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The Video Game Name Generator


truth-lasers said:
Amazing! :lol

Glad to see this thread's still got some awesome shops after I went to sleep.

Should I PM a mod to add "photoshop challenge" or something like that to the thread title?
Holy shit, I just got one that had me staring at my screen for a few minutes just to see if it was really there.

In Search of Forklift Porn in the Magic Kingdom

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


cosmicblizzard said:
Holy shit, I just got one that had me staring at my screen for a few minutes just to see if it was really there.

In Search of Forklift Porn in the Magic Kingdom

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEES! I can't wait to see a boxart for this.


The Unpleasent Disco Troopers :lol
Disney Wrestling: 2nd Impact
Action Nazi Power
Hitler's Trampoline Spree :lol
Communist Bass vs. Capcom :lol
Bling Bling NASCAR Incident :lol
Morbidly Obese Kabuki Unit :lol
Hillbilly Terrorist Frenzy :lol
Eternal Forklift Gaiden :lol


The Six Million Dollar Buddhist Marines

Wandering Equestrian Boxing

Flying Bow Hunter Jamboree

Tribal Breakdancing of Fury

Rocket-Powered Ostrich in the Outback

Ninja Terrorist Munchers

My First Werewolf College

The Care Bears' WWII Attack

I would pay good money to play any of these.
HUELEN10 said:
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEES! I can't wait to see a boxart for this.

Someone get on this right now. I would, but I seriously fail at photoshop (literally, that was the only project I failed in my digital imaging class)


No bald cap? Lies!
"Hazardous Booty Express"

"Unreal Bazooka of Death"

"Ebony Snowboard King"

"Sexy Nudist Trivia"

And the best of the bunch.

"Masters of the Transvestite Punch-Out!! "
Violent Sudoku Revolution
Pathetic Cannibal in the Salad Kingdom :lol Poor cannibal is screwed.
Unpleasant Hobo - Limited Edition
Darkest Nudist in Africa
Middle Eastern Dinosaur Extravaganza
French Sex for Kids
In the Lost Kingdom of Bimbo Epidemic
EmCeeGramr said:
Jackie Chan's Werewolf Machine

As the journalists settle down into their seats, whispers float around our heads like humid air. What is the Werewolf Machine, and why Jackie Chan? The internet, in all its remarkable creativity, has come up with so many ideas: a machine that transforms one into a werewolf, a machine powered by werewolves, a mechanical werewolf. No answers put forward as to where Jackie Chan fits in.

The air clears as Mr. Chan takes the stage. He smiles to the audience with that signature grin and then motions off-stage. Two attendants roll in a large object from the right. It's about the size of a phone booth, rectangular, and draped in lilac silk. The attendants hurry off, almost fearful of the strange monolith, undoubtedly The Machine. The lights dim and we begin.

"Hello. I think we all know why we are here," Mr. Chan says. "And there is no better way to explain than to show." He walks over to the object and dramatically pulls off the silk cloth. It looks like a phone booth, as you'd expect, but with a clean modern look, more Apple than The Fly. A touchscreen filled with glossy buttons lines the inside, as the exterior is clothed in a shiny black finish. It looks like it belongs in a sports car exhibition, not a mad scientist's castle.

Mr. Chan twirls the cloth about and snaps it into his hand. He confidently strolls into the device, turns towards us, and winks as he taps the touchscreen.

"And now, I am proud to present to you: My Werewolf Machine." He horizontally slides a door shut. There is a click and the waiting begins. Is this a true werewolf machine? For many self-proclaimed prophets in the industry, this will be a defining moment. Hitler and vampires, their well-groomed facial hair and cleanly pressed suits, will be relegated to the dust of history's rubbish bin, next to the 8-track and Betamax. Now is the Era of the Werewolf, heralded by a Hong Kong comedic action star.

Our thoughts aren't even interrupted by the whirring inside the machine. It sounds like a hard drive spinning, not a crackling Frankenstein device. While Mr. Chan's body is presumably being transfigured, so too does it seem that the whole world is undergoing a transfiguration. The whirring stops. The door opens. Mr. Chan emerges.

His unkempt hair now reaches his shoulders. Wild facial hair sprouts from his chin and lip and cheeks. His finger nails look mildly dangerous. A silence hangs in the room as everyone tries to think of a reaction. A young journalist, I think he's from a blog 'in Colorado', mutters to someone next to him, "more like a hobo machine."

That's the trigger. A thousand laptop keyboards click, and two thousand iPhones are silently pressed as tweets fly into the ether. "Jackie Chan's Hobo Machine," is now the new meme of the minute. False applause and empty smiles greet Mr. Chan as he does a few mock kung-fu moves in his new faux-werewolfized form, unaware of the mockery and disdain. Perhaps Jackie Chan was the wrong person. Perhaps it was a bit too soon. Early adopters will werewolfize themselves, proclaim themselves "hip" as they awkwardly explain that they're not actually hippies. In time, some company will come up with a more fashionable, if not more convincingly werewolf-like, machine, and it'll be proclaimed the 21st Century Revolution by Time and Newsweek.

I trudge back to the hotel after drinks with the other journos. We've been making fun of poor Mr. Chan all night. As I stop to check my phone for messages, I notice someone in the alley next to a Hollywood Video. My first thought is that the werewolves have come early. But the light of the full moon reveals that it's just a hairy bum, urinating on the side of the building. I prepare to walk away as I notice that his urine is landing on a discarded DVD case. The pee glowing in the moonlight reveals the title: The Tuxedo.

EmCeeGramr is a syndicated columnist for The NeoGAF Times-Picayune. His column,
"Technology in American Culture," runs on the second Wednesday of the month.



Flamboyant Batman vs. Capcom
Medieval Breakdancing Co-Op
Feverish Duck from Mars
Paranoid Penguin EX
Lazy Rainbow of Death
Kinky Dog in the Sky
Amphibious Manlove Arena
Mystery Pony Syndrome



Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
Dead or Alive in the Cowboy Salad Kingdom
Geriatric Insect of Might and Magic
John Romero's Night - 3rd Strike
Throbbing Rugby at the Olympics
Sonic's Hair Salon Starring Mickey Mouse


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Third-World Zamboni World

Hell yes.

Romantic Viking Smackdown

Also hell yes.
National Lampoons Godzilla Polo :lol :lol
Catholic Matador - Total War
Nighttime Vocabulary Conspiracy :lol
The Care Bears' Sewer Brothers :lol :lol
The best i got:
Deep Space Fishing Apocalypse
Dwarven Cannibal Summit
3D Surgery Starring Mickey Mouse :lol
My First Sushi of Fury
Magical Bowling Fortress
Dangerous Unicycle Zombies
Future Ping Pong vs. Street Fighter
Mr. Cannibal Forever
Curse of the Castlevania Choreographer :lol
Brain-Damaged Bubble in the Middle East
Bionic Acid Competition
Mega Man's Turtle Madness
Communist Tennis Returns :lol


The Simpsons' Landmine in Africa.
Dirty Math Groove.
Drug-Induced Bible Rave.
Undercover Basketball Deathmatch.
Celebrity Ballet vs. Capcom.
Teenage Bimbo Oppression.
Battlefield: Ping Pong Crusade.

:lol :lol
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