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Fall '06 Anime Season

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As the days become cooler, the nights become longer, and the crisp scent of fall fills the air, a young man's thoughts turn to the true symbol of the changing seasons since time immemorial: the new anime season. Since the local wiccans won't let me celebrate the autumn equinox with them anymore - I got on their nerves when I kept trying to start up the Hokey Pokey when they formed a circle - I guess I'll mark the occasion by being catty about the new Japanese cartoons instead. Courtesy of Froth Bite, here's what's on the agenda:


Black Blood Brothers - And, true to form, we kick things off with an exercise in mediocrity. Okay, I like the hat, but beyond that it all looks kinda...eh. However, it's first out of the gate - it started airing Friday - so it's first on my list. I expect this to be the only superlative anyone applies to this show.


Silk Road Boy Yuto - Look, I know this is just some kids show, but still, is that some completely ass CG or what? Not even the director of Macross 7 can get me to watch this crap. Well, probably not.


Taiyo no Mokushiroku - Or, "Apocolypse of the Sun" if you insist on translating the cool Japanese words into English. In post-mother-of-all-disasters Japan, a young man struggles to survive. As it's based on manga by the creator of Eagle, Silent Service, and Zipang, this is definately one to keep an eye on. Alas, it's only a two part special instead of a full series, but I'll take what I can get.


Kaleido Star: Good Dayo! Goood!! - Oh, god, it's a SD Kaleido Star OVA. I don't know whether to be excited or terrified.

Okay, there's a new Pokeman series, but we're all going to agree not to talk about it. Right? Right. Moving right along...


Yoakemae Yori Ruriiro na Crescent Love - Everything we've discussed so far are early arrivals, but the new anime season proper starts on 10/1 with this winner right here. I weap for the goddamned future. At any rate, it looks to be some sort of shounen romantic comedy. Whatever.


Kiniro no Corda ~Primo Passo~ - Bishounen harem show. Whatever.


Galaxy Angelrune - Based on the PS2 game Galaxy Angel 2. Whatever. Oh, wait, you loli fans may enjoy the show. Yeah, like I said, what the **** ever.



Tokimeki Memorial ~Only Love~ - Good Christ, they're still pimping Tokimemo? Whatever.[/url]


Yamato Nadesico Shichihenge - Perhaps better known by the name Del-Ray gave the manga in the US: The Wallflower. It's about an odd young woman whose rich parents invite four bishounen to move in and live rent free, on the condition that they turn their daughter into a normal, respectable lady. Refreshingly enough, our heroine doesn't really give a shit and is content to sit around and watch horror movies. Cue wacky hijinx - note the scythe she's carrying at the top of the picture. By all accounts the manga was pretty decent and Shinichi "Excel Saga" Watanabe is directing, so I'm optamistic. Whew. And here I thought I was going to be saying "whatever" for another twenty series or so.


Lovely Idol - Fortunatly, just about the time I think there might be hope for the season, crap like this comes along and brings me back down to earth. Woof.


D.Grey-Man - Okay, so it's supernatural shounen adventure about a guy who can see demons and has an arm that can kill 'em and, um, look I got bored reading the synopsis, so if you want to know about this one someone else is going to have to step in. I hear the manga is popular, for what it's worth. However, lest you accuse me of not enjoying supernatural shounen adventure manga:


Death Note - Now, this I can get genuinely excited about. It's the story of a bright young teenager who finds a copy of a notebook that will kill anyone whose name is written in it. Our boy decides this is the perfect opportunity to help craft a utopian society and starts killing criminals in droves, leaving the cops befuddled and society as a whole terrified. Then a brilliant detective takes on the case and a game of cat and mouse begins between the two. The manga is terrific so the anime has lots of potential...not that I can actually find the anime website, which is why there's a manga pic up instead. Ah well, I'm still psyched.


Negima!? - Remember Negima!, the harem show about the middle school Harry Potter knockoff? The one with all the creepy shouta overtones to go along with the typical harem show bullshit? Well, here's the SD remake. Um...yay? I mean, I guess it'll be better than the original, but I don't think that's saying a whole lot.


Sasami Mahou Shoujo Club season 2 - This is Japan's revenge on me for bitching about how god-awful Tenchi Muyo! had become. Just when I think it can't get any worse, they rub my nose in it again.


