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Are you doing what you want to do?

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Did you want to go to college? Have you attended?

How the heck does one commit to something or even find what they want to do career wise/in life?

I am lost.. What the hell do I do with myself?

I have not attended college/trade school, have only been working as campus security..

I have considered becoming a real estate agent... But at the same time ideally I would want to create something by partnering with someone (app development) with a business in mind..

I am hungry and definitely feel the need to advance.. I just can't seem to understand how and doing what..


I don't know what the heck I want out of my vocational life, to be honest with you. I have a bachelor's degree. I know I don't want to go back to school. I don't have a strong enough passion to do so. I work for the government and find it pretty great though. There are some ups and downs but the work I do requires a lot of constructive and critical thinking and my pay is really good to me so I feel very lucky to have this job. I want to see where my current government career can take me and just kind of feel things out from there.

I will say my own hesitation with a job like being a real estate agent would be the commission-based aspect of it. I'd be concerned about the economy taking another dip, people not buying property, and then not making as much money. That kind of potential instability in pay would worry me, although I'd hope less so if I had a strong passion for the work.



Currently taking on temp work when I need money while I study and build up my portfolios.

Staying with a friend rent free for a few months while I do and learning some skills from him (app developer/programmer).

Writing a novel, writing a set of children's stories my friend is illustrating, writing and recording an album of material I'll be performing be when ready.

Lots of mindfulness practice and self improvement.

Leveling up across the board.


I went to university because I just thought it was the "next big step" and regret it. So no, I'm not really doing what I want to do. However I've made up my mind about what I DO want to do and that's giving me some peace of mind:

I want to settle down, get out of my I.T. degree and focus on DIY electronics, woodworking, and metalworking in order to make nice things for people from the community. I'd like to maybe contribute to the DIY online community on Youtube and Instructables too. I'd be a complete beginner, but I've been an observer of the hobby for around 5 years so I think I'd finally like to partake.


It's like you wonder, will doing what you really want to do lead you to financial freedom? Do circumstances like obligations cripple your willingness to pursue something? Day in, day out same shit different day, you leave work and you fall into your status quo.

So depressing... Jeez

I know I was meant to do more with my damn brain. What the hell am I doing? lol...


You're hungry to advance, that means you're already halfway there.

What you need is to find exactly what you really, really want to do. The spark that ignites the fire underneath your ass.

And that doesn't mean basing your interests on the latest CBS show you're watching ('I want to become a detective, doctor or work for the government!' ), you need to do research into the challenges you'd face, the potential job opportunities that await, the day-to-day realities of the career you're entering and wether you can even finance it all.

And honestly, the motivation and passion for something can come completely out of left field. It can be something you never even considered before.
You just got to explore what's out there and go research all kinds of different fields. Don't just scour ICT or technical careers just because you like PC gaming and science. Branch out, you'll never know what you will find.

I mean, from a young age i've always figured I wanted to become a designer/artist because I can draw reasonably well and I have a little bit of feel for what looks good and what doesn't.
A bachelor's degree in graphic design later and I found out that the field couldn't be more dead to me. It's shallow, it doesn't offer challenge, there's not enough career prospects and it simply didn't interest me anymore.

So I worked full-time for a while and by a wild, completely random route I got to visit an hospital ward, shadowing an X-ray tech and radiologist for a day. I felt uncomfortable but did it anyway.

Safe to say, it blew me away, it was a career path that wasn't even remotely on my radar. I enrolled into college as an X-ray tech, and even got into medical school after. I'm starting residency next year.
It has been a complete revelation to me and it is exactly what I want to be doing. Getting in there wasn't an easy task and I had to bust my ass for a year or two to even become eligible for medical school but when you have found 'your thing' so to speak, motivation becomes a really powerful force. So go find yours, homie.


I'm working on it. Just got a solid job to make money and am practicing my skills on the side. I'm not quite sure at what point to commit to the more interesting stuff and i'd assume i'm not there yet but knowing me i might keep thinking that forever if i dont' get some push
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