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(leipzig) Quakewars videos and screens


Gold Member






more screens here


going to need a demo when it comes out so I can see if it runs :(
I think it will with everything on minimum but still worry
mckmas8808 said:
Pure freaking sex. What game is ID doing for 360 and PS3?

Hasn't been revealed yet. Won't be around for quite some time, I don't think, so don't hold your breath.

Anyway...this is by far my most anticipated game. Can't wait for this baby to hit.

there doing a new Wolfenstein game for 360
While I remember hearing about some new wolfenstein game...I don't think iD is developing it. Their next title is supposed to be a new ip.


Mark Gonzales said:
Nice PSP ground textures and background textures in the first pic.

first off those are old screenshots

and second off you need to grow the **** up

there doing a new Wolfenstein game for 360

id isn't doing it and i think it is based off the new technology they're using for quake wars but of course, even further optimized.


Junior Member
WHOAguitarninja said:
Hasn't been revealed yet. Won't be around for quite some time, I don't think, so don't hold your breath.

Anyway...this is by far my most anticipated game. Can't wait for this baby to hit.

While I remember hearing about some new wolfenstein game...I don't think iD is developing it. Their next title is supposed to be a new ip.

yeah, id is producing the new Wolfenstein game, the 360 is supposed to be Wolfenstein's primary platform

and id new internally developed game is a new ip and is coming out for 360, PS3 and PC

After watching the videos: OH MY GOD THIS GAME IS SO F**KING AWESOME. So many things to do; it surpasses Wolf:ET big time. It's like the best of assault UT2k4 and BF2 combined with the gameplay of Wolf:ET. The stuff that engineers and contructors can deploy is pretty sick.


gimmmick said:
Man the doom III engine sure does have legs.

all of id's engines are like that. the q3 engine was used commercially from 1999-2004, and people are still modding q1 (tenebrae etc.).
The 4th screenshot looks particularly awesome.

BF2142 or whatever can rot in hell as far as I'm concerned; it's all about Quake Wars.
blackadde said:
all of id's engines are like that. the q3 engine was used commercially from 1999-2004, and people are still modding q1 (tenebrae etc.).

Yea. I remember back when d3 came out people were saying the engine would be useless for anything other than dark corridor shooters. I figured they'd be wrong but I kept quiet because I didn't really feel like being wrong myself. As always though...Carmack's decisions on tech to include in the engine seemed to have been pretty much spot on.


Strogg has railguns! YES

Looks awesome, but I'm afraid it requires too much team work and strategy to work with just random players. ;

Yes, if Wolfentstein Enemy Territory has taught us anything, this game will fail because of that....

Rorschach said:
Looks awesome, but I'm afraid it requires too much team work and strategy to work with just random players. ;b
If not already evident in this topic, Splash Damage are great map designers. The first Enemy Territories game (Wolfenstein) was designed in such a way that it basically funnels you into goals. They progress quite linearly so it's not you're in this massive free-roaming map with 20 different potential targets, objectices, and strategies, and then people take off and do whatever. There's generally one clear goal or purpose, and folks (and their class) have their role fit in naturally.


Zoramon089 said:
Why aren't people jumping over the ground textures in the game? I thought this board was full of graphic whores...
This isn't an Xbox 360 or PS3 game, so there's no reason for those type of people to come in here to say "LOL PS2-QUALTY TEXTURES!"

tahrikmili said:
This is coming to the 360 right?

Nothing announced so far.
tahrikmili said:
Did anyone actually play the second? :lol

I remember thinking that the multiplayer demo rocked. But I never got around buying the game later when it came out... Maybe there was a curse on the game?:lol
tahrikmili said:
Did anyone actually play the second?
I was never under the impression that it wasn't popular. I recall a lot of forum activity for it at both GameSpy and IGN. The combat gameplay was quite visseral and it made for fun close-quarters gunfights - especially the shotgun in part to the GHOUL system as well.
I remember the single player being pretty boring and the game bombing rather bad, but.. it's been a long while and I may be wrong. I had enjoyed the first one quite a bit though, hit locations and ragdoll physics were really breathtaking for its time.


Mark Gonzales said:
Nice PSP ground textures and background textures in the first pic.

agreed. these mega textures need more mega. tighten up the graphics on level 3 there guys. this game will not be looking so "state of the art" when it releases in '07.


snatches said:
agreed. these mega textures need more mega. tighten up the graphics on level 3 there guys. this game will not be looking so "state of the art" when it releases in '07.

the megatextures isn't about having highres textures at all. read up on the tech because all the textures you see in the screenshots use 8(?) megs of ram.
tahrikmili said:
I remember the single player being pretty boring and the game bombing rather bad, but.. it's been a long while and I may be wrong. I had enjoyed the first one quite a bit though, hit locations and ragdoll physics were really breathtaking for its time.
I liked half of it quite a lot. Especially the the start, the hospital, and the level where you clear the jungle cabins in South America. It did have regions of very weak map design though, like the freighter where it seemed like it was nothing but repetitive cargo holds after repetitve cargo holds.

When I'm in the mood for SOF2, I usually just constantly replay that South America level or the hospital. Clearing a house or a floor with the shotgun is damn fun.
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