Mamoru-kun ni Megami no Shukufuku wo! - Your guess is as good as mine, though I think it's a Urusei Yatsura knock-off. Meanwhile, the director doesn't inspire confidence (Arc the Lad TV, anyone?) but he did work on Bronze: Zetsu Ai Since 1989, so points for having the balls to do that.

Continued next post.




Kanon - We could have had a second season of Haruhi Suzumiya. But, noooooo, Kyoto Animation had to work on another Kanon series instead. Good job, guys, way to ****ing go. Hurry up and get this crap out of your system so we can get some more Haruhi in the spring.


009-1 - No idea, but at a guess it's a Cyborg 009 retread, except with an enormous rack. Awesome.



Happiness! - And here I was hoping for Todd Solondz. Instead, mahou shoujo. Sigh.


Asatte no Houkou - I'm not entirely sure what this is about, but I believe it involves a girl who wants to be an adult and an adult who watched Freaky Friday a few too many times. I like the woman with glasses, but I'm pretty sure the angle with the little kid will be relentlessly creepy. At best, we might get something like Kamichu!, where the character designer is obviously a deranged pervert but the series has enough charm that you can block it out of your mind for a half hour at a time.


Kujibiki Unbalance - We could have had a second season of Genshiken. Instead, someone had the bright idea to take the joke show that the characters obsessed over - you know, the one that was ripping on current anime trends and wasn't supposed to be taken seriously - and turn it into a full fledged series instead. I want to find that son of a bitch and kill them. The only thing that might save this is the fact that the director has worked on basically nothing but winners (including Genshiken, Guu, Dokoru-chan, Dai Mahou Touge, Shin-chan movies, and freakin' Oishinbo for god's sake), so I'm going to give the series a chance anyway. But, I'm still bitter.


Pururun! Shizuku-chan - Absurdist humor about...well, something or other. I'm guessing you'll have to be Japanese to really appreciate this. I dunno if this will include the adventures of the middle aged man who lives in a cup of tea, but in a fit of optamism I included the picture anyway.


Tenpou Ibun Ayakashi Ayashi - A historical action series produced by BONES? Sign me up.


Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori - It's another series of the horror series that looked really cool but just wasn't particularly frightening. Eh.


Otome wa Boku ni Koi Shiteru - Apparently this translates roughly as "The Maidens Are Falling In Love With Elder Sister", so while the show is still going to suck uncontrollably, at least it has lesbians going for it.


Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi - Random shounen fighting wackiness. I am so totally not the target audience for this show. I couldn't find a link to the anime website off-hand, so it doesn't look like anyone else really cares either. Still, I'm pretty sure the manga image there is entirely representative.


Gift - Eternal Rainbow - Man, wasn't I bitching about this exact same show just a minute ago?


Jinzou Konchuu Kabuto-Borg VxV - BEATLE ROBOT WARRIORS! If I was eight years old this would be the greatest show ever.


Hataraki Man - Now, this is interesting. It's about a 28 year old workaholic who's about to hit the age where getting married is going to prove tricky. My understanding is that it's way josei and, wonder of wonders, it looks like the director is a woman. Interesting!


Bartender - I realize this is a strange thing to say about a show that's about a bartender, but I'm incredibly psyched for this series. If it's anything like Oishinbo, I'm going to freak out and party. For the love of god, someone resist to urge to sub the same five shows everyone else is working on and fansub this series.


Freedom - So, there's a slew of crap OVAs coming out I refuse to talk about. Ichigo Mashimaro, Negima, some H game crap. Whatever. This, however, looks interesting: a very Planetes OVA that appears to be sponsored by Cup Noodle. As if that wasn't cool enough, it's directed by the guy who did Kakurenbo (Hide and Seek), Dai Sato helped work on the script, Hikaru Utata did the soundtrack, and the storyboards, character designs, and mech designs were done by Katsuhiro Otomo. The hell? How much money does Cup Noodle have to throw around, anyway? Well, if their goal was to get me to slurp down their brand of ramen while watching their cartoon, it completely worked.

Continued next post.




