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The most insufferable characters in the history of video games

Aaron D.



Bastila from Kotor

Shut the fuck up you hypocritical piece of crap. Stop acting like you know shit when you're just a nineteen year old Padawan.

Yoskue from Persona 4

Major asshole to Kanji and a creep to the female party members.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
There's a reason Kaiden never makes it off of Virmire alive in my ME play throughs. His spiritual ancestor also deserves mention:

And I always think it's amazing that people would prefer to keep around a SPACE RACIST than a guy who's not good at feelings


There are a lot of things I like about Skyward Sword, Fi is not one of them. She had the potential to be fine if they let her be a bit funnier and less boring, or maybe if other characters acknowledged her more (could other people even see her?), but none of that matters when Nintendo used her as a vessel for 1000s of pointers and guidelines on how to play the damn game.

I mean, if you get on low health in Skyward Sword, you have the already-annoying beeping low health indicator. THEN you have Fi lighting up and making Wii Remote sounds to get you to talk to her. Similarly to Navi too, you don't know what she has to say, so when you do talk to her, only to have your time wasted, discourages you from ever deciding to talk to her again.

Similar thing with the battery notification. Eternally flashing through loading screens and visible on the home menu, but Fi still has to tell you about it. A lot of Wii games had this issue actually. I can get up around what feels like 8 hours (?)out of a low battery Wii Remote...I'm not going to replace them until their dry.


This guy right here. I was so glad when I got to put a bullet in his dome. The best moment in Mass Effect 1 easily.


Honorable mention: The entire cast of FF13 except for Sazh (cause he is literally the only good character the entire game).

"Who is this charmless, whiny gobshite, and why am I playing as him instead of Snake?"

Gets bonus points for his skin-crawlingly embarrassing conversations with his even more whiny girlfriend. They were made for each other.

It's impossible to like this character. He was even worse in mgs4. Even his arch villain is insufferable.


Looking for meaning in GAF
I don't even remember JKA's Rosh. I think I spared him the first time though, then killed him later in another playthrough.

I vote for Kai "Bioware Loves and Protects Me" Leng from ME3. That plot armor.


Trip from Enslaved. Seeing her getting piggy-backed by Monkey was enough to (almost) make my blood boil.

Trip was horribly writing.
You would think that she woke up in her world as a nonchalant 12 year. She had no concept of time and place.


Claptrap was terrible and almost made me not finish Borderlands 1. Then Gearbox goes ahead and distills his character into an even worse iteration that feels the constant need to pop up on your screen every ten minutes to dispense one of their writers god awful Whedon wannabe quips.
This awful caricature of bad writing is the reason I have to spend a couple of hours fiddling with files to get German voice overs everytime friends want to play just so I don't have to listen to his inane nattering. At least the German VO doesn't sound nearly as asinine.

Okay, I give you Claptrap (although I find he has his moments) but Handsome Jack?
I love that dude. He's such a major Dick/Douchebag/Asshole that it's hard not to. Almost every single line he utters is gold.
Then again, I'm one of "those" that think Tiny Tina is funny. Don't see why people hate on that insane little bombmaker so much.

Anyway, my vote goes to Rico. By the end of Killzone 2 I actively hated him.


Okay, I give you Claptrap (although I find he has his moments) but Handsome Jack?
I love that dude. He's such a major Dick/Douchebag/Asshole that it's hard not to. Almost every single line he utters is gold.
Then again, I'm one of "those" that think Tiny Tina is funny. Don't see why people hate on that insane little bombmaker so much.

Anyway, my vote goes to Rico. By the end of Killzone 2 I actively hated him.

It's the style of humour. I also didn't like Tiny Tina but at least she was done once you were finished her section. Jack, alas, goes right from the start all the way to the end.

Rolf NB

It's the style of humour. I also didn't like Tiny Tina but at least she was done once you were finished her section. Jack, alas, goes right from the start all the way to the end.
If you play Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep, you will love her* by the end.
appropriately, like a stepbrother in law
Bruce Kibbutz from GTA4. Every time this guy opened his mouth was like nails on a chalkboard.

GTA actually has a long and storied history of unbearable NPC's. Another personal
favourite would be Truth from GTA: San Andreas.

There are others, but both of these guys are just the worst.

Boyfriend is on a stealth mission amongst enemies. Perfect time to talk about our relationship.

Would not be MGS without some Love on the Battlefield.


Unconfirmed Member
John Marston RDR

Now hear me out, because I know this seems like a weird choice. I like Marston, he's a relatable character and I really liked playing him as a good guy. He has mostly good morals and is overall a pretty enjoyable protagonist, but he's so insufferable sometimes.

Random: "Do this thing for me and then you have what you want."
Marston: "I dono..... I kinda want it now...."
Random: "Do it or our deal is off."
Marston: "Fine, I'll do it. But then you better let me have what I want!"

Cue Marston doing an arduous task and getting burned in the end over and over as the NPCs find an excuse to not give you what you want. Sometimes something legit happens, but from what I recall, a lot of it was just "I can't do that anymore, but if you do this other random task for me, we might be able to work something out!" and this just goes on and on and on and on and OH MY GOD STOP.

He's this badass deadeye killer who can mow down an entire army, but he can't fucking say "No, give me what I want first or I'll kill you and everyone in this building."

It's insufferable. (For the record, almost all of Rockstars characters are gullible and like this for gameplay excuse reasons. That justification doesn't stop me from getting annoyed though.) It's been a while since I've went through RDR, but that was my experience with it.

Claptrap from Borderlands. I feel I might be a little biased here since I didn't like the game he's from all that much, but for the time I spent with it I don't recall encountering a less funny character in all my time spent gaming. Specifically I remember waiting to get matches in multiplayer while the robot struts across the title screen and does his "hijinx" like flipping off the camera or disco dancing or some shit. Seriously wouldn't be shocked if there were some "my exhaust looks like a fart" jokes in there, but I digress.


Lars von Trier's "Antichrist" is funnier than this shit.


Don't think I've played a Square Enix game where I found anyone that wasn't insufferable.

As to other games, most of my suggestions have already been mentioned, Kaidan Alenko, Karth Onassi, Raiden, Fi, Quint Cetcham, but a few more come to mind.

Dead or Alive - Kasumi, Ayane, Kokoro and Marie Rose.


Classic Japanese character tropes and mannerisms and I can't stand them.

The Bureau: XCOM Declassified - William Carter.


Bugger all likeable about this guy. Never want to hear the word mosaic again.


Lots of the characters that first passed through my mind had at least one redeeming quality or moment, but Adam Malkovich from Metroid Other: M has none. He's a bland, rigid, charisma-less character, and his banality is heightened infinitely by Samus's slave-like devotion to his every whim. We're supposed to believe that he's just absolutely wonderful in every way because Samus tells us so, but every single thing that we see just makes us say "what an asshole."


In summation, fuck this guy.
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