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19-year-old man has been arrested in UK in connection with Lulzsec

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captive said:
This can't be fresh since one of them mentions getting raided on april fools day.

You're right... I noticed that myself. Just goes to show that things are semi permanent on the web....

Anyway, in the comments section:

Posted June 21, 2011 at 7:28 PM
Now, idk who reposted my pastebin, but gracias. SecNoob, The world isn’t a democracy. The world is all screwed up. Britain and the US are democratic states though and that is where the majority of LulzSec’s targets are. China, North Korea, Syria, Libia, these places are not democratic and have had their internet taken over. When you can make a viable connection as to how the US and China are alike, I’ll lay off my work. If you want to be a hacktivist, by all means go ahead. Help free Libya, Syria, China, North Korea, and where ever else internet rights are in danger or non existent. But when it comes to a country which allows us to google just about anything, to fap to whatever we want, leave ‘em be.


_TeaMp0isoN_ iN^SaNe by th3j35t3r
BOOOM, the start of @Lulzsec sinkage... Joepie96 AKA Sven -
sven-slootweg.nl - His personal site... YES WE HAVE MORE. KEEP AN EYE OUT

lol titantic music....

Please, can we just keep it to one thread? this thread if need be...

Anon ops irc is down as well:

LulzSec The Lulz Boat
I believe... we just obliterated the site with around 700-800 users in 1 minute. Oops.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Could be BS, could be spin, I don't rightly know but the most damaging accusations against LulzSec are to do with their oddly personal campaign against Karim Hijazi CEO of botnet monitoring firm Unveillance.

If you remember, at the time there were all kinds of claims floating about that after being hacked he tried to throw his lot in with them in order to screw over his fellow whitehats...

Hijazi's version as you'd expect differs from that one:

unveillance official statement

This is some pretty heavy shit to be claimed openly!

I'm not saying who you should believe, but given the sheer volume of personal stuff they released on this guy - there's no arguing that they singled him out for special treatment.

Kinda hard to see the "Lulz" in anything to do with the Unveillance hack.


Meadows said:
Rape is very rare in UK prisons, it isn't like the US where you go in for a Traffic violation and get raped or beaten up to fuck by some triple murderer you're in the same cell in.


Forever my image of British stir.



And they are going at it full tilt!

http://irc.lc/cryto/anonnews - down.

TeaMp0isoN_ TriCk
The server AnonNews was on is now defaced: cryto.net - YOU ARE NOT LEGION. SIT DOWN

TeaMp0isoN_ TriCk
Mr. JoePie91, i do NOT care if u didnt hack for Lulzsec, u was still a lulzsec member and the admin of anonnews -


Whats happening now is one counter force is going for the destruction of the public face of the group while others like J35t3r are focused on behind the scenes takedown
Jal said:
So these guys are ACTUAL hackers according to themselves and are going to take down everyone, the plot thickens.

So basically internet = fucked. Well it was nice knowing you guys. See you after the revolution, don't forget to bring, err, boots?


zomgbbqftw said:
So basically internet = fucked. Well it was nice knowing you guys. See you after the revolution, don't forget to bring, err, boots?

Seems like they're just going after the attention whores.


avaya said:
Seems like they're just going after the attention whores.
Yes all that has really happened is the real hackers out there are tired of the idiots and are waking from their slumber.


I think lulzsec pissed off Team Poision, which includes Trick, a couple days ago... Trick is the seventeen year old genius who was behind the facebook hacking irrc... or at least he claims to be 17...

edit: yep, the edl facebook groups defacing thing was indeed by Team P0ison says google.... as in actual hacking...


Felium Defensor
zomgbbqftw said:
So basically internet = fucked. Well it was nice knowing you guys. See you after the revolution, don't forget to bring, err, boots?
Not just internet. Planet Earth as well. We running outta oceans mayn!


So LulzSec and Anon are "fake" or poser-hackers, and now the REAL hackers are pissed and are attacking the posers?

Does this make it likely that these "real" hackers were the ones behind the PSN outage?


They should just tell the FBI that they'll handle it. Kind of like when your brother gets out of line and you don't want your parents to know so you handle it yourself!


X-Frame said:
So LulzSec and Anon are "fake" or poser-hackers, and now the REAL hackers are pissed and are attacking the posers?