Kekkaishi - Oh, man, this one comes straight out of the shounen plot blender. Our hero fights demons, who just happen to hang out where he also goes to school. At the same time, he's in love with another demon fighter from a rival family. I swear to god, they give the rookie manga writers a chart with all the stock plot elements and have them roll dice a few times until they've got a series to work on. It's not even a particularly big chart.


Katei Kyoshi Hitman REBORN! - **** knows. It's about that thing with the hat and some spikey haired kids, both of which scare me. No doubt it's totally Jump-tastic.


Busourenkin - Holy shit, it's an anime version of the Venture Brothers! Dig the Monarch's new character design! Triana's sporting a schoolgirl outfit and a scar! Hank and Dean have been merged into one incredibly boring shounen hero! Awesome!


Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion - For anyone who missed duckroll pimping this in the Spring '06 thread, here's the deal: Goro "Ryvius, Planetes" Taniguchi directing, character designs by CLAMP, script by some Sunrise vets with a decent record, Eiji "Eureka 7" Nakata helping out with mech design, and Kazuya "Eureka 7, Planetes" Murata as associate director. This had better not suck.


Pumpkin Scissors - I dunno why you'd refer to a military unit as Pumpkin Scissors either, but there it is. Courtesy of Gonzo and AIC, though whether it's Good Gonzo or Bad Gonzo remains to be seen. Fortunatly, the jumpsuits remind me of Last Exile, which gives me hope. The director is Katsuhito Akiyama, who worked on a bunch of crap but who also directed the first three BGC OVAs, some episodes of Black Heaven, and Ai no Kusabei, which was pretty well directed for, you know, shounen ai. No, seriously. Why are you looking at me like that?


Giniro no Olynssis - I dunno for sure, but that mech design doesn't exactly fill me with hope.


Bakumatsu Kikan Irohanihoheto - On the other hand, this looks completely badass. From the director of Votoms? Oh, hell yeah.


Ghost Hunt - Supernatural horror and romance courtesy of a group of teenage ghostbuster types, as serialized in Nakayoshi and released in the US by Del Rey. Looks pretty good, though Amazon reviews of the manga comment on the glacial pace of the manga. Apparently it's based on a series of novels (by the Twelve Kingdoms creator, unless I'm mistaken), so perhaps those pick up the pace a bit.


Marginal Prince ~Gekkeiju no Oujitachi~ - Bishounen ahoy! I'm sure this is going to be the big new NeoGAF favorite.


Galaxy Railways II - I love Matsumoto Reiji and all, but I think he's milked his old comics just about as much as he possibly can. On the other hand, can you really go wrong with trains in space? That was a rhetorical question, no need to answer.



Tokyo Tribe 2 - Apparently the 2 is to distinguish it from the Tokyo Tribes movie that may or may not have come out earlier this year. Cool.


Baldr Force EXE Resolution - This, however, is not so cool. An OVA continuation of the TV series, which I'm sure you all know and love.


Mai ZHiME Zwei - Oh, hey, a Mai Otome OVA. Pity I couldn't get past the character designs.


Maria-sama ga Miteru Season 3 - Maria-sama OVAs! More Catholic lesbians! Walking slowly is prefered here! Woo!


Soukou no Strain - I can't say much beyond "It's a mech show", but the staff - particularly Tetsuya Watanabe - has a ton of experience, so it might be pretty decent. "Series Composition" is credited to Masano Akoboshi, who also worked on The Big O, Sadamitsu the Destroyer, and Zone of Enders, which helps explain the mech designs.


Sumomo mo Momo - I've been watching anime long enough that it no longer occurs to me to look at your average show and say, "My god, look at the size of her eyes", but, my god, look at the size of her eyes. I think she's related to the kid from Ninku. The series subtitle is "The Strongest Bride on Earth", which is giving me the fear.


Red Garden - Creepy looking series about schoolgirls and a murder. It looks pretty good, but there's enough of the Rozen Maiden staff that I'm still a bit dubious. Check out the trailer.


Shounen Inyoushi - I don't think I can be bothered to care enough to dig up information on this series. If anyone knows what this is about, please share with the rest of the class. I've had just about as much previewing as I can take for one day.

