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Do you arrive on time?

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It's a simple question that kind of bothers and I'd like to hear what's GAF opinion on this. Let's say that you have to meet someone, who isn't a guy you meet everyday but neither a stranger, so you don't really have to be formal. Do you arrive late at your destination or not?

I usually tend to arrive early, about 10-15 minutes earlier than the time we've decided. Of course I always have to wait. 10 or 15 minutes aren't much, but when the other person arrives 15 minutes late, I've waited for half an hour. I could say that this happens with certain individuals only, but that would not be true. Even when I have to meet, let's say 10 people, it would be a miracle to find 1 or 2 there before the appointed time and usually the last one arrives very later. I really think that the times I've found people that arrived in time or on time are really much, much fewer than when people arrive (really) late.

The thing is, that I find this rather impolite. Especially when they don't have a real reason for being late. I can understand if someone is stuck on traffic or something, but shouldn't they have included a possibility of being late in their estimated time of arrival? I guess arriving early is my mistake, but I just want to make sure I won't be late, because some means of transport can be unreliable when you're a bit away from your destination. Arriving 20+ minutes late though, is really inexcusable sometimes.

So, do you arrive on time, early or late?


I take a lot of pride in being punctual.. It does irritate me when my fellow adult pals can't be someplace on time. Things happen, I understand -- but I still get irritated.


I'm not usually early, 10 minutes late if meeting up with friends, unless there is a particular reason (reservation or ticket etc.)



At least 10 minutes early.


I ensure that I get there on time or early by 5ish minutes.

However there are people that I know from experience that are always late, I'm not too worried if I show them the same courtesy they often show me ;P


Depends on how important it is. Apparently arriving 15 min early to a job interview is still too early. had to have an awkward phone call with with the guy who was going to be interviewing me. Needless to say I didnt get the job. I couldnt help it with public transport and all I was nervous and didnt think to stop and wait at a coffee shop or something.
Always 15 minutes early.
I can't quite wrap my head around people who constantly arrive late everywhere. I can only assume that they have a very healthy ego and think their time is worth more than others.
Or they're dumb and the concept of time and numbers eludes them.


5 minutes early.

Word. I hate coming late to anything. I usually make extra sure I can be there 5 or 10 minutes early. Nothing is worse than missing a bus and then ride for an hour knowing you are late. Therefore I always come to the bus stop 5 or 10 minutes early, so I can be sure that I arrive at my destination early.

Always 15 minutes early.
I can't quite wrap my head around people who constantly arrive late everywhere. I can only assume that they have a very healthy ego and think their time is worth more than others.
Or they're dumb and the concept of time and numbers eludes them.

Or they have extremely poor time management. My brother and his gf have that. They say they will come at noon and come at 1 pm at the earliest.


Always early barring some disaster. I try to schedule things so that I can arrive early by at least 10 minutes. Yay for smart phones and mobile internet service making the wait tolerable.


get some go again
i like arriving almost exactly on time. if i arrive a little early ill do something and then arrive like a minute before .


I like to arrive as close to the time as possible, which occasionally results in me being a tiny bit late.

Still, I hate waiting around.


When i'm too early i usually wait until one minute before the meeting as i don't want to screw up whoevers timeplan. Unless i know whoever would't have an issue with it. Coming too late is rude tho.


5-10 minutes early. It's the right thing to do...

However if you're having a (casual) party where a bunch of people are going and your invitation says 8pm there's no way I'll be there before nine (or ten)

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
I'm notorious for showing up late. My job only recently started cracking down on it after nearly a year of me showing up 40 minutes late on the regular. Only time Im on time is school mostly.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Always 5 or more minutes early.

Sometimes its a problem I wish I could be OK to arriving late to certain functions.
I'm always as close to on time as possible, or early. Of course sometimes stuff comes up and I run late but I call the person and let them know.

My mom and sister are so terrible about being late that we tell them to show up 1-2 hours before we actually want them to show up. Never fails! :p


Super Sleuth
I hate when people are late.

My wife was late once so I left her.

Now I have to pay stupid child support.
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