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Drunk Twitch Streamer Kneecoleslaw Abuses her Cat . Gets banned. PETA investigates

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King of Gaslighting
Are you seriously trying to rationalize animal abuse because she was drunk?

What a stupid post.

You said nothing about "animal abuse." Your post was about the gendered insults, and then proceeded to call her an idiot without qualification. Maybe be more clear next time? Nah. Just continue tossing out "idiot" and "stoopid" (cause it's the internet).
You said nothing about "animal abuse." Your post was about the gendered insults, and then proceeded to call her an idiot without qualification. Maybe be more clear next time? Nah. Just continue tossing out "idiot" and "stoopid" (cause it's the internet).

I would assume that he's calling her an idiot BECAUSE she mishandled her cats, which is the whole point of the topic. He's not saying it just 'cause.


Just watched the video and I can't for the life of me understand why this is worth anyone's time. Calling it abuse is quite a stretch, she's not actually choking it, she's just holding it when it doesn't want to be held.


That behavior is really unacceptable. Shame on her.

I wouldn't want to be in her position with mass internet wrath.


If PETA really are as bad as the figures would suggest why have they not been shut down and put under criminal charges?


Somehow I was expecting worse, although at least in the first video the cat got a good scratch in as revenge.

Second one is much tamer.
I forgot drunken animal abuse was related to gaming. I understand the sizing of the windows changes, but this was clearly not a game award, podcast or talk show. This was "watch me fuck with my cats wooooo I'm so wasted. This one drew blood on my arm? Time to grab the other one. Gaming? Who gives a fuck about that? Yay, more attention!"

She is in the lobby, potentially waiting for everyone to be ready. Why are you going into this ridiculous stance that she isn't playing League of Legends?

For example, some pro players will wait 30 mins in q on a bad night. That is right, 30 mins with no gameplay or champion select. They will idle aswell, some of them drunk too.


Just watched the video and I can't for the life of me understand why this is worth anyone's time. Calling it abuse is quite a stretch, she's not actually choking it, she's just holding it when it doesn't want to be held.

I'd have to agree after taking a look. She is holding the cat when it doesn't want to be held, that is not abusing the animal, it's just a bit of a shitty thing to do to your cat. The tail flicking was 'pissed off', not in distress.

But for the record fuck PETA. They try and play the welfare charity but murder more animals than any other organisation that exists.


If PETA really are as bad as the figures would suggest why have they not been shut down and put under criminal charges?

Because they are in fact doing a valuable public service by helping the effort of making sure we aren't overrun by unloved pets.

Haven't read more on their methods and standards, but the outrage seems to stop at the idea of euthanasia, so I guess it must be compa able to other shelters.

what about the fact that she forces her dogs mouth open to pour wine into it?

at work so I can't check the videos that have been posted

If this is a true, I can't imagine how she treats them off camera.
Don't know what I'm not seeing that's sending everyone into an uproar. Much more tame than I expected after browsing these posts. Stupid, yes, but it's not adding up to the odd overreactions.
Because they are in fact doing a valuable public service by helping the effort of making sure we aren't overrun by unloved pets.

Haven't read more on their methods and standards, but the outrage seems to stop at the idea of euthanasia, so I guess it must be compa able to other shelters.

What about that they have been known to lure pets away from their owners and then euthanise them? It's absolutely barbaric.


I watched the second video since it has audio and I dont see anything wrong. The people who are upset are the same people that would call the cops on a parent who spanked their child, and this isnt anywhere near that.


The difference is that other organisations, such as the RSPCA will take in animals they have room for, and decline those they do not. They do not go out looking for animals to round up and kill. That is not a service for anyone. It is a cull of domesticated animals. Their welfare is not the primary concern, and it should be.
Do PETA have the authority to remove a pet from people's ownership for deemed abuse? Because in this case that's fucked up since it wasn't even abuse in the first place.


