilliant conference

the usual halo and gears stuff aside

the great support of thirdparties regarding kinect just shows that nintendos whole back to the hardcores and thirdparties mantra will fail hard

it is just unbelievable how they convinced people to make games for kinect which has so much less userbase then the wii. its no exageration to say that the kinect games that were shown today easily overwhelm the wii thirdparty support of its entire lifetime

i give this conference a 9 out of 10

Do you mean voice support for existing franchises? There were only a few games that were exclusive kinect games.
C-/6 out of 10 in my opinion: CoD is meh as ever for me, Tomb Raider looked sweet but that's next year, I have a Kinect but was hoping for more dual use games, Star War and Vyse should used both controller and Kinect control. Microsoft's biggest mistake in my opinion is thinking Halo is enough core non kinect content to fill it's audience's appetite.

Where the hell was the new Alan Wake game?


Dead Man said:
Even the TR was just running through a corridor why some pixels moan at you though. No interesting gameplay in the whole conference.
And... the fact that TR is mulitplat. I know it's nothing new for MS, but it counts against them when I'm doing my scorecard.

Dead Man

Wiseblade said:
Worst conference ever is pushing it; Sony 06 and Nintendo 08 were both slightly worse than this.
No, they were at least genuinely bad, this was just incredibly bad marketing at the wrong audience altogether. A whole new level of fail. As a mathematician once said, they aren't even wrong.
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