So, what looks good? Or, at least, tolerable? I've got high hopes for Code Geass, Bakumatsu Kikan Irohanihoheto, Death Note, Hataraki Man, Bartender, and Pumpkin Scissors; Taiyo no Mokushiroku, Freedom, and Maria-sama look good on the OVA front; The Wallflower, Tenpou Ibun Ayakashi Ayashi, Ghost Hunt, Tokyo Tribes 2, and Red Garden all have potential; and I'm hoping Kujibiki Unbalance will suprise me. I'm not counting on it, mind you, but it would be nice.

Damn, that's a lot of cartoons. If half of those titles are worth watching it's going to be a busy fall.



Kanon > Haruhi (though I admit it's not difficult for any show to be > Haruhi).

Can't wait!

-Busou Renkin was a fun manga (though definitely no Kenshin), anime could be ok.
-Death Note...hmmm I hope they just do the first arc and stop, since them manga was terrible after that.
-Goro/Sunrise/Clamp is the biggest sellout show ever. But maybe it'll be entertaining.
-The new Bones show looks hot.
-Yay for more Maria-sama ga miteru. Hopefully it's more like S1 and not S2.


Himuro said:
The new seaeson is starting and only 2 eps of Kemonozume have been released. -_-

I'm not terribly suprised. I haven't watched beyond the opening sequence of Kemonozume - I'm holding off to watch it with my local anime club in a few weeks - but it didn't strike me as the sort of series the fansubbers were going to dogpile on.

If it gets subbed at all, I expect Bartender will be released at a rate comperable with Gallery Fake. Episode 5 finally came out, woo!

Bebpo, you are ill in the head.



Itsuro Kawasaki is directing Mamoru-kun? Awesome, I'll have to check it out. Arc The Lad and Wild Arms TV were both very well directed and highly enjoyable although flawed.

My list of stuff to see is now Kenichi, Code Geass, Giniro no Olynssis, 009-1 (same writer as 009/Kikaider), Bartender, Mamoru-kun, Bakumatsu Kikan, Bartender, Taiyo no Mokushiroku, and Shounen Inyoushi.


Setec Astronomer
Taiyo no Mokushiroku - Or, "A Spirit of the Sun" if you insist on translating the cool Japanese words into English. In post-mother-of-all-disasters Japan, a young man struggles to survive. As it's based on manga by the creator of Eagle, Silent Service, and Zipang, this is definately one to keep an eye on. Alas, it's only a two part special instead of a full series, but I'll take what I can get.
The japanese title translates to "Apocalypse of the Sun", as in the biblical apocalypse.


Hitokage said:
The japanese title translates to "Apocalypse of the Sun", as in the biblical apocalypse.

And that's what I get for taking the Anime News Network database too seriously. Thanks for the correction.


Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death

Where the **** is Genshiken Season II. With all the H-game to Anime crap (Save for Air) no one has time for genshiken :mad:.

Kuji Unbalance!!!!!!! (Sits Down) There is no God


Public Health Threat
FnordChan said:
Otome wa Boku ni Koi Shiteru - Apparently this translates roughly as "The Maidens Are Falling In Love With Elder Sister", so while the show is still going to suck uncontrollably, at least it has lesbians going for it.
If only you knew...
It's a man baby

So much bishoujo hate :(


FnordChan said:
Kanon - We could have had a second season of Haruhi Suzumiya. But, noooooo, Kyoto Animation had to work on another Kanon series instead. Good job, guys, way to ****ing go. Hurry up and get this crap out of your system so we can get some more Haruhi in the spring.

I know you're not a big fan of harem, but Kanon is actually good, probably one of the best in the genre (and just a plain good anime overall). At the very least you should check out the first couple eps.

Plus Kyoto is doing it, so that should make it even better.


Pellham said:
I know you're not a big fan of harem, but Kanon is actually good, probably one of the best in the genre (and just a plain good anime overall). At the very least you should check out the first couple eps.

I'm quite sure you're lying to me, but I'll give the first episode a shot anyway.

Plus Kyoto is doing it, so that should make it even better.

Yeah, they did a bang-up job on Haruhi, so I suppose I'll try watching at least a bit of Kanon. I expect it's really not going to be my thing, however.



Public Health Threat
Pellham said:
probably one of the best in the genre
I wouldn't go that far...