Gold Member
they're not an animal rights company at all. they're a company who just kills them

Oh for fuck's sakes.


This campaign is the work of the deceitfully named Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF), a front group for Philip Morris, Outback Steakhouse, KFC, cattle ranchers, and other animal exploiters who kill millions of animals every year�not out of compassion but out of greed. These companies are worried about the strides that PETA is making that are changing their industries and compelling them to take animal welfare concerns seriously, so they hope to scare people away from caring about animals by spending millions on ads like this. To learn more about CCF�whose website USA Today said should be renamed

�FatforProfit.com��please see the following websites:

� http://www.ConsumerDeception.com

� http://www.citizensforethics.org/le...gainst-center-for-consumer-freedom-tax-exempt

� http://www.prospect.org/cs/articles?articleId=8984

And the person that started the PETAKillsAnimals website, is the main guy at the top the board of pig farming and inhumane practices like gestation crates, etc.. Follow the paper trail.



So this isolated incident and civil suit is supposed to make me think this is a systematic widespread practice?

I am sorry, I need more to believe such a narrative.



This is your comment. What you responded with had fuck all to do with the over generalization you made about cat owners and their experiences, i.e. cat's attacking their owners out of nowhere..

You're now pivoting to "Oh well, it's about cat abuse in gaming!"
Nice ad hominem there. She was clearly abusing her animals. One drew blood so she started choking the other one. You can see it in the videos. This has nothing to do with anything else.


Some people in this thread are disgusting. Can we stick to the topic at hand and not body parts, or if she deserves her viewers because of her looks?


if there is one thing i learned about cats growing up is that you DO NOT assert dominance.

A cat in real danger doesn't sound anything like that. While I think she learned her lesson and will never do it again, the cat was very displeased but abused ? That's a big stretch.

also this.


Oh for fuck's sakes.


This campaign is the work of the deceitfully named Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF), a front group for Philip Morris, Outback Steakhouse, KFC, cattle ranchers, and other animal exploiters who kill millions of animals every year�not out of compassion but out of greed. These companies are worried about the strides that PETA is making that are changing their industries and compelling them to take animal welfare concerns seriously, so they hope to scare people away from caring about animals by spending millions on ads like this. To learn more about CCF�whose website USA Today said should be renamed

�FatforProfit.com��please see the following websites:

� http://www.ConsumerDeception.com

� http://www.citizensforethics.org/le...gainst-center-for-consumer-freedom-tax-exempt

� http://www.prospect.org/cs/articles?articleId=8984

And the person that started the PETAKillsAnimals website, is the main guy at the top the board of pig farming and inhumane practices like gestation crates, etc.. Follow the paper trail.
Don't they run kill shelters, though?

Seems strange.


King of Gaslighting
Nice ad hominem there. She was clearly abusing her animals. One drew blood so she started choking the other one. You can see it in the videos. This has nothing to do with anything else.

There is no ad hominem in there. Don't just toss around debatey sounding words.

And "one drew blood so she started choking the other one" - nice cause and effect out of nowhere.
Twitch is better off without her. Even before this incident the channel was mostly a disgrace the few times I saw it on the front page. The fact that she abused, or at least appeared to abuse, her cats just for attention/views/whatever is terrible. Sure, she was drinking, but that doesn't excuse hurting the animals at all.
So this isolated incident and civil suit is supposed to make me think this is a systematic widespread practice?

I am sorry, I need more to believe such a narrative.


I find it hard to believe this isn't some sort of company policy, to lure pets away given an opportunity. This is just one case where they are filmed on camera committing the offence.
Oh for fuck's sakes.