Does this make it likely that these "real" hackers were the ones behind the PSN outage?
PSN happened because Sonys tech department were lazy shits who should be out of a job. They left vulnerable software with holes etc even when told of the issues.


TeaMp0isoN_ TriCk
@GalenDattilio or were just fed up of people thinking anon/lulzsec are hackers when clearly they are just DDoSers and SQLi skids.

They just gave out i.p address as well... smh.... And they are not the type to give the info to the fbi etc...


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Meadows said:
Rape is very rare in UK prisons, it isn't like the US where you go in for a Traffic violation and get raped or beaten up to fuck by some triple murderer you're in the same cell in.

Prison is bad everywhere.. rape isn't so rare in the UK and it isn't as common as people think in the US.

Stop thinking that US jails and prisons are exactly like Oz and you'll be fine..
Blackace said:
Prison is bad everywhere.. rape isn't so rare in the UK and it isn't as common as people think in the US.

Stop thinking that US jails and prisons are exactly like Oz and you'll be fine..

I honestly think OZ is the reason Prison Rape is so in the forefront in this country when people think about prison.


sigh.... "notoriety is often mistaken for fame..."

on topic, The lulzboat twitter has gone awfully quiet...


lulzsec on twitter has been down a couple of hours... wait a minute that was pretty much when Team P0ison hit them... ahh I see.


LankyLulz LankyLulz
@xXxAxl666xXx Old News. LulzSec just got fully doxed by _TeaMp0isoN_ . It's brutal. RIP LulzBoat. Spread the word. pastebin.com/QZXBCBYt
Ashes1396 said:
lulzsec on twitter has been down a couple of hours... wait a minute that was pretty much when Team P0ison hit them... ahh I see.


LankyLulz LankyLulz
@xXxAxl666xXx Old News. LulzSec just got fully doxed by _TeaMp0isoN_ . It's brutal. RIP LulzBoat. Spread the word. pastebin.com/QZXBCBYt



Just look at where it starts and look at where it finishes... If this is a fake, this is an entire fake novel.... Me don't think this is fake....

lo escondido

Apartheid is, in fact, not institutional racism
Ashes1396 said:
LankyLulz LankyLulz
@xXxAxl666xXx Old News. LulzSec just got fully doxed by _TeaMp0isoN_ . It's brutal. RIP LulzBoat. Spread the word. pastebin.com/QZXBCBYt

Holy crap!


Hahahaha, man they're right, they really are providing "lulz" now. Don't wear the varsity jacket if you're not actually on the football team.


Team p0ison have gone to bed...
And... http://sven-slootweg.nl/ is back now...

Here is what it says...:

Boohoo, you deface a website of someone who is not even a part of Lulzsec, through an outdated Wordpress installation, because you're mad at Lulzsec and can't get into THEIR site?

Site will be back some time, I'm too lazy to restore it right now, and it's not very important anyway.

By the way, if you want to see the classy deface page someone placed on here, this is where you want to be.


And coincidently, lulz sec are back...


marrec said:
I sure wish those Dox went beyond June 4 :(
I'd drop good money for a chance to read through the panic that must have ensued. It's hilarious in a sad way how confident they seem. I laughed out loud when the one asked if there was anything else he could be doing to be more secure. So naive. If only they had read this before deciding to take on much (much) more than they could chew:

If you want to be a hacker, keep reading. If you want to be a cracker, go read the alt.2600 newsgroup and get ready to do five to ten in the slammer after finding out you aren't as smart as you think you are. And that's all I'm going to say about crackers



Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
I honestly think OZ is the reason Prison Rape is so in the forefront in this country when people think about prison.

Nah, that reputation was around long before Oz.


Like I said before, "notoriety is often mistaken for fame..."

Guess some of these hackers must be in Europe, cause I'm falling asleep myself.... With this and Dutch topic, Europe certainly seems to be leading the attack... Gd night everyone....
Esiquio said:
That was posted two weeks ago, fyi. Also, that webpage that got defaced was taken back in control by Lulzsec.
Yeah, but more so that it's being advertised even more.

Zizbuka said:
Didn't see it posted, mock if old.


FBI siezed some hosting servers related to the lulzsec investigation.


Zoe said:
Nah, that reputation was around long before Oz.
Yeah, but you have to admit Oz really expanded the amount of people who thought it.
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