But it's KyoAni, there's no reason not to at least try it.

FnordChan said:
Baldr Force EXE Resolution - This, however, is not so cool. An OVA continuation of the TV series, which I'm sure you all know and love.
Huh? What TV series? This is just an OVA series based off the popular GIGA game.


Unconfirmed Member
You may say "Goro 'Ryvius, Planetes' Taniguchi," but I say "Goro 'Scryed, GUNxSWORD' Taniguchi."

And to that I say "NOOOOOOO THANK YOU." CLAMP's involvement certainly doesn't help either.

Ayakashi Ayashi has been the standout for me since it was announced. That's been a must see on my list for a while now. BONES don't let me down.

And I really want to see what Bartender is all about. Ever since I first heard about it I've been trying to find out what it actually is, so I'm definitely checking that out as soon as possible. And I'm hoping Death Note turns out well.

Otherwise, there are a few things that I'm interested in checking out and have some potential to turn out pretty interesting, but wow there is a whoooooole lot of absolute garbage in there.


Clamp makes no effect on me, but I'll watch Code Geass on Goro Taniguchi's name alone. He hasn't make a really bad effort while working for Sunrise, and I don't expect this to be his first. Freedom looks promising too, even if it turns out to be a Cup Noodle promo at least the animation should be good.

Other than that: Bakumatsu Kikan Irohanihoheto, Tokyo Tribes 2, Apocalypse of the Sun, Tenpou Ibun Ayakashi Ayashi, Red Rose and the new Noitamina feature Hataraki Man may turn out interesting. Would like to say I'm excited for Death Note, but you can't really trust Jump! anime adaptations.

Himuro said:

I can't believe such a big advocator of Mind Game hasn't watched the new Studio 4C anime.

Animation is by MadHouse, not by 4°C.


Cloudy said:
Wow, that looks like crap apart from 2 or 3.


Gundam Seed/Ryvius/Fafner artist = :D

I dunno. I mean I used to like his style and it still looks attractive, but EVERYONE LOOKS THE SAME :(



Bebpo said:
I dunno. I mean I used to like his style and it still looks attractive, but EVERYONE LOOKS THE SAME :(


Indeed. I don't know why, but IMO in Ryvius his style looked less generic.


For some reason not really into mood for watching anime these days, but will try to keep an eye on Kanon and Negima (this time by Shinbou Akiyuki) + some OVAs (IchiMashi, Marimite, Mai Whatever...).


Series i'm definitely following: Death Note, D Gray Man, Busou Renkin, 009-1, Mai Otome Zwei, Code Geass.
Giving a chance: Bakumatsu Kikan Irohanihoheto, Ghost Hunt (if anyone bothers to sub it :lol ), Freedom, Red Garden, Soukou no Strain, Giniro no Olynssis and Pumpkin Scissors.


D.Grey-Man :O
Death Note :O:O:O
Kanon - eh why not. yes it should've been Haruhi S2 but ah well.
Asatte no Houkou - gotta have 1 shojou per season.
Kujibiki Unbalance - I'm curious about this one and will check it out.
Tenpou Ibun Ayakashi Ayashi - FUK:OWNED FUK:OWNED FUK:OWNED
Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori - will check it out.
Hataraki Man :O:O
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion - will check out
Bakumatsu Kikan Irohanihoheto - will check out
Ghost Hunt - will check out
Mai ZHiME Zwei - :O:O:O
Red Garden - will check out
Shounen Inyoushi - will check out but the thing is... as much as I love shounen... One Piece, Bleach and sometimes Naruto already quenches my thirst for shonen. :)


Liking the designs of some of these shows but the overall majority is getting a meh from me. Some long titles too, gonna be hard to keep track of what I want to watch.
For some reason, Death Note is the only thing that perked my interest. As for why we don't see a 2nd Haruhi season, other than the obvious Kanon stuff, they might want to wait a while so it doesn't get too stale too fast. If that happened they might not make enough money for it to be worthwhile.


well not really...yet
Code Geass is going to ****ing great. 1st manga chapter was pretty badass, and knowing that the anime version will obviously be much much better (Goro Oblige) I can't wait :D

Ayakashi Ayashi is obviously a must watch, thankfully that blood+ garbage will be off the air soon and it's bitter aftertaste washed away by the BONES goodness :D