This campaign is the work of the deceitfully named Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF), a front group for Philip Morris, Outback Steakhouse, KFC, cattle ranchers, and other animal exploiters who kill millions of animals every year�not out of compassion but out of greed. These companies are worried about the strides that PETA is making that are changing their industries and compelling them to take animal welfare concerns seriously, so they hope to scare people away from caring about animals by spending millions on ads like this. To learn more about CCF�whose website USA Today said should be renamed

�FatforProfit.com��please see the following websites:

� http://www.ConsumerDeception.com

� http://www.citizensforethics.org/le...gainst-center-for-consumer-freedom-tax-exempt

� http://www.prospect.org/cs/articles?articleId=8984

And the person that started the PETAKillsAnimals website, is the main guy at the top the board of pig farming and inhumane practices like gestation crates, etc.. Follow the paper trail.

they kill literally thousands of animals per year. in 2014, one of their bigger shelters, in virginia, killed roughly 88% of their animals.

peta absolutely kills animals.


Oh for fuck's sakes.

This is from a veterinary news site. This is nothing to do with a pig farmer hating PETA, and everything to do with their kill numbers that they do not dispute.

The American Kennel Club (AKC) issued a statement this summer expressing “vehement disapproval” of the euthanasia policy at the shelter run by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) in Norfolk, Va. Joined by the Virginia Veterinary Medical Association (VVMA), the AKC called for PETA to take steps to balance its adoption and euthanasia rates.

“While most shelters strive for a 90% re-homing rate, PETA is apparently proud of their 99% killing rate and callously boasts that the animals it rescues are ‘better off dead.’ That is an alarming ratio that should be fully investigated. PETA’s track record is absolutely unacceptable,” AKC Chairman Alan Kalter says in a release.

PETA does not dispute the high euthanasia rate at the shelter.

Just think about those numbers. Other shelters rehome 90%. PETA kill 99%.

Here is a link the year after.

There is no conspiracy here. Their own website has mutliple pages dedicated to explaining why killing them is the best option.


Gold Member
I have a distaste for people who kick, choke, hurt or otherwise abuse animals. What can we do about it? Call the police and hopefully something good comes from it. It's a shame and cats aren't dolls. Kids aren't dolls. Their bones and organs are sensitive and we can easily hurt small animals. A human baby's brain is comparable to mash potatoes which is why it's not wise to shake them at all. I feel sorry for small animals and animals period because there are people who hurt them for pleasure or out of malice.


Animal abuse is a very broad concept. Declawing, devocalization, ear trimming and tail docking are not considered mistreatment or unneeded abuse of animals in many states. What this woman did is mishandling. If there is proof that she does this continuously and consistently then I would agree that this would represent abuse. Some restraining techniques are much more physical then what she is doing. Of course that those are only used in very specific situations where there's the need to restraint an animal for a medical procedure for example a venipuncture. But restraining a non cooperative or even fractious animal can be very challenging and physical demanding much more so than what this woman is doing. She's an idiot though, that I agree.
PETA is awful, but terrorists? Come on...

The ALF which PETA supports is classified by the FBI as a domestic terrorist group and the USDA consider them terrorists too.

This is the same group that has claimed cow milk causes autism, they've compared the slavery of black people to having animals as pets, and also compared the holocaust to eating meat. They're a disgusting group.
Pretty sure if she was choking it the cats would have scratched the shit out of her. Cat looked pissed/annoyed, but not fighting for its life. Seems like an over reaction which isn't surprising given it's a discussion on the internet.


Gold Member
they kill literally thousands of animals per year. in 2014, one of their bigger shelters, in virginia, killed roughly 88% of their animals.

peta absolutely kills animals.

This is from a veterinary news site. This is nothing to do with a pig farmer hating PETA, and everything to do with their kill numbers that they do not dispute.

Just think about those numbers. Other shelters rehome 90%. PETA kill 99%.

Here is a link the year after.

There is no conspiracy here. Their own website has mutliple pages dedicated to explaining why killing them is the best option.

The numbers have been reduced significantly every year. 3-4 million a year down from the 12-20 million in the 70's. Do I wish it was zero, of course, but the issues is WAY more complex with no real easy solution. There is still a lot of lies and misinformation being headed by those campaigns to still take away the POSITIVES they do. To take the pressure off the big-ag industry which is the most heinous.

