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Project Natal - controller free gaming on 360


More Natal good impressions?

That's not what we want to hear.

Motion gaming must be stopped or gaming as we know it will come to an end.


Those are good impressions. Sounds like the response time has improved. First time a two player mode has been witnessed outside of MS. Cool that the body positions have an identifier. This could be cool for some things.
D4Danger said:
I hope the final camera isn't white :|
I'm pretty sure they'll do Black and White depending on whether you buy an Elite or not, and hopefully that choice will exist for the standalone hardware too. Most TV's are dark, so I hope we're not forced with white.


GAF's Bob Woodward
It's hard to conclude about latency/lag relative to previous demos from just impressions. If they had video of the screen and person playing it might be possible to make some sort of comparison with previous outings...but they seemed to be allowed to only film the players here. As is though, just from impressions...everyone reports lag differently anyway because most people perceive it differently.

More interesting, perhaps, are the presentational details. How they solve 'selection' in menus, in this particular game (i.e. letting go of the ball over an option to select it). And that also the camera in the picture looks a lot more 'retail'.


Neuromancer said:
I dream of the day we something other than this ricochet game.

There's no point having a dedicated presentation at E3 if they show all their games beforehand.
Fortunately, since it's Microsoft, all the game info should leak in May. :D


I'm sure we'll see some pretty cool natal games at E3.

...I'm also certain that GAF will poo-poo on all of them. In the context of me playing Halo or GoW, natal doesn't sound so exciting. However, in the context of me playing ricochet with my kids... Natal is awesome.
Neuromancer said:
I dream of the day we something other than this ricochet game.

E3. No reason to show anything else at the moment, and it is a good and very understandable demo, that immediatly shows off what the camera is capable of. It is a really good choice for a demo, but it is boring to see it for the seventh time in a row.


D4Danger said:
I hope the final camera isn't white :|


Glad to hear some positive reviews coming for Natal. As much as I love seeing tech demos, I cannot wait for E3 so they can show off the tech in real games.


Ok, this is rather interesting... Sorry I can't translate the whole thing, but it says basically that Natal can recognize the effect you want to give to the ball (RICOCHET demo) even curve effects!!! That's new to me, and it's awesome... Volley Ball game anyone?

La cámara es capaz de reconocer el movimiento de tus manos-brazos y saber el efecto que estás dando a la bola. Una de las cosas que quería “testear” es como se comportaba la pelota de la demo y me sorprendió que la cámara reconociera la posición de mi mano y pudiera trazar el efecto que yo le quería dar, golpes picados, efectos curvos, incluso la velocidad de tu cuerpo es recogida por Project Natal, todo tu cuerpo es un objeto con el que poder interactuar.



Ok, this is rather interesting... Sorry I can't translate the whole thing, but it says basically that Natal can recognize the effect you want to give to the ball (RICOCHET demo) even curve effects!!! That's new to me, and it's awesome... Volley Ball game anyone?
It sounds like they've come a very long way in less than a year. Still, got to see it to believe it and E3 will be very interesting.
So, is the 360 CPU having to do processing or not for this? There is a lot of confusion after the primesense announcement. From what I gather the processing that was removed from Natal in the form of the other chip still needs to be done on the 360 CPU. I think its the skeletal system.

Can anyone clear that up?
Galvanise_ said:
So, is the 360 CPU having to do processing or not for this? There is a lot of confusion after the primesense announcement. From what I gather the processing that was removed from Natal in the form of the other chip still needs to be done on the 360 CPU. I think its the skeletal system.

Can anyone clear that up?
I am fairly certain the 360 is going to be doing all the processing. From what I understand about 20% of the machine's processing will go to Natal, suggesting to me we're going to have to take a hit in other areas.

Edit- ah here we go
New Scientist cites leading Natal developer, Alex Kipman as saying Natal will consume between 10 to 15 percent of the Xbox's processing power. "Natal has to work on the existing hardware without taking too much hardware processing away from the games developers," Kipman explained.
Galvanise_ said:
So, is the 360 CPU having to do processing or not for this? There is a lot of confusion after the primesense announcement. From what I gather the processing that was removed from Natal in the form of the other chip still needs to be done on the 360 CPU. I think its the skeletal system.

Can anyone clear that up?

Yes. The camera collects raw data and sends it to the console which then needs to make sense of it.

Neuromancer said:
I am fairly certain the 360 is going to be doing all the processing. From what I understand about 20% of the machine's processing will go to Natal, suggesting to me we're going to have to take a hit in other areas.

10-15% are the official numbers.
The Primesense announcement was just a confirmation that Microsoft is using their technology. Nothing important has changed (although the implementation apparently did advance a lot since the E3 days).
Last night, we feel, experience and enjoy our bodies with Project Natal



Just caught up with the fact that the technology is not based on time-of-flight... it's surprising in a way since it's something that I thought was official (between 3DV being bought out, and different declarations about the tech). It could also explain how they can offer such a low cost 3D camera, when all TOF-based sensors are still at low res and cost more than 1000$.
TheOddOne said:
;__; I meant the camera angle. Also didn't know they had co-op before.

The swearing wasn't at you chap. It was more at Microsoft showing the same game over and over again. Appologies if it came off the former.

True, we haven't seen Co-op before. Now we can dance around like wally's with another wally!
Galvanise_ said:
Not really. Its the same fucking game we've been seeing since E3.

It doesn't make sense to show something new untill E3, and Ricochet is a good game to show off because it is easy to understand and shows what Natal can do in the body movement area.


Dabanton said:
More Natal good impressions?

That's not what we want to hear.

Motion gaming must be stopped or gaming as we know it will come to an end.

Don't worry, there's no way in hell motion gaming will ever be as accurate as kb&mouse or controller, so it will fail.

Because you know, accuracy is the key to having fun and selling lots.


Lionhead’s Secret Project “Incredibly ambitious and innovative” says Livingstone
Having paid a trip to Lionhead Studios yesterday, it would seem that their secret Xbox 360 project has left an incredibly positive impression on acclaimed author and designer Ian Livingstone, President for Eidos.

In a tweet yesterday, he stated “At Lionhead today. Peter Molyneux gave me a private demo of his ’secret’ project. Incredibly ambitious and innovative.”

Whilst both Epic Games’ two announcements set for Monday may have assumedly been leaked, Gears of War 3 and Bulletstorm, this is one title that has firmly been able to hide its identity from prying journalists. It was at last years E3 event that Lionhead presented Milo & Kate to the gaming audience, so the only current rumour is that the title is presumed to be for Microsoft’s upcoming Project Natal device.
I hear a mem brewing.


For the 80th time i'll say that this years E3 is going to be absolutely epic.

Motion control haters are going to have frenzied meltdowns.


The Everyman
Ramenman said:
Don't worry, there's no way in hell motion gaming will ever be as accurate as kb&mouse or controller, so it will fail.

Because you know, accuracy is the key to having fun and selling lots.
im a big motion gaming fan sans natal. even if natal was perfectly accurate i don't see it being conducive to fun gameplay without a controller.


-COOLIO- said:
im a big motion gaming fan sans natal. even if natal was perfectly accurate i don't see it being conducive to fun gameplay without a controller.
Nobody is forcing you to like it, you can just ignore it.
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