Otherwise, I'll probably check out Gin'Iro Ollynsis, the plot seems classic enough, but the scriptwriter has done some good stuff in the past and the animation director did good work on Eureka Seven, being one of the only ones to manage to infuse a more personal style in the character designs considering how consistent the rest of the show was, but then again working with Hisashi Hirai designs ain't exactly on the level of working with Kenichi Yoshida ones :p Oh and then again this is animated by Toei, so I guess it really doesn't matter anyways :lol

Other stuff:

Death Note (please diverge from the manga!)
Freedom Project (as Fnord said, the staff is @_@ and the trailer really impressed when I saw it some time ago)
and whatever else.

and shit isn't Gonzo's Mardock Scramble OVA out before year's end? The animation seems like it's going to go the way of teh Appleseed movie...


So when will we get our new NGE, Azumanga, Kenshin, Berserk etc? Only newish anime I really liked is Elfen Lied.
For what it's worth...

D.Gray Man: Actually kind of cool based on what I've read of the manga. Obviously shows roots of why it's one of Jump's big titles right now. It could go either way but the bad guy is sort of unfathomable, which is both good and bad. Hell, his name is "Millenium Earl."

Kekkaishi: I rather like what I heard of the manga, though mainly just because the main character apparently doesn't dig this demon fighting thing and would much prefer to make a good Yakitate Japan impression instead.

Reborn!: Should be out soon here. Basically, the weird baby character is actually an italian assassin with a magic gun. (Stay with me here.) If he shoots you in the head with it, you are "reborn" as a stronger version of yourself focused on dealing with your dying wish. There's also some element about a kid who's been forcibly earmarked to head up a major italian crime family. Yeah, that's basically what wikipedia and the short preview issue had to say. Could be good or bad. The good says "that's unique." The bad says "why does it remind me of Gash Bell?"

Buso Renkin: For anybody who didn't get the gist, this is a 10 volume manga series (finished) that the author of Rurouni Kenshin put out following the end of that series.

Red Garden: The twist is supposedly that the girls looking into the mystery are supposedly all already dead.

Shounen Inyoushi seems to be a josei series that is based on a manga which comes from the same periodical as Trinity Blood, FWIW (count me out)

And for anybody wondering...the artist on Death Note is the same guy who drew Hikaru No Go. So I tend to forgive the series of many things. :)


Red Garden, Code Geass, Ayakashi Ayashi, and Taiyo no Mokushiroku are definites for me.

I'll check out Death Note, but I'm bailing right after the end of the first major arc. :lol


Crazymoogle said:
Buso Renkin: For anybody who didn't get the gist, this is a 10 volume manga series (finished) that the author of Rurouni Kenshin put out following the end of that series.

So they restarted the manga? I read until it stopped running in Jump with a "Will be continued in some Jump spinoff magazine months and months later". Kinda forgot about it.


Has problems recognising girls
Bartender looks sweet, very keen to hear more details about it. As a bartender myself it'll be interesting to see how they go about the series.. I'm guessing it'll just be a very slice-of-life characterization anime which will not bother me in the least.
Bebpo said:
So they restarted the manga? I read until it stopped running in Jump with a "Will be continued in some Jump spinoff magazine months and months later". Kinda forgot about it.

Don't bother finishing it. Spare your brain cells.


Adam Blade said:
Don't bother finishing it. Spare your brain cells.

Eh, I thought it was decent until it stopped. No Kenshin, but the fights were pretty good art-wise (I like Watsuki's action) and I thought the main character was quite likeable and sorta badass in a powering up teenager way.
Bebpo said:
So they restarted the manga? I read until it stopped running in Jump with a "Will be continued in some Jump spinoff magazine months and months later". Kinda forgot about it.

AFAIK it's done. Apparently the ending stuff gets pretty goofy, but at least it's not like Zombie Powder.


X26 said:
Black Lagoon season 2 and the new BONES title is what I'm excited about
Holtz said:
Oh, yeah i forgot about Black Lagoon 2.0. It's october, isnt it? :D

I'm not sure if this is true but one of the fansubbers that did Black Lagoon said season 2 is spring 2007... =\
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