And this very thread shows it. To discredit them completely when there is an animal in need, and this is a group that can get pressure put on for legal action, because domestic animal cruelty is now a FELONY in all 50 states is silly. Look, nobody trusts the government or police fully, but we would call them or utilize their resources if we were in need. They are still needed in situations such as this, so a monster who does nasty things does not get away with it.

I have been involved with Animal Rights organizations for well over a decade. Do a lot of TnR and investigative work. The problem is way more complex, and that is due to puppy mills, breeding, etc. There are way more strays and people giving up their animals, not having them spayed and neutered (hence why we TnR), etc etc.

In a perfect world, it would be easy to find a home for all the animals, realistically, only 2% get adopted on average. The problem is that of selfish humans that give up their supposed "family member", then here is speciesism, but that is a whole other can of worms I would rather not venture in on here.

The ALF which PETA supports is classified by the FBI as a domestic terrorist group and the USDA consider them terrorists too.

This is the same group that has claimed cow milk causes autism, they've compared the slavery of black people to having animals as pets, and also compared the holocaust to eating meat. They're a disgusting group.

I know, so disgusting thinking all sentient beings deserve life and to live freely as other sentient ones. I guess equality only applies to the human supremacy.

Just because the government labels something as such, does not mean it is morally aligned properly. Laws are not a moral baseline, they only serve to protect a status quo or class of people more often than not.


Just another reason to dislike what is happening on Twitch.

Because this is totally representative of twitch

The numbers have been reduced significantly every year. 3-4 million a year down from the 12-20 million in the 70's. Do I wish it was zero, of course, but the issues is WAY more complex with no real easy solution. There is still a lot of lies and misinformation being headed by those campaigns to still take away the POSITIVES they do. To take the pressure off the big-ag industry which is the most heinous.

And this very thread shows it. To discredit them completely when there is an animal in need, and this is a group that can get pressure put on for legal action, because domestic animal cruelty is now a FELONY in all 50 states is silly. Look, nobody trusts the government or police fully, but we would call them or utilize their resources if we were in need. They are still needed in situations such as this, so a monster who does nasty things does not get away with it.

I have been involved with Animal Rights organizations for well over a decade. Do a lot of TnR and investigative work. The problem is way more complex, and that is due to puppy mills, breeding, etc. There are way more strays and people giving up their animals, not having them spayed and neutered (hence why we TnR), etc etc.

In a perfect world, it would be easy to find a home for all the animals, realistically, only 2% get adopted on average. The problem is that of selfish humans that give up their supposed "family member", then here is speciesism, but that is a whole other can of worms I would rather not venture in on here.


They have their own criticisms as well.


citing a banned site isn't helping your cause.

Two Words

Can we please stop with the gendered comments and boob talk? If we justify sexism towards bad people it's just giving people permission to be sexist to anyone.
Do a little research on her. She uses her breasts for views and whatnot. Hell, her Twitter account makes it clear what's going on. That isn't sexist. It's what she is doing.


Gold Member
Because this is totally representative of twitch

citing a banned site isn't helping your cause.

Was not aware it was banned, so I removed. They had the same "scandals" with kill versus finding homes, as well as been investigated for WILL snooping to illicit donation bribes to people on their death beds. Basically any organization gets so big, shady things are not above reproach.


Was not aware it was banned, so I removed. They had the same "scandals" with kill versus finding homes, as well as been investigated for WILL snooping to illicit donation bribes to people on their death beds. Basically any organization gets so big, shady things are not above reproach.

You still need to cite sources for your claims, and saying "just because the government calls someone a terrorist doesn't mean they are bad" is pretty shaky ground too.

And it's whataboutism. Other organizations being bad doesn't mean what PETA does is justified.


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